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See Yourself When All Is New ~134

Just see yourself; just see me too; Just

see us all in a world that is new. Think
how youll feel, how it will be, to live in
peace, to be truly free.
No evil one will then prevail; Rule by
our God cannot ever fail. The time will
have come for a new earthly start, the
song of our praises will pour out from
our heart:
Chorus: Jehovah our God, how well
you have done! All things are new by
the rule of your Son. The fullness of
our heart overflows in our song; All
glory and honor and praise to you
Now see yourself, and see me too;
And look ahead to a world that is new.
No sight we see, no sound we hear will
cause alarm or give rise to fear.
All has come true, just as he said; Now
over mankind, his tent is spread. He
now shall awaken those sleeping in

Friday, June 24th 2016
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses
292 Millbrae Ave.
Rohnert Park, Ca

July 12th, 1969 June 15th, 2016

It's The Little Things

Kelly Kaye Dix became a part of our family
the 12th of July, 1969 in what was at the
time, the little town of Carmichael, Ca. She
was raised in Petaluma until the age of 11
when we moved our family North a smidge
to Rohnert Park. She was a happy child full of
artistry & spunk.
A memory: Kelly loved candy like crazy and
we started with the nicknames right then.
First she was Kelly Candy Kaye, then Punkin
and then for some reason we recently added
Doodle to Punkin, which she just loved. She
signed everything Love Doodle after that.
She had such a quick wit & wicked sense of
humor; she could always create & extract
the best belly laughs in all of us.

John 6: 39, 40
This is the will of him who sent me, that I should
lose none out of all those whom he has given
me, but that I should resurrect them on the last
For this is the will of my Father, that everyone
who recognizes the Son and exercises faith in
him should have everlasting life, and I will

The Dix family would like to express our sincere
gratitude for the flowers and many other
expressions of love during this time of
Thank you

Kelly was also an incredible writer and truly a

gifted artist. As is with many artists, her
intensity was a force. She was very
sentimental, truly caring and generous, and
her love for her family, her friends the
animal kingdom and most definitely music,
ran deep.
Kelly was baptized at 16 in 1985 and while
she lived life on her terms for a bit after, she
reemerged in recent years to make the truth
her own. She had a deep love for Jehovah as
well as the friends and although just like so
many of us, had her own struggles &
difficulties, we now will focus on the fact that
she is safe in Jehovahs memory. We will
once again soon, be able to embrace our

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