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Here are some examples of Essbase Maxl Scripts. They were based off of the Sample.Basic
and ASOsamp.Sample databases.
Load Data into the ASOsamp.Sample database. Those items in bold should be utilized in all
maxl scripts.
spool on to LoadData.Log;
login admin password on localhost;
set timestamp on;
alter system unload application ASOsamp;
alter system load application ASOsamp;
alter database ASOSamp.Sample reset;
alter database ASOSamp.Sample initialize load_buffer with buffer_id 1;
import database ASOSamp.Sample data
from local data_file
using server rules_file 'dataload' to load_buffer with buffer_id 1
on error write to
import database ASOSamp.Sample data from load_buffer with buffer_id 1;
execute aggregate process on database ASOSamp.Sample stopping when total_size
exceeds 1.5;
spool off;

NOTE: You can put the spool on after the login code so that your log file will capture
the login information.
Other commonly used Maxl Script commands:
alter system load application ASOsamp;
alter application ASOsamp load database Sample;

set Dimension=Accounts;
set RulesFile=AcctASO;
import database ASOsamp.Sample dimensions
from local data_file
using server rules_file 'Accounts'
on error write to
NOTE: Same syntax for Block Storage vs Aggregate Storage Databases
export database Sample.Basic level0 data in columns
to data_file 'C:\Temp\ExportData1.0.Txt',
NOTE: This process is useful when the export files are very large and go over the
standard 2GB size and this gives you the ability to control how many files are
created (always 8 files)...especially if you have automated processes that rebuilds
your databases each night.

alter database Basic.Sample set variable "CurrentMonth" "July";

export database ASOsamp.Sample using report_file
"'$ARBORPATH/app/ASOsamp/Sample/XptData.rep'" to data_file
execute calculation Sample.Basic.CALCALL;
alter system kill request on application Sample;
alter system logout session on application Sample;
alter application Sample disable connects;
alter application Sample enable connects;
alter application Sample clear logfile;
alter system clear logfile;

import database ASOsamp.Sample data from load_buffer with buffer_id 1 override
values create slice;
MaxL Script with Variables
As I began writing MaxL scripts, I found the Hyperion documentation lacking sample scripts.
The few sample scripts I found on the internet just didnt have enough flexiblity in them.
Scripts, in my opinion, must be descriptive, flexible, streamlined and above all accurate. So,
with the help of a few friends who have crossed this road before me and a few sample scripts
from them (Special Thanks to John Hayes), I started. Keep in mind, Im an avid script writer.
Ive done everything from Windows and various Unix shell scripts to Oracle SQL scripts. So for
me, it was more a matter of mastering the proprietary commands and testing them in a nonproduction environment. The script Ill share with you is more to show the use of variables
and scripting style than to explain what each command does. So, if youre familiar with the
Hyperion products and MaxL this will be a piece of cake!
There a many ways of writing scripts but they are always specific to the environment they are
run in. So, for me, in this particular case the script below is one that was called by a korn
shell script and CRONd. The Unix/Linux CRON (basic scheduling) utility is as dumb as a
doornail you must provide full path to everything in the script or risk missing a critical step.
My point: know your environment! Secondly, know what you are trying to accomplish within
your script!
In the script below, the first two variables are specified externally at runtime or by the calling
script. The remaining variables are a means of specifying very long paths in only one place.
When using a variable in this way its much easier to read the script because you dont have
the long path overshadowing the command and have one general area to alter if the path
changes. Comment lines in MaxL start with /* and end with */ .
Sample MXL script with variables: (Ill try and change the font on the script its easier to
read in Courier-New)
===== */
/* ::: SCRIPT: Appl_Bckup.mxl


/* ::: */
/* ::: This script accepts two input parameters, sets variables, */
/* ::: places the application in archive (read-only) mode, shells */
/* ::: out of MaxL to TAR all relevant application files and


/* ::: then ends the archive mode to return the application to

/* ::: read/write transactions.



/* :::


/* ::: CALLING SCRIPT: EssbaseBkupFiles.ksh

/* ::: PLATFORM:
/* ::: CREATED:




6/2008 CPena for <my company>


/* ::: */
/* ::: */


/* ::: This script is for use by <full company name> Certified */

/* ::: Database Administrators. <company> will not be held liable */
/* ::: when used by anyone other than a qualified DBA.


/* ::: This script has been tested by <name> on specific hardware*/

/* ::: and software to ensure quality and reliability.


/* ::: */
/* ::: Date

Initals Description


/* ::: */
/* :::06/14/08 CPena

Initial Script Creation */

/* :::


===== */


===== */
set ESS_APPL=$1;
set ESS_DB=$2;
set ARBORPATH=/u01/Hyperion/AnalyticServices;
set SCRIPTDIR=/u01/apps/hypadmin/scripts;
set BKUPDIR=/u01/apps/hypadmin/app_bkup;
set LVL0FLE=$(ARBORAPPL)/$(ESS_APPL)-$(ESS_DB).lvl0Extract.txt;
echo APPL.DB: $(ESS_APPL).$(ESS_DB);
spool on to $(SCRIPTDIR)/logs/$(ESS_APPL)-$(ESS_DB)_bkup.log;

===== */
/* ::: STEP 2 Start Archive (read-only) mode */
===== */
alter database $ESS_APPL.$ESS_DB begin archive to file $(ARCHFLE);
===== */
/* ::: STEP 3 Take a Level 0 backup - Comment out -> HOLD FOR NOW */
===== */
/* export database $ESS_APPL.$ESS_DB level0 data in columns to data_file $(LVL0FLE); */
===== */
/* ::: STEP 4 Shell out to execute TAR command at LINUX Prompt */
===== */
shell tar -czvf $BKUPDIR/$ESS_APPL-$ESS_DB-`date +%Y%h%d_%H%M`.tgz exclude *.pag
exclude *.ind $ARBORAPPL/;
===== */
/* ::: STEP 5 End Archive */
===== */
alter database $ESS_APPL.$ESS_DB end archive;
===== */
/* ::: STEP 6 Logout and exit */

===== */
spool off;
When testing scripts found on the internet, always keep the standard disclaimer in mind
especially if there is not one mentioned in the script comments. If you are not the author of
the script and are unsure of what it does Dont use it. Research any command youve not
used before. Comment out any lines youre unsure of!
The most proficient script writers will document each step with some comments. Substitution
variables are nice because if you ever have to change a variables content you only have to
change them in one place. Most scripts start out being a means to automate a process and
can have a very long lifecycle. Do it well the first time and build on it.
In the next post Ill review the calling shell script! Let me know if you have any questions!
Windows .bat script calling MAXL to shutdown and startup Hyperion 9.3.1 services
and essbase database
We use 2 scripts, one to shutdown and one to restart. The shutdown scripts stop our
monitoring agent first, then execute the maxl script, shuts down the Essbase server, and
stops the Essbase Service. We schedule it about 10 minutes before the backup agent runs to
give essbase time to shutdown all the applications. The scripts also add comments into the
windows event log (we run windows Server 2003).
Occassionally, Essbase does not stop an application in time (e.g. long calc running). When
that happens, we get a file contention and the backup for that Essbase application will fail and
the file would not be include in that backup.
***** StopEssbase01.bat *******
REM Stop Patrol Agent
net stop PatrolAgent
REM add comment to event log
c:\batch\logevent -s w "PatrolAgent has stopped"
REM Shutdown Essbase Server
essmsh e:\Hyperion\Scripts\System_Shutdown.msh hypeprd
Rem Stop Essbase Service
net stop HyS9ESBAgent9.3.1_HypService
REM add comment to event log
c:\batch\logevent -s w "Essbase Service has stopped"
***** System_Shutdown.msh ********
login 'admin' 'xxxxxxxxxxxx' on $1;
spool on to $HYPERION_HOME\\scripts\\output\\System_Shutdown.log;
alte r system shutdown;
spool off;
***** StartEssbase01.bat *******

Rem Start Essbase Service

net start HyS9ESBAgent9.3.1_HypService
REM add comment to event log
c:\batch\logevent -s w "Essbase Service has started"
REM Start Patrol Agent
net start PatrolAgent
REM add comment to event log
c:\batch\logevent -s w "PatrolAgent has started"
try to use "SC" instead of "net" in your bat file
Oracle EPM 11.1.2 Allocations in Essbase ASO Cubes Using MaxL scripts
In the last 2 blog entries, i showed how the calculations in ASO work. Today lets look at
another new feature in ASO cubes i.e the ability to run allocations directly. In a BSO cube,
Allocations and Calculations are all driven through a set of calculation commands. Some
Allocation features in BSO can actually be implemented using normal calculation commands
(without using ALLOCATE and MDALLOCATE functions). But in the case of ASO, calculations
and allocations are treated separately. So, there are 2 important aspects that we need to
remember while running calculations/allocations in a ASO cube
1. Dynamic References using CurrentMember, CurrentTupule etc are not supported currently
(necessary if we want to run multiple allocations within the same dimension)
2. Hierarchical references like PARENT etc are not allowed in both calculations & allocations.
These references are allowed for the parameters but not for the assignment scripts/allocation
The above 2 are significant drawbacks which i hope will be supported in future releases. Lets
now look at a very simple example for allocation. I will be using the ASO version of the Demo>Basic cube for demonstrating this. The screenshot below shows the data that has been
loaded into the cube.

If you notice, we have data for the Sales measure for all Regions except South. The idea is to
allocate data into the South Region (both Sales & Cogs equally) based on the Total Expense
values of the East Region. This is a very simple allocation example where our input data is at
Level-0 but we are allocating from non Level-0. One good thing about this example is the fact
that this shows that though ASO does not support input to non level-0 members, it supports
allocation from them.
An Allocation in a ASO cube does not require a separate calculation script. All allocations are
done through MaxLs directly. An allocation MaxL contains four main parts (in addition to other
parameters which i shall not cover here).
1. POV POV or a Point of View provides execution context to an allocation. A POV allows only
reference to level-0 members. For every combination in the POV, the allocation will be
executed once. POV is specified in the form of a MDX-Set.
2. Amount This can contain a static member, Tupule or a constant. This does not support
MDX expressions. In our example above, the amount will the (Total Expenses,East) Tupule.
Ideally, Amount & POV should have all the dimensions in the cube.
3. Target Target is specified in the form of a MDX Tupule. Basically it represents the region
that will act as a target for the allocation. In our case, this will be empty.
4. Region Region is a MDX set expression. This represents the target region where the data
will be allocated. The dimensions specified in POV, Target and Region should be mutually
exclusive as they all combine to form the target region. In the example above, Children(Total
Expenses) & the Children (South) will form the Region.
5. Basis This is commonly used when we are doing member based allocations. In our case,
since we are using dividing the values equally (Spread allocation), this is optional.
So the final formula that i shall be using for achieving this is given below
execute allocation process on database DemoASO.Basic with
pov "Crossjoin(Descendants([Year],[Year].levels(0)),
amount "([East],[Total_Expenses])"
target ""


As you see, Essbase has generated the necessary cells to accomplish this. As i mentioned last
time in the Calculation blog post, the allocations/calculations are done separately and then
the updated cells are pushed through external data load buffers. So, you would start noticing
cells being loaded into incremental slices.

And if you look at the data, the South region would now have data with the values uniformly

Though this does work there are some inherent drawbacks. As ASO does not accept data at
non level-0 members, the way allocation maxLs are designed it makes it very tough(though
possible) to do hierarchical allocations within the same dimension. Hopefully the introduction
of dynamic member references and member functions should enable that in the future.

People who are new to Essbase find it very difficult to memorize or understand as there are
plenty of MaxL functions are used. This is my efforts to give a list of MaxL commands which
we use in our day to day life, specially when we as Essbase Admin or Production Support.
These are the list of MaxL commands along with some sample examples of MaxL file to load
data and execute calculation script. Some Sample Scripts Example#1 login $1 $2; spool on to
/*alter system load application 'FinOps';
alter application 'FinOps' load database 'Findb'; */
/* embed the calculation statement into maxl script */
execute calculation 'CALC ALL;' on 'FinOps'.'Findb' ;
/* execute stored server calculation scripts */
execute calculation 'FinOps'.'Findb'.'cal-rank';
spool off;
Example#2 login $1 $2; /* login section */
spool on to 'd:\Data_file\Jan_Sales.txt'; /* log the result */
alter system load application 'FinOps';
alter application 'FinOps' load database 'Findb';
/* import dimension member from sql database */
import database 'FinOps'.'Findb' dimensions connect as 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx' identified by
'xxxxxxxxx' using server rules_file 'addday' on error write to 'd:\addday.txt'; spool off; logout
Some commonly used MaxL Script commands:
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* LOAD APPLICATION AND
alter system load application ASOsamp;

alter application ASOsamp load database Sample;

/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* COPY BSO OTL TO ASO
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* BUILD ACCOUNTS DIMENSION */
set Dimension=Accounts;
set RulesFile=AcctASO;
import database ASOsamp.Sample dimensions
from local data_file 'C:\Temp\Accounts.txt'
using server rules_file'Accounts'
on error write to
'DimAcct.err'; NOTE: This process is useful when the export files are very large and go over
the standard 2GB
size and this gives you the ability to control how many files are created (always 8
files)...especially if you have automated processes that rebuilds your databases each night.
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* SET VARIABLE FOR
alter database Basic.Sample set variable "CurrentMonth" "July";
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* EXPORT DATA USING REPORT
export database ASOsamp.Sample using report_file
"'$ARBORPATH/app/ASOsamp/Sample/XptData.rep'" to data_file 'C:\Temp\ReportExport.txt';
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* EXECUTE CALCULATION */
execute calculation Sample.Basic.CALCALL;
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* KILL ALL REQUESTS TO DATABASE
alter system kill request on application Sample;
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* LOGOUT ALL SESSIONS TO
alter system logout session on application Sample;
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* DISABLE CONNECTIONS TO
alter application Sample disable connects;
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* ENABLE CONNECTIONS TO
alter application Sample enable connects;

/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* EXPORT LRO AS A MIGRATION

export database FinOps.Findb lro to server directory 'exportedLROs';
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* CLEAR APPLICATION LOG FILE */
alter application Sample clear logfile;
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* CLEAR ESSBASE LOG FILE */
alter system clear logfile;
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* LOAD DATA TO ASO SLICE */
Migrating/Upgrading Essbase to a New Server
3/16/2009 9:39:00 AM
Posted by: Kyle Goodfriend
There are many considerations that must be carefully planned when addressing an upgrade
to version 9 or 11, or creating a backup strategy. Manually moving all the components
involved can take days and is extremely error prone. There is more to it than moving Essbase
databases. Essbase calc scripts, reports, and load rules have to be considered. Server
variables need to be moved. All the Maxl and EssCmd scripts need to be copied and changed
to reflect the new server and security model. Security filters need to be copied and altered
slightly if moving to a new version of Essbase. All the security users and groups need to be
created. As with any endeavor of this capacity, it can be time consuming. The benefits of the
improved stability and features far outweigh the efforts.
Completing this for one server is tough enough. Imagine if corporate policy dictates that
everything has to be done in a QA and/or test environment before it is moved to the new
production area. Now factor in the number of Essbase servers and the fact that the security
model might have to be consolidated to one (this occurs when upgrading from anything
before 9, to version 9 or 11). Dont forget that there is only a very small window for the
current production servers to be down. If 4 Essbase servers exist, this effort might have to
occur 12 times!
Doing the same work 3 times for every server is obviously redundant. I developed a small
.NET application that significantly reduces the work involved. It virtually eliminates the need
for any manual or redundant effort. .NET was selected because it was the quickest for me to
develop the application, but JAVA, Perl, or any other similar development language could be
used. The .NET application accepted the results of the following Maxl display commands.
display application all;
display database all;
display filter row all;
display variable all;
display privilege group all;
alter system load application all;
display partition all advanced;
Maxl scripts were created from the process to
1. create all the applications and databases
2. assign all relevant application and database settings

3. rebuild and update security filters

4. replicate all server variables
This Maxl can be executed on the destination server to setup the new environment.
Examples of the scripts generated from the .NET application below.
/* Create Application: BUDGET */
create or replace application 'BUDGET' type nonunicode_mode;
alter application 'BUDGET' set lock_timeout after 300;
alter application 'BUDGET' set max_lro_file_size unlimited;
alter application 'BUDGET' set minimum permission no_access;
alter application 'BUDGET' enable startup;
alter application 'BUDGET' disable autostartup;
alter application 'BUDGET' enable commands;
alter application 'BUDGET' enable updates;
alter application 'BUDGET' enable connects;
alter application 'BUDGET' enable security;
/* Create Database: BUDGET */
create database 'BUDGET'.'Budget';
alter database 'BUDGET'.'Budget' set data_file_cache_size 1024000000;
alter database 'BUDGET'.'Budget' set index_cache_size 76800000;
alter database 'BUDGET'.'Budget' enable startup;
alter database 'BUDGET'.'Budget' enable autostartup;
alter database 'BUDGET'.'Budget' set minimum permission no_access;
alter database 'BUDGET'.'Budget' set retrieve_buffer_size 102400;
alter database 'BUDGET'.'Budget' enable two_pass_calc;
alter database 'BUDGET'.'Budget' enable aggregate_missing;
alter database 'BUDGET'.'Budget' enable compression;
alter database 'BUDGET'.'Budget' disable create_blocks;
alter database 'BUDGET'.'Budget' disable committed_mode;
alter database 'BUDGET'.'Budget' set implicit_commit after 10000 blocks;
alter database 'BUDGET'.'Budget' disable cache_pinning;
alter database 'BUDGET'.'Budget' set retrieve_buffer_size 102400;
alter database 'BUDGET'.'Budget' set compression bitmap;
alter database 'BUDGET'.'Budget' set retrieve_buffer_size 102400;
alter database 'BUDGET'.'Budget' set retrieve_sort_buffer_size 102400;
alter database 'BUDGET'.'Budget' set data_cache_size 512000000;
alter database 'BUDGET'.'Budget' set io_access_mode buffered;
alter database 'BUDGET'.'Budget' set note '';
alter system unload application 'BUDGET';
/* Create Filter: MRP100206310000 */
create or replace filter 'BUDGET'.'Budget'.'Audit' write on
DOS and UNIX scripts were generated to copy all of the database objects, data files, and Maxl
and EssCmd scripts from the source server to the destination server. The program also
created all the files to import into Version 9 and System 11 to add users, groups, and replicate
the security model.

All the Maxl and EssCmd scripts (username, password, server names, file paths, etc.) were
updated so they could be executed on the new servers.
This process makes it extremely simple to migrate, or move, any Essbase application from
one server to another. The entire process could be completed in hours, rather than days, and
eliminates the possibility of human error. What would be budgeted to take weeks with
several resources can take less than a day.
I wrote this script that will log in, and export a database out to a few files. For some reason it
doesn't return any errors, but also doesn't seem to create the files I specified in the script
either. It says that it has completed, but I can't seem to find the files anywhere. What am I
doing wrong? (I have changed the username, password, and IP address for posting purposes.)
spool off;
login user password on;
alter system load application previous;
alter application previous load database previous;
export database previous.previous all data to data_file 'C:\My
spool on to 'C:\My
echo $?;
spool off;
Thanks in advance,
Minimally you need to change all the "\" characters to "\\" characters - eg "c:\path\file.txt"
needs to become "c:\\path\\file.txt". Single "\" characters get tossed in most cases.
However, should you choose to use the spool on command (which would be a good idea if you
want to further debug your Maxl statements, or to be sure everything executed without any
errors), the spool path should use single "\" characters.
I followed the advice of both posters above and although no errors were reported in the spool,
it reported being successful, and the spool file was output to the correct spot, the actual data
files were not exported.
Here are my results:
MAXL> login user password on;

49 - User logged in: ['user'].

MAXL> alter system load application previous;
52 - System altered.
MAXL> alter application previous load database previous;
54 - Application altered: ['previous'].
MAXL> export database previous.previous all data to data_file 'C:\\My
90 - Database export completed: ['previous'.'previous'].
Export Data
There are a couple ways to export data from an Essbase cube, the old-school way and
now in version 9.3, there is the calculation function "DATAEXPORT". Let's discuss in
Export Data (the capability that has been around all along):

For Block Storage Applications, you can export all data, level-0 data or input-level
data. The 'all data' option is nice, but that assumes your hierarchies don't change
or level-0 member doesn't get remapped to a new Level-1 member. So, if you
hierarchies don't change and it takes too long to aggregate (CALCALL) your cube,
then the 'all data' option is the way to go. If your hierarchies change often, then
you need your level-0 option (this is the option I prefer to use most of the time as
the hierarchies will change at some point in time and its easier to reload based on
level-0 then all data. I rarely use the input-level data, as my input data is usually
my level-0 data.

You can export the data into column format or non column format. This option
works well depending on what you are trying to accomplish. Column format files
will be larger in size than non column format files, but you can use a load rule to
load that data into another cube. Say you have to make some sort of data
manipulation to get that data into your new cube, it would be advantageous to use
a load rule and perform your data manipulation. If you want to simply update your
hierarchies, then you can use the non-column format option (which is not pretty),
but the file size is smaller. Smaller files size will mean faster export time and
faster import time, but you can't you use a load rule for any data manipulation.

You can export to multiple files at one time, like this:


export database Sample.Basic level0 data in columns
to data_file 'C:\Temp\ExportData1.0.Txt',
When you run the level-0 export, you will get upper level data on all dense
dimensions, don't be alarmed, its just how the functionality works, even if the
member properties are set as dynamic calcs

The export function will NOT export any values for Dynamic Calc members, only
Stored members (unless its a dense dimension)
In version 9 (not sure which release), but users are able to retrieve on the
database during the export process. Previous versions used to lock the database
from any Read-Only action.
For Aggregate Storage Applications, you can only export level-o data in non-column
format. Big difference here is that you can't export all data and you can't export in
column format. So, you really can't use this export file unless you plan on putting it
back into the same outline structure as it was exported from.

You can export to multiple files just like you can with a Block Storage model (see above

Prior to Version 9, ASO cubes did not have the capability to perform an export. Report
scripts were your only option, ugh.

Users are able to retrieve on the database during the export process, it does not lock
the cube

Report Scripts:

You can export data using a report script. Prior to Version 9.3.1, this was the only
means of getting a subset of data out of an Essbase database. Not a big fan of them,
but if you are running a version prior to 9.3.1, then you need to use them.

export database ASOsamp.Sample using report_file
"'$ARBORPATH/app/ASOsamp/Sample/XptData.rep'" to data_file 'C:\Temp\ReportExport.txt';
DATAEXPORT Calculation function:
I have been working with Essbase for a long time and I wish this function came out a long

time ago.

Only available in BSO applications as Calc Functions are not supported in ASO.

You can export data to a text file while specifying the delimiter and file path/name (I
have used this often since the release)

You can export data to a binary file (haven't needed to go down this path yet, but
looking forward to testing with it)

You can export data to a relational database (like SQL Server) using an ODBC
connection, be careful with this if you are using SQL Server 2005, had some issues
about 1 year ago and the help desk really didn't help...but no issues with SQL Server

The best part about this function is that it works like any other calculation function
where you can FIX on any subset of data. So, if you only to fix on "Actual", for the
Month of January, for a specific product..YOU CAN!!! The performance is very fast
(assuming you have your dense/sparse settings set up properly)

You have the ability to Export data based on certain conditions, like "Sales">500.

Not only can you export using a Fix statement, you have ability to control the format of
the text file (similar to report script functionality). Here are the options (I've used the
ones in bold most often):

DataExportLevel ALL | LEVEL0 | INPUT;

DataExportDynamicCalc ON | OFF;
DataExportDecimal n;
DataExportPrecision n;
DataExportColFormat ON | OFF;
DataExportColHeader dimensionName;
DataExportDimHeader ON | OFF;
DataExportRelationalFile ON | OFF;
DataExportOverwriteFile ON | OFF;
DataExportDryRun ON | OFF;
Security Filters
Here is a simple example of how to maintain Essbase security in a maxl statement:
spool on to Security.log;
login admin password on localhost;
set timestamp on;

create or replace filter Sample.Basic.'Read_WestMarket_Filter' READ on

create or replace group 'Read_WestMarket_Group';

grant filter TestApp.TestDb.'Read_WestMarket_Filter' to 'Read_WestMarket_Group';

alter user testuser1 add to group 'Read_WestMarket_Group';

spool off;
Create all of your filters in one section, then create all of your groups, then grant the filters to
the groups and finally put the users in those groups.
Here are some examples of other types of filters you may need to create:

create or replace filter Sample.Basic.'FilterName' WRITE on '"Budget"';

create or replace filter Sample.Basic.'FilterName' WRITE on '"Budget",

create or replace filter Sample.Basic.'FilterName' WRITE on '"Budget", @RELATIVE("EAST",0)';

The @RELATIVE function allows you to take any member within the hierarchy and get an
associated level of that member. So we are able get all Level 0 members of East without
having to take all Markets

create or replace filter Sample.Basic.'FilterName' WRITE on '"Budget",

If you manually created each filter in Essbase Administration Services, you would put a READ
statement on line 1 and a WRITE statement on Line 2. Well, with MAXL, simply seperate the
lines with commas and put the actual filter in single quotes, like this:
create or replace filter Sample.Basic.'FilterName' WRITE on '"Budget"', READ on

Let's say you have data in the Sample.Basic Essbase cube, but don't want a given set of users
to have access to it, you have two options: You can give them no access to that member or
you can actually remove that member from the users profile (meaning, if they do a member
selection, the will not even see that the member exists in the cube)
create or replace filter Sample.Basic.'FilterName' NONE on '"Budget"', READ on
create or replace filter Sample.Basic.'FilterName' NONE on '"Budget",
The two examples above will give the end user a NOACCESS when doing a retrieval. The
below example will give the user a "Unknown Member" Error message when doing a retrival
since you are removing that member from the database for that user (even though the

member is still there):

create or replace filter Sample.Basic.'FilterName' READ on '@IDESCENDANTS("Scenario")',
META_READ on '@REMOVE(@IDESCENDANTS("Scenario",0),@LIST("Budget"));

Rule Files
To create an Essbase Rules Files, you have the following options
- Expand the Application >> Expand the Database >> Right Click on 'Rules Files' >> Select
'Create Rules Files' (Recommended Approach)
- Using your toolbar, you can select: File >> New >> Scripts >> Rules Files >> OK (Not
Recommended Approach, see note 14 - Validate)
Once the rules file is open, you're toolbar will appears as below:

1. New/Open/Save/Print/Send Email - Pretty generic here, but if you need help, let me
2. Move Field - Moves any column to a new column (kind of like re-ordering your columns).
This option is useful when creating rules that require you to sort columns in order to make for
the rule file to load successful. For example, you are creating a dimension build rules file
using parent-child references. Say you have 3 columns of data coming in from your source,
column 1 = child, column 2 = parent and column 3 = alias. You have two options here,
reorder your columns from the source (recommended option, but not always possible) or you
can use this option to reorder you columns to Parent, Child, Alias.
3. Split Field - Like most of the titles for these buttons, they do what their titles
says. This one will split a given field into two fields. It does NOT split the field based on
a delimiter like "|" but rather after so many characters. So if you always want to split
the field based on the 3rd character, for instance, then this is your tool, but if you
want to split the field based on a "|" then you will need to modify your source data.
Keep in mind, you do have the ability to split a data feed by a normal delimiter, but
they will be for all columns. See note 11 for more details on adding a delimiter to your
data source.
4. Join Field - Joins 2 or more fields into one field (Add more fields by using the holding down
the Ctrl key). Please note, when using this option, if you join two fields, they will become 1
field. The original independent columns will no longer exist. If you would to have the
independent fields remain intact after the join, see note 5 for "Create a Field Using Join"

5. Create a Field Using Join - Creates a new field when using a join. Same idea as #4, but
when you create a new field using 2 columns, the 2 columns remain intact after the field is
created. Both 4 and 5 have their advantages, it just depends on your data and what you are
trying to accomplish. If you need the original fields in addition to the new one, use option 5
(Create a Field Using Join), but if you do not need the original fields after the join, use option 4
(Join Field).
6. Create a Field Using Text - Adds a new column of whatever text you input. I've seen
beginners use this option add a text field during a data load where a given dimension was
missing from the data source. For instance, in the Essbase Sample.Basic database, you
perform a data load but you do not have a column for Measures (highly unlikely, but this is
just an example). So you can add a columns and add the text "Misc" to load to the Misc
member name. The advance way to do this is detailed in Note 12 (Data Load Settings).
7. Field Properties - Please click here to see a detailed description of the Field Properties
For the Field Properties portion of an Essbase Load Rule, there are three tabs (Global
Properties, Data Load Properties, and Dimension Build Properties). Global Properties
affect both Data Load and Dimension Build rules, where as Data Load Properties and
Dimension Build Properties are specific for each. Get used to this menu option, you will
use it quite often.
Global Properties:

1. This section deals with whether the data is to be applied in its Original Case,
Lowercase or Uppercase. Original is the default. You can add a Prefix (leading text) or
a Suffix (ending text). You can Drop lead/trailing spaces. Keep in mind, adding a
prefix/suffix with impact all members in a given dimension, not just one specific
member. That's where #2 comes into play.
2. Instead of changing all members within a given dimension with a prefix/suffix, you
can specify one member to be modified with the 'Replace/With' section. Be careful
with this, if some members names are partial to other member names (East is a part
of Northeast), so you don't want to change all East to "(E) East" because it will turn
Northeast into "North(E) East", which is obviously what you don't want. Therefore,
make sure you check the Match Whole Word option.
Data Load Properties:

3. For your data load rules, you will use this section to specify a columns association
to a dimension, you can manually enter the dimension name or, the easier way,
double click the dimension name and it will populate the Field Name box. Keep in
mind, any dimension that contains a space, quotes will be applied to the dimension
name in the Field Name box (this is normal). Also, it is not always mandatory to use
the dimension name, you may have 12 data columns which you would specify as
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", etc instead of putting in "Year".
4. You can specify if a column is a data field or if you would like to ignore this column. You
would want to ignore a column when your data is coming in with excess columns that is not
necessary for this load rule. The scale option allows you take a number, say 1,000,000 and
put a scale of 0.001. This will automatically change you data from 1,000,000 to 1,000. This
comes in hand when you have an Millions/Thousands/Dollars member names...simply perform
this pseudo calculation on the way in as opposed to changing it in you data source.
Dimension Build Properties:

5. You will cycle through each column (usually starting from left to right) specifying the
dimension it is associated with or whether to "Ignore field during dimension build" (#7).
Simply double click the dimension name to apply it to the Dimension field at the top.
6. For the given column that you are in, you will first select a dimension (see Note 5), then
you will select its association to the outline. For instance, you can build your dimension via
Generation References, Level References or Parent-Child references. Generations are a topdown approach, where you database name is Generation 0, the dimension names are
Generation 1 and so on. Level References are just the opposite, starting from the leaf level (or
lowest possible level) and working up from 0 to the database name. Each has its pros and
cons based on your data because you may not always have the same amount of generations
or levels, so it might be tricky to build your rules file. The recommended approach would be to
utilize the Parent-child reference, because no matter how many generations or levels you
have, you will always have a Parent-Child relationship. No matter which method you choose,

you need to associate a number to it, I've already discussed the generation and level numbers
you would use, so for parent-child references, please use 0. Keep in mind, in this section you
have the ability to not only assigned a member name, but its Alias (description), UDA (user
defined attribute - which can be used in security filters and partitions), and its Property (i.e., +
for aggregation, ~ to ignore or - for subtraction).
7. This option simply ignores the column during the dimension build
8. Select Record / Reject Records - Within a given column, this will give you the option
select or reject certain records. I am not a big fan of these options as it is always better to
have the appropriate data coming from the source.
9. Data Load Fields / Dimension Build Fields - These two options will toggle the view of
your load rule (between the Data Load view and Dimension Build View). I recommend when
building a data load rule or a dimension build, make sure the right button is toggled
appropriately. I've see beginners struggle with dimension builds since they were unaware of
this option.
10. Associate Outline - When build a rules file, it is extremely helpful to associate the
outline in which you are building a rules file for. This is not necessary, but you will be unable
to validate your rules file without performing this operation (see note 14 - Validate, for more
11. Data Source Properties - The Data Source has four tabs:
- Delimiter - As mentioned in Note 3 (Split Field), this works like any other delimiter that splits
a file or data source by a specified delimiter
- Field Edits - Lists all edits that have been made to this load rule (held in order of creation).
For example, if you have 5 field edits, you can not delete #3 without deleting #'s 4 and 5
(since #'s 4 or 5 might be dependant on #3)
- Header - You can use this option to skip the first line of a data source (usually the header
record) or if you data source is set up properly, you can use it as the data load field names or
dimension build field name.
- Ignore Tokens - Here you can set up certain tokens to be ignored.
12. Data Load Settings - Please click here to see a detailed description of the Data Load
Settings option.
Data Load Values Tab:

1. When performing an Essbase Data Load, you have three data loading (mathematical)
operations. For sake of an example, a specified intersection of data equals $10 and your new
data is $3. You can "Overwrite existing values" which will turn $10 into $3, you can "Add to
existing values" which will turn $10 into $13 and you can "Subtract from existing values"
which will turn $10 into $7. Depending on your environment, each one of those can be utilized
for different purposes.
2. This section can be tricky. An example i like to use is from an application i built a couple
years ago, we have an revenue account coming in from the source with a "-". Its just the way
the source worked, so I flagged all revenue accounts with a UDA of "RevFlip". By doing this,
any dollars that came in for any of these accounts, any negative dollars were flipped to
positive and vise versa. So to make it work, you would specify the UDA and the dimension it is
associated with.
Header Definition Tab:

3. As I mentioned in the Field Properties section, if a data feed does not have a specific
dimension represented, a user could a new column with a given text string ("Misc"). This
option will work for you, but it is not clean, instead, use the Header Definition identified here.
Simply, add the default member name to the Name box at the top, or you can navigate to it in
the and double click on it. When you have more than a couple dimensions not represented
from the data source, this is a one stop shop for you to apply all your defaults.
13. Dimension Build Settings - Please click here to see a detailed description of the
Dimension Build Settings option.
Dimension Build Settings Tab:

1. Here you will specify which Essbase dimension or dimensions you are building
with this rules file. Yes, you can build two dimensions with one rules file, this is
more advanced, so we'll leave it for another topic.
2. If the member is already existing, do you want to allow moves (new location in
heirarchy), allow property changes (change the aggregation from ~ to a +), or
allow formula changes. Other options will appear based on given dimensions
selected, like UDA changes.
3. Build Method - this is where you specifiy whether or not a given dimension is to
use Generation References, Level References or Parent/Child references. As I

mention in the Field Properties section, using Parent/Child references when

available is the recommended approach. You can also check the box to process
null values (this is really applicable when building your dimension using Generation
4. Upon building the dimension, you can sort the members Ascending, Descending
or no sort at all. Be careful of this option. If you accidentally clicked on a dimension
name, say "Scenario", but you were not building the Scenario dimension with this
rules. Then if you checked the Sort Ascending button, it WILL sort your Scenario
dimension even though you did not intend to.
5. This will "Merge" any existing members, plus the new ones coming in or
"Remove unspecified" will delete any member that's not included in the data
source being loaded.
Dimension Definition Tab:
The key feature here is that you have the ability change a Hyperion Essbase Block Storage
database's dimension settings, but the one I've used the most in practice is changing the
Dense/Sparse settings via a load rule.
- Right click on any dimension name (select "Edit Properties")
- If you dimension is currently Dense, but you want it to be Sparse (say for calculation
performance), then you change the "Configuration" setting to "Sparse".
- Note: You can add implement this feature on a existing load rule (even if that load rule is
building a different dimension) or create a seperate one, but your data source must contain
some sort of data as it can not be blank.
14. Validate - As mentioned in note 10 (Associate Outline), in order to properly validate a
rules file, an outline needs to be associated with the rules file. If you created your rules from
the File menu, then Associating an outline is necessary, however, if you navigated Application
>> Database >> Rules Files >> Create Rule File, then the outline is already associated.
Load rules can be used to load data, modify outlines or both. I've always been a big
believer on making any "data manipulations" in your source system. For instance, you
are performing a dimension build that needs to combine 2 or more columns to create a
new field. This can be done with a load rule, but when in doubt, perform this step in
SQL or your source system to limit the amount of data manipulations that need to occur
in a load rule. Believe it or not, over time, a load rule can become corrupt and if you
don't have a backup (and you should always have a backup, but just in case you don't,
it will be hard to recreate all the data manipulations that you made in a load rule.
With that being said, I've come across numerous clients that don't have the ability to
change the source dimension files (for example, the files come directly from SAP) so
you will need to make data modifications in a load rule at some point in time, here's
some examples of things you can do:
Add Prefix or Suffix
As I noted on the Field Properties page, you can add a Prefix and Suffix to any field.
This is really straight forward, let's say your data comes in as 2009, 2010, 2011, but
your members in the Year dimension are YR2009, YR2010, YR2011. Instead of
changing your data files, simply add a prefix of YR on the Global Properties tab of the
Field Properties option. After you make the change, you will see the preview of your
data change to YR2009, YR2010, YR2011 instead of 2009, 2010, 2011.
MDX Formula - Missing Quotes???
One odd thing that I've come across in an Aggregate Storage Cube in version 9.3.1 is

adding an MDX formula to a member via load rule using a text file as the source. If
you have an MDX formula that contains a statement like
IsUda(Time.CurrentMember, "OPEN_MONTH"), Essbase will not build the formula in the
outline with the quotes in it. Instead, it will create the formula like this
IsUda(Time.CurrentMember,OPEN_MONTH). This will cause a verification issue since
OPEN_MONTH is not a current member, but rather a UDA. However, without the
quotes, it will not recognize it as a UDA.
Here is an example from a Time dimension file:
Time!TimeFormulaMember!~!CASE WHEN IsUda(Time.CurrentMember, "OPEN_MONTH")
As you can see, I have quotes around OPEN_MONTH, but when I bring this record into my load
rule, the quotes are gone...

Solution: Change the quotes in you dimension file to something other than quotes, try using a
# and use the Global Replace option and replace the # with " and the quotes will appear in
your MDX formula.

Replace zero's
One way to optimize your Block Storage application (BSO) is to replace zero's with #missing
during a data load.

On the Global Properties tab of the Field Properties option, perform a replace of 0 with
#Missing. Now be careful with this, you want to make sure you select the Match Whole Word
box instead of Replace All Occurrences. You don't want to replace 45098 with 45#Missing98.
EXAMPLE #1 - Essbase Dimension Building Example (Parent/Child Build)
For this section, you need the 3 attached files:
- Test.otl : Shell outline to use for this example, all dimensions populated except 'Product'which we will be building here.
- PROD1.rul : Rules file to build the Product dimension.
- ProductDimBuild.txt : Data file utilized to build the dimension. Let's analyze the
ProductDimBuild.txt file first:
- Products laid out using Parent/Child references with the following column headers and
associated data:
Now let's move onto the Rule file for Product:
- In order to utilize the row header from the Text file as my dimension name, you need to
enable the following option:
Data Source Properties >
Header Tab >
Input "1" without quotes in the "Record containing dimension building field names:"
(Keep in mind, the syntax needs to be exact, otherwise you will get an error)
- We are using Parent/Child references, we need to enable this option:
Dimension Build Settings >
Dimension Build Settings Tab >
Double Click "Product" dimension name >
Check "Use Parent/Child references" under the Build Method section.
- We are creating an alternate hierarchy we need to allow property changes on the member:
Dimension Build Settings >
Dimension Build Settings Tab >
Double Click "Product" dimension name >
Check "Allow Property Changes" under the Existing Members section
EXAMPLE #2 - Essbase Dimension Building & DataLoad Sample (Building a
Dimension and Loading Data from your Data)
This is a little trickier and not always the common practice, but there are times when you
need to dynmically build a dimension from the data. For this example, we will build the
Product dimension from our data. Keep in mind, this sample data does not include
Parent/Child references, therefore, it will create a "flat hierarchy".
For this section, you need the 3 files:
- Test.otl : This is the same outline as above
- PROD2.rul : This is an new Product Rules File
- ProductDimBuildData.txt : Data file utilized to build the dimension and load data.
- In order to utilize the row header from the Text file as my dimension name, you need to
enable the following option:
Data Source Properties >
Header Tab >
Input "1" in the "Record containing data load field names:"

(Keep in mind, the syntax needs to be exact, otherwise you will get an error, we do not need
this ability during the dim build, but we do during the data load)
- Highlight Column 1:
Field Properties >
Dimension Build Properties >
Double Click the "Product" dimension name >
Double Click Level
Make sure 0 is in the Number field
..FYI, a flat hierarchy is the same as all members being at the leaf level (or level 0).
- Once the above step is complete, cycle through all other columns and "Ignore field during
dimension build"
- Since We are using Level references, we need to enable this option:
Dimension Build Settings >
Dimension Build Settings Tab >
Double Click "Product" dimension name >
Check "Use Level references" under the Build Method section.
You can also sort the members here, if desired.
Let's switch gears and load this same file as data. You can toggle your view between Data
Load Fields and Dimension Build Fields. Since our data was set up efficiently from our source
system and the column headers came in as the dimension names, this step just became
easier. The only thing you need to consider is whether to append your data to existing records
or overwrite. In this case, I will be overwriting, but this is how you do it:
Data Load Settings >
Data Values Section >
Overwrite Existing values
Add to Existing Values
Subtract from existing values
Remember, we loaded this data to the level 0 location, in order to see the data at the
hierarchical rollups, we need to run a calc script, calc-all will work in this case.

Common Errors
Administrative Errors
"Unknown calculation type [0] during the dynamic calculation. Only default agg/formula/time
balance operations are handled."
There is an error in a formula(s), therefore, no calculations will work. The problem is that
when you have the outline open in Edit mode and you try to 'Validate', it does not identify any
of these errors, nor does it write it to a log. However, you can go one by one and validate
each formula. So any time you delete a member or modify a member name, be sure that this
member is not included in any formula.
Aggregate Storage Model - Solve Order
When you member of a formula is dependant on another member, ensure the solve order is
setup properly, making the first member have a solve order of 0, then the next to have 1,
Essbase Administrative Services - Error '1,030,006' opening the outline.

Essbase Administration Services has become corrupt. Can occur when performing a dim build
that did not build successfully. I do not know the full cause of it, but restarting the EAS Server
will rectify this issue.
ESSBASE ERROR - 1021001 Failed to Establish Connection with SQL Database Server. See Log
file for more information. Couple things could be happening here:
- You do not have permissions to access that SQL environment
- The ODBC Connection on the server is not set up properly.
- The table/view that you are calling no longer exists
WARNING - 1003055 - Aggregate storage applications ignore update to derived cells. [XXXX]
cells skipped.
You will get this warning message when attempting to load data to an ASO model to a specific
member that is not level zero. Solution: Analyze your data to ensure only Level 0 data is
coming in, otherwise, in an ASO, the Level 0 value will aggregate over the higher level value.
Keep in mind, your data load will finish successfully, this message is simply a warning
regarding data being loaded to a parent member.

Error Codes
Essbase Error
Essbase Error
Essbase Error
Essbase Error
Essbase Error
Essbase Error
Essbase Error
Essbase Error
Essbase Error
Essbase Error
Essbase Error
Essbase Error
Essbase Error
Essbase Error
Essbase Error
Essbase Error
Essbase Error
Essbase Error
Essbase Error


Unable to Open Report File [%s] on Server

Unknown Command [%s] in Report
Incorrect Syntax for Range Format in Report
Unknown Member [%s] in Report
Incorrect Format Following [%s] in Report
Unknown Member [%s] in Report
Unknown Item [%s] Ignored in Report
Unknown Member [%s] in Reset Command in Report
Unknown Member [%s] in Zoom Command in Report
Unknown Member [%s] in Zoom In Command in Report
Currency Command in Report and No Currency Database Set
Unknown Member [%s] in Dimend Command in Report
Unknown Member [%s] in Page Command in Report
Unknown Member [%s] in Row Command in Report
Unknown Member [%s] in Column Command in Report
Unable to Send Data Over Pipe in Report
Unable to Send Data Over Pipe in Report
Unable to Read Data Over Pipe in Report
Unable to Read Data Over Pipe in Report

Essbase Error 1001022 - Extractor debug input: [%s]

Essbase Error 1001023 - Not Enough Memory to Complete Command
Essbase Error 1001025 - Not Enough Memory to Complete Command
Essbase Error 1001026 - Incorrect Syntax in Row Command in Report
Essbase Error 1001027 - Incorrect Syntax in Row Command in Report
Essbase Error 1001028 - Incorrect Syntax in Column Command in Report
Essbase Error 1001029 - Incorrect Syntax in Column Command in Report
Essbase Error 1001030 - Incorrect Syntax in Page Command in Report
Essbase Error 1001031 - Incorrect Syntax in Page Command in Report
Essbase Error 1001032 - Column Width Exceeded 255 Columns in Report
Essbase Error 1001033 - Missing Closing Brace in Report
Essbase Error 1001058 - Incorrect Asymmetric Report, [%s] Records Processed
Essbase Error 1001059 - Unrecognized Relationship Code in DdbSelMbrs [%s]-ignored
Essbase Error 1001060 - Formats Too Long, Ignoring Format [%s] in Report
Essbase Error 1001062 - Member [%s] From Same Dimension As Previous Member
Essbase Error 1001063 - You do not have sufficient access to perform a lock on this database
Essbase Error 1001064 - You do not have sufficient access to perform a read on this database
Essbase Error 1001065 - Regular Extractor Elapsed Time : [%s] seconds
Essbase Error 1001069 - Missing parenthesis in <Link Command.
Essbase Error 1001070 - Unknown Latest Member for [%s] in Report
Essbase Error 1001071 - Unmatched parenthesis in [%s] command in Report
Essbase Error 1001072 - Syntax error in <LINK Command
Essbase Error 1001073 - Members from different dimensions are selected in the <LINK
Essbase Error 1001074 - Syntax error in <LINK Command. Number of arguments exceeded
the maximum of [%s].
Essbase Error 1001075 - The report contains an Attibute Aggregation member with no
Attribute members present.
Essbase Error 1001076 - Member [%s] is not an attribute member.
Essbase Error 1001077 - Invalid date format in <Link Command
Essbase Error 1001078 - Cannot form a valid attribute value from [%s]
Essbase Error 1001079 - Dimension [%s] does not have any base members
Essbase Error 1001080 - Report parser internal error near [%s]. Cannot continue processing.
Essbase Error 1001081 - Report parser error at [%s]. Not enough memory to continue
Essbase Error 1001082 - Report scanner error. Error in Scanning command [%s] in report.
Essbase Error 1001083 - Report parser error. Cannot have more than one RESTRICT command
per script.
Essbase Error 1001084 - Report parser error. Cannot have more than one ORDERBY command
per script.
Essbase Error 1001085 - Report parser error. Cannot have more than one TOP command per
Essbase Error 1001086 - Report parser error. Cannot have more than one BOTTOM command
per script.
Essbase Error 1001087 - Report parser error. Missing left parenthesis at [%s].
Essbase Error 1001088 - Report parser error. Missing right parenthesis at [%s].
Essbase Error 1001089 - Report parser error. [%s] should be a numeric value.

Essbase Error 1001090 - Report parser error. [%s] should be a positive integer value greater
than zero.
Essbase Error 1001091 - Report parser error. [%s] exceeds the [256] maximum number of
columns allowed in a report.
Essbase Error 1001092 - Report parser error. [%s] should be a @DATACOL()
Essbase Error 1001093 - Report parser error. Syntax error at [%s].
Essbase Error 1001094 - Report parser error. Member [%s] not found.
Essbase Error 1001095 - Report parser error. Top of Stack is reached. Command too long at
Essbase Error 1001096 - Report parser error. Missing Comma near [%s].
Essbase Error 1001097 - Report parser error. Illegal command operations near [%s]. Cannot
continue processing.
Essbase Error 1001099 - Report parser error. Unknown token [%s].
Essbase Error 1001200 - Report error. Not enough memory to continue processing.
Essbase Error 1001201 - Report error. The DATACOL() argument [%s] in the ORDERBY
command must have a value between [1] and the max number of columns [%s] in the report.
Essbase Error 1001202 - Report error. [%s] in the ORDERBY command is not a row member.
Essbase Error 1001203 - Report error. The DATACOL() argument [%s] in the TOP or BOTTOM
command must have a value between [1] and the max number of columns [%s] in the report.
Essbase Error 1001204 - Report error. [%s] in the TOP or BOTTOM command is not a row
Essbase Error 1001207 - Report error. The DATACOL() arguments [%s] and [%s] in the TOP
and BOTTOM commands do not match.
Essbase Error 1001208 - Report error. The DATACOL() argument [%s] in the RESTRICT
command must have a value between [1] and the max number of columns [%s] in the report.
Essbase Error 1001209 - Report error. TOP or BOTTOM returned rows argument value should
be greater than 0.
Essbase Error 1001210 - Report error. Row Grouping member is not the same in the existing
TOP, BOTTOM and ORDERBY statements.
Essbase Error 1001211 - Report error. The number of Columns in the Report exceed the
allowed maximum of [256].
Essbase Error 1001212 - Invalid field name [%s] in <SelectMbrInfo command
Essbase Error 1001213 - Invalid operator or value in expression involving [%s]
Essbase Error 1001214 - The UDA Command Does Not Support Attribute Dimension Members.
Essbase Error 1001250 - Report Writer Sparse Extractor method will be executed
Essbase Error 1001251 - Sparse Extractor method is setting SUPMISSINGROWS on
Essbase Error 1001252 - No sparse row dimensions exist in the report. Optimization is not
performed in Sparse extractor method
Essbase Error 1001253 - Report Writer Sparse Optimization method will be enabled up to row
dimension [%s]
Essbase Error 1001301 - Report execution aborted. Sort buffer limit of [%s] rows have been
Essbase Error 1002000 - Unable to Open Ascii File [%s]
Essbase Error 1002001 - Reading Ascii Data File [%s]
Essbase Error 1002002 - Expecting Section Keyword and Received [%s] Instead
Essbase Error 1002003 - Database Outline not Loaded for Database
Essbase Error 1002004 - Unable to Load Database Outline Without SETDB Command

Essbase Error 1002005 Essbase Error 1002006 Essbase Error 1002022 Essbase Error 1002023 Essbase Error 1002030 File Name
Essbase Error 1002031 Essbase Error 1002032 Context
Essbase Error 1002034 Essbase Error 1002035 Essbase Error 1002076 Essbase Error 1002077 Essbase Error 1002080 Essbase Error 1002081 Essbase Error 1002082 Essbase Error 1002083 Essbase Error 1002084 Essbase Error 1002086 Essbase Error 1002087 Essbase Error 1002088 Essbase Error 1002089 TERMINATING
Essbase Error 1002091 Essbase Error 1002092 Essbase Error 1002093 Essbase Error 1002094 Essbase Error 1002095 Essbase Error 1002096 Essbase Error 1002097 Essbase Error 1002098 Essbase Error 1002099 password = [xxxxxxx]).
Essbase Error 1002100 Essbase Error 1002101 Essbase Error 1002102 Essbase Error 1002104 Essbase Error 1002105 Essbase Error 1002107 Essbase Error 1002108 Essbase Error 1003000 Essbase Error 1003001 Records Completed
Essbase Error 1003003 Completed
Essbase Error 1003004 Records Completed

Unable to Load Ascii File [%s]

Ascii File [%s] Loaded
Config Parameter [%s] Too Low, Setting to Minimum [%s]
Config Parameter [%s] Too High, Setting to Maximum [%s]
Database Name [%s] Has Invalid Characters, Name Must Be Valid
Database [%s] Has Already Been Created
64K Memory Segment Limit Prevents Creation of Another Database
Unable to Create Member Locking Semaphore
Starting Essbase Server - Application [%s]
Unable to Update Server Configuration Information
Error Reading Server Configuration Information
Loading System CFG File [%s]
Processing System Command [%s]
Unknown System Config item [%s] Ignored
System CFG File [%s] Load Completed
Missing System Config File [%s], Using Internal Defaults
Unable to Open Spreadsheet Log File [%s]
Unable to create Spreadsheet Log Semaphore
Starting Spreadsheet Log [%s] For Database [%s]
Must specify either session or system
Must specify one of enable|disable|dump|reset
Unable to create Last Rpl Semaphore
Connection was terminated
Operation cancelled at user request
Unable to load database [%s]
Timed out waiting for request queue
Essbase Kernel initialization (EssSmInit) failed. (userid = [%s]
Application [%s] init (EssSmAppInit) failed.
Application [%s] creation (EssSmAppCreate) failed.
Illegal combination of reset values %d
Unable to create Performance Statistic Mutex
Attempt to register database for statistics gathering failed
Invalid barrier synchronization type: %d
Cannot change owner for file: [%s] to [%s]
Unknown Item [%s] in Data Load, [%s] Records Completed
Duplicate Members From Same Dimension On Data Record, [%s]
Unable to Continue Data Load After Item [%s], [%s] Records
Incorrect Number Of Column Members In Symmetric File After [%s]

Essbase Error 1003005 - Incorrect Number Of Column Members In Asymmetric File After [%s]
Records Completed
Essbase Error 1003006 - Unknown Text File Type After [%s] Records Completed
Essbase Error 1003007 - Data Value [%s] Encountered Before All Dimensions Selected, [%s]
Records Completed
Essbase Error 1003008 - With Data Value [%s], Too Many Values In Row, [%s] Records
Essbase Error 1003010 - Data Value [%s] Does Not Match #Missing Value in Database, [%s]
Records Completed
Essbase Error 1003011 - Data Value [%s] Does Not Match #Invalid Value in Database, [%s]
Records Completed
Essbase Error 1003012 - Data Value [%s] is Greater Than Value in Database, [%s] Records
Essbase Error 1003013 - Data Value [%s] is Less Than Value in Database, [%s] Records
Essbase Error 1003014 - Unknown Member [%s] in Data Load, [%s] Records Completed
Essbase Error 1003015 - Member [%s] is from the same dimension as members defined in
Header Name, [%s] Records Completed
Essbase Error 1003022 - Unable to Open Data File [%s]
Essbase Error 1003023 - You have insufficient access privileges to perform a lock on this
Essbase Error 1003024 - Data Load Elapsed Time : [%s] seconds
Essbase Error 1003025 - DATAERRORLIMIT reached [%s]. Rejected records will no longer be
Essbase Error 1003026 - Invalid Token Encountered near EOF
Essbase Error 1003027 - Unable to open file [%s]
Essbase Error 1003028 - File [%s] is password protected and could not be read
Essbase Error 1003029 - Encountered formatting error in spreadsheet file [%s]
Essbase Error 1003030 - Unable to load file [%s]; see server logfile for details
Essbase Error 1003031 - Commit at record [%s] during arithmetic data load
Essbase Error 1003032 - Input line too long near record [%s]
Essbase Error 1003034 - Invalid member [%s] in data column
Essbase Error 1003035 - No data values modified by load of this data file
Essbase Error 1003036 - Cannot load data. Member name too long: [%s]
Essbase Error 1004000 - Continuation Character Must Be Last Character on Line [%s]
Essbase Error 1004001 - Extra { in Invalid Combination [%s]
Essbase Error 1004002 - Extra { in Invalid Combination [%s]
Essbase Error 1004003 - Processing Invalid Combination Group: [%s]
Essbase Error 1004004 - Unknown Member [%s] in Invalid Combination
Essbase Error 1004005 - ! Operator Not Implemented Yet. Ignored
Essbase Error 1004006 - '-' No Previous Member or Non-Matching Dimensions-Ignored
Essbase Error 1004007 - Unknown Item [%s] in Invalid Combination
Essbase Error 1004008 - Only '-' Operator or Space Allowed Between Members of Same
Essbase Error 1004009 - ! Operator Not Implemented Yet. Ignored
Essbase Error 1004010 - '-' No Previous Member or Non-Matching Dimensions-Ignored
Essbase Error 1004011 - Unknown Item [%s] in Invalid Combination

Essbase Error 1004012 - Internal Error: Invalid Return from GrpTok

Essbase Error 1004013 - Start Member Out of Range in Dimension [%s]
Essbase Error 1004014 - End Member Out of Range in Dimension [%s]
Essbase Error 1004015 - Start Member Out of Range in Dimension [%s]
Essbase Error 1004016 - End Member Out of Range in Dimension [%s]
Essbase Error 1005000 - Ascii Backup: Failed to open [%s].
Essbase Error 1005002 - Ascii Backup Completed. Total blocks: [%s]. Elapsed time: [%s].
Essbase Error 1005009 - Ascii Backup: Writing block [%s].
Essbase Error 1005017 - Unable to write information to export file [%s] due to insufficient free
space on that drive
Essbase Error 1005018 - I/O failure writing to export file [%s]. Check the Essbase server log
and the system console to determine the cause of the problem
Essbase Error 1005021 - Unable to create error file [%s]
Essbase Error 1005022 - Error writing to error file [%s]
Essbase Error 1005023 - Validate: total errors found [%s], total blocks with errors [%s]
Essbase Error 1005024 - Validate: no errors found during validation
Essbase Error 1005025 - Validate: errors were logged to file [%s]
Essbase Error 1006002 - Unable to Store Information In Page File
Essbase Error 1006004 - Unable to Read Information From Page File
Essbase Error 1006006 - Failed to bring block into the memory. Data cache is too small.
Please increase the data cache size.
Essbase Error 1006010 - Invalid block header: Block's numbers do not match
Essbase Error 1006015 - Not Enough Memory to Allocate the Data Buffer Cache. [%s] aborted
Essbase Error 1006016 - Invalid block header: Illegal block type
Essbase Error 1006023 - Data cache is full. Please increase the data cache size for database
Essbase Error 1006024 - A valid outline must already have been loaded in order to initialize
the Data Block Manager component of the Essbase Kernel.
Essbase Error 1006025 - Data cache size ==> [%s] bytes, [%s] data pages
Essbase Error 1006026 - Data file cache size ==> [%s] bytes, [%s] data file pages
Essbase Error 1006027 - Locking the data cache pages into physical memory.
Essbase Error 1006028 - Turning off cache memory locking due to lack of physical memory.
Using virtual memory to allocate the remainder of the data cache.
Essbase Error 1006029 - Turning off cache memory locking due to insufficient privileges.
Using virtual memory to allocate the remainder of the data cache.
Essbase Error 1006030 - Failed to bring a data file page into cache. Data file cache is too
small. Please increase the data file cache size.
Essbase Error 1006031 - Data file cache is full. Please increase the data file cache size for
database [%s].
Essbase Error 1006032 - Invalid stored logical data block size [%s].
Essbase Error 1006034 - Waiting to swap a data file cache page for database [%s].
Performance could potentially be improved by increasing the data file cache size.
Essbase Error 1006035 - Error [%s] encountered while waiting for completion of a data file
cache flush for database [%s].
Essbase Error 1006036 - Data cache output transfer buffer for database [%s] is unavailable.
Essbase Error 1006037 - Error [%s] encountered while waiting for an in-transit data page of
database [%s].

Essbase Error 1006039 - Error [%s] encountered while waiting for an in-transit data file page
of database [%s].
Essbase Error 1006040 - Unable to flush to disk a data block within database [%s].
Essbase Error 1006041 - A read from file [%s], %s.
Essbase Error 1006042 - Completion of a read from file [%s], %s.
Essbase Error 1006043 - A write to file [%s], %s.
Essbase Error 1006044 - Completion of a write to file [%s], %s.
Essbase Error 1006045 - Error [%s] encountered while attempting to create or extend a data
file for database [%s].
Essbase Error 1007016 - Unknown Member [%s]
Essbase Error 1007034 - Unrecognized Token in DdbInfoRet--Ignored
Essbase Error 1007035 - Unknown Member [%s].
Essbase Error 1007042 - Actual Dimension Sizes = [%s]
Essbase Error 1007043 - Declared Dimension Sizes = [%s]
Essbase Error 1007044 - Restructuring Database [%s]
Essbase Error 1007045 - Restructuring of Database [%s] Failed
Essbase Error 1007046 - Restructuring of Database [%s] Succeeded
Essbase Error 1007047 - Restructuring of Database [%s] is not needed
Essbase Error 1007066 - Database Restructuring canceled by user [%s]
Essbase Error 1007067 - Total Restructure Elapsed Time : [%s] seconds
Essbase Error 1007068 - Invalid Update Command
Essbase Error 1007069 - Restoring Data for Database [%s]
Essbase Error 1007070 - Data restore for database [%s] failed. Essbase could not restructure
the database. Restore the database from archived files.
Essbase Error 1007071 - Restoring Data for Database [%s] Succeeded
Essbase Error 1007072 - Member [%s] tagged as <REFER does not have a member to refer to
Essbase Error 1007073 - Member [%s] may not be tagged as <LABEL
Essbase Error 1007074 - Invalid Member Tag (LABEL/REFER) in the Outline
Essbase Error 1007075 - Member [%s] tagged as <REFER must be in the dimension # [%s]
Essbase Error 1007080 - Unable To Find Or Close [%s] For Database [%s]
Essbase Error 1007082 - Cannot restructure [%s] with a currency database mapping in DB
Essbase Error 1007083 - Dimension build failed. There are many possible causes (for
example, problem allocating memory). Check the server log file to locate the error that
caused the failure.
Essbase Error 1007084 - Member [%s] can not be tagged as SHARED or LABEL
Essbase Error 1007085 - Internal Error: Member name [%s] and Alias Name [%s] Exceed
Essbase Error 1007087 - Removing tag <LABEL from the member [%s], as it does not have
any offsprings
Essbase Error 1007088 - Unable to delete [%s] for database [%s]
Essbase Error 1007089 - Unable to open [%s] for database [%s]
Essbase Error 1007090 - Unknown member name [%s] in Outline Query
Essbase Error 1007100 - Dimension name is missing in Outline Query for
Essbase Error 1007101 - Generation name is missing in Outline Query
Essbase Error 1007102 - Level name is missing in Outline Query


missing in ESS_SEARCH/ESS_WILDSEARCH outline query
Essbase Error 1007104 - Search String missing in ESS_SEARCH/ESS_WILDSEARCH Outline
Essbase Error 1007105 - UDA String missing in Outline Query
Essbase Error 1007106 - Unknown Query Option [%s] in Outline UDA Query
Essbase Error 1007107 - The name [%s] is not a Dimension name in Outline UDA Query
Essbase Error 1007108 - Null Wild Card Search String
Essbase Error 1007110 - MEMBERSONLY and ALIASESONLY are mutually exclusive in Outline
Essbase Error 1007112 - Unable to change the permission of the file [%s] for database [%s]
Essbase Error 1007113 - Cannot write the new outline file during the restructuring of [%s]
Essbase Error 1007114 - Cannot write the new outline change log file
Essbase Error 1007115 - Dimension name or member name is required for Outline UDA query.
Essbase Error 1007116 - No dimension is tagged as Time dimension for virtual time series.
Essbase Error 1007117 - Cannot Write the New Outline File During the Restructuring of [%s]
Essbase Error 1007118 - Loading New Outline for Database [%s]
Essbase Error 1007119 - Loading New Outline for Database [%s] Failed
Essbase Error 1007120 - Loading New Outline for Database [%s] Succeeded
Essbase Error 1007121 - Error writing outline change log file for database [%s]
Essbase Error 1007122 - Restructuring LRO index and catalog for Database [%s]
Essbase Error 1007123 - Restructuring LRO index and catalog for Database [%s] Succeeded
Essbase Error 1007124 - Restructuring LRO index and catalog for Database [%s] Failed
Essbase Error 1007125 - The number of Dynamic Calc Non-Store Members = [%s]
Essbase Error 1007126 - The number of Dynamic Calc Store Members = [%s]
Essbase Error 1007127 - The logical block size is [%s]
Essbase Error 1007128 - Invalid attribute value type
Essbase Error 1007129 - Invalid attribute operation code
Essbase Error 1007130 - Invalid oputput structure format requested
Essbase Error 1007132 - Building Dimensions Elapsed Time : [%s] seconds
Essbase Error 1007133 - Number of base members with the Attribute association is [%s]
Essbase Error 1007134 - Input member [%s] not found
Essbase Error 1007135 - Member [%s] is not an attribute member
Essbase Error 1008001 - Unable to Allocate Memory.
Essbase Error 1008006 - Unable to Free Memory for [%s] in [%s].
Essbase Error 1008007 - Unable to Allocate Huge Memory: [%s] in function [%s]. Essbase
cannot allocate the space needed due to a shortage of virtual memory. Allocate more virtual
memory and retry the operation
Essbase Error 1008008 - Unable to Allocate Memory: [%s] in function [%s]. Essbase cannot
allocate the space needed due to a shortage of virtual memory. Allocate more virtual memory
and retry the operation.
Essbase Error 1008009 - Pointer is NULL - Free Canceled: [%s] in [%s]
Essbase Error 1008010 - Read Failed
Essbase Error 1008021 - Named Pipe Create Failed
Essbase Error 1008022 - Pipe Create Failed
Essbase Error 1008023 - Named Pipe Connect Failed
Essbase Error 1008024 - Named Pipe Disconnect Failed

Essbase Error 1008025 - Named Pipe Peek Failed

Essbase Error 1008028 - Pipe Read Error
Essbase Error 1008029 - Pipe Write Error
Essbase Error 1008030 - Pipe Open Failed
Essbase Error 1008031 - Pipe Close Failed
Essbase Error 1008036 - Incorrect # of Bytes Written To Pipe
Essbase Error 1008037 - Find Next Failed
Essbase Error 1008039 - Find Close Failed
Essbase Error 1008089 - Error receiving data from Agent
Essbase Error 1008090 - Timed out receiving data from Agent
Essbase Error 1008091 - Error sending data to Agent
Essbase Error 1008092 - Timed out sending data to Agent
Essbase Error 1008093 - Invalid data type for conversion
Essbase Error 1008099 - HALLOC: Possible duplicate memory allocation! [%s] in [%s]
Essbase Error 1008100 - HFREE: Pointer already freed! [%s] in [%s]
Essbase Error 1008101 - HFREE: Likely memory overwrite! [%s] in [%s]
Essbase Error 1008106 - Exception error log [%s] is being created...
Essbase Error 1008107 - Exception error log completed -- please contact technical support
and provide them with this file
Essbase Error 1008108 - Essbase Internal Logic Error [%s]
Essbase Error 1008109 - Unable to Reallocate Memory for [%s] in [%s].
Essbase Error 1008110 - Unable to Allocate Memory. Refer to the Application Log for details.
Essbase Error 1008111 - Unable to Reallocate Memory for [%s] in [%s]. Refer to the
Application Log for details.
Essbase Error 1008112 - Memory Allocation error codes: O/S error = [%s], O/S return code =
Essbase Error 1008113 - Memory Reallocation error codes: O/S error = [%s], O/S return code
= [%s].
Essbase Error 1008114 - Allocation request for [%s] bytes of virtual memory. Percentage of
memory in use is [%s%%].
Essbase Error 1008115 - Total physical memory is [%s] bytes. Available physical memory is
[%s] bytes.
Essbase Error 1008116 - Total swap space is [%s] bytes. Available swap space is [%s] bytes.
Essbase Error 1008117 - Total virtual memory is [%s] bytes. Available virtual memory is [%s]
Essbase Error 1008118 - Memory page size is [%s] bytes. Allocation granularity is [%s] bytes.
Essbase Error 1008119 - Memory page size is [%s] bytes.
Essbase Error 1008120 - Unable to Allocate Physical Memory for [%s] in [%s].
Essbase Error 1008121 - Unable to Allocate Physical Memory for [%s] in [%s] for reallocation.
Essbase Error 1008122 - Unable to Lock the Allocated Memory for [%s] in [%s].
Essbase Error 1008123 - Unable to Lock the Allocated Memory for [%s] in [%s] for
Essbase Error 1008124 - Unable to Lock the Allocated Memory [%s] in [%s], because of
insufficient quota.
Essbase Error 1008125 - Unable to Lock the Allocated Memory [%s] in [%s], because of
insufficient privilege.
Essbase Error 1008126 - Unable to Lock the Allocated Memory [%s] in [%s] for reallocation,

because of insufficient quota.

Essbase Error 1008127 - Unable to Lock the Allocated Memory [%s] in [%s] for reallocation,
because of insufficient privilege.
Essbase Error 1008128 - Unable to Allocate Physical Memory for [%s] in [%s]. Refer to the
Application Log for details.
Essbase Error 1008129 - Unable to Allocate Physical Memory for [%s] in [%s] for reallocation.
Refer to the Application Log for details.
Essbase Error 1008130 - Unable to Lock the Allocated Memory for [%s] in [%s]. Refer to the
Application Log for details.
Essbase Error 1008131 - Unable to Lock the Allocated Memory for [%s] in [%s] for
reallocation. Refer to the Application Log for details.
Essbase Error 1008132 - Unable to Lock the Allocated Memory [%s] in [%s], because of
insufficient quota. Refer to the Application Log for details.
Essbase Error 1008133 - Unable to Lock the Allocated Memory [%s] in [%s], because of
insufficient privilege. Refer to the Application Log for details.
Essbase Error 1008134 - Unable to Lock the Allocated Memory [%s] in [%s] for reallocation,
because of insufficient quota. Refer to the Application Log for details.
Essbase Error 1008135 - Unable to Lock the Allocated Memory [%s] in [%s] for reallocation,
because of insufficient privilege. Refer to the Application Log for details.
Essbase Error 1008136 - Unable to Free Locked Memory for [%s] in [%s].
Essbase Error 1008137 - Unable to Free Memory for [%s] in [%s] in reallocation.
Essbase Error 1008138 - Unable to Free Memory for [%s] in [%s] in reallocation. Refer to the
Application Log for details.
Essbase Error 1008139 - Unable to Allocate Aligned Memory for [%s] in [%s].
Essbase Error 1008140 - Unable to Free Aligned Memory for [%s] in [%s].
Essbase Error 1008141 - Unable to Allocate Aligned Memory for [%s] in [%s] for reallocation.
Essbase Error 1008142 - Unable to Free Aligned Memory for [%s] in [%s] in reallocation.
Essbase Error 1008143 - Unable to Allocate Aligned Memory for [%s] in [%s]. Refer to the
Application Log for details.
Essbase Error 1008144 - Unable to Allocate Aligned Memory for [%s] in [%s] for reallocation.
Refer to the Application Log for details.
Essbase Error 1008145 - Unable to Free Aligned Memory for [%s] in [%s] in reallocation. Refer
to the Application Log for details.
Essbase Error 1008146 - Unable to Unlock the Allocated Memory [%s] in [%s].
Essbase Error 1008147 - Unable to Allocate Memory for [%s] in [%s].
Essbase Error 1008148 - Unable to Allocate Memory for [%s] in [%s]. Refer to the Application
Log for details.
Essbase Error 1009000 - In NavLev, Illegal Request - Member [%s], Level [%s]
Essbase Error 1009001 - UNIVERSE is Not a Member of Any Dimension
Essbase Error 1010002 - Not Enough Memory to Complete Command
Essbase Error 1010003 - The data block size of database [%s] exceeds the limit [%s]
Essbase Error 1010004 - Total possible blocks of database [%s] exceeds the limit [%s]
Essbase Error 1010007 - Maximum Actual Possible Blocks is [%s] with data block size of [%s]
Essbase Error 1010008 - Maximum Declared Blocks is [%s] with data block size of [%s]
Essbase Error 1010011 - Failed memory allocation using FS pool. [%s] aborted.
Essbase Error 1011078 - Client Sent Packet Larger Than Allowed Size. Sent: [%s] Max is [%s]
Essbase Error 1011079 - Output Record > Allowed Size: [%s] Max is [%s]

Essbase Error 1011080 - Null String Encountered During Replace--Terminating

Essbase Error 1011081 - Requested String Replacement Operation With [%s] Would Exceed
Max Chars : [%s]
Essbase Error 1011082 - Tried To Remove Column Which Does Not Exist: [%s] Terminating.
Essbase Error 1011083 - Tried To Insert Too Many Columns: Max is [%s] Terminating.
Essbase Error 1011092 - Parser: No memory to copy token
Essbase Error 1012000 - Invalid Syntax - Not a CALC command [%s]
Essbase Error 1012001 - Invalid Calc Script syntax [%s]
Essbase Error 1012002 - Could not find the named list [%s]
Essbase Error 1012003 - Named list [%s] is not of STRING data type
Essbase Error 1012004 - Invalid member name [%s]
Essbase Error 1012005 - Invalid dimension name [%s]
Essbase Error 1012009 - Variable name [%s] too long
Essbase Error 1012010 - Redeclare Variable name [%s]
Essbase Error 1012011 - Variable name [%s] conflicts with member name
Essbase Error 1012012 - The array variable range specifier [%s] is not a dimension
Essbase Error 1012013 - Calc Script Error - Unexpected End of File reached
Essbase Error 1012015 - CALC ALL cannot be used in restricted calculation
Essbase Error 1012016 - Cannot calculate dimension member [%s] with restricted member
Essbase Error 1012017 - Cannot calculate dimension [%s] with restricted member [%s]
Essbase Error 1012018 - Redeclared dimension [%s] in AGG command
Essbase Error 1012019 - Calc Script block delimiter [%s] not balanced [%s]
Essbase Error 1012020 - Aggregate command [AGG] cannot be used within a restricted
calculation block
Essbase Error 1012021 - Calc Script command [%s] is incomplete
Essbase Error 1012022 - The CALC command [%s] is not supported at this moment
Essbase Error 1012023 - Aggregating on Dense Dimension [%s] is currently not supported
Essbase Error 1012024 - Cannot aggregate dimension [%s] with restricted member [%s]
Essbase Error 1012025 - No Currency Database has been set on this database
Essbase Error 1012026 - [%s] command can only be fixed on a CURPARTITION member
Essbase Error 1012027 - No dimension is tagged CURPARTITION, [%s] command cannot be
fixed on any member
Essbase Error 1012028 - [%s] command must be fixed on a CURPARTITION member
Essbase Error 1012029 - Invalid target range [%s] of DCOPY command
Essbase Error 1012030 - DATACOPY command [%s] cannot copy data to itself
Essbase Error 1012031 - DATACOPY command [%s] is conflict with Range Fix
Essbase Error 1012032 - When CURPARTITION is tagged, DATACOPY command [%s] can only
be used to copy a whole Currency Partition
Essbase Error 1012033 - Currency Conversion is not available with this server, calc command
[%s] is not supported
Essbase Error 1012034 - Variable [%s] not declared
Essbase Error 1012035 - Variable [%s] must be of VAR type
Essbase Error 1012036 - Calc Script block command [%s] does not end with [%s]
Essbase Error 1012037 - Custom calculation is not allowed for [%s] share member [%s]
Essbase Error 1012038 - The constant [%s] assigned to variable [%s] is not a number
Essbase Error 1012039 - The constant [%s] assigned to array variable [%s] is not a number

Essbase Error 1012040 - Too many initial constants assigned to array variable [%s]
Essbase Error 1012041 - [%s] is not a valid currency type member
Essbase Error 1012042 - Substitution variable [%s] doesn't exist.
Essbase Error 1012043 - Calculation is not allowed for virtual member [%s] in the Calc script.
Essbase Error 1012044 - Invalid fix member count [%s] when converting from Bitmap
Essbase Error 1012045 - Unable to convert bitmap to fix member in function [%s]
Essbase Error 1012046 - Unable to conver MEMNOR to MEMNO in function [%s]
Essbase Error 1012047 - Aggregating on Attribute Dimension [%s] is currently not supported
Essbase Error 1012048 - Calc Dim on Attribute Dimension [%s] is not supported
Essbase Error 1012049 - Cannot clear data from Attribute dimension member [%s]
Essbase Error 1012050 - Cannot DATACOPY on Attribute dimension member [%s]
Essbase Error 1012051 - Batch calc error, FIX statement cannot contain Dynamic Calc
member from dimension [%s]
Essbase Error 1012052 - Unable to unfix blocks after calculation encounters an error.
Essbase Error 1012053 - Calculation is cancelled by user.
Essbase Error 1012054 - Batch calc error. All members that need to be calculated in
dimension [%s] are Two Pass Calc and Dynamic.
Essbase Error 1012106 - Calc String function [%s] must be followed by '('
Essbase Error 1012121 - Error encountered when loading member [%s]'s calc string [%s],
Essbase Error 1012122 - Error encountered when loading member [%s]'s last calc string [%s],
Essbase Error 1012123 - Duplicate member [%s] specified on the X-Dimension variable[%s]
Essbase Error 1012129 - The dimension of the range parameter [%s] must be the same as the
dimension specifier [%s]
Essbase Error 1012130 - Invalid Range Specifier [%s]
Essbase Error 1012131 - Calc range specifier [%s] is not supported in the function [%s]
Essbase Error 1012133 - Range argument [%s] has unbalance parenthesis in function [%s]
Essbase Error 1012134 - Generation number [%s] must be an integer
Essbase Error 1012135 - Level number [%s] must be an integer
Essbase Error 1012136 - Named generation [%s] is not defined
Essbase Error 1012137 - Named Level [%s] is not defined
Essbase Error 1012139 - No [%s] member found in Account dimension
Essbase Error 1012141 - Illegal match string [%s]
Essbase Error 1012142 - Input [%s] is not a valid gen/level name or valid gen/level number
Essbase Error 1012143 - @MATCH search string [%s] should always be in double quote
Essbase Error 1012500 - The requested calc script [%s] not found
Essbase Error 1012501 - Calculator internal error -- invalid input type [%s]
Essbase Error 1012550 - Total Calc Elapsed Time : [%s] seconds
Essbase Error 1012551 - Converting database [%s]'s currency to [%s]
Essbase Error 1012552 - Copying data from [%s]
Essbase Error 1012553 - Copying data from [%s] with fixed members [%s]
Essbase Error 1012554 - Clearing data from [%s] partition
Essbase Error 1012555 - Clearing data from [%s] partition with fixed members [%s]
Essbase Error 1012556 - Calculation canceled by user [%s]
Essbase Error 1012557 - Clearing all data blocks from [%s] partition
Essbase Error 1012558 - Clearing all data blocks from [%s] partition with fixed members [%s]

Essbase Error 1012559 - Clearing upper level data blocks from [%s] partition
Essbase Error 1012560 - Clearing upper level data blocks from [%s] partition with fixed
members [%s]
Essbase Error 1012561 - Clearing noninput data blocks from [%s] partition
Essbase Error 1012562 - Clearing noninput data blocks from [%s] partition with fixed
members [%s]
Essbase Error 1012563 - Calculation is aborted due to floating point error [%s]
Essbase Error 1012564 - Calculation is aborted due to floating point error
Essbase Error 1012566 - Begin of LOOP -- looping following commands [%s] times
Essbase Error 1012567 - End of LOOP -- actually looped above commands [%s] times
Essbase Error 1012600 - Member [%s] attempts to divide by Missing, Invalid, or Near Zero
value (Message will not repeat)
Essbase Error 1012602 - Member [%s] has an illegal Calc Op Code [%s] for customized
Essbase Error 1012667 - Your Server does not have a Currency Conversion Option, the Calc
Script command [CCONV] is ignored
Essbase Error 1012668 - Calculating [%s] with fixed members [%s]
Essbase Error 1012669 - Calculating [%s]
Essbase Error 1012670 - Aggregating [%s] with fixed members [%s]
Essbase Error 1012671 - Aggregating [%s]
Essbase Error 1012672 - Calculator Information Message: %s
Essbase Error 1012673 - Calculator cannot handle concurrent updates of [%s] data blocks.
Please increase CalcLockBlock setting and then retry.
Essbase Error 1012674 - Hash memory [%s] allocated for Calc is used up, Hash Table is
turned off. Please increase the CalcHashTblMemLimit in the essbase.cfg file.
Essbase Error 1012675 - Commit Blocks Interval for the calculation is [%s]
Essbase Error 1012676 - Member [%s] attempts to execute @POWER/@FACTORIAL function.
Arguments are out of range. Results may be different from versions < 6.0 (Message will not
Essbase Error 1012700 - Dynamic calc processor cannot allocate more than [%s] blocks from
the heap. Please increase CalcLockBlock setting and then retry
Essbase Error 1012701 - Unknown block type during the dynamic calculation, neither an ESM
block nor a heap block. Essbase internal error, Please report to Hyperion.
Essbase Error 1012702 - The block in the dynamic calc processor block array is not marked
correctly. Essbase internal error. Please report to Hyperion.
Essbase Error 1012703 - Unknown calculation type [%s] during the dynamic calculation. Only
default agg/formula/time balance operations are handled.
Essbase Error 1012704 - Dynamic Calc processor cannot lock more than [%s] ESM blocks
during the calculation, please increase CalcLockBlock setting and then retry(a small data
cache setting could also cause this problem, please check the data cahce size setting).
Essbase Error 1012706 - Need to copy to Esm block during the dynamic calculation. Esm
Block not found. Essbase internal error, Please report to Hyperion.
Essbase Error 1012707 - Dynamic Calc Processor Message: %s
Essbase Error 1012708 - For virtual time series [%s] retrival, the latest time period is not set
Essbase Error 1012709 - For virtual time series, the latest time period setting [%s]is not a
level 0 member
Essbase Error 1012710 - Essbase needs to retrieve [%s] Essbase Kernel blocks in order to

calculate the top dynamically-calculated block.

Essbase Error 1012711 - Clearing dynamic calc store data blocks from [%s] partition
Essbase Error 1012712 - Clearing dynamic calc store data blocks from [%s] partition with
fixed members [%s]
Essbase Error 1012713 - Two-pass Member [%s] is not tagged as Dynamic Calc.
Essbase Error 1012714 - Regular member [%s] depends on dynamic-calc member [%s].
Essbase Error 1012715 - Regular member [%s] depends on member [%s] from transparent
partition. Consider making this member Dynamic or replicating the dependents.
Essbase Error 1012716 - Remote region [%s] is not validated correctly yet. Cannot continue
the calc.
Essbase Error 1012717 - Remote bitmap cache is [%s]
Essbase Error 1012718 - For dynamic time series, the latest period [%s] setting has higher
generation member than the time series member [%s].
Essbase Error 1012719 - Index Keys Verified: [%s], Qualified: [%s]
Essbase Error 1012720 - Index Scan Ranges: [%s], Index Hit Rate: [%s%%]
Essbase Error 1012721 - Blocks Verified: [%s], Non-existing Virtual Blocks Verified: [%s]
Essbase Error 1012722 - Blocks Aggr'd: [%s], Non-existing Virtual Blocks Aggr'd: [%s]
Essbase Error 1012723 - Blocks Calc'd: [%s], Virtual Block Search Method: [%s]
Essbase Error 1012724 - Lower Bound memno for dimension [%s] is [%s]
Essbase Error 1012725 - Upper Bound memno for dimension [%s] is [%s]
Essbase Error 1013000 - Unable to Create Request Server Thread
Essbase Error 1013003 - Database Outline Is Empty
Essbase Error 1013009 - Administrator Has Temporarily Disabled User Commands
Essbase Error 1013011 - Invalid Command %s Received in Request Manager
Essbase Error 1013013 - Active Database Needed To Execute This Command
Essbase Error 1013014 - User [%s] is Connected to Database [%s]
Essbase Error 1013015 - Unable to Connect to Database [%s]
Essbase Error 1013016 - Currency Database [%s] Has Been Set for Database [%s]
Essbase Error 1013018 - Cannot unload database [%s] while user [%s] is performing database
operation. Wait for the user to complete the operation, or ask the user to abort it. Log out all
users and then unload the database.
Essbase Error 1013020 - Cannot clear data for database [%s] while other users are connected
Essbase Error 1013021 - Cannot clear data for database [%s] while other user has locks on
Essbase Error 1013022 - All data of database [%s] has been cleared by User [%s]
Essbase Error 1013025 - Failed to create Unnamed Pipe, report request is aborted
Essbase Error 1013026 - Failed to start Extractor thread
Essbase Error 1013028 - Failed to start ReportWriter thread
Essbase Error 1013033 - ReportWriter canceled
Essbase Error 1013080 - Already Connected to Server -- The previous connected request still
running, try again
Essbase Error 1013091 - Received Command [%s] from user [%s]
Essbase Error 1013094 - No commands are allowed when an asynchronous operation is in
Essbase Error 1013095 - You have been logged out by supervisor [%s], please login again
Essbase Error 1013096 - Function Not Implemented In New Req Mgr
Essbase Error 1013100 - User [%s] is Active on Database [%s]

Essbase Error 1013101 - Cannot restructure. There are other active users on database [%s]
Essbase Error 1013102 - The database [%s] is not defined in application [%s]
Essbase Error 1013104 - [%s] is an invalid member name in database [%s]
Essbase Error 1013105 - The database [%s] has no currency database set
Essbase Error 1013106 - Your Server does not have a Currency Conversion Option, Please
check with your system administrator
Essbase Error 1013107 - Your Server does not have a SQL Connection Option, Please check
with your system administrator
Essbase Error 1013108 - Set Currency Database [%s] failed: see server log file
Essbase Error 1013110 - Your active database has been stopped by supervisor
Essbase Error 1013111 - Asynchronous process [%s] is at final stage, cannot cancel
Essbase Error 1013112 - Cannot calculate database [%s] while other user [%s] is calculating,
please try again
Essbase Error 1013113 - Cannot unload database [%s] when it is still in use
Essbase Error 1013114 - Cannot commit database [%s] when it is still in use
Essbase Error 1013115 - Cannot clear data for database [%s] when it is still in use
Essbase Error 1013116 - Database [%s] is Still in Active Use
Essbase Error 1013119 - Cannot export database [%s] when it is still in use
Essbase Error 1013120 - Cannot restructure on database [%s]. Please clear all user's
exclusive locks and try again
Essbase Error 1013121 - Cannot load alias. There are other active users on database
Essbase Error 1013122 - Cannot remove alias. There are other active users on database
Essbase Error 1013123 - Cannot clear alias tables. There are other active users on database
Essbase Error 1013124 - Cannot commit database [%s]. Please clear all user's exclusive locks
and try again
Essbase Error 1013125 - Cannot export database [%s] while %s on the database
Essbase Error 1013126 - User [%s] canceled database export
Essbase Error 1013128 - Out of disk space, please free some disk space and try again
Essbase Error 1013129 - Error [%s] in writing to disk, please check your logfile and try again
Essbase Error 1013131 - Failed to start Asynchronous thread
Essbase Error 1013132 - Cannot build dimensions. There are other active users on database
Essbase Error 1013133 - Cannot build dimensions on database [%s]. Please clear all user's
exclusive locks and try again
Essbase Error 1013134 - User [%s] canceled database validate
Essbase Error 1013136 - Invalid login id - please login again
Essbase Error 1013139 - Cannot unload currency database [%s] when it is being referenced
by database [%s]
Essbase Error 1013140 - User's log message: %s
Essbase Error 1013141 - Duplicate disk volume name [%s] encountered in the disk volume
settings for database [%s].
Essbase Error 1013142 - Restructuring from update file not supported.
Essbase Error 1013202 - Waiting for Login Requests
Essbase Error 1013203 - Connected to Admin Pipe
Essbase Error 1013204 - Client Commands are Currently Not Being Accepted
Essbase Error 1013205 - Received Command [%s]
Essbase Error 1013206 - SetActive Commands are Currently Not Being Accepted


Essbase Error 1013210 - User [%s] set active on database [%s]
Essbase Error 1013213 - Illegal Login Key [%s] in Clear Active - Canceled
Essbase Error 1013214 - Clear Active on User [%s] Instance [%s]
Essbase Error 1013216 - User [%s] still have a request in process - Will clear active when the
request is finished
Essbase Error 1013217 - Cannot commit database [%s] while %s on the database
Essbase Error 1013219 - Failed to rename file [%s]
Essbase Error 1013220 - Supervisor [%s] has forced user [%s] to logout
Essbase Error 1013221 - Failed to create database, error code [%s]
Essbase Error 1013222 - Cannot shutdown application [%s] while %s
Essbase Error 1013223 - Cannot shutdown application [%s] while other users are restructuring
Essbase Error 1013224 - Cannot shutdown application [%s] while other users are calculating
Essbase Error 1013225 - Cannot shutdown application [%s] while other users are updating or
Essbase Error 1013227 - Cannot copy application [%s] while other users are restructuring
Essbase Error 1013228 - Cannot copy application [%s] while other users are calculating
Essbase Error 1013229 - Cannot copy application [%s] while other users are updating
Essbase Error 1013231 - Unable to update database while in readonly mode for backup
Essbase Error 1013232 - Failed to rename application [%s]
Essbase Error 1013233 - Failed to copy application/database [%s/%s]
Essbase Error 1013234 - Failed to copy application [%s]
Essbase Error 1013235 - Failed to delete application/database [%s/%s]
Essbase Error 1013236 - Failed to delete application [%s]
Essbase Error 1013237 - Failed to create database [%s]
Essbase Error 1013238 - Failed to create application [%s]
Essbase Error 1013239 - Cannot transition the state of database [%s] between read-write and
read-only modes while %s on the database.
Essbase Error 1013240 - Failed to conclude the copying of application/database [%s/%s].
Essbase Error 1013241 - Failed to conclude the copying of application [%s] upon processing
database [%s].
Essbase Error 1013242 - Failed to generate the list of persistent database files belonging to
application/database [%s/%s].
Essbase Error 1013243 - User [%s] has been forced off database [%s] to clear exclusive locks
Essbase Error 1013244 - User [%s] has a request in progress and will be forced off upon
Essbase Error 1013245 - User [%s] does not have any locks active
Essbase Error 1013246 - Unable to allocate memory stack
Essbase Error 1013247 - Unable to Create System Daemon Thread
Essbase Error 1014004 - Unable to Update Members Which Have Not Been Locked
Essbase Error 1014018 - Members Currently Locked by another transaction
Essbase Error 1014024 - The data may have been modified while you were accessing it.
Please retry
Essbase Error 1014025 - Unable to update database while in readonly mode for backup
Essbase Error 1014026 - Requested lock is currently held by another transaction, and waiting
is currently not allowed.
Essbase Error 1014027 - Transaction [%s] is deadlocked with transaction [%s].

Essbase Error 1014028 - Transaction [%s] is waiting for transaction [%s], which is deadlocked
with another transaction.
Essbase Error 1014031 - Lock request timed out in [%s].
Essbase Error 1014032 - Lock request timed out in [%s].
Essbase Error 1014033 - Failed to allocate lock manager event. [%s] aborted
Essbase Error 1014034 - Failed to create lock manager event. [%s] aborted
Essbase Error 1014035 - Failed to allocate lock manager waiter node. [%s] aborted
Essbase Error 1014036 - Lock request would block, but waiting is not allowed.
Essbase Error 1014039 - Unable to perform a write operation to database [%s] while the
database is in read-only mode.
Essbase Error 1014040 - Failed to get the current thread's handle. [%s] aborted
Essbase Error 1014041 - Failed to get the current thread's base priority. [%s] aborted
Essbase Error 1014042 - Failed to get the current thread's high priority. [%s] aborted
Essbase Error 1015000 - Missing Alias for Member [%s]
Essbase Error 1015001 - Alias Already Exists: Member [%s] Alias [%s] Not Loaded
Essbase Error 1015002 - Base Member Name Not Found: [%s] Alias Not Loaded: [%s]
Essbase Error 1015003 - Alias [%s] Greater Than Maximum Permitted Length
Essbase Error 1015004 - Member Already Has An Alias: Member [%s] Alias [%s] Not Loaded
Essbase Error 1015008 - Alias [%s] Does Not Exist For Database [%s]
Essbase Error 1015009 - Alias [%s] Already Exists For Database [%s]
Essbase Error 1015010 - Alias [%s] For Database [%s] Is Active And Can Not Be Unloaded
Essbase Error 1015011 - Alias [%s] For User [%s] Is Active And Can Not Be Unloaded
Essbase Error 1015012 - List Of Alias Tables For Database [%s] Is Empty
Essbase Error 1015013 - Alias [%s] For Database [%s] is Empty
Essbase Error 1015014 - No alias table for database [%s]
Essbase Error 1015015 - Cannot remove alias table [%s] from database [%s]
Essbase Error 1015016 - No more alias tables can be added to database [%s]
Essbase Error 1015017 - Invalid Alias for Member [%s]
Essbase Error 1015018 - [%s] is an invalid member name in alias combination for member
Essbase Error 1015019 - Too Many Aliases [%ld] To Dump For Database [%s]
Essbase Error 1016001 - Invalid FORMATCOLUMNS Value [%s]
Essbase Error 1016002 - Expected Numeric Character Position After SETCENTER, Not [%s]
Essbase Error 1016003 - No Member Name Following PAGEONDIM Specification
Essbase Error 1016004 - Unknown Dimension Member Name: [%s] Following PAGEONDIM
Essbase Error 1016005 - No Member Name Following PAGEONDIM Specification
Essbase Error 1016006 - Unknown Dimension Member Name: [%s] Following PAGEONDIM
Essbase Error 1016007 - No Member Name Following SKIPONDIM Specification
Essbase Error 1016008 - Unknown Dimension Member Name: [%s] Following SKIPONDIM
Essbase Error 1016009 - No Member Name Following SKIPONDIM Specification
Essbase Error 1016010 - Unknown Dimension Member Name: [%s] Following SKIPONDIM
Essbase Error 1016011 - No Member Name Following UNAMEONDIM Specification
Essbase Error 1016012 - Unknown Dimension Member Name: [%s] Following UNAMEONDIM

Essbase Error 1016013 - No Member Name Following UNAMEONDIM Specification
Essbase Error 1016014 - Unknown Dimension Member Name: [%s] Following UNAMEONDIM
Essbase Error 1016015 - Expected COLUMN or ROW after CALC Specification [%s]
Essbase Error 1016016 - Invalid Report Specification [%s]
Essbase Error 1016019 - Abnormal Exit From Report Writer
Essbase Error 1016020 - HEADING not allowed within STARTHEADING/ENDHEADING (use
Essbase Error 1016021 - Max WIDTH Allowed is 200: [%s]
Essbase Error 1016022 - Expected Legal Decimal Value for WIDTH: [%s]
Essbase Error 1016023 - Expected 'Variable' or Legal Decimal Value (0 to 40) for DECIMAL:
Essbase Error 1016024 - Expected 'Variable' or Legal Decimal Value (0 to 40) for DECIMAL:
Essbase Error 1016025 - Expected Legal Decimal Value for SCALE: [%s]
Essbase Error 1016026 - Expected Decimal Value Between 2 and 161 for NAMEWIDTH: [%s]
Essbase Error 1016027 - Expected Positive Decimal Value for SKIP: [%s]
Essbase Error 1016028 - Expected Positive Decimal Value for PAGEWIDTH: [%s]
Essbase Error 1016029 - Expected Quoted String for TEXT Specification after Position [%s]
Essbase Error 1016030 - Expected COLHDR Level for TEXT *COLHDR Specification [%s]
Essbase Error 1016031 - Expected Decimal Column Number for 2nd *COLHDR Specification
Essbase Error 1016032 - *MASK Option Not Allowed in MASK Specification [%s]
Essbase Error 1016033 - *MASK Option in TEXT, but no MASK Defined]
Essbase Error 1016034 - Requested *DATA Column is not Valid. Mbr: [%s] Col: [%s]
Essbase Error 1016035 - Requested *DATA Output in TEXT, but This Member is not a Data
Row [%s]
Essbase Error 1016036 - Requested *DATA Column is not Valid at This Point--Mbr: [%s] Col:
Essbase Error 1016037 - *DATA Command Output Too Wide--Max Width is [%s] - Truncated
Essbase Error 1016038 - Requested TEXT *CALC Output Column is Not a Data Column [%s]
Essbase Error 1016039 - Requested *CALC Data Column is not Valid at This Point--Mbr: [%s]
Col: [%s]
Essbase Error 1016040 - *CALC Must be Followed by Calc Row Name in Double Quotes, Not:
Essbase Error 1016041 - *CALC Name [%s] Not Defined
Essbase Error 1016042 - *CALC Command Output Too Wide--Max Width is [%s] - Truncated
Essbase Error 1016043 - Report Output Record Too Wide--Truncated
Essbase Error 1016045 - No Text Followed INVALTEXT Specification: [%s]
Essbase Error 1016046 - No Text in Double Quotes Followed UNDERLINECHAR Specification:
Essbase Error 1016047 - No Text in Double Quotes Followed UNDERSCORECHAR Specification:
Essbase Error 1016048 - Expected Positive Decimal Value for PAGELENGTH: [%s]
Essbase Error 1016049 - Expected Decimal Value Between 0 and 100 for LMARGIN: [%s]
Essbase Error 1016050 - Max Column Header Range Exceeded: [%s]

Essbase Error 1016051 - Page Header Report Output Record Too Wide--Truncated
Essbase Error 1016052 - Page Header Report Output Record Too Wide--Truncated
Essbase Error 1016053 - Page Header Report Output Record Too Wide--Truncated
Essbase Error 1016054 - Page Header Report Output Record Too Wide--Truncated
Essbase Error 1016055 - Page Header Report Output Record Too Wide--Truncated
Essbase Error 1016056 - Requested Column Does Not Exist. Column # [%s]
Essbase Error 1016057 - Col Header Report Output Record Too Wide--Truncated
Essbase Error 1016058 - Col Header Report Output Record Too Wide--Truncated
Essbase Error 1016059 - Requested Column Does Not Exist. Column # [%s]
Essbase Error 1016060 - Col Header Report Output Record Too Wide--Truncated
Essbase Error 1016061 - Col Header Report Output Record Too Wide--Truncated
Essbase Error 1016062 - Col Header Report Output Record Too Wide--Truncated
Essbase Error 1016063 - Col Header Report Output Record Too Wide--Truncated
Essbase Error 1016064 - Col Header Report Output Record Too Wide--Truncated
Essbase Error 1016065 - Report Output Data Record Too Wide--Truncated
Essbase Error 1016066 - Report Output Data Record Too Wide--Truncated
Essbase Error 1016067 - Column Order Resulted in Attempt to Access an Invalid Data Column:
Essbase Error 1016068 - Report Output Data Record Too Wide--Truncated
Essbase Error 1016069 - Report Output Data Record Too Wide--Truncated
Essbase Error 1016070 - Report Output Data Record Too Wide--Truncated
Essbase Error 1016071 - Report Output Data Record Too Wide--Truncated
Essbase Error 1016072 - Column Order Resulted in Attempt to Access an Invalid Data Column:
Essbase Error 1016073 - Report Output Data Record Too Wide--Truncated
Essbase Error 1016074 - Report Output Data Record Too Wide--Truncated
Essbase Error 1016075 - Max Columns Exceeded in Report Request: [%s]
Essbase Error 1016076 - No Column Name Found After CALC COL in Report Specification
Essbase Error 1016077 - Too Many Column Calc Definitions. Max is [%s]
Essbase Error 1016078 - Column Calc [%s] Has Too Many Tokens--Max is [%s]
Essbase Error 1016079 - Column Calc Referenced Calculated Row Name Which Doesn't Exist:
Essbase Error 1016080 - Column Calc Reference to Row Calc [%s] Must Include Column
Number, Not [%s]
Essbase Error 1016081 - Invalid Constant in Column Calc: [%s] [%s]
Essbase Error 1016082 - Maximum Constant Length in Col Calc is 50 Characters [%s] [%s]
Essbase Error 1016083 - Column Calc: Expected Column Number or Constant (w/Dec Point):
[%s] at [%s]
Essbase Error 1016084 - Too Many Constants in Calcs--Max is [%s] Constant: [%s]
Essbase Error 1016085 - Invalid CALC COL Column Number for [%s] : [%s] (Must be DATA
Column in Original Order)
Essbase Error 1016086 - Invalid CALC COL Syntax Following Column Name [%s]
Essbase Error 1016087 - Requested Column [%s] in Column Calc For [%s] Doesn't Exist
Essbase Error 1016088 - Requested Column [%s] in Column Calc For [%s] Doesn't Exist
Essbase Error 1016089 - RANGE operator (:) Only Allowed as First Operator [%s] -- Set to
Essbase Error 1016090 - RANGE operator (:) May Not Refer to Constants (w/Dec Points) [%s] --

Set to #Invalid
Essbase Error 1016091 - Requested Column [%s] in Column Calc For [%s] Doesn't Exist
Essbase Error 1016092 - Invalid Syntax on Column Calc [%s] -- Set to #Invalid
Essbase Error 1016093 - Expected Value Between 1 and [%s] for FIXCOLUMNS, Not: [%s]
Essbase Error 1016094 - No Row Name Found After CALC Row in Report Specification
Essbase Error 1016095 - Duplicate Row Calc Name: [%s] (May be Attached to Repeating
Essbase Error 1016096 - Too Many Row Calc Definitions. Max is [%s]
Essbase Error 1016097 - Invalid Calc Row Operator [%s] Encountered During Calc--Contact
your software provider
Essbase Error 1016098 - No Row Name Found After PRINTROW in Report Specification
Essbase Error 1016099 - PRINTROW Row Calc Name: [%s] Not Defined
Essbase Error 1016100 - No Row Name Found After CLEARROWCALC in Report Specification
Essbase Error 1016101 - CLEARROWCALC Row Calc Name: [%s] Not Defined
Essbase Error 1016102 - No Row Name Found After SETROWOPERATION in Report
Essbase Error 1016103 - SETROWOPERATION Row Calc Name: [%s] Not Defined
Essbase Error 1016104 - No Operator Found After SETROWOPERATION Report Specification
Essbase Error 1016105 - SETROWOPERATION: Invalid Operation: [%s]
Essbase Error 1016106 - Expected Character Enclosed in Double Quotes for BEFORE character
Essbase Error 1016107 - Expected Character Enclosed in Double Quotes for AFTER character
Essbase Error 1016108 - Too Many Row Calc Definitions Already Exist for this STORE. Max is
Essbase Error 1016109 - Invalid ROW CALC Column Number for [%s] : [%s] (Must be DATA
Column in Original Order)
Essbase Error 1016110 - Expected Equal Sign ('=') With Calc Row [%s] Not : [%s]
Essbase Error 1016111 - Too Many Values or Missing ']'to Right of '[' in Calc Row [%s] \nOnly
[%s] Calc Row Data Columns are Set Up at this Point
Essbase Error 1016112 - If You Need This Many Values Here, use FORMATCOLUMNS to Preset
The Number of Columns
Essbase Error 1016113 - Expected Decimal Number to Right of [ in Calc Row [%s]
Essbase Error 1016114 - No Row Name Found After \
Essbase Error 1016116 - Column Requested for [%s] in Row Calc for [%] is Not a Valid Data
Essbase Error 1016118 - Wrong {TEXT} format at [%s]
Essbase Error 1017000 - No active database being set, can not connect to Currency Database
Essbase Error 1017001 - The Application Database [%s] is not initialized
Essbase Error 1017002 - The requested Currency Database [%s] is not loaded
Essbase Error 1017003 - The Currency Database [%s] is not initialized
Essbase Error 1017004 - The database [%s] is not properly tagged as a Currency Database
Essbase Error 1017005 - No dimension of the Application Database [%s] is tagged as TIME
Essbase Error 1017006 - The tagged TIME member [%s] does not exist in Currency Database
Essbase Error 1017007 - The tagged TIME member [%s] is not in Currency TIME dimension
Essbase Error 1017008 - No dimension of the Application Database [%s] is tagged as

Essbase Error 1017009
Essbase Error 1017010
Essbase Error 1017011
Essbase Error 1017012
Essbase Error 1017013
Essbase Error 1017014
Essbase Error 1017015
Essbase Error 1017016
Essbase Error 1017018
Essbase Error 1017019
Essbase Error 1017020
Essbase Error 1017021
Essbase Error 1019001
Essbase Error 1019002
Essbase Error 1019003
Essbase Error 1019004
Essbase Error 1019005
Essbase Error 1019006
Essbase Error 1019007
Essbase Error 1019008
Essbase Error 1019009
Essbase Error 1019010
Essbase Error 1019011
Essbase Error 1019012
Essbase Error 1019013
Essbase Error 1019014
Essbase Error 1019015
Essbase Error 1019017
Essbase Error 1019018
Essbase Error 1019019
Essbase Error 1019020
Essbase Error 1019021
Essbase Error 1019022
Essbase Error 1019024
Essbase Error 1019025
Essbase Error 1019026
Essbase Error 1019028
Essbase Error 1019029

- Member [%s] of tagged COUNTRY dimension [%s] is not tagged with

- The tagged CURNAME member [%s] does not exist
- The tagged CURNAME member [%s] is not in Currency COUNTRY
- No dimension of the Application Database [%s] is tagged as
- No dimension of the Application Database [%s] is tagged as
- Member [%s] of tagged ACCOUNTS dimension [%s] is not tagged
- The tagged CCATEGORY member [%s] does not exist
- The tagged CCATEGORY member [%s] is not in Currency ACCOUNTS
- Removed [%s] data blocks
- Unknown Member [%s] in Currency Database [%s] for SETCRTYPE
- Member [%s] is not of TYPE dimension in Currency Database [%s] for

Currency Database Not Set to Database [%s]

Unable to Init Res Stack, Stack Ptr Not NULL
Unable To Open [%s]
Unable To Read Information From [%s]
Unable to write information to file [%s], errno is [%s].
Unable to Read [%s], Not a Recognized Format
Unable to Read [%s], Created Using A Previous Version
Unable To Read [%s], Type Does Not Match Name
Reading Application Definition For [%s]
Reading Database Definition For [%s]
Writing Application Definition For [%s]
Writing Database Definition For [%s]
Reading Outline For Database [%s]
Writing Outline For Database [%s]
Unable To Write Information For Database [%s]
Database Outline Already Loaded For Database [%s]
Reading Parameters For Database [%s]
Writing Parameters For Database [%s]
Reading Data File Free Space Information For Database [%s]...
Writing Free Space Information For Database [%s]
Reading Database Mapping For [%s]
Writing Database Mapping For [%s]
Reading Outline Transaction For Database [%s]
Reading Rules From Rule Object For Database [%s]
Unknown member [%s] found while processing string [%s]
Out of disk space, Unable to write information to file [%s]
Can not read data. Page file volume [%s] from the index section

differs from the volume defined by ARBORPATH [%s]

Essbase Error 1019030 - Checking Data Indexes For Database [%s]
Essbase Error 1019031 - Unable to write [%s]; database is in readonly mode for backup
Essbase Error 1019032 - Unable to write to [%s]; database is in readonly mode for archive
Essbase Error 1019034 - Reading Outline Change Log For Database [%s]
Essbase Error 1019035 - Writing Outline Change Log For Database [%s]
Essbase Error 1019036 - Dimension number [%s] for Database [%s] is invalid
Essbase Error 1019037 - Member number [%s] for Database [%s] is invalid
Essbase Error 1019038 - DB file is missing.
Essbase Error 1019039 - Cannot write to file [%s] because object type [%s] is invalid. Make
sure Essbase is properly installed and configured.
Essbase Error 1019040 - Unable to write to file [%s] because the application is shutting down
Essbase Error 1019041 - Unable to write information to file [%s], adWriteObject returns [%s].
See server logfile for details.
Essbase Error 1019042 - Unable to move the file pointer to the location specified for file [%s],
errno is [%s].
Essbase Error 1019043 - Error Creating Outline Pool For Database [%s]
Essbase Error 1019044 - Error Allocating Mem in Outline Pool For Database [%s]
Essbase Error 1019045 - Reading Partition Definition File For Database [%s]
Essbase Error 1019046 - Outline buffer cannot handle more than [%s] hole
Essbase Error 1019047 - Outline buffer error. Hole position [%s] does not match with [%s] in
the buffer
Essbase Error 1019048 - Outline buffer writing error. [%s] bytes written does not match with
hole size [%s]
Essbase Error 1019049 - Outline buffer error. Cannot flush buffer with [%s] hole to a
fragmented outline file
Essbase Error 1019050 - Outline buffer error. File position [%s] does not match with [%s]
bytes written
Essbase Error 1019051 - Total adReadStruct Elapsed Time using outline buffer: [%s] seconds
Essbase Error 1019052 - Total adOtlReadOutline Elapsed Time using outline buffer: [%s]
Essbase Error 1019053 - Total adOtlWriteOutline Elapsed Time using outline buffer: [%s]
Essbase Error 1019054 - Invalid Named Attribute Opcode For Member [%s]
Essbase Error 1020001 - Bad Binary spreadsheet table
Essbase Error 1020002 - Invalid Binary Spreadsheet token
Essbase Error 1020004 - An error [%s] occurred in Spreadsheet Extractor.
Essbase Error 1020005 - Report contains multiple title rows
Essbase Error 1020006 - Title row must be first row with member names
Essbase Error 1020007 - Not all dimensions represented for Update
Essbase Error 1020008 - Report mixes title row with multiple members from a single
Essbase Error 1020009 - [%s] is not a valid member.
Essbase Error 1020010 - No data was generated: Suppress Missing = [%s], Zeros = [%s].
Sheet not overwritten.
Essbase Error 1020011 - Maximum number of rows [%s] exceeded [%s].
Essbase Error 1020012 - Maximum number of columns [%s] exceeded [%s].

Essbase Error 1020013 - The resultant report cannot be retrieved. Your report heading cannot
be interpreted.
Essbase Error 1020014 - Your pivot operation has no effect on this report.
Essbase Error 1020016 - Pivot ending point cannot be determined.
Essbase Error 1020017 - Datapoint could not be determined.
Essbase Error 1020018 - Cannot Cascade on member [%s].
Essbase Error 1020019 - The sheet contains an unknown member: %s.
Essbase Error 1020021 - Member [%s] is out of place.
Essbase Error 1020022 - Member [%s] is out of place.
Essbase Error 1020023 - Currently, multiple reports per retrieval is not supported.
Essbase Error 1020024 - No valid members selected to Cascade upon.
Essbase Error 1020025 - Pivot starting point cannot be determined.
Essbase Error 1020027 - This operation would generate a nonsensical report.
Essbase Error 1020028 - This operation would generate a nonsensical report.
Essbase Error 1020030 - Token [%s] is out of place.
Essbase Error 1020031 - This report cannot be retrieved.
Essbase Error 1020032 - Data item found before member.
Essbase Error 1020033 - Binary spreadsheet table error.
Essbase Error 1020034 - Binary spreadsheet table token error.
Essbase Error 1020035 - Item [%s] cannot be Cascaded upon.
Essbase Error 1020036 - You cannot Cascade on more than one member from any dimension.
Essbase Error 1020037 - Currency Command in Report and No Currency Database Set
Essbase Error 1020038 - Member names must be present as row items to perform a pivot.
Essbase Error 1020039 - You are not allowed to lock blocks or update at this time.
Essbase Error 1020040 - Only one member per dimension is allowed. [%s]
Essbase Error 1020041 - You do not have sufficient access to perform a read on this database
Essbase Error 1020042 - You do not have sufficient access to perform a lock on this database
Essbase Error 1020043 - You do not have sufficient access to perform a %s on this database
Essbase Error 1020044 - The Spreadsheet Extractor does not support one dimensional
Essbase Error 1020045 - The resultant report cannot be retrieved. Your report heading cannot
be interpreted.
Essbase Error 1020046 - No valid members to pivot.
Essbase Error 1020047 - A column item [%s] conflicts with a row item [%s].
Essbase Error 1020048 - You must have a column header in order to perform this retrieval.
Essbase Error 1020050 - Your request cannot be performed.
Essbase Error 1020051 - Maximum number of rows processed [%s] exceeded [%s].
Essbase Error 1020052 - Spreadsheet Extractor internal error: [%s].
Essbase Error 1020053 - Spreadsheet Extractor internal error: Invalid input spreadsheet table.
Essbase Error 1020054 - Spreadsheet updates aborted. Failed to write to update log files.
Essbase Error 1020055 - Spreadsheet Extractor Elapsed Time : [%s] seconds
Essbase Error 1020056 - Your pivot operation cannot be performed on this report.
Essbase Error 1020058 - Unable to close audit trail file [%s]. Possible causes are file does not
exist or file is in use by another system operation. Make sure the file exists or that another
system operation is not using it.
Essbase Error 1020059 - Unable to open audit trail file [%s]. Possible causes are file does not

exist or file is in use by another system operation. Make sure the file exists or that another
system operation is not using it.
Essbase Error 1020060 - Unable to write audit trail file [%s]. You may have run out of disk
space in your Essbase application directory. Free up some disk space in your Essbase
application directory.
Essbase Error 1020061 - Unable to flush audit trail file [%s]. You may have run out of disk
space in your Essbase application directory. Free up some disk space in your Essbase
application directory.
Essbase Error 1020062 - Cannot attach Linked Reporting Objects to a range of cells. Create a
Linked Reporting Objects only for a single cell.
Essbase Error 1020063 - Valid Essbase data cell(s) must be selected prior to selecting the
Linked Object Menu
Essbase Error 1020064 - No linked partition defined within selected cell range
Essbase Error 1020065 - Valid Essbase data cell(s) must be selected prior to performing
Linked Object functions
Essbase Error 1020067 - Cannot perform zoom action on dynamic time series member [%s].
Essbase Error 1020068 - Invalid latest setting on dynamic time series member [%s].
Essbase Error 1020069 - Cannot pivot last row.
Essbase Error 1020070 - Cannot pivot last column.
Essbase Error 1020071 - Members locked will be released before calculation can proceed.
Essbase Error 1020072 - You are not allowed to perform a Lock or Send operation or be in
Update mode while the Navigate without data option is selected.
Essbase Error 1020073 - Filter access to the database does not allow you to access this data
Essbase Error 1020074 - Filter access to the database does not allow you to update this data
Essbase Error 1020075 - The resultant report cannot be retrieved. A dynamic time series
member in your report cannot be interpreted
Essbase Error 1020078 - Report contains inner row member with ambiguous parent.
Essbase Error 1020079 - Codeset conversion buffer too small.
Essbase Error 1020080 - Your sheet contains an Attibute Aggregation member with no
Attribute members present.
Essbase Error 1020081 - Member combinations with Attribute members are not allowed when
performing Linked Object operations.
Essbase Error 1021000 - Connection With SQL Database Server is Established
Essbase Error 1021001 - Failed to Establish Connection With SQL Database Server. See log file
for more information
Essbase Error 1021002 - SQL Connection is Freed
Essbase Error 1021003 - Connection String for [%s] is generated
Essbase Error 1021004 - Connection String is generated
Essbase Error 1021005 - Failed to Generate CONNECT string
Essbase Error 1021006 - SELECT Statement [%s] is generated
Essbase Error 1021007 - Failed to Generate SELECT Statement
Essbase Error 1021008 - Failed to Allocate Memory for SQL Context
Essbase Error 1021009 - Failed to Fetch the Next Record
Essbase Error 1021010 - Failed to Allocate Memory for SQL Buffers
Essbase Error 1021012 - Row: [%s]

Essbase Error 1021013

Essbase Error 1021014
Essbase Error 1021015
Essbase Error 1021016
Essbase Error 1021017
Essbase Error 1021018
Essbase Error 1021019
Essbase Error 1021020
Essbase Error 1021022
Essbase Error 1021024
more information
Essbase Error 1021025
connections. Please try
Essbase Error 1021027
Essbase Error 1021028
Essbase Error 1021030
Essbase Error 1021031
Essbase Error 1021033
Essbase Error 1021034
Essbase Error 1021035
Essbase Error 1021036
Essbase Error 1021037
Essbase Error 1021038
connections. Please try
Essbase Error 1022001
Essbase Error 1022002
Essbase Error 1022003
Essbase Error 1023001
Essbase Error 1023002
Essbase Error 1023003
Essbase Error 1023004
Essbase Error 1023005
Essbase Error 1023006
Essbase Error 1023007
Essbase Error 1023008
Essbase Error 1023009
Essbase Error 1023011
Essbase Error 1023012
Essbase Error 1023013
Essbase Error 1023014
Essbase Error 1023015
Essbase Error 1023016

ODBC Layer Error: [%s] ==> [%s]

ODBC Layer Error: Native Error code [%s]
Failed to Execute SQL Statement: [%s]
Executed SQL Statement: [%s]
Invalid SQL context
Execution of SQL statement canceled by user [%s]
Total Execution of SQL Statement Elapsed Time : [%s] seconds
Cannot read SQL driver name for [%s] from [%s]
Failed to access SQL driver
Failed to get the list of available SQL data sources. See server log for

- SQL driver [%s] for [%s] is in use already and does not allow multiple
- Failed to get the list of SQL tables. See log for more information
- Failed to get the list of table [%s] columns. See log for more
- List of tables is empty
- List of table [%s] columns is empty
- SQL data source name is not supplied for the connection string
- Table name is not provided. Failed to get the list of columns.
- Value in the column [%s] might be truncated to [%s] bytes
- Connection String [%s] is too long (exceeds [%s])
- SQL Config file syntax error [%s], ignored
- SQL driver for [%s] is in use already and does not allow multiple
- Administrator Has Temporarily Disabled User Update Commands
- User [%s] Does Not Have Correct Access for Command [%s]
- Database Outline Must Be Loaded For This Command
- No matching region defined for the specified server,app,db: [%s]
- Remote connection loops back to current database
- DB [%s] does not exist in current application
- User [%s] canceled database replication operation
- Update of replicated partition elapsed time : [%s] seconds
- Partition [%s] received parse error generating definition for area

Parse error in partition definition line [%s]

Member [%s] specified in mapping does not exist
Area [%s]: mapping contains too many NULL->member entries
Unable to map remote member [%s]
Area [%s] : unable to map sparse combination - skipping grid
Area [%s]: multiple NULL->MBR mapping elements map to same

- Area [%s]: multiple sparse combination members map to same

- Area [%s] : dense dim member maps to dim specified by sparse
- Area [%s] : members specified for same dimension map to different

Essbase Error 1023017 - Area [%s] : not all dims specified between sparse combination and
Essbase Error 1023024 - Linked members do not have the same dimensionality
Essbase Error 1023025 - Skipping member %s (remote name %s) not in local partition
Essbase Error 1023026 - Area [%s]: dimension at source does not exist at target
Essbase Error 1023027 - Area [%s]: unable to map grid - skipping data block
Essbase Error 1023028 - On-the-fly currency conversion not supported for transparent
Essbase Error 1023029 - Internal Error: remote commit requested but no txn active
Essbase Error 1023030 - Unable to commit remote site participating in distributed transaction
Essbase Error 1023031 - Unable to commit local site participating in distributed transaction
Essbase Error 1023032 - Area [%s] : dynamic calc member [%s] in sparse combination skipping grid
Essbase Error 1023033 - No write access to database %s
Essbase Error 1023034 - No read access to database %s
Essbase Error 1023035 - Insufficient access to perform operation
Essbase Error 1023036 - Current database is not defined as a replication source for any other
Essbase Error 1023037 - This server is not licensed with the application partition option
Essbase Error 1023038 - Error [%s] received initializing connection - see server log for details
Essbase Error 1023039 - Error [%s] received terminating remote connection - see server log
for details
Essbase Error 1023040 - msg from remote site [%s %s]
Essbase Error 1023041 - Current database is not defined as a replication target of any other
Essbase Error 1023042 - No areas defined for partition [%s]
Essbase Error 1023043 - Replication of all data cells required since some blocks were
removed since last refresh and timestamps are no longer available for these blocks
Essbase Error 1023044 - Processing distributed request from [%s]
Essbase Error 1023045 - Cached connection to remote site failed. Retrying...
Essbase Error 1023046 - Incorrect number of dimensions in request from remote site; [%s]
sent [%s] required; check member mapping between regions
Essbase Error 1023047 - Warnings(s) found in partition definition(s) - see server log for details
Essbase Error 1023048 - Error(s) found in partition definition(s) - see server log for details
Essbase Error 1023049 - Error(s) found in partition definition(s). Partition changes will not take
effect - see server log for details
Essbase Error 1023050 - Partition verification failed - see server log for details
Essbase Error 1023051 - Partition [%s] contains no areas
Essbase Error 1023052 - Partition [%s] contains member mapping errors
Essbase Error 1023053 - Partition [%s] overlaps with partition [%s]
Essbase Error 1023054 - Partition [%s] contains overlapping areas
Essbase Error 1023055 - Partition [%s] already exists from database [%s]
Essbase Error 1023056 - unable to process transparent request from [%s] because entire
request was not mappable; check area and mapping definitions
Essbase Error 1023057 - Cannot replace partition defn file while there are other active users
on database [%s], check application log for details

Essbase Error 1023058 - Transparent operation involving [%s] timed out. Retrying...
Essbase Error 1023059 - Replication operation generated %s warnings on %s - see remote
server log for details
Essbase Error 1023060 - Replication operation [Put Updates] generated %s warnings - see
server log for details
Essbase Error 1023061 - Replication operation [Get Updates] generated %s warnings - see
server log for details
Essbase Error 1023062 - Replicated partition source has sparse dynamic member [%s]
Essbase Error 1023063 - Unable to map remote latest time period member [%s]
Essbase Error 1023064 - Received RPC reqeuest [%s], Params [%s]
Essbase Error 1023065 - Definition of slice [%s] has only dynamic cells on the target
Essbase Error 1023066 - Unable to resolve location alias %s
Essbase Error 1023067 - Location alias %s not found -- delete failed
Essbase Error 1023069 - Location alias %s already exists
Essbase Error 1023070 - String %s is too long -- location alias create failed
Essbase Error 1023071 - Partition [%s] has definition [%s] using attribute members - partition
will be ignored
Essbase Error 1023072 - Partition [%s] has definition [%s] using base dimension members
Essbase Error 1023073 - One or more attribute dimensions were mapped away
Essbase Error 1023075 - HashBufferContents = [%s],[%s]
Essbase Error 1023076 - Partitioning protocols mismatch between source and target
Essbase Error 1023077 - Database [%s] has no dense dims - cannot store data
Essbase Error 1024000 - Syntax error! Null fixed region defined.
Essbase Error 1024001 - Query execution aborted. This query requires a [%s]k buffer. Set or
increase the query buffer size to [%s]k.
Essbase Error 1024003 - You do not have sufficient access to read from this database
Essbase Error 1024004 - You do not have sufficient access to write to this database
Essbase Error 1024005 - You do not have sufficient access to update data values on this
Essbase Error 1024007 - All members specified along one dimension were invalid. Request
cannot be satisfied
Essbase Error 1024008 - Grid Expansion enabled for this query.
Essbase Error 1024009 - Member %s specified for external reference formula does not exist
Essbase Error 1024010 - Members %s and %s added for external reference from same
Essbase Error 1024011 - Current period member %s specified for dynamic time series
external reference does not exist
Essbase Error 1024012 - Members %s and %s not in same dimension in external reference
Essbase Error 1024013 - Members %s and %s in same dimension in external reference call
Essbase Error 1030002 - Invalid call sequence in ESSAPI function %s
Essbase Error 1030003 - Unable to Allocate Requested Memory
Essbase Error 1030005 - Maximum allocation size (%s bytes) exceeded
Essbase Error 1030006 - You have exceeded the maximum [%s] connections for this session.
Essbase Error 1030007 - NULL structure pointer passed to EssInit function
Essbase Error 1030008 - NULL argument (%s) passed to ESSAPI function %s

Essbase Error 1030009 - Name too long (%s) in ESSAPI function %s

Essbase Error 1030010 - Invalid blank character in name (%s) in ESSAPI function %s
Essbase Error 1030011 - Invalid character in name (%s) in ESSAPI function %s
Essbase Error 1030012 - Improper access to ESSAPI function %s
Essbase Error 1030013 - Local operation not allowed in ESSAPI function %s
Essbase Error 1030014 - Invalid object type passed to ESSAPI function %s
Essbase Error 1030015 - Combined object type not allowed in ESSAPI function %s
Essbase Error 1030016 - Context to delete is not local
Essbase Error 1030017 - ESSAPI function %s called while processing message
Essbase Error 1030018 - Cannot create client identification file
Essbase Error 1030019 - The Essbase API version (%s) for this application is incompatible with
this version of the Essbase API (%s).
Essbase Error 1030021 - Illegal structure ID
Essbase Error 1030100 - Cannot open file: [%s]
Essbase Error 1030101 - Incorrect gen statement after member: %s
Essbase Error 1030102 - Invalid member name: %s
Essbase Error 1030103 - Invalid unary operator [%s] tagged on member: %s
Essbase Error 1030104 - Unknown ATYPE [%s] tagged on member: %s
Essbase Error 1030105 - Invalid tag command [%s] on member: %s
Essbase Error 1030106 - [%s] function is OBSOLETE
Essbase Error 1030200 - Cannot access object: %s
Essbase Error 1030201 - Cannot create object: %s
Essbase Error 1030202 - Cannot delete object %s
Essbase Error 1030203 - Cannot rename object: %s
Essbase Error 1030204 - Cannot create client directory: %s
Essbase Error 1030205 - Client directory does not exist: %s
Essbase Error 1030206 - Cannot create application directory: %s
Essbase Error 1030207 - Application directory already exists: %s
Essbase Error 1030208 - Application directory does not exist: %s
Essbase Error 1030209 - Cannot create database directory: %s:%s
Essbase Error 1030210 - Database directory already exists: %s:%s
Essbase Error 1030211 - Database directory does not exist: %s:%s
Essbase Error 1030212 - Object %s does not exist
Essbase Error 1030213 - Cannot create local file: %s
Essbase Error 1030214 - User [%s] cannot access calc script: %s
Essbase Error 1030215 - Client or server is not Version 5.0.2 or later. Error 1030216 - Invalid
file type specification (%s) passed to ESSAPI function %s.
Essbase Error 1030300 - Cannot rename application %s to %s
Essbase Error 1030301 - Cannot rename database %s to %s
Essbase Error 1030302 - Error writing database outline
Essbase Error 1030303 - No application specified for server rules object
Essbase Error 1030304 - No application specified for server data object
Essbase Error 1030400 - Invalid Blank argument(s) passed to eSSAutoLogin function
Essbase Error 1030500 - Number of SQL columns (%s) exceeded maximum (%s). Extra
columns have been truncated.
Essbase Error 1030530 - Unable to list information for more than (%s) users due to operating
system limitations. Information for (%s) users not provided.

Essbase Error 1030531 - Substitution variable definition is missing the variable name.
Essbase Error 1030532 - Substitution variable [%s] exceeds the maximum length (80)
Essbase Error 1030533 - Substitution variable [%s] can only have alphanumeric characters or
Essbase Error 1030534 - Substitution variable [%s] value exceeds the maximum length (256)
Essbase Error 1030602 - As of V5.0, explicit defragmentation of data freespace is unnecessary
because defragmentation of data freespace is performed dynamically by the Essbase Kernel.
Essbase Error 1030700 - No operation types specified for function [%s]
Essbase Error 1030701 - Invalid operation type [%s] specified for function [%s]
Essbase Error 1030702 - No data direction types specified for function [%s]
Essbase Error 1030703 - Invalid data direction type [%s] specified for function [%s]
Essbase Error 1030704 - Invalid area count (%s) passed to ESSAPI fn %s
Essbase Error 1030705 - Invalid area information passed to ESSAPI fn %s
Essbase Error 1030706 - Invalid file location %s
Essbase Error 1030707 - Invalid input: %s from argument %s is NULL
Essbase Error 1030708 - Invalid input: 0 as argument [%s]
Essbase Error 1030709 - Invalid file handle specified for function [%s]
Essbase Error 1030710 - No meta data direction types specified for function [%s]
Essbase Error 1030711 - Invalid meta data direction type [%s] specified for function [%s]
Essbase Error 1030712 - LRO File size exceeds size limit - %s K bytes
Essbase Error 1030713 - Invalid member count entered - %s
Essbase Error 1030714 - Invalid store object option entered - %s
Essbase Error 1030715 - Invalid object option entered - %s
Essbase Error 1030717 - Invalid object type entered - %s
Essbase Error 1030718 - Invalid object option for cell note entered - %s
Essbase Error 1030719 - Invalid object option for LRO files entered - %s
Essbase Error 1030720 - Empty cell note entered
Essbase Error 1030721 - Invalid object option for URL link entered - %s
Essbase Error 1030722 - Empty URL location string entered
Essbase Error 1030723 - Failed to initialize localization functions
Essbase Error 1030724 - Failed to set locale information
Essbase Error 1030725 - Failed to obtain locale information
Essbase Error 1040002 - Too many arguments supplied for this request
Essbase Error 1040003 - No length specified for data type
Essbase Error 1040004 - Invalid structure type. An application protocol error might exist
between server and client processes.
Essbase Error 1040006 - No message database specified
Essbase Error 1040007 - Cannot find message database %s, which is required for normal
operations. Make sure your PATH and ARBORPATH variables are pointing to the correct
directories. Make sure that %s exists in the ARBORPATH\bin directory
Essbase Error 1040008 - Error reading message database %s. %s could be corrupted, or it
could be the wrong version. Make sure that the file you are using is from the same Essbase
version level as the .exe and .dll files
Essbase Error 1040009 - Invalid message database format
Essbase Error 1040010 - Invalid data type for conversion
Essbase Error 1040011 - NULL network context passed to message function
Essbase Error 1040012 - Invalid structure type

Essbase Error 1040013 - Invalid structure field type

Essbase Error 1040014 - RegOpenKeyEx() Failed
Essbase Error 1040015 - RegQueryInfoKey() Failed
Essbase Error 1040016 - RegEnumValue() Failed
Essbase Error 1040017 - Host Name Not Available
Essbase Error 1040018 - Bad hostname to adNetIsLocalHost()
Essbase Error 1041000 - Network error [%s]: Cannot Create Named Pipe
Essbase Error 1041002 - Network error: Timed out waiting for connection, Error Code:(%s)
Essbase Error 1041003 - Network error [%s]: Cannot disconnect named pipe
Essbase Error 1041004 - Network error [%s]: Cannot send data
Essbase Error 1041005 - Network error [%s]: The Network API timed out waiting to receive
data from the Named Pipe. Increase the NetRetryCount and/or NetDelay values in your
ESSBASE.CFG file. Make sure you update this file on both client and server, if they exist on
different machines. Restart the client and try again.
Essbase Error 1041006 - Network error: Timed out waiting to receive message
Essbase Error 1041007 - Network error: Cannot locate connect information for %s
Essbase Error 1041008 - Network error: Cannot locate Essbase on server %s. Verify that the
%s is accessible using the Named Pipe and that the Essbase Agent is running on the server
Essbase Error 1041009 - Network error: Cannot connect to server %s
Essbase Error 1041010 - Network error: Cannot locate server %s
Essbase Error 1041011 - Network error [%s]:InitializeSecurityDescriptor failed
Essbase Error 1041012 - Network error [%s]: SetSecurityDescriptorDacl failed
Essbase Error 1041013 - Network error: Timed out sending data
Essbase Error 1041014 - Network error: NodeName required in ESSBASE.CFG for Named Pipe
Essbase Error 1042002 - Network error [%s]: Cannot Terminate Socket
Essbase Error 1042003 - Network Error [%s]: Unable To Locate [%s] In Hosts File
Essbase Error 1042004 - Network Error [%s]: Unable To Create Local Socket
Essbase Error 1042005 - Network Error [%s]: Unable To Bind Local Socket
Essbase Error 1042006 - Network Error [%s]: Unable To Connect To [%s]. The client timed out
waiting to connect to the Essbase Agent using TCP/IP. Check your network connections.
Essbase Error 1042007 - Network Error [%s]: Unable To Listen For Connections
Essbase Error 1042008 - Network Error [%s]: Unable To Accept Connections
Essbase Error 1042009 - Network Error [%s]: Unable To Create Host Server Socket
Essbase Error 1042010 - Network Error [%s]: Unable to Bind Host Server Socket On Port [%s]
Essbase Error 1042011 - Network error [%s]: Cannot Close Socket
Essbase Error 1042012 - Network error [%s]: Cannot Send Data
Essbase Error 1042013 - Network error [%s]: Cannot Receive Data
Essbase Error 1042015 - Network error: Cannot Locate Connect Information For [%s]
Essbase Error 1042016 - Network error [%s]: Connection has been closed
Essbase Error 1042017 - Network error: The client or server timed out waiting to receive data
using TCP/IP. Check network connections. Increase the NetRetryCount and/or NetDelay values
in the ESSBASE.CFG file. Update this file on both client and server. Restart the client and try
Essbase Error 1042018 - Network error: Timed out waiting to send message
Essbase Error 1042019 - Network error [%s]: Cannot initialize windows sockets
Essbase Error 1042020 - Network error [%s]: Cannot initialize windows sockets
Essbase Error 1042021 - Network error [%s]: Cannot initialize IBM sockets

Essbase Error 1042022

Essbase Error 1051000
Essbase Error 1051001
Essbase Error 1051002
Essbase Error 1051003
Essbase Error 1051004
Essbase Error 1051005
Essbase Error 1051006
Essbase Error 1051007
Essbase Error 1051008
Essbase Error 1051009
Essbase Error 1051010
Essbase Error 1051011
Essbase Error 1051012
Essbase Error 1051013
Essbase Error 1051014
Essbase Error 1051015
Essbase Error 1051016
Essbase Error 1051017
Essbase Error 1051018
Essbase Error 1051019
Essbase Error 1051020
Essbase Error 1051021
Essbase Error 1051022
Essbase Error 1051023
Essbase Error 1051024
Essbase Error 1051025
Essbase Error 1051026
Essbase Error 1051027
Essbase Error 1051028
Essbase Error 1051029
privileges than %s
Essbase Error 1051030
Essbase Error 1051031
Essbase Error 1051032
Essbase Error 1051033
Essbase Error 1051034
Essbase Error 1051035
Essbase Error 1051036
Essbase Error 1051037
Essbase Error 1051038
Essbase Error 1051039
Essbase Error 1051040
Essbase Error 1051041
Essbase Error 1051042
Essbase Error 1051043

Network info [%s]: Got Host Name

Received login request
Received client request: %s (from user %s)
Unrecognized command: %s
Error %s processing request [%s] - disconnecting
Logins are currently not permitted
Incorrect password
Disconnecting user %s from application %s
Invalid login id - request [%s] failed
Invalid login id - logout failed
Setting application %s active for user %s
The system is temporarily busy - please wait
System timed out (error %s)
User %s does not exist
User/group %s does not exist
User/group %s already exists
Invalid user/group name: %s
Cannot rename yourself!
Cannot delete yourself!
Cannot rename to same name!
Cannot alter your own access level
Cannot log yourself out!
You have been logged out due to inactivity or explicitly by the

Password too short - must be at least %s characters

Invalid type for user/group %s - ignored
Unknown name %s in user/group list - ignored
User %s is not permitted to access application %s
User %s is not permitted to access database %s
All logins are currently in use - please try again
Cannot remove last supervisor!
Cannot change access privileges. User/group %s has higher access

Application %s does not exist

Application %s already exists
Database %s does not exist
Database %s already exists
Logging in user %s
Last login on %s
%s unsuccessful attempt(s) since last login
Logging out user %s, active for %s
Filter %s does not exist
Filter %s already exists
Cannot copy filter %s to itself
Insufficient privilege for this operation
User %s has insufficient privilege
Cannot delete application - object %s locked by user %s

Essbase Error 1051044 - Cannot delete database - object %s locked by user %s

Essbase Error 1051045 - Cannot delete application %s - you are not the application creator
Essbase Error 1051046 - Cannot delete database %s - you are not the database creator
Essbase Error 1051047 - Cannot load spreadsheet [%s], file corrupted or password protected
Essbase Error 1051048 - Cannot rename a user who is currently logged in
Essbase Error 1051049 - Your software evaluation period has expired. Please contact your
database administrator for more information.
Essbase Error 1051050 - You must upgrade your client software to perform this function.
Essbase Error 1051051 - Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server - started
Essbase Error 1051052 - Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server - finished
Essbase Error 1051053 - *** Unauthorized access - program terminating
Essbase Error 1051054 - Starting autoload applications:
Essbase Error 1051055 - Timed out - cannot start application %s
Essbase Error 1051056 - Unknown application name %s - ignored
Essbase Error 1051057 - Application %s is already loaded
Essbase Error 1051058 - Timed out - cannot stop application %s
Essbase Error 1051059 - Application %s is not loaded
Essbase Error 1051060 - System password updated
Essbase Error 1051061 - Application %s loaded - connection established
Essbase Error 1051062 - Security file dumped to %s
Essbase Error 1051063 - All connections for user [%s] have been logged out!
Essbase Error 1051064 - *** Incorrect password!
Essbase Error 1051065 - Creating sample currency databases
Essbase Error 1051066 - Creating sample application and database
Essbase Error 1051067 - Database is already in archive read-only mode
Essbase Error 1051068 - Database is not in archive read-only mode
Essbase Error 1051069 - All connections for user [%s] have automatically been logged out!
Essbase Error 1051070 - InactivityCheck must be less than or equal to InactivityTime ...
setting InactivityCheck to %s
Essbase Error 1051071 - This version of Essbase (%s) is older than the version of the Essbase
API (%s) you are using.
Essbase Error 1051072 - Cannot create application: name is invalid.
Essbase Error 1051073 - Cannot delete application: name is invalid.
Essbase Error 1051074 - Differences found in license numbers: %s is registered, %s found in
security file.
Essbase Error 1051075 - Creating demo application and database
Essbase Error 1051076 - Database %s is in archive read-only mode
Essbase Error 1051077 - The server you have attempted to connect to is restricted to
personal use only. Please contact your database administrator for more information.
Essbase Error 1051078 - Received shutdown server request
Essbase Error 1051079 - Unable to shutdown server
Essbase Error 1051080 - You are not allowed to select an application.
Essbase Error 1051081 - You do not have sufficient access to create or update this
substitution variable.
Essbase Error 1051082 - This substitution variable already exists.
Essbase Error 1051083 - This substitution variable does not exist.
Essbase Error 1051084 - You do not have sufficient access to delete this substitution variable.

Essbase Error 1051085 - You do not have sufficient access to get this substitution variable.
Essbase Error 1051088 - Duplicate disk volume name [%s] encountered in the disk volume
settings for database [%s].
Essbase Error 1051089 - User name and password can not be the same
Essbase Error 1051090 - User Password has expired
Essbase Error 1051091 - User has been locked out. Please contact your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1051092 - User has not login the system for more than %s days. Please contact
your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1051093 - Please change the password now
Essbase Error 1051094 - The new password can not be the same as the old password
Essbase Error 1051096 - Failed to rename application [%s].
Essbase Error 1051097 - Creating Samppart application and Company database
Essbase Error 1051098 - Cannot rename the only supervisor
Essbase Error 1051099 - Creating Sampeast application and East database
Essbase Error 1051100 - Failed to add application %s. License restricted to one application.
Essbase Error 1051101 - Creating East database
Essbase Error 1051102 - Getting lock for Application %s failed
Essbase Error 1051103 - Failed to Initialize the Application Specific Concurrency Control
Structure for application %s.
Essbase Error 1051105 - Failed to add application. License does not allow this data storage
type. Please refer to the Essbase Documentation for valid settings.
Essbase Error 1051107 - \nCannot copy database %s between applications with different
storage types
Essbase Error 1052001 - Error reading from server
Essbase Error 1052002 - Error writing to server
Essbase Error 1052003 - Timed out reading from server
Essbase Error 1052004 - Timed out writing to server
Essbase Error 1053001 - Cannot open object file: %s
Essbase Error 1053002 - Cannot create application directory: %s [%s]
Essbase Error 1053003 - Application directory does not exist: %s
Essbase Error 1053004 - Cannot create database directory: %s [%s]
Essbase Error 1053005 - Database directory does not exist: %s
Essbase Error 1053006 - Invalid object type
Essbase Error 1053007 - Cannot rename object %s to %s
Essbase Error 1053008 - Cannot create object %s
Essbase Error 1053009 - Cannot delete object %s
Essbase Error 1053010 - Object %s is already locked by user %s
Essbase Error 1053011 - Object %s is not locked by user %s
Essbase Error 1053012 - Object %s is locked by user %s
Essbase Error 1053013 - Object %s unlocked by user %s
Essbase Error 1053014 - Object %s does not exist
Essbase Error 1053015 - Object %s already exists
Essbase Error 1053016 - Cannot open temporary file
Essbase Error 1053017 - Cannot open log file for application %s
Essbase Error 1053018 - Operation not permitted on outline objects
Essbase Error 1053019 - Cannot rename directory: %s [%s]
Essbase Error 1053020 - Error writing file: %s

Essbase Error 1053021 - Cannot copy object %s to itself

Essbase Error 1053022 - Database [%s] is in read-only mode for backup
Essbase Error 1053023 - User's log message: %s
Essbase Error 1054001 - Cannot load application %s - see server log file
Essbase Error 1054002 - Loading application %s is not currently permitted
Essbase Error 1054003 - Error %s loading application: %s
Essbase Error 1054004 - Application %s is not loaded
Essbase Error 1054005 - Shutting down application %s
Essbase Error 1054006 - Cannot terminate application %s
Essbase Error 1054007 - Application %s not responding
Essbase Error 1054008 - Cannot load application %s - enable IOPL in CONFIG.SYS
Essbase Error 1054009 - Application %s is currently not accepting connections
Essbase Error 1054010 - Application %s is currently not accepting user commands
Essbase Error 1054011 - Loading database %s is not currently permitted
Essbase Error 1054012 - Invalid syntax in filter line %s
Essbase Error 1054013 - Syntax error loading filters - operation canceled
Essbase Error 1054014 - Database %s loaded
Essbase Error 1054016 - Invalid file name [%s]. [%s] aborted
Essbase Error 1054017 - Cannot read from file with handle [%s], [%s] failed
Essbase Error 1054019 - Cannot modify settings for application [%s] while application is
loaded and user who has modified the settings is logged in
Essbase Error 1054020 - *** Missing command line password! [%s]
Essbase Error 1054021 - Cannot modify settings for application [%s]. See server log for more
Essbase Error 1054022 - Cannot copy application [%s] while database [%s] is in archive or
read only mode
Essbase Error 1054023 - Cannot modify settings for application [%s] while database [%s] is in
archive or read only mode
Essbase Error 1054024 - Agent on [%s] could be deadlocked. Increase number of t
Essbase Error 1054025 - Cannot rename application [%s] while database [%s] is in archive or
read only mode
Essbase Error 1054026 - Cannot create a new database in application [%s] while database
[%s] is in archive or read only mode
Essbase Error 1054027 - Application [%s] started with process id [%s]
Essbase Error 1054029 - Invalid parameter values for database file information request.
Essbase Error 1055001 - \n%s login system\n
Essbase Error 1055002 - \n Welcome to the Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server.\n\n Before using
this product, you will need to register your personal\n details, including the name of your
company or organization, your own\n name (which will be used to create your user id), and a
secret system\n password which you will need to use each time you run the product.\n\n Be
sure to choose a password which is easy to remember, but difficult\n to guess (you may wish
to write it down and keep it in a safe place).\n
Essbase Error 1055003 - \n The password must be at least %s charaters long, and it can
consist\n of any number of letters or spaces.\n\n
Essbase Error 1055004 - \nUser name and password can not be the same.\n\n

Essbase Error 1055005 - \n\nYou have entered the following details:\n

Essbase Error 1055006 - \n\tCompany name: %s
Essbase Error 1055007 - \n\tYour name: %s
Essbase Error 1055008 - \n\tSystem password: %s
Essbase Error 1055009 - \n\nThese will be used to create the initial system security
information\nincluding the system supervisor.\n
Essbase Error 1055010 - \n\rAre these details correct? (y/n):
Essbase Error 1055011 - \n\nRe-enter your details\n\n
Essbase Error 1055012 - \n\nRegistering user information\n
Essbase Error 1055013 - \nCreating initial system security defaults...\n
Essbase Error 1055014 - \n\r%s [%s]:
Essbase Error 1055015 - \n\rPlease re-enter (must be between %s and %s characters)
Essbase Error 1055016 - \nUnlimited login system\n
Essbase Error 1055017 - \r\n*** Abnormal shutdown request entered ***\r\nShutting down all
applications and exiting Essbase\r\n
Essbase Error 1055018 - \r\n*** A fatal error has happened, Essbase is trying to shutdown
Essbase Error 1055019 - \r\nShutdown request is aborted, Essbase will continue
Essbase Error 1055020 - \r\nCannot stop application %s
Essbase Error 1055021 - \nEssbase Default Storage type is Multidimensional\n
Essbase Error 1055022 - \nEssbase Default Storage type is DB2Relational\n
Essbase Error 1055023 - \nEssbase Default Storage type is Oracle Relational\n
Essbase Error 1055024 - \nEssbase Default Storage type is Undefined\n
Essbase Error 1055025 - \nHyperion Essbase OLAP Server - %s
Essbase Error 1055026 - \nCopyright 1991-2000 Hyperion Solutions Corporation.\nUS Patent
Number 5,359,724\nAll Rights Reserved.\n
Essbase Error 1055027 - \nSerial number: %s\n
Essbase Error 1055028 - \r\nRegistered to: %s\r\n %s\r\n\n
Essbase Error 1055029 - Use essbase <password> -b to start in background
Essbase Error 1055030 - Error:\t*** Incorrect password!\n
Essbase Error 1055031 - \r\nPlease type the system password:
Essbase Error 1055032 - \n\nStartup sequence completed\n
Essbase Error 1055033 - \nSecurity is enabled
Essbase Error 1055034 - \nSecurity is disabled
Essbase Error 1055035 - \nLogins are enabled
Essbase Error 1055036 - \nLogins are disabled
Essbase Error 1055037 - \nAgent Threads - %s
Essbase Error 1055038 - \nWaiting for Client Requests...\n
Essbase Error 1055039 - \nError: Cannot allocate memory.
Essbase Error 1055040 - \nError: Cannot create thread.
Essbase Error 1055041 - \nError: Cannot create daemon thread.
Essbase Error 1055042 - \n
Essbase Error 1055043 - \nExecuting command: %s\n
Essbase Error 1055044 - \n*** Usage: START application\n
Essbase Error 1055045 - \n*** Usage: STOP application\n
Essbase Error 1055046 - \nHyperion Essbase by courtesy of:\n%s

Essbase Error 1055047 - \n\n%s connection%s in use\n

Essbase Error 1055048 - \nNo users connected\n
Essbase Error 1055049 - %s port%s available\n
Essbase Error 1055050 - \nNo ports available\n
Essbase Error 1055051 - \n\n%s port%s in use\n
Essbase Error 1055052 - \nEnter system password:
Essbase Error 1055053 - \nUser [%s
Essbase Error 1055054 - ] is not logged in!\n
Essbase Error 1055055 - \n*** Usage: DUMP filename\n
Essbase Error 1055056 - \nEnter old system password:
Essbase Error 1055057 - Enter new system password:
Essbase Error 1055058 - Re-type new system password:
Essbase Error 1055059 - \n*** Passwords do not match!
Essbase Error 1055060 - \n*** Password must be less than 100 characters\n
Essbase Error 1055061 - \n*** Password must be at least %s characters\n
Essbase Error 1055062 - \nInvalid argument: %s\n
Essbase Error 1055063 - \nDebugging %sabled\n
Essbase Error 1055064 - \n*** Unknown user!\n
Essbase Error 1055065 - \n*** Usage: LOGOUTUSER user\n
Essbase Error 1055066 - \nCommands available are:\n\n
Essbase Error 1055067 - START application - start an application\n
Essbase Error 1055068 - STOP application - stop an application\n
Essbase Error 1055069 - USERS - list all connected users\n
Essbase Error 1055070 - PORTS - list port usage\n
Essbase Error 1055071 - LOGOUTUSER user - forcibly logout a user\n
Essbase Error 1055072 - PASSWORD - change the Essbase system password\n
Essbase Error 1055073 - DUMP filename - dump current state of security to a file\n
Essbase Error 1055074 - VERSION - display the Essbase version number\n
Essbase Error 1055075 - HELP - display this text\n
Essbase Error 1055076 - QUIT/EXIT - exit program (stop all applications)\n
Essbase Error 1055077 - \nERROR: Could Not Initialize Application specific Concurrency
Control structure for application %s.\n
Essbase Error 1055078 - ERROR: Invalid application index %s for Substitution Variable %s\n
Essbase Error 1055079 - ERROR: Invalid database index %s for Substitution Variable %s\n
Essbase Error 1055080 - \nERROR: Substitution Variable(s) corrupted in security file\n
Essbase Error 1055081 - ACTION REQUIRED: Redefine the applications for all Substitution
Essbase Error 1055082 - ACTION REQUIRED: Redefine the databases for all Substitution
Essbase Error 1060000 - Invalid outline handle passed to ESSOTL function %s
Essbase Error 1060001 - NULL argument (%s) passed to ESSOTL function %s
Essbase Error 1060002 - Invalid outline type
Essbase Error 1060003 - Invalid sort type
Essbase Error 1060004 - Invalid sorting compare function
Essbase Error 1060005 - Too many members to sort
Essbase Error 1060006 - The outline is a currency outline
Essbase Error 1060007 - There is no accounts dimension




There is no time dimension

There is no country dimension
Invalid member name (%s)
Invalid consolidation type
Illegal move of member
Invalid input member name string
Illegal member name
Duplicate member name
Illegal currency member
Illegal default alias name
Illegal combinational alias name
Illegal member combinational for alias
Illegal dimension tag
No time dimension defined
Duplicate alias
Illegal member formula
Shared member not at level 0
Shared member with no actual member
Accounts dimension is dense and time dimension sparse
Leaf member defined as a label member
Illegal time balance value
Illegal time balance skip value
Illegal share value
Illegal dimension storage value
Illegal storage category
Illegal alias table
Invalid user attribute
Cannot find user attribute %s
The maximum number of alias tables has been reached
Illegal alias table name
Alias table %s already exists
Cannot rename the default alias table
Cannot delete the default alias table
Invalid object type
Cannot create temporary file name
Invalid transaction type
Could not open file
Could not read from or Write to file
Invalid restructure type passed to ESSAPI function %s
Too many dimensions in a currency outline
Member name already used
Member name already used
Too many dimensions to configure
Outline has errors
Cannot find gen or level name
Invalid gen or level name passed to ESSAPI function %s
Gen or level name already exists

Essbase Error 1060057 - Dimension name expected

Essbase Error 1060058 - Shared member cannot have a formula
Essbase Error 1060059 - There is no alias combination
Essbase Error 1060060 - Gen or level already has a name
Essbase Error 1060061 - Illegal gen or level value
Essbase Error 1060062 - There is no alias for this member
Essbase Error 1060063 - There is no formula for this member
Essbase Error 1060064 - A shared member cannot have user-defined attributes
Essbase Error 1060065 - The generation or level name is the same as a member or alias
Essbase Error 1060066 - There is a generation or level name with the same name as the
member or one of its aliases
Essbase Error 1060067 - The source and destination alias tables are the same
Essbase Error 1060068 - The file was opened in the wrong mode to make this call
Essbase Error 1060069 - Illegal option
Essbase Error 1060070 - Level 0 virtual members must have a formula associated with them
Essbase Error 1060072 - Parent of an only child virtual member must also be virtual
Essbase Error 1060073 - Virtual member has more than 100 children
Essbase Error 1060074 - Dimension without children cannot be virtual
Essbase Error 1060075 - Unknown DTS member
Essbase Error 1060076 - Member in which to store data is type Dynamic Calc
Essbase Error 1060077 - DTS member is not enabled for this generation
Essbase Error 1060079 - Extended member comment exceeds maximum length
Essbase Error 1060080 - Invalid Structure ID
Essbase Error 1060081 - Attribute Dimension is not associated to the base dimension
Essbase Error 1060082 - Base member's level is not matching with the association level
Essbase Error 1060083 - Not an Attribute member
Essbase Error 1060084 - Base member is invalid. It Might be Attribute or Aggregate type
Essbase Error 1060085 - Attribute is not level zero
Essbase Error 1060086 - Attribute dimension is already associated
Essbase Error 1060087 - Not a sparse dimension(s)
Essbase Error 1060088 - Attribute is not associated with the base member
Essbase Error 1060089 - Non attribute dimension(s) exist(s) after attribute dimension
Essbase Error 1060090 - Attribute association and disassociation is not allowed for
shared/label only members.
Essbase Error 1060091 - Attribute longname for member %s is longer than ESS_MBRNAMELEN
Essbase Error 1060092 - NULL value for member name string
Essbase Error 1060093 - Invalid setting for usGenNameBy in attribute specifications
Essbase Error 1060094 - Invalid setting for usUseNameOf in attribute specifications
Essbase Error 1060095 - Invalid setting for delimiter in attribute specifications
Essbase Error 1060096 - Invalid setting for Date Format in attribute specifications
Essbase Error 1060097 - Invalid setting for usBucketingType in attribute specifications
Essbase Error 1060098 - Illegal numeric attribute value
Essbase Error 1060099 - Illegal boolan attribute value
Essbase Error 1060100 - Illegal date value.
Essbase Error 1060101 - Attribute dimension can not be followed by Standard/base
Essbase Error 1060102 - Illegal datatype for attribute

Essbase Error 1060103 - Attribute members datatype is not matching with Attribute
dimensions datatype.
Essbase Error 1060104 - Attribute parent-child category illegal
Essbase Error 1060105 - Attributes can not have associated UDAs
Essbase Error 1060106 - Refer to Error2 in ESS_OUTERROR_T
Essbase Error 1060107 - Illegal operation for the member
Essbase Error 1060108 - Illegal attribute value for level 0 attribute member
Essbase Error 1060109 - Boolean/AttrCalc dimensions have invalid children count
Essbase Error 1060110 - Illegal Attrcalc dimension/member name
Essbase Error 1060111 - More than one AttrCalc dimension
Essbase Error 1060112 - Invalid value being set for attribute memberinfo
Essbase Error 1060113 - Invalid value being set for attrcalc dimension/member memberinfo
Essbase Error 1060114 - Attribute Calculations dimension can not be created
Essbase Error 1060115 - Attribute Calculations dimension/member name already used.
Essbase Error 1060116 - Not a member
Essbase Error 1060118 - The error in operation has resulted in unrecoverable outline. Please
abort! do not save.
Essbase Error 1060119 - In the tree/subtree being traversed, Level 0 Attribute Member's long
name %s already used.
Essbase Error 1060120 - The member is not fetched as part of the query
Essbase Error 1070000 - Index cache is full. Please increase the index cache size for database
Essbase Error 1070013 - Index cache size ==> [%s] bytes, [%s] index pages.
Essbase Error 1070014 - Index page size ==> [%s] bytes.
Essbase Error 1070016 - Invalid index Context. [%s] aborted
Essbase Error 1070017 - Invalid file id [%s]. [%s] aborted
Essbase Error 1070018 - Invalid file handle [%s]. [%s] aborted
Essbase Error 1070019 - Invalid file name [%s]. [%s] aborted
Essbase Error 1070020 - Out of disk space. Cannot create a new [%s] file. [%s] aborted
Essbase Error 1070022 - Cannot Get a Free Frame From the Buffer Pool. [%s] aborted
Essbase Error 1070024 - Main page has not been written since [%s] file is created. Ignored
Essbase Error 1070026 - Corrupted Node Page in the B+tree. [%s] aborted
Essbase Error 1070028 - Chsize failed. [%s] aborted
Essbase Error 1070031 - Invalid frames link, [%s] aborted
Essbase Error 1070033 - Failed to allocate a fixed size memory pool. [%s] aborted
Essbase Error 1070035 - Recovering Database [%s] After Abnormal Termination...
Essbase Error 1070036 - The number of disk partitions is 0. [%s] aborted
Essbase Error 1070039 - Not Enough Memory to Allocate the Index Buffer Cache. Using
Essbase Error 1070041 - Index For Database [%s] Is Corrupted, Unable To Recover Free
Fragments. [%s] aborted
Essbase Error 1070042 - Recovering Free Space In The Data Files For The Database [%s]...
Essbase Error 1070043 - Unable to determine the amount of virtual memory available on the
Essbase Error 1070045 - File [%s] cannot be created because it already exists. [%s] aborted
Essbase Error 1070049 - Requested Cache Size + Internal Adjustment = [%s bytes]; Available
Virtual Memory: [%s Kbytes].

Essbase Error 1070051 - Duplicate key [%s.%s] found in AVL-Tree.

Essbase Error 1070052 - Key [%s.%s] not found in AVL-Tree.
Essbase Error 1070053 - Attempt to delete key [%s.%s] from an empty AVL-Tree.
Essbase Error 1070054 - Lookup of key [%s.%s] encountered an empty AVL-Tree.
Essbase Error 1070055 - Invalid traversal order [%s] on AVL-Tree.
Essbase Error 1070056 - Invalid lookup of AVL-Tree. [%s] aborted.
Essbase Error 1070057 - Database migration to the current version of Essbase is needed.
Essbase Error 1070058 - Database migration cannot be performed while the database is in
read-only mode
Essbase Error 1070059 - Migrating the database index from V4 format to V6 format ...
Essbase Error 1070060 - Converted [%s] index entries
Essbase Error 1070061 - Index migration from V4 format to V6 format completed successfully
Essbase Error 1070062 - Index migration from V4 format to V6 format failed
Essbase Error 1070063 - Database restructuring cannot be performed while the database is in
read-only mode
Essbase Error 1070064 - Deleted [%s] index entries
Essbase Error 1070066 - Cannot read from file with handle [%s], [%s] failed
Essbase Error 1070067 - Invalid file name [%s]. [%s] aborted
Essbase Error 1070068 - Recovering database [%s] during fatal error processing...
Essbase Error 1070069 - Expanding the index freespace cache for database [%s] to [%s]
index pages.
Essbase Error 1070070 - Performing index file recovery for database [%s].
Essbase Error 1070071 - Converting index file descriptors for database [%s].
Essbase Error 1070072 - Migration has resulted in an empty database
Essbase Error 1070073 - Restructuring has resulted in an empty database
Essbase Error 1070074 - Database migration to an index page size of [%s] is needed.
Essbase Error 1070075 - Sparse incremental restructuring is not supported during migration.
Apply all changes in the outline change log before attempting to migrate.
Essbase Error 1070076 - Converted [%s] LRO index entries
Essbase Error 1070077 - Locking the index cache pages into physical memory.
Essbase Error 1070078 - Turning off cache memory locking due to lack of physical memory.
Using virtual memory to allocate the remainder of the index and data caches.
Essbase Error 1070079 - Turning off cache memory locking due to insufficient privilege. Using
virtual memory to allocate the remainder of the index and data caches.
Essbase Error 1070080 - Using direct I/O for the index and data files.
Essbase Error 1070081 - Using buffered I/O for the index and data files.
Essbase Error 1070082 - Using no-wait I/O for the index and data files.
Essbase Error 1070083 - Using waited I/O for the index and data files.
Essbase Error 1070084 - Migrating the database index from V5 format to V6 format ...
Essbase Error 1070085 - Index migration from V5 format to V6 format completed successfully
Essbase Error 1070086 - Index migration from V5 format to V6 format failed
Essbase Error 1070087 - Migrating the database index to an index page size of [%s] ...
Essbase Error 1070088 - Index migration to an index page size of [%s] completed successfully
Essbase Error 1070089 - Index migration to an index page size of [%s] failed
Essbase Error 1070090 - Unable to unlock physical memory allocated for the index of
database [%s].
Essbase Error 1070091 - Not enough memory to allocate the index buffer cache. Using the

minimum size.
Essbase Error 1070092 - Waiting to swap an index cache page for database [%s].
Performance could potentially be improved by increasing the index cache size.
Essbase Error 1070093 - Error [%s] encountered while waiting for completion of an index flush
for database [%s].
Essbase Error 1070094 - Premature end of a file descriptor page chain for database [%s] was
Essbase Error 1070095 - Migrating the database index from V6 Beta I format to V6 format ...
Essbase Error 1070096 - Index migration from V6 Beta I format to V6 format completed
Essbase Error 1070097 - Index migration from V6 Beta I format to V6 format failed
Essbase Error 1070098 - Error [%s] encountered while waiting to traverse the index for
database [%s].
Essbase Error 1080001 - Block in the transaction list has an invalid status. [%s] aborted
Essbase Error 1080004 - Unable to set the transaction flag in the .ESM file. [%s] aborted.
Essbase Error 1080007 - Transaction Commit: [%s] blocks will be processed
Essbase Error 1080009 - Fatal error [%s] encountered during transaction commit.
Essbase Error 1080010 - The Transaction Manager component of the Essbase Kernel must
already have been initialized in order to begin a transaction.
Essbase Error 1080011 - The Transaction Manager component of the Essbase Kernel must
already have been initialized in order to commit a transaction.
Essbase Error 1080012 - The Transaction Manager component of the Essbase Kernel must
already have been initialized in order to abort a transaction.
Essbase Error 1080013 - Fatal error [%s] encountered during transaction abort.
Essbase Error 1080014 - Transaction [%s] aborted due to status [%s].
Essbase Error 1080015 - Unable to create Transaction Cleanup Daemon thread.
Essbase Error 1080016 - Error [%s] upon creating the event to stop the Transaction Cleanup
Essbase Error 1080017 - Error [%s] upon setting the event to stop the Transaction Cleanup
Essbase Error 1080018 - Error [%s] upon waiting for the Transaction Cleanup Daemon to stop.
Essbase Error 1080019 - Error [%s] upon deleting the Transaction Cleanup Daemon's Thread
Context resources.
Essbase Error 1080020 - Transaction Cleanup Daemon terminating due to error [%s].
Essbase Error 1080021 - Invalid transaction handle [%s] passed to the Essbase Kernel for
database [%s].
Essbase Error 1080022 - Reinitializing the Essbase Kernel for database [%s] due to a fatal
error ...
Essbase Error 1080023 - Reinitializing the Essbase Kernel for currency database [%s] due to a
fatal error ...
Essbase Error 1080024 - Reinitializing the Essbase Kernel for currency database [%s] due to a
fatal error ...
Essbase Error 1080026 - Unable to recover database [%s] while the database is in read-only
Essbase Error 1080027 - Performing transaction recovery for database [%s] following an
abnormal termination of the server.
Essbase Error 1080028 - Performing transaction recovery for database [%s] during fatal error

Essbase Error 1080029 - Transactions for database [%s] have temporarily been disabled.
Please retry your operation later.
Essbase Error 1080030 - The Transaction Manager component of the Essbase Kernel must
already have been initialized in order to disable transactions.
Essbase Error 1080032 - Forcibly aborting transaction [%s] while quiescing update activity on
database [%s].
Essbase Error 1080033 - TCT File opened (fd = %s)
Essbase Error 1080034 - TCT File closed (fd = %s)
Essbase Error 1080035 - TCT File read error (%s, %s)
Essbase Error 1080036 - TCT File write error (%s, %s)
Essbase Error 1080037 - Transaction [%s] aborted due to invalid transaction status [%s].
Essbase Error 1080038 - Terminating the Essbase Application Server process due to a fatal
error encountered by the Essbase Kernel for database [%s].
Essbase Error 1080039 - Unable to create the Database Writer's thread.
Essbase Error 1080040 - Error [%s] upon setting the event to stop the Database Writer.
Essbase Error 1080041 - Error [%s] upon waiting for the Database Writer to stop.
Essbase Error 1080042 - Database Writer terminating due to error [%s].
Essbase Error 1080043 - Error [%s] upon creating the event to start the Database Writer.
Essbase Error 1080044 - Error [%s] upon setting the event to start the Database Writer.
Essbase Error 1080045 - Error [%s] upon waiting for the Database Writer to start.
Essbase Error 1090000 - Cannot create temporary file name
Essbase Error 1090001 - Column Ordering is Incorrect (Column %s)
Essbase Error 1090002 - Member Missing For Add As Of Child Dimension Setting For
Dimension [%s]
Essbase Error 1090003 - Dimension Invalid For Column [%s]
Essbase Error 1090004 - Unable To Open File [%s]
Essbase Error 1090005 - Unable To Read From File [%s]
Essbase Error 1090006 - Revision Invalid For From File [%s]
Essbase Error 1090007 - Member [%s] For Add As Of Child Dimension Is From Wrong
Essbase Error 1090008 - Field Label (Column %s) does not match build method
Essbase Error 1090009 - File [%s] Can Not Be Read, The File is Password Protected
Essbase Error 1090010 - Error in File [%s] Which is a [%s] Spreadsheet
Essbase Error 1090011 - Unable to Open Error File (%s)
Essbase Error 1090012 - Unable to Process Rules File (%s)
Essbase Error 1090013 - Cannot Open Data Source
Essbase Error 1090014 - Initialization failed - Memory Error
Essbase Error 1090015 - Error processing data file
Essbase Error 1090016 - Illegal DUPLEVEL (Column %s)
Essbase Error 1090017 - Column Contains Invalid Generation (Column %s)
Essbase Error 1090018 - Error Initializing Outline Information
Essbase Error 1090019 - Error Modifying Outline Information
Essbase Error 1090020 - Dynamic Reference Initialization failed
Essbase Error 1090021 - Error Initializing Dimension Field Name Information
Essbase Error 1090022 - Processing Terminated - No Valid Build Fields
Essbase Error 1090023 - Bad string length [%s] found reading outline

Essbase Error 1090024 - Bad region type found reading region defn file
Essbase Error 1090025 - Invalid slice map count found reading region defn file
e Error 1090026 - Bad data direction found in region defn file
Essbase Error 1090027 - Unable to open file %s
Essbase Error 1090028 - File %s has bad type
Essbase Error 1090029 - Unable To Create File [%s]
Essbase Error 1090030 - Advanced numeric method (Column %s) does not match attribute
dimension type
Essbase Error 1090031 - Range size must be greater than 0
Essbase Error 1090032 - Base dimension (%s) not sorted for ranges
Essbase Error 1090033 - Dimension in column %s is not a base dimension for (%s)
Essbase Error 1090034 - ATTRPARENT column %s must precede a numeric or date/time
attribute association column
Essbase Error 1090035 - ATTRPARENT column %s gen value %s must match next column gen
Essbase Error 1090036 - There were errors validating the outline. Please check the error file.
Essbase Error 1120000 - Unable to lock file [%s].
Essbase Error 1120001 - Unable to unlock physical memory allocated by the Essbase Kernel
for database [%s].
Essbase Error 1140000 - Invalid LRO Context. [%s] aborted
Essbase Error 1140002 - Invalid member name entered - %s.
Essbase Error 1140003 - index entry for Linked Object not found. [%s]
Essbase Error 1140004 - mismatch linked object handle. [%s] aborted
Essbase Error 1140005 - Missing member name.
Essbase Error 1140007 - Corrupted Node Page in the LRO B+tree. [%s] aborted
Essbase Error 1140008 - Object type can not be updated. [%s]
Essbase Error 1140009 - You do not have sufficient access to perform a %s on this database
Essbase Error 1140011 - This server is not licensed with the Linked Object option
Essbase Error 1140012 - Unable to [%s] linked object; database is in readonly mode for
Essbase Error 1140013 - Invalid cell address entered.
Essbase Error 1140014 - Unable to delete LRO file - [%s]
Essbase Error 1140015 - Invalid member count [%s], expected [%s] members
Essbase Error 1140017 - Unable to add a linked object in [%s] due to object handle overflow.
Essbase Error 1140018 - Attribute members not allowed in LRO operations.
Essbase Error 1150000 - Cannot apply file [%s], error [%s] returned
Essbase Error 1150001 - Cannot read from file handle [%s]
Essbase Error 1150003 - Cannot create alias table [%s], error [%s] encountered
Essbase Error 1150004 - Cannot delete alias table [%s], error [%s] encountered
Essbase Error 1150005 - OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot add dimension [%s], error [%s] encountered
Essbase Error 1150006 - OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot delete dimension [%s], error [%s]
Essbase Error 1150007 - OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot update dimension [%s], error [%s]
Essbase Error 1150008 - OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot move dimension [%s], error [%s]

Essbase Error 1150009 - OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot rename dimension [%s], error [%s]
Essbase Error 1150010 - OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot add member [%s], error [%s] encountered
Essbase Error 1150011 - OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot delete member [%s], error [%s] encountered
Essbase Error 1150012 - OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot move member [%s], error [%s] encountered
Essbase Error 1150013 - OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot update member [%s], error [%s] encountered
Essbase Error 1150014 - OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot rename member [%s], error [%s]
Essbase Error 1150019 - There is 1 message in the application log identifying a change that
was not applied during outline synchronization.
Essbase Error 1150020 - There are %s messages in the application log identifying changes
that were not applied during outline synchronization.
Essbase Error 1150021 - OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot find location for adding member [%s]
Essbase Error 1150022 - OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot find member [%s] to rename
Essbase Error 1150023 - OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot find member [%s] to move
Essbase Error 1150024 - OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot find destination for moving member [%s]
with parent [%s]
Essbase Error 1150025 - OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot find member [%s] to update
Essbase Error 1150026 - OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot find dimension [%s] to rename
Essbase Error 1150027 - OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot find dimension [%s] to move
Essbase Error 1150028 - OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot find destination for moving dimension [%s]
Essbase Error 1150029 - OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot find dimension [%s] to update
Essbase Error 1150030 - OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot find location for adding dimension [%s]
Essbase Error 1150031 - OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot find attribute dimension [%s] to associate
with dimension [%s]
Essbase Error 1150032 - OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot find attribute [%s] to associate with member
Essbase Error 1150033 - OUTLINE SYNC: Attribute dimension [%s] deleted due to missing
base dimension
Essbase Error 1150034 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Global Error -- Too many dimensions in
currency outline
Essbase Error 1150035 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Global Error -- Attribute calculations
dimension is absent
Essbase Error 1150036 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: No Global Error
Essbase Error 1150037 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Unknown Global Error
Essbase Error 1150038 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Member errors follow
Essbase Error 1150039 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: No errors
Essbase Error 1150040 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Member %s verification fails
Essbase Error 1150041 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal member name %s
Essbase Error 1150042 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Duplicate member name %s
Essbase Error 1150043 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal currency member %s
Essbase Error 1150044 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal default alias for member %s
Essbase Error 1150045 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal alias combination for member %s
Essbase Error 1150046 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal alias string for member %s
Essbase Error 1150047 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal tag for member %s
Essbase Error 1150048 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: No time dimension for member %s
Essbase Error 1150049 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Duplicate alias for member %s

Essbase Error 1150050 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal member formula for member %s
Essbase Error 1150051 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Shared member %s not at level 0
Essbase Error 1150052 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Shared member %s with no actual member
Essbase Error 1150053 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Accounts dimension is dense and time
dimension sparse
Essbase Error 1150054 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Leaf member %s defined as a label member
Essbase Error 1150055 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Alias shared for member %s
Essbase Error 1150056 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal time balance value for member %s
Essbase Error 1150057 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal time balance skip value for member
Essbase Error 1150058 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal share value for member %s
Essbase Error 1150059 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal dimension storage value for member
Essbase Error 1150060 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal category for member %s
Essbase Error 1150061 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal storage category for member %s
Essbase Error 1150062 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Base member (%s) association level does not
match base dimension association level
Essbase Error 1150063 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Attribute dimension can not be followed by
Standard/base dimensions
Essbase Error 1150064 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Attribute member (%s) datatype is not
matching with Attribute dimensions datatype.
Essbase Error 1150065 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Attribute parent-child category illegal for
member %s
Essbase Error 1150066 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Attribute Dimension %s is not associated to
the base dimension
Essbase Error 1150067 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Attribute member %s can not have
associated UDAs
Essbase Error 1150068 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Boolean/AttrCalc dimension %s has invalid
children count
Essbase Error 1150069 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal Attrcalc dimension/member name %s
Essbase Error 1150070 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Invalid value being set for attribute
memberinfo of member %s
Essbase Error 1150071 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Invalid value being set for attrcalc
dimension/member memberinfo
Essbase Error 1150072 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal datatype for attribute member %s
Essbase Error 1150073 - OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal attribute value for level 0 attribute
member %s
Essbase Error 1160000 - The size of outline change records exceeds [%s], changes are not
logged. Please increase OutlineChangeLogFileSize setting to [%s]
Essbase Error 1170000 - AttrTest Info [%s] [%s]
Essbase Error 1170010 - Number of base members with the Attribute association is [%s]
Essbase Error 1200000 - Framework initialization failed, error code [%s]
Essbase Error 1200001 - Error [%s] preprocessing macro [%s]
Essbase Error 1200002 - Compilation failed
Essbase Error 1200003 - Optimization stage error [%s]
Essbase Error 1200004 - Program tree rebuild error [%s]
Essbase Error 1200005 - Dependency checking error [%s]




Unable to create execution control data structure

Error [%s] executing function [%s] during optimization
Invalid array length specified
Invalid object type
Internal calculator framework error
Error : index out of range
Calculator framework error: stack full
Error: memory buffer full
Error getting function signature. Invalid function code: [%s]
Error: name redefinition
Error: bracket mismatch
Syntax error: expression expected after [%s]
Syntax error: operator expected after [%s]
Error: nothing to do
Error: semicolon missing
Error: identifier expected after [%s]
Invalid declaration
Invalid assignment
Invalid variable name
Invalid initializer
Invalid number format
Error: no matching quote found
Error: invalid argument number
Error: invalid argument
Error: [%s] without [%s]
Error: [%s] without [%s]
Error: [%s] without [%s]
Error: [%s] without [%s]
Error: [%s] without [%s]
Error: [%s] without [%s]
Error: procedure without [%s]
Error: [%s] without procedure
Error: [%s] without [%s]
Error: [%s] without [%s]
Error: [%s] without [%s]
Error: [%s] must be function
Error: name is reserved
Expression is constant
Error: construction requires more points
Error: spline data invalid (may be repeated points)
Error: invalid weight
Error: invalid data
Type mismatch: argument [%s] cannot be [%s]
Error: name redefinition
Error: invalid type
Error: invalid dimension
Unexpected end of expression: [%s]

Essbase Error 1200359 - Error: illegal procedure variable name

Essbase Error 1200360 - Error: illegal syntax
Essbase Error 1200361 - Error: unknown function: [%s]
Essbase Error 1200362 - Error: [%s] withour [%s]
Essbase Error 1200363 - Invalid array dimension
Essbase Error 1200364 - Arguments have different dimensions ([%s] and [%s])
Essbase Error 1200365 - Infinite loop suspected. Execution cancelled
Essbase Error 1200366 - Invalid macro argument number
Essbase Error 1200367 - Error: invalid moving window width
Essbase Error 1200368 - Error: delimiter mismatch Error 1200369 - Error: cannot cross
members from the same dimension
Essbase Error 1200370 - Error: attempt to cross a null member
Essbase Error 1200371 - [%s] dimension undefined. No default parameter allowed
Essbase Error 1200372 - Error: range not from the [%s] dimension
Essbase Error 1200373 - Error: argument must be a valid generation or level name or number
Essbase Error 1200374 - Invalid expression return type
Essbase Error 1200375 - Invalid procedure syntax
Essbase Error 1200376 - Fatal error: core function [%s] undefined
Essbase Error 1200377 - Invalid [%s] syntax
Essbase Error 1200378 - Empty [%s] block
Essbase Error 1200379 - Error: arrays have different sizes
Essbase Error 1200380 - Invalid tag
Essbase Error 1200381 - Invalid range
Essbase Error 1200382 - Invalid dimension number in projection
Essbase Error 1200383 - Invalid SKIP instruction
Essbase Error 1200384 - Invalid execution mode
Essbase Error 1200385 - Invalid macro syntax
Essbase Error 1200386 - Number of arguments in a macro must be an integer
Essbase Error 1200387 - Invalid member name
Essbase Error 1200390 - Basis member for allocation not supplied
Essbase Error 1200391 - Invalid method specified to allocate function
Essbase Error 1200392 - Allocation amount must include a member from every allocation
range dimension. Calculation results may be unpredictable
Essbase Error 1200393 - Round member must include a member from every allocation range.
Calculation results may be unpredictable
Essbase Error 1200394 - Allocation range is empty. Calculation results may be unpredictable
Essbase Error 1200395 - Xref connection to data source [%s] timed out. Restoring
Essbase Error 1200396 - Invalid argument number in argument request
Essbase Error 1200397 - Invalid argument type (double expected)
Essbase Error 1200398 - Invalid argument type (member range expected)
Essbase Error 1200399 - Invalid argument type (external variable or array expected)
Essbase Error 1200400 - Scalar double argument expected
Essbase Error 1200401 - Single member argument expected
Essbase Error 1200402 - Single string argument expected
Essbase Error 1200403 - Single range argument expected
Essbase Error 1200404 - Single numerical argument expected

Essbase Error 1200405 - Operands of a binary operator have different dimensions

Essbase Error 1200406 - Error: attempt to redefine constant [%s]
Essbase Error 1200407 - Error: attempt to redefine function [%s]
Essbase Error 1200408 - Error: attempt to redefine macro [%s]
Essbase Error 1200409 - Internal error: calculator stack contains a null object
Essbase Error 1200410 - Error [%s] getting parameters for function [%s]
Essbase Error 1200411 - Error [%s] executing function [%s]
Essbase Error 1200412 - Argument type mismatch in function [%s]
Essbase Error 1200413 - Argument dimension mismatch in function [%s]
Essbase Error 1200414 - Argument [%s] may not have length [%s]
Essbase Error 1200415 - Internal error: unexpected end of program code
Essbase Error 1200416 - Cannot assign [%s] objects of different length
Essbase Error 1200417 - Cannot assign objects of different types ([%s] and [%s])
Essbase Error 1200418 - Cannot assign objects of different length ([%s] and [%s])
Essbase Error 1200419 - Attempt to assign an object of type [%s] where [%s] was expected
Essbase Error 1200420 - Error encountered on line [%s]
Essbase Error 1200421 - Error encountered on or after line [%s]
Essbase Error 1200422 - Expected type [%s] found [%s]
Essbase Error 1200423 - Exceeded [%s] iterations in [%s]. The result may be meaningless
Essbase Error 1200426 - Argument missing in function [%s]
Essbase Error 1200427 - Invalid date format string in function [%s]
Essbase Error 1200428 - Arguments out of range when compiling a formula involving
@POWER and constants. Returned value may be different from versions < 6.0
Essbase Error 1200429 - Argument [%s] is out of range when compiling a formula involving
@FACTORIAL and constants. Returned value may be different from versions < 6.0
Essbase Error 1200430 - Division by zero occured when compiling a formula involving
constants. Returned value may be different from versions < 6.0
Essbase Error 1200431 - Formula for member [%s] altered internally
Essbase Error 1200432 - Original formula [%s] Modified formula [%s]
Essbase Error 1200434 - Invalid operator specified in function [%s]
Essbase Error 1200436 - Error: procedure should return a value. [%s] operator missing
Essbase Error 1200437 - Error: invalid mode [%s] in function [%s]
Essbase Error 1200438 - Compiling formula for member [%s]
Essbase Error 1200439 - Reserved token [%s] encountered on line [%s] currently not
Essbase Error 1120110 - Could not open the DB2 OLAP Server configuration file.
Essbase Error 1120111 - No relational database name was supplied in the DB2 OLAP Server
configuration file.
Essbase Error 1120113 - DB2 OLAP Server has encountered an error. %s
Essbase Error 1120200 - The cube could not be located in the Cube Catalog table.
Essbase Error 1120201 - The number of start-up connections is greater than the maximum
pool size.
Essbase Error 1120202 - A database with the name [%s] already exists in the relational
database for this application.
Essbase Error 1120300 - Anchor dimension definition cannot be changed with data loaded.
Outline changes rejected. Remove all data from the database and try again.
Essbase Error 1120301 - No anchor dimension specified. Outline changes rejected. Specify an

anchor dimension and try again.

Essbase Error 1120302 - More than one anchor dimension specified. Outline changes rejected.
Essbase Error 1120303 - Anchor dimension specified is SPARSE. The anchor dimension must
be DENSE. Outline changes rejected.
Essbase Error 1120304 - Not enough columns remain in the fact table to store the added
dimensions. Outline changes rejected.
Essbase Error 1120305 - Not enough columns remain in the fact table to store the anchor
dimension members added. Outline changes rejected.
Essbase Error 1120306 - A short name for the dimension could not be created. Rename the
dimension and try again.
Essbase Error 1120307 - A relational name for a fact column could not be created.
Essbase Error 1120308 - DB2 OLAP Server could not select a suitable anchor dimension from
those in the outline. Outline changes rejected.
Essbase Error 1120309 - The system selected anchor dimension [%s] cannot be replaced by a
user-specified anchor dimension with data loaded. Outline changes rejected.
Essbase Error 1120310 - The system selected anchor dimension [%s] has been deleted with
data loaded. Outline changes rejected.
Essbase Error 1120311 - The system selected anchor dimension [%s] has been made SPARSE
with data loaded. Outline changes rejected.
Essbase Error 1120312 - The system selected anchor dimension [%s] has been made SPARSE
but no suitable replacement anchor dimension could be found. Outline changes rejected.
Essbase Error 1120313 - The system selected anchor dimension [%s] has been deleted but no
suitable replacement anchor dimension can be found. Outline changes rejected.
Essbase Error 1120314 - The migration of database [%s] has begun.
Essbase Error 1120315 - The migration of database [%s] has ended successfully.
Essbase Error 1120316 - The addition of alias table [%s] has failed because its name is the
same as a current relational attribute column name on dimension [%s]. Outline changes were
Essbase Error 1120323 - Database [%s] in application [%s] was not started because the
outline file does not match the outline stored in the relational database.
Essbase Error 1120501 - Some relational database commits worked and some failed.
Database [%s] in application [%s] may not be valid.
Essbase Error 1120801 - The outline restructure used up all the available [%s] bytes of
memory. Increase the data or index cache by [%s] bytes to improve outline restructure
Essbase Error 1120900 - The relational database environment could not be initialized.
Essbase Error 1120901 - An error was encountered when closing the relational database
Essbase Error 1120902 - Using default isolation level of cursor stability. The value specified in
the configuration file is not valid.
Essbase Error 1120903 - DB2 OLAP Server could not establish a connection to the relational
database %s.
Essbase Error 1120904 - DB2 OLAP Server could not establish a connection to the relational
database %s.
Essbase Error 1120905 - The relational database returned information when a connection was
Essbase Error 1120906 - The relational database returned information when a connection was

Essbase Error 1120907 - The relational database returned information when the DB2 OLAP
Server disconnected.
Essbase Error 1120908 - Failure to set the isolation level prevented a connection to the
relational database being established.
Essbase Error 1120909 - Failure to set the autocommit option prevented a connection to the
relational database being established.
Essbase Error 1120910 - The relational database returned an error when the DB2 OLAP Server
committed a transaction.
Essbase Error 1120911 - The relational database returned an error when the DB2 OLAP Server
aborted a transaction.
Essbase Error 1120912 - An SQL statement failed to execute.
Essbase Error 1120913 - The relational database returned information when executing an SQL
Essbase Error 1120914 - The relational database returned an error when the DB2 OLAP Server
released an execution statement.
Essbase Error 1120915 - DB2 OLAP Server could not obtain an execution statement from the
relational database.
Essbase Error 1120916 - DB2 OLAP Server encountered an error when attempting to lock a
table in the relational database.
Essbase Error 1120918 - DB2 OLAP Server was unable to lock a table because it is already
Essbase Error 1120919 - The relational database returned information when the DB2 OLAP
Server locked a table.
Essbase Error 1120920 - DB2 OLAP Server encountered an error while preparing to read data.
Essbase Error 1120921 - DB2 OLAP Server encountered an internal error while preparing to
read data.
Essbase Error 1120922 - DB2 OLAP Server encountered an error while preparing to run an
SQL statement to read data.
Essbase Error 1120923 - DB2 OLAP Server detected an internal error while reading data.
Essbase Error 1120924 - The relational database returned information when data was read.
Essbase Error 1120925 - The relational database returned an error when data was read.
Essbase Error 1120926 - The relational database returned information following an extended
Essbase Error 1120927 - The relational database returned an error when processing an
extended read.
Essbase Error 1120928 - The relational database returned an error when preparing an
extended read.
Essbase Error 1120929 - The relational database returned information when the DB2 OLAP
Server requested a named data cursor.
Essbase Error 1120930 - The relational database returned an error when the DB2 OLAP Server
requested a named data cursor.
Essbase Error 1120931 - DB2 OLAP Server encountered a column with an unsupported data
type while copying a table.
Essbase Error 1120932 - DB2 OLAP Server encountered a column with an unknown data type
while copying a table.
Essbase Error 1120937 - Database error information: %s.

Essbase Error 1120938 - The relational database returned an error when the DB2 OLAP Server
requested a result column count.
Essbase Error 1120939 - The relational database returned information when the DB2 OLAP
Server requested a result set description.
Essbase Error 1120940 - The relational database returned an error when the DB2 OLAP Server
requested a result set description.
Essbase Error 1120941 - DB2 OLAP Server encountered an internal error while preparing an
SQL string.
Essbase Error 1120942 - The relational database returned information when the DB2 OLAP
Server prepared an SQL SELECT statement.
Essbase Error 1120943 - The relational database returned information when the DB2 OLAP
Server read internal ID data.
Essbase Error 1120944 - The relational database returned an error when the DB2 OLAP Server
read internal ID data.
Essbase Error 1120945 - DB2 OLAP Server encountered an internal error when attempting to
allocate a new internal ID.
Essbase Error 1120946 - DB2 OLAP Server encountered an error when attempting to query
configuration information for the relational database.
Essbase Error 1120947 - DB2 OLAP Server encountered an error because DB2 is not enabled
for multiple concurrent connections.
Essbase Error 1120952 - The relational database has encountered an error: %s
Essbase Error 1121000 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to open the storage manager. %s (%s)
Report this error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121001 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to close the storage manager. %s (%s)
Report this error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121002 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to open an application. %s (%s) Report this
error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121003 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to close an application. %s (%s) Report this
error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121004 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to open a database. %s (%s) Report this
error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121005 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to close a database. %s (%s) Report this
error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121006 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to open a thread. %s (%s) Report this error
to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121007 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to close a thread. %s (%s) Report this error
to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121008 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to open a transaction. %s (%s) Report this
error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121009 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to close a transaction. %s (%s) Report this
error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121010 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to commit a transaction. %s (%s) Report this
error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121011 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to abort a transaction. %s (%s) Report this
error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121012 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to fix a block. %s (%s) Report this error to
your system administrator.

Essbase Error 1121013 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to fix the next block. %s (%s) Report this
error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121014 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to read a block. %s (%s) Report this error to
your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121015 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to unfix a block. %s (%s) Report this error to
your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121016 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to set the database to a read-only state. %s
(%s) Report this error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121017 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to set the database to a read-write state. %s
(%s) Report this error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121018 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to clear data from the database. %s (%s)
Report this error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121019 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to retrieve database information. %s (%s)
Report this error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121020 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to retrieve database runtime information. %s
(%s) Report this error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121021 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to free database information. %s (%s) Report
this error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121022 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to restructure a database. %s (%s) Report
this error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121023 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to create a new database. %s (%s) Report
this error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121024 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to delete a database. %s (%s) Report this
error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121025 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to rename a database. %s (%s) Report this
error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121026 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to copy a database. %s (%s) Report this error
to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121027 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to archive a database. %s (%s) Report this
error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121028 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to validate a database. %s (%s) Report this
error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121029 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to create a new application. %s (%s) Report
this error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121030 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to delete an application. %s (%s) Report this
error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121031 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to rename an application. %s (%s) Report
this error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121032 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to copy an application. %s (%s) Report this
error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121033 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to link an object. %s (%s) Report this error to
your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121034 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to delete a linked object. %s (%s) Report this
error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121035 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to update a linked object. %s (%s) Report
this error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121036 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to get a linked object. %s (%s) Report this

error to your system administrator.

Essbase Error 1121037 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to get the catalog of linked objects. %s (%s)
Report this error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121038 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to list the linked objects. %s (%s) Report this
error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121039 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to purge the linked objects. %s (%s) Report
this error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121040 - IBM DB2 OLAP Server 5679-OLP (C) Copyright IBM Corp., 1998. All
rights reserved. Licensed Materials - Property of IBM. US Government Users Restricted Rights.
Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule contract with IBM Corp.
Essbase Error 1121041 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to create a list of LRO flags. %s (%s) Report
this error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121042 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to free LRO memory. %s (%s) Report this
error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121043 - DB2 OLAP Server failed to retrieve the current database settings. %s
(%s) Report this error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121044 - DB2 OLAP Server internal error.
Essbase Error 1121102 - DB2 OLAP Server could not continue because the [%s] entry in the
rsm.cfg file is not a supported parameter. Report this error to your system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121103 - DB2 OLAP Server could not continue because the [%s] parameter in
the rsm.cfg file is not supported in the section for application [%s]. Report this error to your
system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121104 - DB2 OLAP Server could not continue because the [%s] parameter in
the rsm.cfg file is not supported in the section for database [%s]. Report this error to your
system administrator.
Essbase Error 1121105 - DB2 OLAP Server could not continue because the value [%s]
specified in the rsm.cfg file for parameter [%s] is incorrect. Report this error to your system
Essbase Error 1121200 - The LRO object was not updated because the provided status did not
match the status in the LRO table.
Essbase Error 1121201 - The LRO object was not updated because the provided object type
did not match the object type in the LRO table.
Essbase Error 1121202 - The update or get LRO operation failed because the LRO object was
not found in the LRO table.
Essbase Error 1121302 - The removal of the relational attribute column [%s] failed because
relational attributes exist in the column. The column must be empty before being removed.
Outline changes were rejected.
Essbase Error 1121303 - No relational attribute column name was found after the RELCOL
keyword for dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.
Essbase Error 1121304 - No data type was found after the RELCOL keyword and relational
attribute column name [%s] for dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.
Essbase Error 1121305 - The relational attribute column name [%s] specified after the
RELCOL keyword for dimension [%s] is too long. Outline changes were rejected.
Essbase Error 1121306 - No recognized data type was found after the RELCOL keyword and
relational attribute column name [%s] for dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.
Essbase Error 1121307 - No size was found following a character data type after the RELCOL
keyword and relational attribute column name [%s] for dimension [%s]. Outline changes were

Essbase Error 1121308 - No matching single quote was found at the end of a column name
after the RELCOL keyword for dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.
Essbase Error 1121309 - The column name [%s] after the RELCOL keyword for dimension [%s]
does not conform to the naming convention for columns in the relational database. Outline
changes were rejected.
Essbase Error 1121310 - The column name [%s] after the RELCOL keyword for dimension [%s]
is the same as the name of a current relational attribute column or an attribute column being
deleted. Outline changes were rejected.
Essbase Error 1121311 - The column name [%s] after the RELCOL keyword for dimension [%s]
is the same as the name of a current alias table. Outline changes were rejected.
Essbase Error 1121312 - No relational attribute column name was found after the RELVAL
keyword for member [%s] in dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.
Essbase Error 1121313 - No data value was found after the relational attribute column name
and RELVAL keyword for member [%s] in dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.
Essbase Error 1121314 - The relational attribute column name specified after the RELVAL
keyword for member [%s] in dimension [%s] is too long. Outline changes were rejected.
Essbase Error 1121315 - The column name specified after the RELVAL keyword for member
[%s] is not recognized as an existing relational attribute column for dimension [%s]. Outline
changes were rejected.
Essbase Error 1121316 - No quotes were found surrounding the character data after the
RELVAL keyword and relational attribute column name for member [%s] in dimension [%s].
Outline changes were rejected.
Essbase Error 1121317 - No matching single quote was found at the end of a column name
after the RELVAL keyword for member [%s] in dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.
Essbase Error 1121318 - Character data following the RELVAL keyword is larger than the size
specified for the relational attribute column for member [%s] in dimension [%s]. Outline
changes were rejected.
Essbase Error 1121500 - Current anchor dimension [%s] is dimension number
Essbase Error 1121501 - Number of blocks currently fixed
Essbase Error 1121502 - High water number of blocks fixed
Essbase Error 1121503 - Number of blocks currently cached
Essbase Error 1121504 - High water number of blocks cached
Essbase Error 1121505 - Maximum number of cache blocks
Essbase Error 1121506 - Block cache hit rate
Essbase Error 1121507 - Number of keys currently cached
Essbase Error 1121508 - High water number of keys cached
Essbase Error 1121509 - Maximum number of cached keys
Essbase Error 1121510 - Key cache hit rate
Essbase Error 1121511 - Percent waste fact table space in unused columns
Essbase Error 1121512 - Number of values per row in the fact table
Essbase Error 1121513 - Maximum number of rows per block in the fact table
Essbase Error 1121514 - Current number of connections
Essbase Error 1121515 - High water number of connections
Essbase Error 1121516 - Connection pool size
Essbase Error 1121517 - Maximum connection pool size
Essbase Error 1121518 - High water block cache size

Essbase Error 1121519 - High water key cache size

Essbase Error 1180000 - Autodelete group (%s) is not an Essbase/400 group. Autodelete
Essbase Error 1180001 - Cannot autodelete only supervisor!
Essbase Error 1180002 - OS400UsersGroup (%s) is not an OS/400 Group User Profile,
OS400UsersGroup disabled
Essbase Error 1180003 - OS400UsersGroup (%s) is not an Essbase/400 group,
OS400UsersGroup disabled
Essbase Error 1180004 - OS400CommonGroup (%s) ignored. It is not an OS/400 Group User
Essbase Error 1180005 - OS400CommonGroup (%s) ignored. It is not an Essbase/400 group
Essbase Error 1180006 - Autodelete group (%s) has been deleted, Autodelete disabled
Essbase Error 1180007 - User (%s) holds lock on object (%s). Autodelete skipped
Essbase Error 1180008 - OS400UsersGroup group (%s) has been deleted, OS400UsersGroup
Essbase Error 1180009 - Attempt to rename OS400UsersGroup [%s] group disallowed
Essbase Error 1180010 - Attempt to rename OS400AutoDelete [%s] group disallowed
Essbase Error 1180011 - Attempt to rename OS400CommonGroup [%s] group disallowed
Essbase Error 1180012 - Attempt to rename OS400 integrated user [%s] disallowed
Essbase Error 1180013 - OS/400 Change Password validation error: [%s]
Essbase Error 1180018 - Received Get NLS Info request
Essbase Error 1180019 - NLS Configuration differs between client and server
Essbase Error 1180020 - NLS Configuration cannot be verified with non-OS/400 Essbase
Essbase Error 1180021 - Total Calc CPU Time : [%s] seconds
Essbase Error 1180022 - Calc Percent CPU: [%s]
Essbase Error 1180023 - Free space management overflow. Sorting input data based on
sparse columns before loading or using SQL ORDER BY clause to order on sparse columns in
data load rule file may alleviate this problem
Essbase Error 1180024 - %s error(s) logged during data load operation
Essbase Error 1180025 - ESSCMD/400 exiting
Essbase Error 1180026 - Too few arguments for %s command. Each missing argument will be
substituted with <ARGUMENT-MISSING>. This may cause the command to fail. See
subsequent messages (if any) to determine if this command was successful.
Essbase Error 1180027 - You must login before using the %s command
Essbase Error 1180028 - You must select a Database before using the %s command
Essbase Error 1180029 - Error(s) logged during dimension build operation
Essbase Error 1180030 - User (%s) is managed via Integrated Security. This change must be
made via OS/400 User Profile management interfaces
How to Encrypt Essbase Maxl Scripts
This blog which I'm going to write....probably you all know about this....but I was unaware....So
this is for those souls who still don't know the trick.
It's a challenge of every Essbase developer when it comes to the security be if Filters, Maxl
scripts.....and especially Maxls....

Maxl script needs a username and password to be passed as a prompt or you should hard
cord it into the script, which in turn somebody can access the script and learn the Admin
username and password....which in turn is a risk....I know many will have counter arguments
that will include....the person who is having access to the server should be an admin (yes I
always use this argument to counter the infrastructure counterpart).
So what I used to do was to use a java util to encrypt the password and use that as the
original password and fool people saying that it is an encrypted ain't it.....
But now I learned something where I can use Maxl itself to encrypt the username and
password and even strings that is used in the Maxl.
So here we go.
Open up a command prompt and issue command essmsh -gk to create a public key and
private key for your essbase server.

C:\Users\ckattookaran>essmsh -gk
Essbase MaxL Shell - Release 9.3.1 (ESB9.
Copyright (c) 2000, 2007, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
All rights reserved.
Public Key for Encryption: 25159,850102129
Private Key for Decryption: 240764119,850102129
MaxL Shell completed
The Public key will be used for encrypting the Maxl and Private key to de-crypt it.
So as an example I'm using a Maxl which a simple login MaxL.
spool on to 'C:\\Hyperion\\Maxl_Logs\\login.log';
login admin password on locahost;
spool off;
Issue the command essmsh -E to encrypt the Maxl script
essmsh -E "c:\Users\ckattookaran\Documents\My Data\Maxl &
Shell scripts\login.txt" 25159,850102129

After the command is successfully completed you'll now have a file with .txts extension (this
may vary with the extension that you are using for the Maxl, if you are using .mxl then it'll
be .mxls)
The content of the .txts file is
spool on to 'C:\\Hyperion\\Maxl_Logs\\login.log';
login login
010812008451704913969265807220406317 on on locahost;
spool off;


Now we can look at the string encryption, let say that I don't want the to reveal the server
name then you can issue the command essmsh -ep to encrypt the string.
C:\Users\ckattookaran>essmsh -ep localhost 25159,850102129
Essbase MaxL Shell - Release 9.3.1 (ESB9.
Copyright (c) 2000, 2007, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
All rights reserved.

MaxL Shell completed

So now that the Maxl is encrypted we can run the Maxl using and Private Key.
essmsh -D "c:\Users\ckattookaran\Documents\My Data\Maxl &
Shell scripts\login.txt" 240764119,850102129
So that's about Encryption of Maxl scripts

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