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Reporting Department

June 20, 2016

Creativity Festival Activities

The aim of this interview is to
know what do students learn
from doing this activity?
What is their achievement?
And how they solve the
problem during making

Di Hu 11DL
Di was a big fan of biology and
refuses to take video during
the interview. But we can feel
her passion toward 3d models.
Form her thoroughly wet
sleeves, dirty hand and curly
hair, I can tell that.

3D Scientific Model
For the very first beginning of the creative week, student have
already started making interesting models, we see some

What are they doing?

Claimed by Ms. Ng, students do not make useless stu,
instead, these models are going to be used as teaching
materials for better understanding and therefore maximise
the utility of the models. I saw body organs (paper made),
happy people. They are actually into their job.

Doyang Park

Joey Cao

Jimmy Xia 1

Reporting Department

June 20, 2016

Phobie Xiao 11NS

Phobie was the one who didnt
make up in the morning, quite
unusual for her. She requested to
take photos of her but frustrated
about her appearance. Our
cameraman has shown some
skills and finally come up with the
picture above, she was pleased
with it and so as me.

Whats going on?!

Mixed Martial Arts!!!!!

Doyang Park

Joey Cao

Jimmy Xia 2

Reporting Department

June 20, 2016

Mr. Ng hugging Mr. Jacobs!? True love? Envy from Ms. Ng?
Apparently students are enjoying this, emotion, action,
passion, love, caring and romance. This is Martial Arts! Feel
the soul of martial arts, twisting our love, our body, our
spirits. Learn to love, love your enemy, love your body, as
well as your enemys body. Feel your body, feel your enemys
body, find his/her weakness, with your love and body.
Unfortunately we cant upload videos in the paper, so try to
imagine this form of art, with your love. We love martial
arts, and we love you, so you love us, therefore we love each
other. Yeah.

These couples are similar. Looks
cool. They played basketball for 2.5
days with humid weather. Well

Doyang Park

Joey Cao

Jimmy Xia 3

Reporting Department

June 20, 2016

MUN tried to go to moon

On 20th June, this Hungarian tried to go to Mars. However, after
the launch, the rocket broke and that Hungarian space explorer
is injured. His right arm is fractured and right leg is totally
destroyed but he can still walk. Whatever. He blamed the
countries who encouraged space exploration.
Hungarian space explorer said My fellow astronaut Wang is
dead. It was terrible. And whose fault is it? and listed the
countries who supported space exploration.
It made us think that there are some complex aspects of space
explorations such as responsibilities and credits for success.

should we
look to say
this is a
Chess of all
The trump card contains queens and kings which is a main character in chess. So it is chess. Cope
with it!! IT IS CHESS.
Doyang Park

Joey Cao

Jimmy Xia 4

Reporting Department

June 20, 2016

But some actual chess was going on probably. MAYBE they were acting.

These are criminals

Money making is easy.

Money making is easy. You just buy goods at
cheaper price and sell it with higher price. Oh you
need one more thing. GREED~~ or in other words
passion towards money.

Doyang Park

Joey Cao

Jimmy Xia 5

Reporting Department

June 20, 2016

Eco Crafts.
Weapon making. People made weapons with trash. One interesting question comes to my mind is that
whats the use of the guns. Maybe to scare Mr. Thiedman. By the way the hand on the right is Mr.
Thiedmans hand.

Mr. Thiedman you should be careful

now. Some people is

Doyang Park

Joey Cao

Jimmy Xia 6

Reporting Department

June 20, 2016

Lego city.
For the first two days they only had lego robots. But on the third day, they finally get to make some
lego city. Hmm it will be better to say towns and vehicles.

High eciency


Doyang Park

Joey Cao

Jimmy Xia 7

Reporting Department

June 20, 2016

Digital painting.
Amazing art work. very precise and good looking and good atmosphere. But does digital painting
mean painting with digital devices?

They are broadcasting our

creativity festival

Nice and worm drawings

Nice and worm drawings

Doyang Park

Joey Cao

Jimmy Xia 8

Reporting Department

June 20, 2016

Striking and Fielding Sports (baseball,

softball, cricket, rounders)
They had to do field sports but it rained for 2 days. Sad

Skills mate.

Doyang Park

Joey Cao

Jimmy Xia 9

Reporting Department

June 20, 2016

Chinese Paper
cutting and
Swag. Chinese swag. Paper swag. Swag

Doyang Park

Joey Cao

Jimmy Xia 10

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