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Extra credit 7

Racing extinction
Opening ---- how humanity is not dealing with the issue of extinction
Setting cameras on body to do uncover investigation, in which asked to order
whale for meal. Its a bingo. Brought into news faces federal charges in
custoners plate endangered species undercover stint.
Expire naturally, we will be driving 1000 times faster than it should be
extinction of species.
Whale gonna extinct just like dinosaur. disseminated by shipping traffic.
Beautiful of nature the sounds when can be heard. Now we gradually stop
listening to these sounds.
Many of the species that were recorded. Repository is the livjng example of
massive extinction of species that is going.
Humanity has become the asteroid. People changing their career to save species,
being killed. Ex shark fisherman changing their career for shark tourism in
mexico island earned more. Bust ring selling endangered species. Shown dried
shark fins are being laid by the sun.
Explosion of demand shark fins in CHina, a lot of sharks are caught for fins trade.
Heartbreaking where nobody gets the reality video of shark without fins laying on
the coral reefs Indonesia island.
Scene undercover work in China, they went to walmart of the endangered
species trade of hong kong. Obviously the business speople dont like people
filming their trade. So they undercover as culinary specialists so called shop
inquire selling seafood. The china person is seen to said something like every
meat of the shark is being sold, not that they leave the shark alive without fins,
die struggling like how the greenies claimed. Biggest facility, scale out of
control, lots of shark fins on top of the roof.
Snapping pictures of species to be kept as memories. Shown that the barrier reef
forest eroded before and after picture. Direct human activity, habitat destruction,
fishing, global climate change. Oceans are slowly changing, mass extinction is
driven by changing the environmentwhich can trigger great catastrophe.
Massive increase in carbon dioxide, spike. Burning fossil fuels, reversing
geological history. Gulf of oil spill is nothing compare to our everyday modern
life. The expense of everything going forward. Oceans chemistry is changing
rapidly. CO2 gets absorbed by the ocean, carbonic acid, co2 react with water
ocean becomes more acidic. Dissolve increases, eroded. The change its gonna
create for food chain, change of diet, dramatic.
Converting natural habitat into land for food. Greater co2 methane emissions.
Cows produce methane as farts. Methane is more potent as a climate change gas
than co2. Inefficient way of producing food.
The more illegal the food the more you got to go to backroom. Rays replacing
sharks in market. Wings cant be used for shark fin soup. Meats are pungid,
pungent. We are running out of sharks due to sars, so what can we replace with.

Manta ray gills, traditional Chinese medicine stores, so called benefits started as
Shark fins soup advertisemen

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