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FIRE SAFETY OPERATION BOOKLET SHIP'S NAME : MS. “EAGLE TOLEDO” DATE : MAR. 01 2003 IMABARI SHIPBUILDING CO.,LTD. : Section A _ Fire-fighting on board . (1) General principles on fire for crew members on board X0nly general description is given, therstare modiy itor add necessary information fn according to your procedure, if necessary. All the crew sh all observe the following general principles on fire in daily fi ® Using .fire or electricity or smoking in places other than those ‘designated are prohisited without permission of the master. @® Heaters, toasters, irons and other electric appliances are to be used in places authorized by the master. @ Electrical wiring, light installing and using private electric appliances are net allowed without permission of master. © Explosives or other dangerous goods should not be possessed by crew members. © No moc master, © Bear in ming that oi or paint-soaked waste could reach ignition point if piled up and lef unattended, fication of electric aapliances on board is allowed withaut permission of the (2) Measures to be taken in case of fire and Emergency Station Bills 1) General Fire Extinguishing Procedute (referred from.TM issued by APSSS) Work shall be impiemented in the order ofthe alphabets of FIRE Fino Find the fire Shout and inform everybody, and: if the fire has just ignited, extinguish it | immediately upon detection (nial fre extneton) Ixrona ‘foi everybody 1 Ensure ata persons on board ae Ifomed and activate the fe stations RESTRTCT Restrict access to the location where fire has occurred and Close all hiatchés and déots to the nd reduce minimize casualties | pace, cut off the supply of air, Y* “ flammables. if necessaty, codl the surroundings and prevent the spread of ExtiNGUISH Extinguish the fire ‘After restricting access to the locetion where the fire has occurred, start fire-extinguishing work, Make appropriate and efiactive use of fire-extinguishing ‘equipment by using them at a position lower than the lavel of the fire on the windward side and extinguish the fire. 2) General Fire Protection Work in each Compartment * (referred mm TM issued by APSSS) (a) Fire in accommodation space © This is a common type of fre involving solids (Class A Fire) such as beds, clothes, wood, and paper. If the flames are extinguishad, it does not necessajily mean that the risk fire is totally eliminated. The fire might rekindle from the bumt residue. @ Make preparations to spray water, dpen doors, and spray water on the flames from the upper part of the entrance, and also spray water on high temperature parts to restrict the spread of fre; using a water-spray system. Simultzneously, exhaust smoké"and high temperature gases outside the ship. @ After extinguishing the flames, “rip up the burning material using water jéts, anid cool the interior. @ After confirming the safety of accessing the space where a fire has occurred, investigate. the causes, clear away all burnt residue’ and Wats? used to extinguish the fre, andensure that the ship has adequate stabity. © Position a watch to prevent recurrence of fire. . Note: items @ and @ are also necessary for other fire extinction operations. {(b) Engine room fires The engine room has several sources of fire and flammabl (Class 8 Fi the -3 which might cause oil fires ) and electrical fires (Class C Fires). Moreover, th are various obstacias in gine room which hinder fire e: inguishing work, and the risks of total damage are high, therefore, fire hose arrangements for discharging jets of wat and carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing systems shall be utilized effectively for an immediate response Ina contingency. when itis possible to enter the engine room . i -a First stop oll leaks. Wi. Electrical fre ia Switch off power to electric circuits. i-b Carbon diozide is the best fir xtinguishing agent, Ory chemical powder essitates cleaning of the space after extinguishing the fire, Foam and water discharged throug' ses pose risk of electric shock, Water discharged from a spray nozzle poses a lesser shock hazard, @ Ifitis not possible to enter the engine room + Bireet fre extinguishing-frem-the-shafttunnel fin shipswhich have 2 shafttuansl— ~Such-as-passengerships}— ~spenad-to-dispel-high-temperature-gases-and-smoke,and-simultaneously,the— : ~watestight-doorin the shaft tunnel shall be. opensd_ “1-b—The-fremen-shaltenierthe-engine room-through-the-shaltiunactwhia— ~discharging-water rom spray-noasies-and-extinguish-the-fire— Fire extinguishing with a fixed, carbon dioxide system: + All persons shall evacuate the engine room before any action is take: fi-b Boiler lames shall be put out, auxiliary engines and ventilation syster stopped and all openings shall be closed, shall be ji-c After discharging carbon dioxide gas, the compartment shall be kept closed for at least 10 minutes, except in case of an emergency. Aiter the fire is extinguished, the space In the engine room shall be cooled and water sprayed on the firemen for safe fire-fighting operations. (c) Hold fires Fire extinguishing operations ars influenced considerably by the type of cargo, quantity, stowage, conditions of adjacent compartments and type and capacity of fire-extinguishing system used. ® Cargo fires that can be extinguished by smothering (Class A Fire fammables such as fibrous materials) i. Close and seal hatch covers and ventilation ducts fixed carbon dioxide sy: m, and dis 5 into the hold ii. Start tt iii, Monitor adjacent compariment: ary and cool the high-temperature pars, . iv. Taka samples from the ventilation ducts, measure the temperature and proportion of ‘oxygen in the air periodically, investigate the status of the fire, and replenish the gas. © Cargo fires that cannot be extinguished by smothering ‘Adopt appropriate measures for extinguishing the fre in accordance with the characteristics of the cargo. to enter the hold adhere to the following @ Atall times when opening the hatch co i. Prepare fire hoses and nozzles connectad to hydrants, ii. Close openings to cut off the supply of unwanted air. - Judge the status of the fire by maasuring the temperature and quantity of smoke from the ventilation outlet, and the temperature of the transverse bulkhead irr the hold where the fire has occurred from the other side of the bulkhead in the-adjacent compartment. iv. Wear a fireman's Gutfit with as muich protective equipment as possibie (breathing apparatus, etc.) and get standby. V Workers shail aways wear lifelines to ensure they can be evacuated from the hold safely, G Note: There have been several instances of casualties during fire-extinguishing operations because of thé non-use of lifelines, 3) Measures to be taken in case of fire and Emergency'Station Bills on board your vessel @ Emergency Station Bills @ The fire-extinguishing procedure taking the characteristics of the vessel and cargo (if any on board) into consideration. (Refer aforementioned general procedures). ‘Cargo management and precautions in relation to fire safety 1) General works in relation to cargo management oO Inspection and operation test of cargo device and equipment Operational test of inert gas system (IGS) including the alarms and emergency shut-down system etc. shall be conducted at proper intervals and pric to entry or cargo work. In addition, the scrubber should be sufficiently washed to eliminate the discharge of soot and other impurities when the scrubber pump is operated, Checks of gas leaks through openings on deck and vent system In calm weather conditions while at sea, gas leaks from openings such as tank cleaning holes, tank hatches, ullage holes and peep holes, must be checkéd and leaks, if any, must be provided with necessary measures taken to rectify the situation, e.g, tightening the relevant bolts and nuts and replacing packing. (Oxygen content inside tanks The oxygen content of every cargo tank should be checked to see that itis 8% or less, | land recorded. Ifit is over 8%, such tanks must be inerted to reduce the oxygen content to 8% or less. ‘Testing of Oxygen Analyzer and Hydro Carbon Analyzer Carry out operation test at appropriate intervals. ‘Adjusting of tank pressure. When ullage holes are to be opened for the purpose of sampling, water cuts (dipping) and ullaging, etc. upon arrival at a loading port the vent system must be opened at convenient time before port entry to reduce the tank pressure to the atmospheric level Preparation of fire-fighting facilities Before the commencement of cargo handling operations at least two fire hoses fitted with multi-purpose nozzles and connected to a fire hydrant should be arranged for immediate use, both in the vicinity of the manifold and at the éntrance to the pump room. In the vicinity of the manifold, two portable fire extinguishers must be provided. | @ Notices On arrival ata terminal, a tanker should display the following notice at the gangway: ‘Warning, No naked lights | | No smoking No unauthorized persons 2) General precautions ® Galley It is essential that galley personnel be instructed in the safe operation of galley equipment. @® Designation of smoking places ‘Smoking should be strictly prohibited, except in designated smoking places by the master. Matches and lighters should not be carried around on the vessel and matches other than safety matches should not be used. @ Hot work restrictions Establish procedures and follow them strictly when engaging in hot work, any work involving welding or burning ‘and other work including certain drilling and grinding operations, electrical work and the use of non‘intrinsically safe electrical equipment, which might produce an incentive spark, @® Monitoring atmosphere in the accommodation space and engine room Monitor atmosphere in the accommodation space and engine room all the time and confirm non-existence of petroleum gases. © Identification of access door to/from accommodation space Proper measures should be taken to prevent flammable gas from being drawn into the accommodation space during cargo work. © Emission of smoke from the funnel ‘The emission of smoke from the funnel shall be confirmed to be normal. Especially when soot is blowing, cue attention must be paid to funnel fires and prevention of ignition of inflammables on deck, such as hawsers. @® Portable electrical equipment including lamps All portable electrical equipment, including lamps, should be approved by a competent authority. Unless approved for use in a flammable atmosphere, portable radios, tape recorders, electronic calculators, cameras containing batteries, photographic flash units, portable telephones and radio pagers must not be used on the tank deck, or in areas where flammable gas may be present. Communications equipment Transmission should not be permitted during periods when there is likely to be 2 flammable gas in the region of the transmitting antenna Main transmitting antenna should be earthed. UHE/VHF portable transceivers must be intrinsically of safe type. Sparks from tools Due attention must be paid when using steel harrimers, or chipping hammers, etc. which might possibly ignite petroleum gas. "Non-spark tools"; made of an alloy of copper and beryllium, produce less sparks than stee! instruments, but they are not completely safe to use as sand or other particles often become embedded in soft metal surtaces and when in contact with a hard metal can also cause incentive sparks. Bearing this in mind, “non-spark tools’ should be used with the same care and attention as for iron tools. ‘Tugs and other craft alongside The number of craft which come alongside and their duration of stay should be kept to a minimum and port authority regulations followed, 2 Details and additional information ere available from ISGOTT (4th edition) issued by ICS/OCIMF/APH, Useful chapters in Intemational Safety Guide for Oi Tankers & Terminals (ISGOTT) 4” edition are as follows; Chapter 2 General Precautions on Tankers Chapter 4 General Precautions while a tanker is at a petroleum berth Section B 11. 12 18 4 8 16 Fire-extinguishing appliances and other fire-fighting equipment on board INDEX FIRE CONTROL PLAN FIRE FIGHTING DIAGRAM PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUSHER MAIN FIRE PUMP EMERGENCY FIRE PUMP PAINT STORE NOZZLE FOAM FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM LOCAL HIGH EXPANSION FIRE EXTINGUSHING SYSTEM FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM FIREMAN’S OUTFIT VENTILATION SYSTEM AND FIRE DAMPER F.0, & LO. TANKS EMERGENCY SHUT - OFF LINE EMERGENCY GENERATOR, EMERGENCY ESCAPE BREATHING DEVICE IERT GAS SYSTEM FIRE SAFETY SYSTEM IN PUMP ROOM & ENGINE ROOM GAS DETECTOR SYSTEM Page PI~p2 P3~P5 AI~A9 B1~BS c1~C31 Di~D2 E1~E3 FIsF2 Gi~cs HI~H26 m~n3 m~s2 K1~K20 Li~Le IG1~IG33 FS1~FS11 aD1~GD231 1. FIRE CONTROL PLAN Pt ROSIN STORE FIRE CONTROL PLAN M.S. EAGLE TOLEDO sysrau| syweoLs @ : foe emai eaosres = sa > Se VESTA) 3 [= melecalem =f ee Seat etl elecaian EB tR ere sat rere a oa wai Wit Pouw VALVE Reams) i 7oAM LiGbi8 FAH 7OR POiW_PIAY BX VaTHW (GevOd) i (5 __[earmmnarionit ot Cowterion | Paar as wh Spa 7 [stam sueees von Youu oiseianar =a ieee areca EECA ea Ee v - tae] a as Eee i as o & fi oe im Ee t ‘ Tan TOT siaralat | {eri es Tir error ; i : | @ the . Df omnes « riat Dan nL ees “TWAIW TENANCE PLAN TRARY wae OF AE = 1 WaNeTLAToe = EI Ta [rine bain 2. FIRE FIGHTING DIAGRAM PAINT STORE NOZZLE ARR, (PLAN) a mica 70 ™. KN ! I~ ~ |- is by {noo -~TN] pater ston! i, 7 TS TE ee) ‘asc PATE STORE THOOR (46) 1512 ATER SERAY PES Lele (0 EME (21h /ent]) , {HE ROGER GF WACER GRASS 1 ¢ = EGIRED FLO CAR 4 SL Ant alex A Seu faie ws ‘same shay Toni obey 10L Ante (> 18.5 L/ale) ARRANGEMENT OF STEERING GEAR & E.F.PUMP ROOM . scosyonua cus ‘ z wee 9k. te i: ected serine starion te ego SS at \ oe A ous T va onvonant 18 aNal TPE ae mH ce SHIP NO. $-1361 ‘ | vs FIRE & WASH DECK il 8) smo ms PIPE ic oo mt, ray vauve apart, wo, ann 0 ERO PINE. pov (ENO SHEET NO, @ Mie Rac ea tae * om Soh = Apa LM + Aibidiaienl causes 40 aul sso cone oo nau 2 saat nh 400 coats © wo.1 pour crove TANK GROUP ® wo.2 rove crove @ wo.3_ruwe cnove maswat, ore narwar fmrwat)mr ear 3 o | ® @ @ @ oO @ o!|o o ® @ ® maser, maa. raswar mewatfms eer Laps lop ppobng eprlnssacbeyeatiny series sarin ss DETAIL OF MANIFOLD wean "are S10 CG 0, LINE ) CARGO REDUCER GNSTT3oper TO WITH JIS TOW" FLANGE) 1s are igs ser (rid ise 10") x cacH asers ire? ito oie aor Goes shes wee ‘son ‘wen ‘oan || aE a eres LS ferors S—s]one [cps ea i, \zs2ve0 ‘saan | ae obo . islox etbor | osacn F001 tote ‘south aes se ewe aware onag “Wa scram co otal SHIP NO, S-1381 CARGO OIL PIPE | _vegeye open 1x | __ ayaa | AND WATER BALLAST PIPE SHEET oO 3. PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER Al oa ras wt YL IIS NBT LUE, iq ; : ia) ie Ld CHEMICAL FOAW FIRE EXTINGUISHER-PORTABLE.TYPE L_SPECIFIGATION | SFS. 10 APPROK. 210 CONSTRUCTION LBA COOK OH? LSA COOK HEAD SH ETT VALVE RAC ER CUNO PACKING Amanrg uw rue | WE crumassER Pi aT WATER LEVEL (NER) E(t 077) Ow EAU eC PACKING D9 NeEmE Si(AN—+~) sTaANER ASTM WATER LeveL (OUTER) aoe sony La 2PPR0R. 630 a Laue Name ZAR NOTE SUPPORT #2 sorran saunue elie aides | a a eo Jf Ott tseecirications a | MKS = wm | #163000 Mo a Mm | Nese nas ie ||_vmoce neon | SPOR son Ciacaanae'rwe_| SPOR, soe BRRBES | wieDe = | F2I0m BH A | AI~l0m “arbor [Aen won! | pHa zon Sscdtodawse | Beno Fon Faouttead | B13.7 contankins antfen| #17500 Shasoae tase | 2ka/en2 a aren “exiadt? [iom | ae = “eae AMR Tn AMGMAMEREE. TA CROSS em eo iS texteet 77) FEAT elie tial eatioeteha AKCOTOD We MANUFACTURER — IATSUTA SEISAKUSHO C0., LTO. REM TIS RAMERSAPM-8-7 TEL (091-484) AU TOTO APA Foes AX (03) 3894-4792 Az [Nea OR (SPECICATION oisia CONSTRUCTION APPRON. 250 am geeau RRR EIT . | ‘SAFETY DSC WUT & CAP ‘3! i UTTAR al = ALVE cise Fa uve _| RoR HT) ona suppor Oe 7 7K To OPERATE i oe Wott seen | tmeeweisnrae NER tus CARBON DIOXIDE (CO.) FIRE EXTINGUISHER- PORTABLE-TYPE SHC-15 gete suey em 7 MANA 17 YALE Le cOMTADL LEVER BRR yk) USE MARK Saeco tt YALE POSITION 2PPH0K. 620 a 2B ONT TE 185 mm reer ar |2 wee agers shy Pa 08 in =: gaya RY | Sete t ott Hi scortcarions wm 2k es [poe aa meres Smoeveot |e som || Becflac nd! [BBE sone ear a Smozwontt [rota || Bodlefiua | Bist. : ii = [aE AE emt Srnovecnt™ | SPorot fay || colfanes Soutien] #1556 SESE RE | oer [Mosca ® [6.52 Tse nn® [8750 ap Sas win AmnRA MARES TLORNe a on pexteett $A SY (ERR SUSU SON SERRURR EDS arenes i FiOS RRMARZATE 6] TELODSMN-A MANUFACTURER — HATSUTA SEISAKUSHO C0., LTD. Fo itsouon maton eo ea tos FANN As Ala) | FRE || EEA | 8H otEMURL frME CALNMOUIONEN”rUEMLLANE HE AnH“) [taba HS SDP 90S WNFEt creasing PRESSURE TYPE SPECIFICATION . ABC POWDER (NHiHPO.) t ; 770 oa ose 1 CONSTRUCTION SEVB(TE'A CAP PRESSURE scAEW ml APPHON. 185 0m osm CONTROL Leva ‘ei PatessuneAEDUCNG Sone MRED ALL SEAL Bele weer Pw eae (G82) Use maa sry 9— wes PYLE Aye GMP PUCK sue HAH Cate) OAS CARTRIOGE Rew oF oa HOSE aa RSH wor APPROS. 595 mo 27a 98 OAS SIPHON a ogy ce sropeen oF 04s 7 oer was SR OUTLET TUBE 2 LUD Je STOPPER OF POWDER 2K HORN NOTE v0 SEAL sey 79, ONE CAP AOUDER © (8FAVSIK 10 operate 3 dle ! ee sri, OF |: See Bly @{t Rspecirications _ _ © us © [ee en 2 ema amar SSS ee MANUFACTURER — HATSUTA SEISAKUSHO CO., LTD Fer SHBAOANDN MRATORU TOTO Was F105 PAX(GD) 3H ATEE At Mitt SPECIFICATION Bese [A MANUFACTURER mS CONSTRUCTION Enum PRESSURE REGULATER a/ DUFADFyFRARH Yamato PRorec coreoration Benz MULTIPURPOSE DRY CHEMICAL FIRE EXTINGUISHER Ue % ia APPROX 340u0 JER, FS eaten RI TIO Be: KBE IOOR! SA-100F | tomy 27S, ARORRS REC |p ONT oT 108 AEM OL ea5 17-2" (0)9408-7151 RONEN HONE MAT TOR ceed STOP VALE BRT—> INDICATION MARK DARA BRNAEE Os) diets ues Ar GAS OFUROER a8 =e NAME PLATE Hose. g —aihi7 RRS 3} HOSE HOLDER goo 3 ! LJ 3 . Jxn Nozze aa RAN | fuse t | DRAIN CaP sPeROL SOM Mit t SPECIFICATIONS * RREAR mee F[H 6 * sose inde © | 15 Met neon” | 3Skat/e¥ 3.43MP=) a a a or = es % crosduass = | BP ERPS BR | BUSA EE | | dle an | core | tase ae fi B58 HERE ES Bisktettn or oot | RPO Fhodtina mand | Sonoran Hikintes be oey | 4-500 MERALES | ru13.00 mA 1 TO OPERATE Cangtien te ors R—aeoieT FeMicTs “open ABR OAE ZH Tur a tp vee 20 3 AS RRs Fly pant wraean cyndar aha Eotoieine wa: Ratna RMeN mE meee aFe AMATO ROTEC WAR FAI as PEO stay PORTABLE FOAM ie UNI ee - et TOPn Ie te ROR eA a eR SOLAS 81 U-2R5RDAR CMG THOS BH NL ADL OY MESSMO RAMBLE ATL reurnitesti, Dik cha Ca RRM CRS Iy 97-17 ORI XH 20 LOMO A ofA EY 7 LO FRY 21 Bicbotemansce, (ZA portable foam applicator unit shall consist of an foam nozzle of an inductor type capable of being connected to the fire main by a fire hose, together with a portabl tank containing at least 200 of foarn-making concentrate and one sparetanic ZThe nozzle shall be capable of producing effective foam DM BORE Ait HLS EL BLO THA) EERE KSEE RDFA WADE OCS Ditka tik Bite, DRX mellem — ACHR A. Dasieeaminsycobcana, A BFODEE fi 9°2 Aes ot (0.235N fan’) Bh cena, (0.313 fn) ) 8 Kis BreTT5, PACAP FEL SL Rr se Bek ACRE RET SCENT suitable for extinguishing an oil fire, at the rate of at least 1.5a?/minute SRESIAS EBENEREIGREEAING bvcram In case of fire (connect the fire hydrant with the fire hose BConnect the fire hose with tl nozzle DBinsert the pick-up tube chip into the foam concentrate container Gonticm the pressure at 2 (0.235N/an)over (standard 3.5ket/ar (0.343N ni) .then fully open the fi hydrant and dischage foam through the foam nozzle. Aé foam M(t /ttostenwew SS PORTABLE FOAM APPLICATOR UNIT SPECIFICATIONS. SFU-1 ees / DVFADFy TRASH 1 lea a SORES REG Ig (TOT AMANUFACTURER / YAMATO PROTEC CORPORATION 2FRi TI BPOSES 2 65-17-2 co 9us-n51 fe Seroctou -ae MONEERY oR PaH migey CONSTRUCTION 2 31/2) SEN-250-AIR FOAM NOZZLE SFN-250 ami me Erker ayrrer asin) raoretion fore re Sieuwanacan Fe Tet F 4-4-4 (BBE) NORE PPE FOAM AKER I vor L v2 aRae A ET RTT OnE) COUPLING (wACHINO TYPE) sae SUCTION PIPE aia FILTER Mt f8-SPECIFICATIONS Dee EG. Staton) Woe/minae TERR GOI ce ] candciry gr waren omeuance | emNeL adenete ra ode iro Sendra foe cen 404 camervarteaitoonnnse | Vee mRtE, uevartonsecronnose | '605n Lovett. Hom 80cm hot 38k i} © 474 UNIT BOX tt f-SPECIFICATIONS Pm 400% a | BAAe 388 | WAZ GOAXIEM| array SMEAR GHEXA| soe | teed 239 LES, B1.5ka waar ane Bole stan i 4 ana 3 a 1 A AMATO ROTEC Aq wee Ue oR US Ye ti S| CHEMICAL FOAM EXTINGUISHER - WHEEL-TYPE | SPECIFICATION 45L oisiak CONSTRUCTION (kek ROTATION sTaPPING SUNZE I VALVE HAMIL aR say nate aa ae LEV urea) 9 OUTER CrLNaER vi WER crLNDER emia WAU Bef SAFETY ALE ae sorte uo aPPROH. $00 am saieeeae sont 22h MOTD sR(A—t—) STAMINER ae wes, ana WATER LEVEL (en) $220 nm APPeO. 400 am APPROK. 480 mm | @(BFAIK 10 operate | | 2 che est 2 3 Rown~mars. Oicnaes a act Sesam'otee teem VALVE HANDLE Ott Respecieications [a % HKRER z & | #99000 [tat m@ [rie 1 ze * [EK Viole Hon | APA comm Blscllnae rae | APeROe coe HRREES | RIGS is | Foes a a ‘neste | RPS ‘were word’ | 2meeconm || dscubhoe ante _| Monae sm mt | 586.7 a 4 HED RR emt oe contantirs Ganeren| #220 onescune tart _| 25kat/on oioue weanT | APPRDK Ba FB [Amd 3.2 — % ose indi _[5™ — = VERp EL EE on Ga testeet 47) AY (Epy . SEL MANUFACTURER — HATSUTA SEISAKUSHD C0., LTD Py Sutownon stony Ton0 moots PRK(OS Sena -" A8 vee )) me | 85 ese rae omenecont eel Eee DFESt increasine PaessuRe TYPE SPECIFICATION SDP 05) ABC POWDER (viH.P0 ome fern. 950 on CONSTRUCTION ABER wor AKA Oks SiON ROAR MMSE OF CUP wate SMreTY AM MMA xe waa Ea / iv NODRLE SUPPORT © (EFAIS HE 10 operate 1 2 + memes, amine ig | eeemvawesces, RENE on eine SE i oa f i +* @fE HR specications a PAKRES T= & | havomm 1 eh Mm | Ha mass © [EK moveor® | BRET Satanat me | Be ne Banna s |-aaae = [stem 2 he A [ein PTE a Saonnacnnce | Dhol atm a ae EARU weattwon™ [BAY om | ebuttee ete | #2000 eesounrrest | MPa ea £ mk - RE MEAGAR 7 owenimont | 29 romind © [150 | “oiseumrnese* | CO: 4509 ao & UY Efi AutormiMiRmEE-sTeL(o72) ase-1281 FAK (072) 856-1472 OR, 5G stentt SDAA BEERS eee er ama MANUFACTURER = HATSUTA SEISAKUSHO CO, LTD. ‘35 TALIA SHODIMIRAKATA OSAKA JAPAN #5731192 Ag 4. MAIN FIRE PUMP 8! CHAPTER 2 OPERATION L. CHECK BEFORE OPERATION When operating for the first time after installation or overhaul and assembly, it is necessary to do as follows. (1) Take off dust preventing tape placed on the part where the pump shaft passes through. Take care so that no foreign matter enters the Clearance around the shaft. (2) Give a few turns to the coupling by hand and see if it turns easily. (3) Confirm the turning direction of the motor, and if it is not correct change the wiring. (4) See if the valve in the suction piping is fully open. £5) (a) Lf the pump is of the self-priming type with the attached vacuum pump, sec if the supply tank contains the specified amount of water (b) For the médel AHJ pump, open the test valve on the side of the Pump casing, remove the air vent valve on top of the pump casing, and pour priming water until water comes out from the test valve When pouring is finished, close the test valve, From next time on there is no need of pouring as water remains up to this level even after stopping the pump. The air vent valve is to be kept open until priming is over and closed manually afterward. (o) When the pump is operated for the first time after being overhauled and reassembled, pour required amount of grease into the ball bearing except the scaled ball hearing. (7) See if the motor bearing lubrication is in accordance with the maker's recomnendat ion 2. STARTING (1) Close the discharge valve completely. (2) Open the suction valve completely. (3) Open the air vent at the top of the volute casing and if water comes out from it close it and fill the pump with water. (4) [f the pump is of the self-priming type with the attached vacuum pump, keep the air vent closed and open the check valve on the attached vacuum pump Line. (5) Start the motor () When the discharge pressure has risen, open the discharge valve gradually and, if the pump is of self-priming type with the attached vacuum-pump, close the check valve on the attached vacuum pump line 3. STOPPING (1) Glose the discharge valve (2) Stop the motor AE G | SHINKO IND. LTD. B2 200 PRESS. WATER avo as0 ye SeaL_ wave, Bos in x s| 18 Le 3 ESF BEE eae ae f-427 (424 FOUNDATION BOLT) SUC.FLANGE OLS. FLANGE aoe Wis 50) Wis. F040) oF MOTOR al 3) _ ala s 3S) SVS} S| L “HH 4 12-423 DIMENSION : an |] AEWARKS CALCULATED PUMP HEIGHT ; 750 (G0) OUTLINE DRAWING CASING THICKNESS - wi 1a an WATER FILLED IN CASING 70 MOoeL Bun200S DRAW. NO c-132500GS ‘SHINKO IND.LTD. B3 BR -AVP 130M, 160M, 160-26, 200M Or (373) 20 MCREFER TO SPECIFICATION Wo wave oF pant [-—HATERTAL —Tacry[PART] wave oF pant [—UATERIAL Ty 1 WoUuTe eaSINe =e [a] «3 leovecne i as Toa 2 fvouuTe cover ae se feourcine ere c-co9] 1 3 [voture eno coven) aw «| [sa-1]rtoatine Seat Jeansow Ya «pune a20 EAST TRON [Fe2m0] + ]sa=2|aceine AiG —[rusaeR—[—[ 7 3 NOTOR B=b eas non ]re20d] 1” |5a-3|Pack NG jeasker [= i6_[inPeLteR | ow [1 fsana[seat nina [eames Seals 4 17_[IMPELLER. ie Ef 1_ [54-5 |PACKING RING RUBBER = 1 | 1 [iMPeLuen SWaFT_| 9 [1 Joa-o|seain SSE AST 19 [IMPELLER kev fuass see svvee] 2 | 7 [torenhin-4 SSR sess SEE oa SET 20_[covPL inc Key foanoon sresi[sssc| 1 | 70 Jowar ine loan no ea] x17 2a|sLeeve =|» [1 [145 Joover pronze [ace [ 1 27_[IwPELLER_NOT_|[stuitess Seals] 1 [79 |uie ect wT Ha sTeEL ——|Ssa00|S 30_|Waswen sams see fsusaid] 1 f 31 JPackin uesen | — [4 ‘38 MOUTH RING 7% % | 2 SECTIONAL DRAWING 39_|CASING RING % ® 7 | 41 {LINE BEARING CARBON 7 4 epee RVP 46 |LANTERN BUSH BRONZE, gcé | 1 | ORAW. NO C-132200MA B4 SHINKO IND.LTD. vnoiso 201 1 at i ” CONSTRUCTION OF COUPLING {Jt = The coupling G0) shown in the bacomes like one GOA) as shown tional draw in this drawing. Cl ote FANT] NAME OF PART HATER IAL —Javty|TART] NAME OF PART aa ary] 203 [cover BRONZE ace | 1 | 232 |WASHER [caneow Toot stéet| SKB | 1 204 |BEARING HOUSING [CAST IAON |Fc200|ISET| 241 |AYD.PRESS.CASING|BRONZE | ECB |1SET| 207 |RUNNER KEY [STAINLESS STEEL|sUS3a4) 1 | 244 |PACKING RUBBER [_- 2 208 [KEY Isvaimuess steet[suszoa] 1 | 245 [PISTON AOD [starwess steet|suszu4] 1 209 [RUNNER NUT [a1 TENS .BRASS|C6782| 1 | 247 [WASHER FOR SPRING|BRASS c3601] 1 215 [SAG _HSG FOR CLUTCH/CAST 1AON |FC209| SECTIONAL DRAWING 218 [PACKING avasen [= fap onaw. no. | c=11008 I SHINKO IND.LTD. 5. EMERGENCY FIRE PUMP cl IVa AOMOT TOURS OMISTS, ®/L OT SHOR = HOOD ay 2100 oes zoas | ono. 2-260 1205 osteco| was 08 Jovo-one) moo ree TY PMS Loy | ERS Feue|seNoua| Neat Poses | es 12001 ser | or | saymoroei coming 3a Aowsouan3) 1 e-asm | voaas | 00 |"sitee 103m | Jaws 2NOwe| 72NOUS) | NOM Ss Par ear Ti | oy woo [P| eer i Sanne ON DNIMVEG | 4.0%, faova) aim fanen| ‘wae [Lam mali] SRL felon! | / awn nnd — fon haan oA] 135] Ise rons Sahin IO NOTIVOTITIIIS C2 UNIT : mm fy ke iE ye z +. Jo AO} ATS, 11954 FITTINGS 1 ~DISCHAABE PRESS, GAUAE (BVT 4/8 x 75eaDLA) 1 SUCTION cow, aAUGE (BVT 4/6 x 75an0IA) ISET-BAUBE COCK & JOINT WITH GAUGE 804RO ISET-NECESSARY DRAIN PLUG OR VALVE WITH PIPE 1 -AIR YALYE FLANGE TABLE Sw 5 50 [0,8 - ne 150 | 150 lou. or Fume | 20s | 200 Pt 290 [240 oir a-uts] 8-020 Toes [ao] oe ruwee [Fol a2 | 26 GST TRON] _eaONTE rump [470 we, oTOR a [TOTAL a Th oasIN DI We Joasing 45 g HASWEIOHT Vato TA:THICKNESS In na WESWATER FILLED Ia CASING (ka) 6-M24 FOUNDATION BOLT HOLES PUMP NAME | ‘sicmaznoy rine puve TYPE, 150-2CMA-N DRAW.NO. Go44 ISHII MACHINERY WORKS CO.,LTD. C3 TYPE: SEAL WATER TANK UNIT : mm 9215 we o van FRE mm | _@ ee eet | th ae — eee | ase i H | I ih I Haar Feet + | | . r= | —) See eee] | ' TYPE NP | BS ' | DRAW.NO. 072 ISHII MACHINERY WORKS CO.,LTD. ¢¢ TANK LR EXTRACTION VACUUM PUP SCREW DOWN STOP VALYE pk FLOAT VALVE SM suCTION PIPING DIAGRAM OF SELF PRIMING UNIT TYPE NP DRAW.NO. Go71 ISHII MACHINERY WORKS CO.LTD. c&§ A MARKED MATERIALS:REFER TO SPECIFICATION TABLE MATERIAL . --MATERTAL TT | Na] NAME OF PART NAME OF [SYWaOU0, TY] NeJ NAME OF PART OF = |SYMBOua, TY| MATERIAL LAL TFUP_OASTAS ae saa (ssa | 2{PUUP_GASING COVER * wef 6 tistay E SGP 2 SIIWPELLER ra oT ais rae a aoe 4UTMPELLER * a 1 [3 02]NUT 4 WASHER (SLEEVE) 1 SIPUMP SHAFT at ea AUS OSBEARING NUT & WASHER/WILO STEEL [S$400 1 TADEARTNG CASE exsT Ron _—_rea00-| 1 SB BEARING CASE. [oAST ROW [Eo 290 L136 UiNPELLER KEY (8-4 ST, STEEL |SUS304 1 TE RAME CAST TRON e200 | 1/136 2/couPL ine KEY CARBON STEEL [S350 TL BIB: CAST {RON FO200 11[3 6 4ISLEEVE KEY it SUS304 I 121807 TOW GOVER BRONZE Ee 1 HOCK PI SUS304 1 LS]SEARING CASE DOVER least fy ——lroogy | —1 LGJWECKA, LOVER BRONZE 1863 IW46OlFELT RING FELT 45 1FELT RIN FELT IISLEEVE 18-8 ST, STEEL [SUS307 1 I } ‘3 OMOUTH RING * [BCs 2 1 Q2INECK BUSH BRONZE BC3 Ail 3 TIWECHANT CAL SEAL 1s SalSTASe 305 BRONZE [aca UE =0-R1N8 STRTEEI i t AFLOATING SERT SPECIAL O4RBDH H AOBALL BEARING PECIAL STEEL tf} =3]0-a Na SYM, RUBBER 1 SUBUEAGED BEARING — |CARBON A -aSEAL_ RING 18-3 ST, STEEL [SUSI04 1 =SISeR (Na id= s-sigeL [susaoe | 45/COVER PLATE 19-9 ST, {sus304 ij] -sISeT_Sonew 18-8 ST, STEEL [Susa04 1 SOfCOUPL ING (PUMP) [CAST [ROW FO200 tif Weou Lak 1-8 ST, STEEL” [SuSa04 1 5 COUPLING (WOTORD CAST {RON Fo200 1 O-RING SYN, RUBRER: I S2IWASHER (COUPLING) WILD $1 S$400 4 DUST STOPPER SYN, RUBBER 1 Sala: RBG 4 TYPE 2CMA DRAW.NO. | S023A ISHIL MACHINERY WARKS 00 1 TN cé QO DQLOHQAQ (a ROTATION ety BBOVaOE MATERTAL J [MATER AL NoJNAME OF PART | NAME oF [Syuaoua, Ty|[NeJNAME-oF PART [NAME OF, [SYusollo: Ty MATER LAL : MATER LAL (ToicovER Rone ce TITS1SNAP-RING ISPRING STEEL I5Ke r CO2MPELCER, ORONZE B08. HIL3aISNAP=RING IsPe ng -sTeeL—IsK5 i LOSIOAS ING SRONZE acs ia4aour WiLO Steet [SS400 O4PLATE aRoNZe ac6: LIN S5lFR iC TION SHEET [RUBBER mn {LOSISHAFT 18-8 ST STEEL (susgod | "1 IT 36leR LOTION COUPL INGlcAST (RON ——[FODSy_|—1 Los|HOUSING [caST LR, 260 [13 We IN-SPLIT itp ste. Iss4o0 [3 LOTIGAP AST RON 10250 —t L0a|sP ACER STEEL ST LITaTICAS TING, BRONTE 08 H LOSWASHER, 8-5 ST STeeL_(sussod | —tItaalp stow BRONZE Igoe 1 CrolwuT BRONZE Isa 1 as]SHAFT BRONZE asa 1 Hush BRONZE love = Tn a 4loap aRONze BCs i 11210-R ING. RUBBER Wa UL 4s}e0LT [aRowZe ase L L1SIBEARING ISPECIAL STEEL L4sINUT BRONZE Bsa 2 L401L=SEAL RUBBER Ia QIN 471SPRING-WASHER ICAR90N STEEL —_|suRi. L L4a]W ASHER. BRONZE aso L ZOKEY (6-6 SE STEEL [SUSIE] —TIheagisPRING 18-6 ST STEEL_[SUS300 IS0I0-RING. RUBBER aR i [zalkey Ta-g $1, STeEL_ISUSGIe | TINS iJo=R TN. avaBeR NBR 1 2SILEVER, MILO ste. —Issi00 1 —1fi52]0-R ING RUBBER NO 2 T2IOONNECTOR least 1non ——IFoas0_[—T 12a1P TN ito Sreet (san [a 123|HOUSTNa Wit STeeL —[ss400 {1 IS 0CONNECTOR WiLo Steg, [ssa00 =| Lge ARNG PECIAL STEEL 1 TYPE NP(VACUUM PUMP) DRAW.NO, $027 ISHII MACHINERY WORKS CO.LTD. ¢7 INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR EMERGENCY FIRE PUMP. ISHH MACHINARY WORKS €0., LTD. ‘ADRESS : 18-1, AWAJISANCHOME, HIGASHIYODOGAWA-KU,OSAKA-CITY,JAPAN TEL.NO. : 06-6322-6734 FAX.NO. : 06-6322-6748 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ‘A, CAUTIONS FOR YOUR SAFETY Before using this pump, réad the INSTRUCTION, MANUAL). Follow WARNING LABEL@), INSTRUCTION(S) and CAUTION PLATE(S) in order to usa it correctly. It is also highly recommended to ALWAYS KEEP the INSTRUCTION MANUAL(S) at the SAME PLACE for easy access. TRANSPORTAION, INSTALLATION, PIPING, WIRING, OPERATION, INSPECTION and MAINTENANCE WORK must be done by ONLY a LICENSED and / or AUTHORIZED PERSON(S) wlio has enough knowledge on health and safety rules and régulations as well as on bis or her profession. In any respect, we will NOT GUARANTEE any DEATH, INJURIES, DAMAGES AND LOSSES which are result in modification without our written authorization or using and assembling unauthorized parts. When DISPOSING a punip, any accessories, used parts. and oil, they should be treated as a general INDUSTRIAL WASTE. WARNING LABELS) and SIGN in the instruction manuai(a) are classified into WARNING, CAUTION and NOTICE as described bellow. Q WARNING] : indicates « potentially hazardous situation which, if not aolded, could result in ————_—_, __ death or serious injury. AX CAUTION] : indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.” . Ay NOTICE]: indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in ‘ damaging or defecting a product. It will be only used for protectirig the property, but not for personal safety. ‘Footnote ANSI Z 535. QO WARNING TRNSPORTATION and INSTALLATION “TRANSPORTATION work must bé varriéd by only a LICENSED or AUTHORIZED PERSON(S) who has enough knowledge om his or her profession : special attedtion and caution are raquived when fitting a HANGING WIRE in relation to ita weight and gravity conter. DROPPING or FALLING > DEATH or SERIOUS INJURY. OPERATION and MANIPULATION. * NEVER ALLOW an UNAUTHORIZED PERSON to operate the pump. DO NOT TOUCH or contact'to ROTATING parts or portion(s), : ‘ROTATING “> , ROLLED IN, BIT, PINCHED and SPILLED (contacted things). * DO NOT STAND in front of the coupling of the pwap when sfarting and operating, A CAUTION OPERATION and MANIPULATION * DO NOT TOUCH or contact to SEALING pait or HOT parts while the pump is IN OPERATION. HOT - BURNED and INJURED INSPECTION and MAINTENANCE, * When OVERHAULING the pump, carefully handle the HEAVY weighted paits + especially, fiiting a HANGING WIRE. ; DROPPING ot FALLING > INJURY, : * Before STARTING a MAINTENANCE work, clearly SIGN IN MAINTENANCE. WORK and CUT ELECTRIC SUPPLY. ELECTRIC SHOCK ~+, DEATH UNINTENDED ROTATION ~ ROLLED-IN, BIT and PINCHED. NOTICE OPERATION AND MANIPULATION. * without a specific purpose, do not manipulate the valves'and cocks attached to or supplied-for the pump. WRONG MANIPULATION ~ DAMAGING of DEFECTING the pump. MAKER = ADDRESS © TEL + FAX: cr CONTENTS 1, Before Installation Li Transport -—~ 1.2 Prevention 'of vibration “2. Installation 3. Piping ~~ 4.Connection 4.1°Case where alignment is checked with puimp and motor coupled.----~ 4.2 Case where alignment is checked by disconnecting pump from motor-~ 5. Operation 5.1, Preparation before Operation “== 5.2 Operation 5.3 Stopping 6: Maintenance 6.1 Cautions during Operation 6.2 Cautions during Standstill 7.Inspection —~ 7.4 Periodical Inspection 7.2 Overhaul vim 7.3 Checkup 1.4 Assembly 71.5 Replacement Mouth Ring ~ 8. Trouble and Remedies ~-—~-~+~™ 9. Special maintenance and attentions in accord with SOLAS. 10. Special caution and Overhauling Procedure for each type 10.1 Type “POSH 10.2-Type “2CMA" 10.3 Type"CSB6" 11. Maximum tolerable clearances of sliding faces. ™ 12,.VACUUM PUMP(NP) INSTRUCTION. MANUAL 12.1 Outline of vacuum pump ” 12.2 Construction of vacuum pump ~mrmmen 12.3 Operation of this system 12.4 TROUBLE AND MEASURE 12.5 Disassemble manual ~~~ 12.6 Reassembly manual clo 1. Before Installation 1.1 Transport In transport it is necessary to proceed as follow. a. When lifting, pay attention to the weight of the units lifted and the method of using wires, : b. Be.careful to avoid damage fo accessories such as piping, valves, cocks, ete. 12 Prevention of Vibration In order to minimize the vibration of pump and pi ing, pay sufficient attention to tha reinforcement of pump foundation and piping supports. 2. Installation In installation, pay, attention as follows : a. Pump foundation must bo as rigid arid strong as practical. b. Considering operation and overhauil, give as.ample space as possible, ¢. Installation space must be flat. 3. Piping Sufficient attention must be given’to piping since it has a great effect on punip performance. ‘a, Suction pipe must be as short as possible. ‘b, Suction pipe must be free air pocket or air invasion. c Valves on the suction ide must be guarded against air invasion through the. gland. i d. Flanges connecting to the suction and discharge nozzles should be placed correctly in order to avoid disturbance of pump alignment when flange bolts are unduly tightened. @. Precautions must be taken so that expansion and contraction due to temperature and weight of piping and valves may not abnormally affect the pump. £ Interior of the piping must be as clean as possible. 4.- Connection On completing installation, the alignoient must be checked and care taken so that no. misalignment will occur alter’ conhecting with piping, Since alignment is duly carried out in the factory, unreasonable read just’ mint should be avoided. Even’ though misalignment occurs, read just mint must be made carefully ‘by loosening both of the bolts on the suction and discharge flanges and the foundation. cll a. Horizontal pump It is desirable that adjustmeit be made by inserting a liner between common bedplate and foundation, but if necessary, shims can be placed between common bedplatis and motor base, b.” Vertical pump Adjustment is made by placing shima between motor and motor ba: 4.1 Case where alignment is checked with pump and motor coupled a. For measurement on the shaft coupling periphery, a dial indicator is fixed, as showa in Fig. 1(@) on the motor and coupling periphery, and the pump and coupling is given one complete turning. Then half of the difference between maximum and minimum readings is taken as the value of measurement, Which must comply with the value in table 1 ». For comparing the distance between the faces at four points using a thickness gauge, as shown in Fig,1(b), the shaft is'given one complete revolution by hand. And the @ifference between maximum and minimim readings is taken as the value of measurement, Which must comply with the value in Table 1 Pump end by. Motor end Fig. 1 Check with dial indicator and thickness gauge table 1. permissible amount of misalignment Motor output(kw) | Coupling periphery(sim) — | Coupling and face(mim) 37 and less 0.05:aiid less 0.10 and less More than 37 0.07 and less 0.16 and less L Smooth movement should be endured by rotating by hand. Coupling periphery and:end facés should be protected against rust or damage. Boo On completing the adjustment of alignment ; dowel ping are inserted. C12 42 Case where alignment ig checked by disconnecting pump from motor, a. After removing coupling bolts, as shown in Fig, 1 or Fig, 2, check points, ‘90'apart, On the coupling periphery. Fig, 2 check with stsight edge and thickness gauge . Check alignment according to Table 1 ¢. Ensure the'rotating direction of the motor. a. Fit the bolts to the coupling. ‘Make sure the nuts for coupling’ bolts are fastaned or not @. For others, follow the procedures shiown in7.1.¢,d, and e, £ Safety cover for the coupling must be installed:if prepared. ‘Note ‘A thickness gauge should be adopted for alignment only at the times of repair, intermediate inspection and periodical inspection. It is preferable to use.a dial indicator for cheokup after initial installatioa or piping arrangement . 5. Operation Operation after installation or reassembly mist be carried out in the following order! 5.1 Preparation before Operation ‘a. Open the air vent valve on top of the casing’ani fill the casing with water until it cones out of the vent, by Inthe case of reservoir-type self‘priming pumps, fill the casing with water after temoving the plug on top of the casing. However, after the second starting there is no need of priming if water rewidins the casing. c. Inthe case of self-priming purup provided with a vacuum puthp of Nash type, fill the replenishing water tank ; and with vacuum pump f vane tipe, fill the Oilier with lubricaat oil. 4, Open fully the valve on the suction’side and close completely that on the discharge side. . Check if the bearings are lubricated. £ “Turn the pump shaft by hand to see whetliee it tums smoothly, 5.2 Operation a. Start the motor, but at figst repeat “ON” and “OFF” operations ones or twvice and enter into operation on confirming that there is no abnormal condition. b. When pump revolutions and pressure have risen. Open gradually the valve on. the discharge side until the pressuré dropé down to the specified pressure. ©. Avoid absolutely dry operation, eapecially be careful when a mechanical seal is used. Even though a vacuum punap is provided Stop the pump if priming is not effected whithin 5 minutes. 5.3 Stopping a, Close the valve on the discharge side. b. Stop the motor, ¢. When the pump stops suddenly during oporation, awitch off firot of all and then close the valve on the discharge side. 6. Maintenance In order to maintain an efficient opeiation over a long period, the utmost care must: bo taken. : 6.1 Cautions during operation a. Be careful to operation as near the dedign point as practical. Check the vibration and noise. [f abnormal condition is surveyed, stop the pump immediately. Particularly, for the pump! provided with a mechanical seal, protect ‘against vibration in view of the service life of the mechanical seal. ¢. Pay attention to bearing teinperature rise. Ifthe bearing housing can be folt by hand safely, there is no fear, otherwise, measure the temperature with a thermometer. Keep the permissible beating teniperature at “ambient terhperature pls 40” of C" liquid teniperature plus 200”, but in any caso keep it bélow 75T. 4. Filling too mach groase will eause overhdating, so when replacing grease, pour it with the drain plug removed during operation so that the old grease can be drawn out. ¢.” Be sure to koep small amount of continuous leakage through the gland, which aust be in the form of drops. Too ha‘d tightening ofthe packing will cause premature wear ofthe shaft sleevs and overheating £ When a mechanical seal is used, thore is almost no leakage, so ifcontinuows leakage is observed check the seal, Nover thiottle the valve on the suction side. Adjust the flow by meains ofthe valve on the discharge side, clt 1, Never operate for more than 10 minutes with the valve closed on the discharge side, otherwise a temperature rise of the liquid in the casing will cause seiziure i, See whether the standby pump is reversing due to the leakage from its non'return valve, j, Inthe case of a pump with automatic starting and stopping device such as hydrophore system, check the pressure at the start and stop of pump as well as the interval of operation, and if the interval is too short, regulate the air amount, water level, ete. k, In the case of automatic operation under central eontrol system, take care of the indication of gauge on the control panel board. 6.2 Cautions during Standstill a. Keep the valves closed on the discharge side. '. Keep the valves closed on the suction side at standstill over a long petiod. ¢. Tn cold regions, keep the pumps at standstill and standby completely drained. 7. Inspection 7.1 Periodical Iaspection (mark 0 are refér to all centrifugal pump.) Excepting the case of abnormal conditions, it is desizable to-carry out inspection peviodically in the following way, but since it varies according to the method of mounting, etc, It is préferable that the operator should make a final plan of inspection in accordance with conditions crs Period Item Acton to taken Only 18 | Every 3 month later months Every 12 months or 8,000h¢s Evory 4 years or 20,000hrs Ball bearing | Oil and grease change, Check up inner and outer raves as well ag balls for exfoliation, and if its trace is found, renew it. Submerged | Check up sliding surfaces line bearing | for conditions of contact and flaw. Measure inside diameter and take necessary. steps according to manufacturer's standard. Gland Check up condition of |” packing fitting and amount -of| leakage. Renéw. it if leakage is too much, Mechanical [Check up condition of geal mating faces Renew it. | Shaft sleeve | Check up contact points and flaw in portions facing packing and’ bearing. Measure outside diameter and take necessary steps actording to manufacturer's standard, Shaft Check up conditions of contadt,, flaw’ in sliding faces, and bend of shaft. C16 Period Only 1* | Every3 | Every 12 | Every 4 month | months | monthsor| yearsor later 8,000brs_| 20,000hrs Trem Acton to taken “O"ring’ - | Check up surface daw and condition of deterioration. ° Renew it ifdeformed, Renew it, fo} Casing Check up conditions of Wearing ~ | contact, wear and corrosion sing in sliding fate. Measure inside diameter and take 8 FO necessary steps according to manufacturer's standard. Impeller | Check up conditions - of wear and ‘corrosion of all parts; Measura sliding face in contact with casing 8 FO wearing ring and take necessary steps according. to manufacturer's standard, Shaft Check up condition of wear cupting: _,, | sind renew then ifabnormal 5 bolts and | points are found, ~ ‘ tuber rings fl ‘Note: E._ The hours quotéd refer'to the. operating hours. 2. “Sxrefér toa seawater pump anid F fresh seater pump. When a sea water pump casing is Mads of cast iron, its intetio must be painted at the'time of overhaul. a 4. Ovrefer to a lub, Oil pump. 7.2 Overhaul a When overhauling the pump, attention must be paid as follows: Understand the construction well by referring to the assembly drawing and make mistake in the order of overhaul. When separating fit and flange faces, use jack bolts and wooden hammers, and never apply force with chisels or drivers, When removing'the rotating element, take cate to avoid flaw on sliding faces and machined surfaces. : Particularly, never damage the mechanical seal mating faces. When removing rotating parts from the shaft, draw off each one-carefully after removing the locking device. Handle the long sized-parts such as shaft that it may not bend. Handle the parts carefully, by azvanging them on sheete of paper or cloth in good order. At overhauling, put suitable match marks as many a3 possible to avoid mistakes when reassembling. 7.3 Checkup Measure each sliding part and take necessary steps according to manufacturer's standard, 74 Assembly Carry out assembly, by reversing the order of disassembly and paying attention as follows? Remove dust and stain from each part by washing it thoroughly with kerosene. Repair it if flaw is found, Fit the locking device perfectly in each rotating part if necessary. When fitting the parts with match marks, be sure to follow them. Install tae mechanical seal carefully and confirm its movement by hand after installation. Insert each packing ring in good order softly one by one from the bottom, staggering each joint by 90° or 180° Adjust the leakage from the gland'as 1~2 drops per 10sec, Excess tightening the grand packing will eause the wearing the sleeve, shaft, and will generate heat. Check up alignment as mentioned in part 4. ‘Turn the shatt by hand to see whetherit hirns smoothly. C18 h, Make sure the nuts for coupling bolts are fastened or not 7.5 REPLACEMENT MOUTH RING. L. DISASSEMBLY D Apply localized"heal (100°C over for a few minutes) aid quickly cooling (Direct). 2) Disassembly while itis cold. Tit cannot be removed, try again with longer heating. 2. ASSEMBLY : 1) Remove dirt and oil fom housing ID and mouth ring OD with cleaning solvent. , Be sure no water retnain cin the parts. “Remove remaining adhesive from ‘housing ID (with disk’ tipe wire brash). 2) “Assemble housing ID and mouth ring OD after applying. Locktite 640 on to whole surface of both-of these patts) or ect the ring with screw OL): “As squeezed adhesive dose not cure, with clot. 3) Allow 6 hotirs at 25°C’ to gure Locktite 640 after assembly. C19 8.Troubles and Remedies Should troubles occur, their causes must be traced and necessary remedies must be carried out. The following, for instance; can be conceivable as troubles. Troubles Causes Remedies Pump does not | © Motor is in trouble. © Repair motor. start. O Pump seigures. O Repair pump. © Nopower source. O Check up electric system. © Wiring is broken, or relay, | Repair. | "ete; are in trouble, © Check up electric system. | © Lack in voltage. | [Pump starts, but|O. Pump is wot primed of| © Prime pump once mors. | does. not discharge| _inewificiently primed: O Openvalves. | water. O Valves'are not open. © Repair valves. O Valves will not open. © Check up suction system. © Pump is sucking air. © Cleai pipe or strainer. O Suetion pipe’ or strainer is|O Clean impeller, clogged. . © Repair vacuim pump © Impeller is clogged. O Change wiring. © Vacuum pump is in trouble, O Motor. rotating direction is wrong. , © Impeller is. mounted, the | Mount it in correct ditection,. | shait reversely. 1 | Pump : starts, but | OQ Pump is sucking aix. © Check up suction system. | specified discharge | Pump speed are too low. | © Corréct electri source pressure is not/© Discharge pressure is too|O Check up discharge piping. reached. high. : © Clean suction pips or strainer. © Suction pipe or atéainer is|O Clean impeller. ° clogged. © Renew casing wearing ring. © Impeller is clogged.“ O Throttle discharge valve. { © Casing wearing ring is worn. | Replace gauges by new ones, © Cavitation exists, © ‘Replace impeller by new one. © Gauges are wrong. ter] O Impeller is worn. | Pamp starts and. Priming is insufficient. O .Prime pump. | discharges’ .. water, aC ° but soon ceases’ to| O Air pockets exist-ia suction | O Correct piping. discharge water. line. O. Check up auction aystem, © Pimp is suckitig air, © Check up sealing pipe. Pump is sucking. air’ through | © Adjust mechanical geal. stuffing box. Adjust packing, ‘Troubles Causes Remedies © Abnormal metal contact |. Remove contact. exists in the rotating parts, © Connection is wrong, O Check up alignment. O Packing is too tightened. | © Loosen gland or otherwise renew Pump starts, packing. O Pump shatt is bent. O Renew shatt. but motor gets ee © Pump casings deformed. /O Check up foundation and piping. O Pump discharges too much. |© Throttle discharge valve, © Pump bearing are wrong, | O Renew pump bearings. © Abnormal sounds by the|O Check the using point on “The impeller cavitation. shop performance test curve", and rated cap, and ‘head are more desirable. © Lubricantisin shoitage. [OQ Supply lubricant. O Lubricant is too much, © Drew ouit lubricant, © Lubricant is unsuitable or’ | © Replace lubricant by specified incorrect. one. © Connection is wrong. O Check up alignment, Pimp starts, O, Bearings axe wrong. O Renew bearings. Butbearings get | O Shaft is bent, O Renew shaft: overheated. © Thrust has increased. O Check up whether excessive wear exists or impeller’ balance holes are clogged, and reassemble if necessary. © Impeller balance is wrong. |© Repair or renew impeller. Q Bearing assembly is wrong. |O Readjust bearings, © Impeller balance is wrong. © Repair or renew impeller. © Connecting is wrong, © Check up alignment. © Shaftis bent! O Renew shaft. © Installation is wrong. © ‘Correct installation. Condition. Pump starts, aaa : 2 ees O Foundation is weak. © Reinforee foundation, © Other vibgation is © Reinforce piping. takes place. . transmitted. O Cavitation exists, O Throttle valve on discharge sides... . © Bearings aze wron © Renew ball bearing or submerged bearing In case troubles cannot be remedied in spite of the above countefmeasures, the causes ‘may be in the dezign conditions of the pump, éo it is preferable to coniult the shipyard c2i 9. Special maintenance and attentions in accord with "THE GUIDELINES FOR THE MAINENANCE AND INSPECTION OF FIRE'PROTECTION SYSTEMS AND APPLIANCE” 9.1 PURPOSE: This emergency fire pump is used for only emergency and not always operating continuous working, There fore, the pump should bé in’ ready fof starting anytime by special taintenances and attentions. 9.2 General atterition ' D This emergency fire pump is provided a Nash type vacuum pump which priming is necessary, and water in suctién side piping comes up, and ordinary pumping operation will be started. So that, the sevvice tani should be full with water always is very important. 2)" Mechanical seal on thé main shaft is provided for this emergency’ fire pump. Tfthe rust happen on the seal face of mechanical geal, offect will be reduced and leakage will happen, For protection of rust, pump should be operated occasionally. 9.8 Weekly check 1) Make sure that the seivice tank on. vacuuta pump is full with water always. 2) Once every weeks, emergency fire pump should be operated by flash switching of on, off. But never operated mora than one minute continuous running because of “scorching “ on seal contact face. 9.4 Monthly test ‘Take a normal operation on this pump. 1) Before a starting, make sure that the service tank on vacuum pump is full with water 2). Pump start, suction valve is open Delivery valve is close 9) [fdelivery pressure comes up, det the delivery’ rated pressute with the valve. 4) Make sure the abnormal temperatuce up on the bearings and mechanical seal or not. 5) Make sure ampere meter if meter will over rated horsepowei dr not, checking pump shop performance test. 9.5 Annual inspection and test The same as “Monthly test” 9.6 Two years periodical test Cneluding the ship periodical inspection) C22 1) Disassembly the pump. Disassemble the pump in accordance with the instruction manual. All parts should be checked and replace it if the wearing parts are found, (Refer to 11 clanse) 2) Reassemble the all parts, and make sure the operation test just as 9.4 claus. C23 10. 10.1 GENERAL DIRECTIONS AND DISASSEMBLY PROCEDVRES FOR VARIOUS PUMP TYPE TYPE PCSH_ Disascembly procedure Numbers in ( Remave suction cover fe Remove impeller Remove grand 1 Remove casing — Remove coupling bolts i Remove motor Romove bearing ) correspond to the locators on the sectional arrangement drawing. Open the suction cover (10) Remove the impeller nut (301) Rembve the impeller (3) Remove the fasten bolt nut, and ‘temove the grand from the casing (1) Separate the pump casing (1) Remove the coupling bolts & nut (62.53.56) Remove the motor and remove coupling (50), After removing the bearing case covers (43) 4), remove the pump shait together with the ball bearing. Unlock the washer and remove the bearing aut (303), and the ball bearings (40,40) C24 10.2 TYPE 2CMA Disassembly procedure Numbers in ( ) correspond to, the Iscators on the sectional arrangement drawing. 1 | Remove coupling bolls & nuts I 2 | Open packing gland y 3 | Remove Bottom cover ¥ 4. | Remove casing cover _———r 5 | Remove bearing case cover ive 6 | Remove shat assembly ¥. 7 | Open coupling ¥ g. | Remove bearing Note? Remove the -coupling bolt & nuts. (62.53.54) ‘Open the packing gland. (16) ‘Open the bottom cover. (12), Remove the front halt’ of the pump casing. (1) Remove the bearing case cover: (13) Remove the front halt of the bearing case. (6), then take out ‘the shaft assembly. Using coupling puller, remove the coupling (50), the bearing case cover. (13) Unlock the nut & washer (303) remove the bearing. 1) When reassembling, the bearing with ab, 50~80ce grease must be reassembled, in bearing casing. : 2) Grease must be applied inside of the submerged bearing when reassembling. c2s 10.3. TYPE CSB6 Disassembly procedure Numbers in ( ) correspond’ to’ the locators on the sectional arrangement drawing. 1 | Remove the frame and casing y 2g. | Remove coupling ¥. 3 | Lift up motor ak 4. | Disassemble casing cover i 3. | Liftup pump shaft ae 6: | Remove impeller Note? Remove the bolts connecting frame. (7) and pump casing (1) Remove the reamer bolts for coupling, (63) Lift-up electric motor with frame. Remove the bolts: of casing cover (2) from caging Life up the pump shaft (5) with casing cover (2), impeller (3) ‘Remove -the impeller washer (3), and loose impeller nut (301), then remove the impelior (6) Grease must be applied inside of the substiorged bearing when reassembling. €26 11: Maximum tolerable clearances of sliding faces. When the clearances of sliding faces become more than following by wear dr corrosion, reneial of the parts is desirable, though no trouble has occurred. Ttem ‘Maxinaum tolerable clearances , Submerged line hearing and . Sleeve dia. x 20/1000mm shaft sleeve Shaft sleeve 0.5 mm of surfice wears at any part, Ring inner dia. clearances in diameter Lese 100rara 12mm Impeller and casing wearing | 101~200mm Lémm Gnouth ring). 201~300min 2.1mm 301~500mm 2.Tmm 10mm Neck bush and shat sleeve. Stage‘ bush aad shaft or impeller, < €24 12. VACUUM PUMP (NP) INSTRUCTION MANUAL 12.1 Out line of vacuum pump ‘This is a kind of nash Type vacuum pump, ‘This vacuum pumps are used for example emergency fire pump ete, and attached the upper frame of the main pump. And vacuum pump are driven through friction coupling which is attached the main, motor shaft.. Main particular Apply pump Discharge air io _ Par a ne Revolution Necessary power Less than 250mm |¥/He | 2800~3600rpm | Less than 2.0lew Note : Discharge air volume anid revoliation will depend on it's pump type (as 250-2CMA~150-2CMA, 125-CSB etc.) 12.2 Constmetion of vacuum pump 1)- Vacuum pump (Refer Dwg, $-027) ‘The air in suction piping and the main puisip casing are discharged with impeller (102) which is installed the shaft (105) is supported with 2 bearings (113). Driving power is given by the friction coupling (136) through the motor shaft coupling. Air is passed through ftom inlet to outlet of the vacuum pump. 2) Friction coupling pitshing piston. (Refer Dwg. S027) Upper side of vacuum pump in the Dwg. shows the pushing piston device of friction coupling. It is a pushing piston device of friction coupling, ‘The lever (123) is fixed at: the friction coupling with bearing (131), and. friction coupling is possible to remove to axial direction. On the other hand, lever (128) is connected the piston (142). The piston (149) is pushed out with the spring (149) always, and the friction coupling (136) is thrusted to the friction coupling of the motor shaft, and remove to left side in the drawing ($-027). Removing the lever (123) is available with hand. C28 By delivery pressure water of the main pump, the.pushing (142) is pull-back to sight side in the drawing (S-027) and'leave the friction coupling (185) from it's pushing positing. 8) Float valve (Refer Dwg. G‘072) Float valve consist of the float case (290) and float (291), and when pressure water come from the main pump delivery; thefloat (291) is suspended on water and the spindle (292) of the float (291) goes up and shut the water inlet. ‘Therefore, set the float valve at right vertical position. 4) Piping and fitting (Suction side) + Swing check valve ~~ + Scxew down stop valve: =~ + Air piping -—-----~ (Delivery side) Cock + Bipite ~ 12.3 Operation of this system (Refer Dwg: G-071d) ‘This vacuum pump system are used for easy priming the pusop automatically when main pump ‘starting. When thé main pump starts, thi vacium pump operates simultaneously, and the dir in suction piping and pump’ is axhdusted out through’ the vacuum pump, automatically, and priming the pump is operaied. ‘When water comes up to the iain puinip, the pressed water goes to the lever, arid as the result of which the friction coupling stand a part from the others. And finally the vacuum punap stops. (Caution) [mportant] A) Keep full water in the vacuum pump before starting the pump by pouring water through the tank. B) Take off the stop pin of the lever (123) before starting the pump. C29 12.4 TROUBLE AND MEASURE TROUBLE SOURCE MEASURE No contact each other friction | Reset the friction coupling to Nostartme | curling the right position, ‘The lever (128) don't move by | Remove the stop pin from stop pin insert in. hole. No contact’ each friction couplings by’ worn out the | Replace the new one. surface rubber. No contact each, friction ) couplings by broken th? | pe Jace the spring (149) in the pushing | Replace the new one. piston, | Vacuum pump don't work by broken bearing (113). Replace the new one | Vacuum pump don't work by broken bearing (113) of | Replace the new one, friction coupling, Before starting the pump, No water in the vacuum | water should be poured in the NopuMP | Pump. vacuum pump through the WATER UP os Make sure the right position of check valve which is set upside down or not. Miss assembling the piping and fittings. Make sure the stop valve open Make sure del. cock open. STARTING OK - BUT, Air leakage in the piping and flange ete. Make sure air leakage from the piping, especially flange, Loose fasten bolts of the | valve ete. | flange. 630 12.5 Disassemble manual Numbers ( ) shows No of each ‘parts: in the soctional arrangement drawing (C8-6056) 2) Remove the suction, delivery piping, valves and cock from the vacuum pump. 2) Remove the whole vacuum pump unit from main pump frame. 3) Remove the lever pin (128) and piston pin (at 143) # Remove the lever (123) and housing (129) with bearing (131) aind friction coupling (136) from thé vacuum pump. 5) Pushing piston. Remove the pushing piston casing (14) from the vacuum pimp casing.(103); 6) Remove the casing cover (101) from the casing (103), and also nut (110), washer (109), and impeller (102). 7) Pull out the vacuum pumps shait'(108), - {together with the ball bearing (113)] 8) Remove the cap (144) with piston (142), shaft (143), nut (147), “o’zing (160), and spring (149). 12.6 Reassembly manual Reassembling the pushing pistori ‘and vacuum pump should: be performed in .a reverse order of disassenibly. And care should be taken in setting of friction coupling with the motor shaft friction coupling. Umportant] A) When the vacuum pump sets it’s right position, the piston shaft (143) and léver (123) should be removed several mm to’ the piston casing side (141) by ‘each f¥iction coupling pressing. B) Pressure adjustment on'the reasserabled pressure cylindex: On completion of the assembly, operate the pump and adjust the pressure about Ikglem? of which the friction coupling is disengaged from the motor coupling. For this adjustment, turn the piston’ adjust aut clockwise to increase the disengage pressure and counterclockwise to teduce it, c3! ° 6. PAINT STORE NOZZLE Di UPEKALING MANUAL Ut PAINT 5 KE NULLS (OPERATION) . MAKE SURE THAT PUMP SUCT, V, (002VPW) AND PUMP DISCH. V, (014VPW) ARE OPEN. . OPEN S.C, SUCT. V, (OLIVPH, 102VPW or O12VPH, 104VPW) . . OPEN ISOLATING V, (032VFH and 033VHF) . OPEN 053VFH, WHICH HAS ANAME PLATE [INDICATING "WATER SPRAY FOR PAINT STORE”, 5, START FIRE & G, S, PUMP, WATER IS SPRAYED THROUGH PAINT STORE NOZZLE (054 ~ 0571 FH) AFTER ABOVE-MENTIONED OPERATION TO BE CARRIED OUT. (APTER USE) 1, STOP FIRE &G, S, PUMP, 2. CLOSE S.C. SUCT. V. (OL1VPH, 102VPW or 012VPH, 104VPW) 3. CLOSE ISOLATING V, (032VFH and 033VPH) 4, OPEN DRAIN VALVE (042VFH) TO DISCHARGE DRAIN WATER IN FIRE HYDRANT LINE. 5, CLOSE 053VFH AND DRAIN VALVE (042VFH). TO ACCOM PART AINT STOI eine ~e osavrd STATION| say ry WITH NAWE PLATE THOTCATING co "WATER SPRAY POR PAINT STORE” WEATHER PAR, NEAR STORE DOOR) NY 7 or R \ opavan upp, peck | /* 1S0Lat oxaven or FROW70 SATE OE oravew *0 a (WEATHER PART) ‘PUMP DTSCH VN, ENGINE RM, FIRE &G, 8, PUMP a oo2vew PUMP SUC ougveH 8. 0, SUCT. VO Wi 8,0, SUCT. V. Lovet 8.0. UCT. 7. FOAM FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM El OPERATING PROCEDURE a) Starts the fire pump. 5) Check the prassure on the pressure gauge fitted before the eductor, It differs fron system to system, but set up a standard as above 0.59uPa, ©) Open the valves before and after the eductor. 4) Direct the foam monitor to the fire, and open the valva located at the lover part of the monitor and the foam is discharged through the nozzle Note : If the foam monitor is provided with a nozzle fixture (nozzle hanger ar rotation and elevation fixture), be sure to remove it before operation. ©) The foan monitor can be moved freely vertically and horizontally by the control lever and also can be fixed at 2 selected position. Therefore, Gperator nay leave the noni tor nozzla when the spat becomes dangerous having. the nozzle continue its discharge of foam against the fire. f) Connect the portable foam nozzle to air foam hydrant and start discharge. In this regard, your attention is Invited to the fact that the use of portable nozzle at high pressure may Increase reaction force which would cause unsafe operation. Pressure between 0.39 ~ 0.59MPa is recommended for this aurpose. The above outlines the operating procadure in general. Regarding the design, pressure of the nozzle, vessel's piping and valve positions, and other details of the system, please refer to the finished plans and operating instruction of the air-foam fire extinguishing system furnished by our company. TO ARE Wal ones wan FoaM voutToR nozae peor | pee at oan Xx | FROW Ae Bump xo.Ne ROOM uve none ‘CARGO OIL TAN 2. MAINTENANCE AFTER STOPPING THE DISCHARGE After stopping the discharge, the entire system should be thoroughly washed with water by circulating it into the system and discharge through the nozzle. Tha foan tank should be washed with water and al! sea water should be completely drained from the tank after cleaning to make the tank ready for rafilling with the liquid. The remaining {iquid in the tank after stopping the discharge, should be completely removed trom the tank and should be replaced by new liquid, bacause the liquid once mixed with water, though it may stay separately from sea water for awhile, will be affected by the sea water and become unusable. After use, foam monitor nozzle must be washed their inside and outside with running water, and re-greaied completely, Care must be taken to repaint the parts where paint came off. Also, be sure that the foam nozzle is either fixed ‘on the nozzle hanger or entirely removed from the tank for storage to avoid - possible damage by sea waves. Where slewing and/or topping fixture Is provided on the nozzle, be sure to lock them. ers 8. LOCAL HIGH EXPANSION FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM DRRAS INSTRUCTION MANUAL LOCAL HIGH EXPANSION FOAM FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM — — KEDAH CRM LET FAW — = - —-—-—DO NOT USE EXCEPT FIRE——— 7A =] a | G@ 27,0 a is RAS AIR INLET NAMB FOAM GENERATOR =7AO AIR INLET VALVE ® a FOAM DISCHARGE VALVE ® BER / EDS REDUCING VALVB/PRESSURB GAUGE ISBT : 0.4MPa (4. 08ef/em" } @ TXABRET IT FOAM LIQUID FILLING PLUG Like vo FOAM LIQUID TANK Key 737 ae PLUG @ © © | O83 wus SS KEE BEe~ © Feassure cauGs WATER PIPE TO FOAM GENERATOR (@ StH SAPBTY VALVE (SBT : 0.45MPa (4.5kef/em) (Ho R 1. © OMWREMAL ORAHH 0. 25MPC (3. Skef em) cease ey blLet. - © O=TADFEMMLET, DLOMMICLD, RERD bins ahET, ce 2 1. =7AGR, wekPeELLT TSN. 2. @ EROML, MARERE SALT EW, 3, ROALETISERDALT FEN, OPERATION 1, OPEN THE FOAM DISCHARGE VALVE @ AND SET THE WATER PRESSURE 0.35MP @.5kgi/cw) AT THE PRESSURE GAUGE ©. 2, OPEN THE AIR INLET VALVE @, THE FOAM DISCHARGED FROM THE FOAM GENERATOR ABOVE OPERATION. AFTER USE 1. CLOSE THB AIR INLET VALVE AND FOAM DISCHARGE VALVE. 2, TAKE OUT PLUG @ AND FILL UP THE FOAM LIQUID. 3. FIX THE PLUG. F2 9. FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM GI OPERATING METHOD In order to quickly take adequate measures for alarm issued from this system and to maintain the full function of this system. it's essential to become well familiar with operating method of units and execute per- iodical maintenance and check 1. Operating Method Operating panel( indicating 5 lines ) Fice Toct Switch Region Nan Asgion Display Laro GED) Disemection Display Lama CYEL.) A }L_ JE Voltneter aque ane oan swivos oeax fowge TOURLE —reULE ° Oo ° ° exersewr Sone } on =| S FAA z iL a ee ae ee Los FIRE ALARM TROUBLE ALARM EMERGENCY RESET INDICATOR OFF a ‘STOP ‘STOP “ALARN STOP Test MAIN POWER Sip Saitch on a LJs OFF G2 1.1 Fire Monitoring r) @ When the MAIN POWER switch is turned to ON, the AC POWER lamp is Lit with approx. 24 volts indicated on a voltmeter allowing the equipment to be in fire monitoring mode. To operate theequipment, both the MAIN POWER and ENERGENCY POWER switches must be turned to ow. In normal operation, the FIRE TEST switch must be set to OFF position while all other switches are set to normal position (upper side), and confirm that all the indicator lamps except the AC PONER lamp are turned OFF. 1.2 Fire Alarm or manish aterm aviteh ts spritea, she [ci, <) Tf XX Spear es Werte rear ese) in order to notify the ship's crew of a fire break-out The ship's general alarm will be automatically activated i: (Zone Indicator ) 1 minute 50 seconds after the reception of the fire alarms. When an urgent alarm is needed after confirmation of a fire, press “EMERGENCY ALARM" switch downward immediately, courron In case the manual alarm switch is connected to the LA term- inal of this equipment, the ship's alarm delay time will be automatically cancelled, enabling the prompt alarm. ‘The delay time of approx. 1 minute 50 seconds can be released by setting the DIP switch inside the equipment to the speci- fied position Wnen the starter switch on the TIMER B0X( option ) is pressed with the TIMER BOX and AT terminal of this equipment being connected, a fire alarm for the Barrier Relay connecting line can be halted for specified time. (MAX, 2 hours) G3 ‘The halt the audio alarms after confirmation of a fire,carry out the folloeing operations (1) Halting the Main Buzzer(internal buzzer, external main bell): Press the "WAIN BUZZER STOP" switch downward. overmore, if the another lines alarmed fire,press the "MAIN BUZZER STOR" switch downward again, case of the "Main Buzzer activated again (2) Halting the ship's alarm(external bell) : Press the "FIRE ALARM STOP" switch downward (3) Ress To reset the fire alarm, carry out the following operations the signal from the detector, (a) If the alarm is activated by press the "RESET" switch downward, then the normal position. manual alarm (b) If the alarm ig activated by the signal from th switch, pull the push button switch back to the original pos- ition, then press "RESET" switch downward. (c) As dt dd "RESET" ewitch downward, to be TEST RESET condition and then to over again "LINE RESET" approx. every 10 seconds x is not reset, or the manual In such a case that the fire dete alarm switch is left pressed, the fire alarm function is restored once approx. every 10 seconds, generating the alarm again courrION when resetting the equipment to the fire monitoring condition, make sure that all the switches on the Control Panel are set to normal position( upper position} and the “SWITCH CHECK" lamp is turned off Gt 1.3 Trouble Alarm The following alarms will be activated in such a case when a fuse(s) is(are) blown, power supply is interrupted, or regional lines are cut off. (1) Fuse blow out alarm When the fuse P1, F2, F3, F4 or FT is blown,the trouble buzzer is activated and the "TROUBLE" and "POWER TROUBLE" lamps are lit. When the fuse FC, FS or FL is blown, the trouble buzzer is avtiv- ated and the "TROUBLE" lamp is lit. (2) Power failure alarm In case the AC Main Supply fails Fi, F2(fuses for AC supply input) or FT( post rectifier fuse ) is blown, the equipment will be auto- matically switched to the emergency power supply(Dc). At this moment, the AC power indicator lamp is switched off, while the “POWER TROUBLR" and "TROUBLE" indicator lamps are lit with the A power failure condition can be cured trouble buzzer activat: by replacing the blown fuse, or applying proper AC supply voltage When cured, the AC POWER lamp will be lit, while the "POWER TROUB LS" and "TROUBLE* lamps are switched off, and the trouble buzzer is disabled In case the emergency power supply fails, or the emergency power supply input fuse F3 or F4 is blown, the "POWER TROUBLE" lamp and "TROUBLE" lamp are lit, and the trouble buzzer is activated. In such a case, inmediately inspect the fuse locate the failure and repair. (3) Discontinuity alarm When a discontinuity occurs on the L line and C line which are connected fo the FIRE ALARY DETEDTOR and MANUAL | E/R UPPER ALARM SWITCH, the corresponding “prsc- |"/S¢gq7e”_ | CONNECTION" lamp and the "TROUBLE" lamp | (VEL.) t, and the trouble buzzer is (Zone Indicator ) activated, consequently ‘The discontinuity alarm will be halted during the fire alarm cond- ition and the timer operated period, which is established by conn- cting the TIMER BOX and the AT termial of this equipment GS (4) Trouble alarm stop To halt the trouble buzzer sound and external trouble alarm press the "TROUBLE ALARM STOP" switch downward. nal, 1.4 Test (2) Fire test Rotate the "FIRE TEST” switch to the respective line test position e equipment to simulate the fire alarm condition as This enables previously explained ‘The test must be performed pressing the "RESET" switch downward every line so that the following fire test can be carried out with an associated circuit being reset (2) Test reset BT" gwitch being ed out with the "RE Wihen the fire test is car: pressed dounward. the Line Under Test can only be operated, while other lines are kept inactiv. When the FIRE DSTECTOR operation test is carried out with the "RESET" switch kept pressed downward, the equipment resores the circuit once every 10 seconds. When restored, the circuit is automati- the FIRE DETECTION operation { cally reset (3) Indicator test When the "INDICATOR TEST" awitch is pressed downvard all the indi- cator lamp except the "AC POWER" lamp are lit SWITCHES CHECK LAMP When the switches including the FIRE SIGNAL STOP, TROUBLE ALARM STOP,RESET or the EMERGENCY ALARM START are pressed downward, the SWITCHES CHECK LAMP will be lit This lamp indicates that the switch setting is not in the normal position, therefore, once the cause of alarm is locate and d, the switch must be reset to normal position (upward) . G6 GENERAL EMERGENCY ALARM Operation and maintenance The bell, buzzer and air horn shall be sounded as the general emergency alarm which consists of seven short blasts followed by one long blast by auto mode switch (MANUAL-OFF-AUTO) on wheel house group panel and in fire station(only AUTO mode). The bell, buzzer and air horn shall be used commonly to fire alarm. G7 siser/eie uz cA GENERAL & FIRE ALARM Rervoul a ____-__W7H GROUP al W/E STAR. WAY | C109 ACI OO! M4) [P 3 SR ofa Aono >| i TE the GAGs SI ayo, (9 z eben ee x Le| ade 3 Baad eee x oJ x 5 Q & beara oJ VMS MS ys MS AT 3 Zhe a) _{8) Lossy (©) _ (0) ae} ® ® a alc SWAY P-S{DB CENT. Mass OQ i x &. a 4 G24 2401 OF 5 sup a ANTET TRAINING OFFICE COMPUTER| P, 4 GALLEY SPACE ® ® ® Hors kite =P, fe ake All cables are to be “DI’ except for sspecially noted GB siaer/i2a GA GENERAL & FIRE ALARM (2/2) uz ACLO0V 43 x TATE g Gaza | GA30 S| | HOSPTAL SUEZ LosBy _suEZ aaseos |_©8-7 anae BM CY GEN, RM aa a aaa’ one ee { SIDE S-Sipe | a i ca-6 | 8 Q 2 | Tear 8 |___-_. -—-._1 | i a2 — J] Q| : z| cs) zs Z| a] BDI ' *) t 2 | Saar 3 S- - - a AIR 3 z | o Aaa aa a 7 7 Cs] 5 WORK SHOP Z Gaza GAD [ [a] 2ND DECK (5; 2ND_D 4 iL—eq . aro oeck(p) = LB rox | = 3 aRD D 7 ‘ THF I] 7 R Z Low, FLOOR (rors) LL, Low, FLooR. | 5 Tat F R Low, FLOOR (APT) Gait ALI cables are to be ‘DI‘ oxcopt for sapecially noted, G? 10. FIREMAN’S OUTFIT HI 0080! Vos $20-00-6¢ Sep/ia py so wre owe] —-SNBIE ‘ENLIZ “IN9LZ STBCOR "yO¥eINN 1nanam3— [pao ven YOLIWA SnLWaved¥ ONILV34G A1Ba¥S NOLIN sex/ pee 133HS VLG sig] OOBDFLOON 697899, Tas vivo] NOWswOS30 | JOON | FLL sn "300 00-50-66 SAWA O/A SYA [1 £9 00-50-65 SAWA ONLV3uE | 1 |Z ‘0 SS £00=P0=66 Inn ovinosy || ~¢ ‘08 SWMOA YY 3B YN SUSIA ONWNM | 1 [> SF ‘iv 40 NOILvand S00=20=66 AIBMGSSY SSHNWH | 1 [~S “S00=20=6E" aivid Yova[ 18 23MIN 9 ‘avg oor - “YouNn /a sownnes 4 pods femsctu nA He HNoNN wem 2fEU sp Pet Him Nl 2” eo BAIN ‘ave 007 - AUIN 9 "YE 00% — 2 PN S34 EIN meu on by a AZ loa oozreo vos ooziwo vol TF 810~10-6¢ sips somtt| | “laanyta susan} “we new o0 WovalNN/ 4 ATBAGSSY ANaHaIND Dozreo an | 8} cozieo , volun MBONTKD ve 02/1 9-uY AVS BOLI seta seen) see J33HS Viva uh wor amy | F | oozre0 are | 00 weso99 revetors nis ey f/f co ee OXeS 193K ‘ooogt ws =IWiaaL¥ Udy NK “OV3UHL ¥OIN = GUVONVIS NoKs30 wv 00c < “HUNSS3¥d 1S3L 9. SL LY Bv@ 00Z = BUNSSId ONT Too, : ALDVdY9 BN 19: ALOWdYO 3IVK INN ONY Gd ONG “GSISYIBONYS + LNSRLVZUL 3OVUNS 3A7TNOHS NO SuaLU¥AD SUR ONY OVI HLAK SUREK = nota ssvud SATA URS ¥ ONC RIBONTAD * wwheuwn os | | Ss fo - l = os “Teun fc pinay mn Restate 4 Sonu em TI FE POU a:80 HY MNP Pm emu pina Hope Ie ¥e MeN Bie HD oF NH UL H3 Donning instructions for UNIPACK BA 1. Before donning: Check that the shoulder straps are pulled back and that the waist strap buckles are adjusted outwards, 2.Don the apparatus with the 4, Push in the red button on the cylinder valve facing downwards. breathing valve to insure that the Grip the free ends of the shoulder positive pressure is off. straps and pull down until the back plate fits comfortably. 5. Open the cylinder valve completely, 6. Pution the face mask by first pulling 7, Inhale by taking a short fast breath an audible warning will sound the chin into the chin support and to automatically switch on the unti the pressure reaches a level then pull the head hamess over the positive pressure. Check the positive over the predetermined setting forehead and backwards. pressure by holding your breath of the whistle, Tighten the head hamess by first and inserting two fingers between tightening the lower buckles. the sealing edge and the face. Tighten the forehead buckle last. ‘Asstrong flow should be heard, Removing apparatus: Remove the fingers. If no air flow + Loosen head straps can be heard, the mask is tight. + Push and release the red button on the breathing valve and remove face mask The apparatus Is now ready for use. + Open hamess buckles and remove apparatus + Close oylinder valve NOTE: The handwheel must first pulled out before the valve can be closed (clockwise), Safety by Mee) U n ITO R H4 | USERS MANUAL COMPRESSED U N | PAC K AIR BREATHING APPARATUS THE UNIPACK MODELS 216 U1, 216 U2, 217 U3, 217 U4, 316 US AND 316 U6 COMPRESSED AIR BREATHING APPARATUS 10021786 sfetyoy TERY UNITOR FIRE RESCUE AND SAFETY HS IMPORTANT INFORMATION TO A 4 Preparation for Use... USER..... 3 4.1 Cylinder Connections... 7 4.2 Adjusting the Cylinder Retaining Strap 8. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ..ocn4 Denes aren aes 1 Basic Model. 4. 43° Connecting the Cylinder 14 Canrying Assembiy. 4 44 Connecting the Mask 1.2 Pressure Reducer With Warning Signal......4 4-5. Switching-off Positive Pressure 1.3 Regulator... 5 4:6 Apparatus Pre-Use Check... 1.4 - Supplementary air suppl 5 Donning the Apparatus 1.5 3S PS Mask... 1.6 Compressed Air Cylinders 6 During Use. 2 Explanation of the Functioning of the 7 - After Use. Lung Governed Demand Valv: 8 _ Connection of Extra Hoses. 2.4 Stand-By Mode 2.2 Initial Breath (‘Positive Pressure Mode") 2.3 Exhalatioy 2.4 Inhalation : 2.8 Flushing, Venting... 2.6 Retum to Stand-By 3 Air Supply 3.1 Duration Time 3414 Examples 9 Cleaning and Disinfecting 10 Storage 11 Annual Service. 12 Ordering Details. @ @® Wom EEC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY ISSUED IN RESPECT OF THE DIRECTIVE 96/98 ON MARINE EQUIPMENT THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE EQUIPMENT DESCRIBED ABOVE HAS BEEN MANUFACTURED AND CERTIFIED TO THE REGULATIONS, STANDARDS AND TYPE APPROVAL PROCEDURES IN FORCE WITHIN THE TERRITORY OF THE MEMBER STATES. IN MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DIRECTIVE SUB ARTICLE 5.2 ARE ELIGIBLE TO BE PLACED ON BOARD RELEVANT.E.U. MEMBER STATES SHIPS. THE PRODUCTS WILL_BEAR THE STEERING WHEEL MARK _ SIGNIFYING COMPLIANCE WITH THE REGULATIONS FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE DIRECTIVE 96/98 ON MARINE EQUIPMENT BY SEE-BG * PURCHASED BY UNITOR DRAMMENSVEIEN 211,0277 OSLO NORWAY * ORDER NO. * INTENDED FOR _ + NOTES:- THE INSPECTION FREQUENCY DETAILED ON THE EQUIPMENT AND IN THE SERVICING INSTRUCTIONS MAY BE SHORTENED IF EXPOSED TO WEATHER, HAZARDOUS OR CORROSIVE ENVIRONMENTS MARKING "CE 0158" AND "EN 137" Notice! Uke any piece of complex equipment, this product will do the job designed to do only if itis used and serviced ir accordance with the manufacturers instructions. This manual must be carefully read by all individuals who have oF will have the responsibilty for using or servicing the product. The warranties made by MSA with respect to the product are voided if the product is not used and serviced ir accordance with the instructions in this manual. Please protect yourself and your employees by following them. Before choosing and using this product, it is required to assess whether this product is suitable for the applica: tions intended. Choice and use are beyond the control of MSA. Therefore, the liability of MSA covers only the consistent quality ofthis product. The above does not alter statements regarding the warranties. and conditions of sale and deliveries of MSA. He Please read this information carefully before referring to the apparatu instructions. 1 Before using the UNIPACK compressed air breathing apparatus in an emergency rescue situation, the user must have been given full training in its use have read an understood this Instruction Manual and demonstrated proficiency to a responsibla ir structor or supervisor. Failure to do so can result in injury or death for the user and hav serious consequences for the people to be rescued and others involved in the incident. Compressed Air Breathing Apparatus (CABA) should only be used by adults in goo: physical and physiological condition. Guidance as to the level of protection for Compressed Air Respiratory Protectior Equipment can be found in C:R: 519 Guidelines for the selection and use of Respira tory protective devices. 7 The wearing of beards, side burns or spectacles may adversely affect the sealing of the facemask to the wearer's face. The face-to-facepiece seal must be tested before eact use. Where the use of a lifeline is required, a lifting harness should be used with the breath: ing apparatus. Only holders of a valid MSA Service Certificate may service and repair the UNIPACK breathing apparatus. Regular inspection and testing of the apparatus may be carried out by personnel who have been instructed in the correct procedure and use of the test equipment Definitions Inspection - Examination of visual condition Service - Measures required to maintain apparatus Performance Repair - Measures required to be taken to restore the apparatus performance Maintenance - Inspection, test, service and if applicable, repair The UNIPACK models are compressed air breathing apparatus (CABA) for work in contaminated hazard- ous environments. The apparatus consists of the following main com ponents: > Basic model > 3S PS Face mask » Gor7L 200 bar or 6 L 300 bar Cylinder > Supplementary air supply ‘The UNIPACK BA and UNIPACK BA 2nd Air with supplementary air supply are part of the UNIPACK flexible breathing apparatus. system:comprising of several different models to meat different customers tequirements. The apparatus uses a single com- pressed air cylinder for the air storage. The cylinder is mounted onto an anatomically designed. back plate. The high pressure in the cylinder is reduced in two steps or stages, down to a pressure which can be called breathable air. This type of equipment is known as a two-stage apparatus. This is done to achieve lowest possible resistance and high capacity when breathing in the unit Le. very low breathing ex- ertion even at very high workloads The first reduction of the high pressure is performed in the pressure regulator where the pressure is re- duced down to a medium pressure of approx. 7 bar. The pressure ‘regulator is a balanced piston type pressure reducer. ‘The second reduction from 7 bar down to normal air is performed by the breathing valve located at the face mask. This breathing valve is a demand valve which means that it senses the demand for an inhalation of air and it opens to Permit exactly the air flow demanded, The inlet valve closes when the inhalation stops and a spring loaded exhalation valve in the mask opens upon exhalation. The spring loaded exhalation valve creates.a small positive pressure inside the mask during the whole * breathing cycle to effectively prevent any inward leakage from surrounding atmosphere. This function Starts automatically by the first breath and is known 4 first breath positive pressure activation, The apparatus has an audible warning device placed at the tst stage pressure reducer, 1___Basic Model 1.41 Carrying Assembly The carrying assembly (Fig.1) consists of an ana- tomically designed back plate of antistatic plastic with carrying slots for easy transport of the appara- tus, The harness is of self-extinguishing polyester fabric and can be quickly replaced. On the lower part of the carrying assembly is the support for the pressure re- H8 ducer. On the upper part of the carrying plate is integrated cylinder support which with an adjust ovlinder retaining strap and a tension lever per connecting various compressed air cylinders Fig. 1 1.2 Pressure Reducer With Warning Signal The pressure reducer 500 C has a brass housin which is attached to the lower part of the carryin assembly. On the pressure reducer is a blow-out re lease valve, a waming device (audible), the pressur gauge line and the medium pressure line (Fig. 2), The pressure reducer reduces the cylinder pressure fo approx. 7 bar. The integrated blow-out releas¢ valve is set for activation at a pressure of approx. 11 bar inside the medium pressure part. Fig. 2 The warning device is set to give off an audible al when the cylinder pressure is reduced to approx. 55 baf. It continues to sound continuously, medium Pressure dosed until the usable air supply is nearly exhausted. ; The waming device functions without an injector, ‘meaning that no ambient air is drawn in to produce the audible signal. Thus it will function also at high air humidity or water spray even at temperatures around freezing Note! Correct planning of any operation in volving use of a breathing apparatus is essential. The watertight encapsulated pressure gauge swivels and is connected to the pressure reducer by a flexi- ble pressure gauge fine. It has an easily readable luminescent dial The regulator unit ( positive pressure lung governed demand valve) consists of a plastic housing with in- tegrated diaphragm servo control. It is connected with the pressure reducer by a medium pressure line. The connection to the full face mask is by means of a plug connector. This assures safe and easy handling. The freely pivoting plug connector automatically adapts itself to the head movements of the user (Fig. 3). Fig. 3 1.4 Supplementary Air Supply Some models have a breathing hose with an extra air manifold coming from a T-piece connection. It is equipped with a quick coupling for use with air line system, ventilated chemical suits, rescue mask or rescue hose (Fig. 4). Fig. 4 1.5 3S PS Mask The 3 S-PS Mask is not a complete respiratory pro- tective device by itself, but a part which connacts the device with the respiratory tracts of the user facepiece). It serves as facepiece (EN 136, class 3 and EN 136-10) with plug-in connector for positive pressure (pressure demand) compressed air reathing apparatus and can only be used with the corresponding compressed air breathing apparatus UNIPACK (Fig. 5). H? Fig. 5 The rubber head hamess has five straps that are tightened and locked by buckles. The wide sealing edge of the mask is pressed slightly against the face by positive pressure and follows the contours of the face giving an effective seal The inhalation air flows from the connector of the mask past the inhalation valve to the inside of the tens (thus keeping the lens largely fog-free) and then through the check valves into the nose cup. Fig. 6 The dead space has been minimized by the inner mask and separate inhalation and exhalation chan- nels which coincide with channels in the breathing valve, The exhalation air passes through the exhalation valve directly to the ambient atmosphere. In that way, inhalation and exhalation air will never be mixed, valve, pressure reducer and coupling; this, howeve does not influence the function of the apparatus. Compressed air cylinders must be ordered sep rately for the respective operating pressures. The air inside the cylinders must be according to EN 12021. 2__ Explanation of the Functioning of the Lung Governed Demand Valve Control valve ‘Apparatus connector Diaphragm lever Main valve 11cap Female Zatch 8 Release spring Valve space Air detector 6 Postive pressure sping Valve spring ‘ lacicator spring Fig. 8 241° Stand-By Mode ‘The red switch-knob (10) is depressed and not visible in the lateral slots of the cap (11). ‘After the cylinder vaive of the compressed air breathing apparatus is openéd (see Instructions for Use Basic Ap- paratus) air with a medium pressure of approx. 7 bar flows into the medium pressure space of the lung governed demand valve, From there the air flows through the control piston into the valve cavity. Since the control valve is closed by the closing lever, the pressure in the valve cavity keeps the main valve closed due to the various sealing diameters of the control piston. The diaphragm lever is kept in the uppermost position by the valve spring va the closing lever. The diaphragm (3 or 4) is held in a stable position by the red switch-button via a special, patented female catch. Since the knob base (7) is fitted with a matching contour male catch, the female catch will not spread without breathing, resp. at sudden impact. The lung governed demand valve now is in "stand-by" mode, ie. itis under medium pressure but is not releasing air. HIO Mode”) Lung governed demand valve in stand-by mode connected to full face mask. With the initial breath from the mask, a negative pressure is created which moves the diaphragm (3 or 4) out of the male catch of the switch base. Thereby the spring force of the release spring (8) must be overcome. Since the female catch of the diaphragm (3 or 4) is no longer held in the knob base (7), the red switch-button is released and is pressed ‘out by the indication spring. The red switch-button is visible through the slots in the cap (11) and the dia~ phragm (3 or 4) is released. Now the lung governed demand valve is switched on and the positive pres- sure spring (6) is effective. When the lung govemed demand valve releases air, a static positive pressure of max. 3.9 mbar is created. Fig. 9 2.3 Exhalation Lung governed demand valve switched on in positive Pressure mode . The positive pressure that is built up by the release of air from the lung governed demand valve retums the diaphragm (3 or 4) to its intial position. The lever system closes the control valve and in the valve cav- ity medium pressure again builds up which closes the main valve. The lung governed demand valve stops the release of air and maintains the static pressure, 2.4 Inhalation Lung governed demand valve switched on in positive pressure mode as in 19.2. When inhaling from the mask, a negative pressure is created in the inner space of the lung governed de: mand valve, causing the diaphragm (3 or 4) to push the diaphragm lever down which opens the control valve via the lever system: Since the bore in the control valve is slightly larger than the bore in the control piston, air flows quicker out of the control valve than air can re-flow from the medium pressure space. Thus, the valve space is depressurized. The pressure in the medium pressure space now is All control piston moves towards the diaphragm (3 or 4) It releases the main valve and air ‘lows into the mast connector until the breath is finished and the stati positive pressure builds up Fig. 10 2.5. Flushing, Venting If the red switch-button (10) is only slightly depressed from the stand-by mode without it being held by the fernale catch of the diaphragm (3 or 4), the lever system is activated and opens the main valve. The release of air is relative to the manual force exerted ‘onto the red switch-button (10). If the fed switch-button (10) is depressed too far during the flushing/venting mode the female caich of the diaphragm (3 or 4) will again hold the switch- button which will shut off the lung governed demand valve and bring it to stand-by mode. Should the lung governed demand valve be brought again to positive pressure mode, an increased negative pressure must be created again. Fig. 11 2.6 Return to Stand-By Mode If the red switch-button (10) is totally depressed ttl stop, itis held by the female catch of the diaphragm (B or 4), At the same time the lever system is acti- vatad and opens the main valve so that air flows. When the red switch-button (10) is released the lung governed demand valve is shut off and in stand-by mode, \onrcssey at Supply tor the UNIPACK is contained in cylinders which may vary in maximum filing pressure capacity, size and construction, Na- tional Standards and/or Regulations will dictate which cylinder may be fitted. The compressed ait cylinders are fitted with a cylinder valve which has a facility to be locked in open position to prevent acci- dental closure. Note! To close the cylinder valve, the handwheel ‘must first be pulled out and then tured in a clockwise direction, 3.1 Duration Time The air consumption of any self-contained breathing apparatus varies depending on the nature of work, the user’s physical condition, and experience of us. ing a breathing apparatus Approximate Air Consumption table At complete rest 5 to 8Umin Sitting sti 8 to 10Umin Walking 10 to 25Umin Slow running 30 to 50 Vmin ‘Sudden temporary exertion 70+ to 100 Vmin ‘An internationally accepted method of calculating the theoretical duration of an apparatus is to assume an average consumption of 40 Vimin. 3.1.1 Examples 1. A6 litre cylinder with a filing pressure of 200 bar has a free air capacity of 200x6 = 1200 litre Theoretical duration = 1200/40 = 30 minutes 2. A7 litre cylinder with a filing pressure of 200 bar has a free air capacity of 200x7 = 1400 litre Theoretical duration = 1400/44 3. AG litre cylinder with a filing pressure of 300 bar , has a free air capacity of 3006 = 1800 litre Theoretical duration 95 minutes 1800/40 = 45 minutes The warning period is. also included in the above calculation. The warming period is ap- proximately 6 -10 minutes. Note! Note! it is assumed that the compressed breathing apparatus is ready to be put it service having undergone all pre-use chec according to this Instructions for Use. 4.1 Cylinder Connections Prior tothe first use the apparatus must be prepar for the type of compressed air cylinder that wil used. Afterwards, when changing cylinders of t same diameter, the closed loop of the cylinder 1 taining strap is only lengthened or shortened ‘opening or closing'the tension lever. The length ¢ the cylinder retaining strap does not require reac justing! 4.2 Adjusting the Cylinder Retaining Strap to the Desired Cylinder Size Tur up tension lever of cylinder retaining strap pas the securing and marking cogs to a vertical open po sition, Loosen cylinder retaining strap to accommo date cylinder to be used (Fig. 12: Tension lever in open position). Than push fully charged compressed air cylinder into cylinder retainer. Tum tension lever down to horizontal tension posi- tion. The tension clamp engages past the marking cogs of the tension lever (Fig.: 13: Tension lever in tension position). Fig. 13: Tension lever in tension pos end. Attention! Tighten cylinder retaining strap only in tension position of tension lever, otherwise the tension lever cannot be turned down to the closing posi tion. In case of too much pretension, the cylin- der retaining strap can only be loosened in the tension lever after the compressed air cylinder has been removed. (Protection against inadver- tent loosening!) Turn down tension lever all the way to the closing ‘position. The securing cogs of the tension lever en- gage. Check tight seat of cylinder. If necessary, readjust Fig. 14: Closing Position of Lever 4.3. Connecting the Cylinder + The apparatus is prepared according to Sect Cann + Check sealing area of cylinder valve and gasket on high pressure socket for flawiess condition. + Turn up tension lever of cylinder retaining strap into open position (Fig. 12: Tension lever in open position) and push compressed air cylinder in cyfinder retainer. + Connect apparatus with high pressure socket of pressure reducer to cylinder. Connecting is fa- ciltated with cylinder in vertical position. ‘+ When tightening the high pressure connection, the last one and one-half turns automatically en- gage the jolt protector by means of an O-ring. + Lay apparatus down flat. © Turn down tension lever of cylinder retaining strap to closing position so that the securing cogs of the'tension lever engage (Fig. 14: Closing position of tension lever). + Check tight seat of cylinder, If necessary, read- just length of cylinder retaining strap. 4.4 Connecting the Mask The 38 P S Mask serves as facepiece and must be conneéted with plug-in connector for positive pres- sure (pressure demand) compréssed air breathing apparatus , this is a simple snap-in operation. The lung governed demand vaive function in any position. Due to the swiveling connections the demand valve automatically aligns itself, resulting in optimum HI3 valve with one hand, turn the locking ring in either direction and pull apart. Fig. 15 4.5 Switching-off Positive Pressure Switch off positive pressure by pushing red switch- button on lung governed demand valve 4.6 Apparatus Pre-Use Check 1. Check that the positive pressure is turned off by Pushing the red switch-button on the valve into the housing. 2. Open the cylinder valve 3. Read off pressure gauge. Pressure should be no less than 10% below the filing pressure (i.e. 200 bar apparatus 180bar, 300bar apparatus 270 bar minimum). Note! As the high pressure line to the gauge has a restrictor fitted for protection, it takes some time before the pressure gauge shows the {ull pressure. Hence it is necessary to wait about a minute in order to fully pressurize the system, 4. Close the valve and check for leakage during 1 minute by checking that the pressure gauge reading does not fall by more than 10 bar. 5, With the cylinder valve closed, the system may be depressurized by carefully depressing the red “ switch-button, 6. Read off the gauge when audible alarm sounds. The pressure should be minimum 50 bars (Euro- pean Standard EN 137), 7. Depressurize the system completely by depress ing the red switeh-button, 8. Switch off positive pressure by pressing the red switch button, 7 Check that the shoulder straps are pulled are pulled back and that the waist strap buckles are adjusted outwards. Fig. 16 + Don the apparatus with the cylinder valve facing downwards. Grip the free ends of the shoulder straps and pull down until the back plate fits comfortably. Fig. 17 + Close and adjust the waist belt. Fig. 18 + Push in the red button on the breathing valve to ensure that the positive pressure is off. HIt Fig. 19 Open the cylinder valve completely, an audibl warning will sound until the pressure reaches ; level over the predetermined setting of the whis tle, Fig. 20 Put on the face mask by first pulling the chin into the chin support and then pull the head harness over the forehead and: backwards. Tighten the head hamess by first tightening the lower buck- les, Tighten the forehead buckle last. Fig. 21 ; Inhale by taking a short fast breath to automat cally switch on the positive pressure. Check the positive pressure by holding your breath and in- serting two fingers between the sealing edge and the face. A strong flow should be heard. Remove the fingers. If no air flow can be heard, the mask is tight. The apparatus is now ready for use. Check the pressure gauge from time to time whilst using the apparatus. When approx. 80 bar remains in the cylinder the audible alarm will start to sound. The signal will con- tinue the whole withdrawal until almost all air has been used up. Note!: Correct planning of any operation involving the use of breathing apparatus is essential (See important information to user.) 7___After Use 1, Remove the face mask by loosening the lowest head hamess straps first. ‘Switch off the positive pressure by depressing the red switch-bution and than remove the mask at the same time. Fig. 22 2. For loosening of harness extend shoulder straps by liting the metal Fig. 23 3. Push opening button of waist belt buckle from body side towards front - the buckle opens. Fig. 24 HIS ing mode of lung governed demand vaive until air is released; the apparatus then is depressurized, Remove apparatus. Do not throw - handle with care ! Fig. 25 8 Connection of Extra Hoses ‘The UNIPACK can be equipped with an extra-air ‘manifold fitted with a quick connection for extra air. Fig. 27 The connection can be used to: + Feed the apparatus with medium pressure air from an external airline / source. «Connecting a chemical suit ventilation system. «Connecting rescue hoses between two apparatus * Connecting an extra rescue mask set st ouniesuuts HUSe OF extra rescue mask, a special adapter coupling with non-return valve opener is used. This device opens the non- fetum valve in the second air supply coupling mechanically. This female coupling must not be used in air-line systems as the non-return valve ust be able to close if the air-ine hose is cut off by any means. The female coupling with a non- return valve opener shail only be used on shorter hoses that can be controlled and the couplings disconnected if necessary. 9 Cleaning and Disintecting 1. Disconnect the mask from the demand valve, the mask will be cleaned separately 2. Check that the positive pressure is turned off. 3. Open the cylinder valve before cleaning the appa- ratus. The air pressure will prevent water from entering the breathing system. 4. Put the demand valve into the disinfectant solu- tion, after that rinse with clear water, but ensure that the lung governed demand valve is in the stand-by position (red switch-button is depressed and engaged in the middle position). To dry, push the red switch-button and flush the inside of the demand valve with the escaping air. (flushing function). Let the valve dry. Protect against direct, sunlight, Notet: For cleaning do not use organic solvents like nitro dilution, alcohol, spirit, gasoline, trichlo- ‘oethylene, etc. 5. The mask is cleaned with lukewarm water con- taining a mild detergent. Prior to washing, remove inhalation and exhalation vaive discs, unbutton the nose cup and unscrew the speaking dia- phragm with the special tool (MSA Part. No. 02055038). These components are cleaned separately and reassembled only after drying. For disinfecting MSA AUER 90 is recommended. In- formation about the concentration and time is, coritained in the instructions for use of the disin- fectant. After disinfecting thoroughly rinse com- ponents with water. Cleaned parts must not be dried in radiant heat (sunlight, radiators). When using a drying cabinet the temperature must not exceed 50° If necessary, clean carrying plate with lukewarm water. To do this, disconnect pressure reducer from carrying plate (loosen fixing screws) or closé high pressure connection of pressure reducer (cylinder connection), resp. do not submerse pressure reducer in water. Remove residual moisture by drying at max. 60 °C. For cleaning, do not use organic solvents, such as nitrous. dilu- tion, alcohol, spirits, gasoline, trichloroethylene, etc. If very ditty, the entire hamess including the metal fixtures can be washed in a washing ma- HIG tor washing, 7. Close the cylinder valve. If the apparatus equipped with an supplementary air supply co pling depressurize by opening the non-retu valve with a pen or something similar in order Temove any water . If there is no supplementa air supply coupling turn on the positive pressu: to vent the system, 8. Let the apparatus dry completely 9. Change to a fully charged cylinder. Notel: “It water has entered the breathing valve it simple to dry the valve by assembling th valve to the medium pressure hose. Ifthe CABA after cleaning is to be stored in temperature below 0°C no remaining humid ity or water in the mask or valves can be ac cepted, the use of drying cabinet is required Certain disinfectants and cleaning deter gents may affect materials like rubber anc plastics. Always follow the manufacturers recommendations. 10_ Storage Apparatus should be stored in a cool , dust-free and dry place. Fuubber parts must be protected against direct sun- light, ozone, UV-radiation, grease and oil The demand valve should be stored with the red switch-button always in positive pressure switch-off positon WARNING!: If the apparatus is to be stored at temperatures below zero itis essential that the apparatus is dried thoroughly before storage. 41__Annual Service ‘The UNIPACK breathing apparatus must every year undergo a complete function test in order to verify that the set fulfils the requirements and is safe to use. Annual Service and Jor repairs shall only be per- formed by personnel certified by MSA. For such services and repairs please contact your nearest UNITOR FIRE, RESCUE AND SAFETY SERVICE STATION, 12 Ordering Details Description Ordering No. UNIPACK BA 216 (U1) pomptessed air breathing apparatus without 200 bar 6L cylinder, 391-668269 se Duration approx. 30 minutes 391-690412 Cy UNIPACK BA 216s (U2) Compressed air breathing apparatus without 200 bar 6. cylinder 391-669531 se and supplementary air outlet. Duration approx. 30 minutes : 391-690412 Cy, UNIPACK BA 217, (U3) Compressed air breathing apparatus without 200 bar 7L Cylinder. 391-668269 set Duration approx. 35 minutes 391-690438 Cyl UNIPACK BA 217s (U4) Compressed air breathing apparatus without 200 bar 7L Cylinder 391-669531 set and supplementary air outlet. Duration approx. 35 minutes 391-690438 Cyl UNIPACK BA 316 (US) Compressed air breathing apparatus without 300 bar 6L cylinder. 391-668269 Set Duration approx. 45 minutes 391-690453 cyl UNIPACK BA 316s (UB) Compressed air breathing apparatus without 300 bar 6. Cylinder 391-669531 set and supplementary alr outlet. Duration approx. 45 minutes 391-690453 Cyl MSA 3S PS MASK, Fits all models, 391-667964 ‘Spare cylinder 200 bar, 6L, 391-690412 391-690438 Spare cylinder 200 bar, 7L Spare cylinder 300 bar, 6L 391-690453 When ordering or enquiring When communicating your order or enquiry, please include: * Complete product name * UNITOR's order number (nine digits) * Total quantity required * Your order number or identification details In addition information on ETA, ETD and ship's agent is iinportant in assisting us to make sure your order is properly taken care of. InsertUn.006 for 10021788/6.7.2000 HI7 FRS SERVICE STATIONS — UNITOR HAS THE EXPERIENCE AND CAPACITY TO FULFIL A COMPLETE RANGE OF SERVICE BY ITS WORLDWIDE NETWORK. SERVICE INSPECTIONS ARE STANDARDISED ON ALL OUR SERVICE STATIONS REGARDING PERFORMANCE AND DOCUMENTATION. AALESUND. CRISTOBAL LE HARVE NEW YORK SEATTLE ANTWERP DUBAI LIMASSOL osto SINGAPORE AUCKLAND DURBAN LISBON PHILADELPHIA STAVANGER, MANAMA, BAHRAIN ESBJERG LIVERPOOL PIRAEUS ST. JOHN: NB BARCELONA FREMANTLE LIVORNO PORT KLANG SYONEY BARI GDANSK LONDON PORTLAND,OR — SZCZECIN BERGEN GENOA LOSANGELES | PUSAN TRIESTE BILBAO GOTHENBURG = MALTA QUEBEC VANCOUVER BREMEN/HAMBURG HALIFAX MARSEILLES RIVEKA VENICE BUENOS AIRES — HELSINKI MELBOURNE RIO DE JANEIRO VERA CRUZ CADIZ HONG KONG = MIAMI ROTTERDAM YOKOHAMA, CAPE TOWN HOUSTON MONTREAL ‘SAN JUAN COPENHAGEN KOBE NANTES SANTOS CORPUS CHRISTI KRISTIANSAND NEW ORLEANS — SAVANNAH; GA FRS SERVICES IN PORTS NOT SPECIFIED ABOVE - A “FLYING SQUAD" IS AVAILABLE. FOR FRS SERVICES IN PORTS WITHOUT SERVICE STATIONS, ENQUIRES SHOULD BE MADE TO THE NEAREST UNITOR STATION. FLYING SQUADS ARE AVAILABLE FROM OUR SERVICE SUPPORT CENTRES AT: - DUBAI, HOUSTON, PIRAEUS, ROTTERDAM AND SINGAPORE. UNITOR ASA. MAIL P.O. BOX 300 SKOYEN, N-0212 OSLO NORWAY OFFICE: DRAMMENSVN, 211 N-0277 OSLO NORWAY, TEL: +47 22 13 14 15, FAX: +47 22 13 45 00, TLX: 76004 UNTOR N, WWW.UNITOR.COM HIg ouBoW vasTy) # WOtI~6E E partes 7aNOo MIHSIU OLN: ANaWINDS Shea ‘| BOLI f sins 3AU93LONd Bu AU3NS HOU : ck 133HS Viva ean _ # Yeon 2997} 1 Ts, Nowsi¥os30 [30 “ON | WLI SUISNOUL, LOY r i NOWHO¥T YOIN ONY YOSK A LINTSH | —_ Z S301. Youn 44 prune oe pret ren eR A em inne IH ee ks tHe HeWD ho wonmnag ane oe vo MunUees ONY: AHORA Srp NOL SSVIORUBL :3NT3H \We02 NB ONY ZES N3 ‘ies N3'99E NI “LINS : GYVGNVIS O31593uS NN Z BLYNOBVOATO OSA SSVIOREL L3H HSIN INTI3d3Y 2GLVA_ NOBBVOYOM ¥ OSTY GNY HSINJ LNVISIS3Y 3ULI NVEORd. HUM O3LY34L (NOLLOO) 3YBLs TWUNLYN NBAOM INS = Weave G3OMONT SUV ‘S3A019 GRLYTNSN ATWVORUOT 40 UNE ¥ AIMS AMA HLA »- TN HI? FUNG QUEL, UNLIUK “FLRESHIELD" IMPORTANT This is a fire-protection-suit that is intended for protection against radiation, heat, and single flames only. It is not a fire entry suit. CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS . Use warm water (max. 50°C) DO NOT USE BLEACH Use a warm iron The suit may be dry cleaned UNITOR PORTABLE FIREFIGHTING EQ. 39-02-001A H20 zz0-£1-60 IN3WGINOF SNVHBRL YO ANHAINO 3 qOLID m SLOO8 SNYA3RIS ALB4¥S OLIN g P 133Hs viva z é eee \-a03 | Nowarios30 | me U-SbE NG “SHE NB 'Z-bHE NB “bHE ND + QYVONVLS, agsza (ty 328 tsst9 (8) @h 321s. 03119305 35529 (6) ty 3S fe (cy 328) 9M S@ > LHOBM 99529 yy 32S (0) Sh = ee 32S 39829) Sr yovig + ynow%9 : 109441/NOLLOD “ONIN TOS TWLIN /M BIVENY = TRISLYA “al¥d_3NO YO 3UY “SON 03 ZHL (er 328) s9e~ en we Ry wound wR Ae I Hee vane “Sel NBOGYT LWA 3L7TdNOD NAGLE INVISISRY dS ONY 3AISVeBV HOI 3AVH STIS 3HL “DILVISILNY ONY INVISS3Y Ld ‘SO WEBNIN OL INVISIS33 34V S310S FHL “SODY OL INVISIS3Y 3YV SLO08 IHL “NOUIHONd NHS ONY JT¥NY “FIOSONY TALS “eV 301 THUS iW JOVM RW SLOOE 3HL Prva 1m ve nu Bayan eu oh We A Hai ws HOWE Jinan 5 SSRGLLVG A JAY) ALBIS ALQIYS YOLIN z " [eb HOe Fe oveezs sma wont senso “oles “SSRALIYE AS" Sod % S3OMOM ‘ON dO} HL we ox co: 1HOBK HO ® @ x33: A¥oALYO NoWOTXg 89/C6rHS-¥ ‘OHM LYOUUYID AST eng veo ANauuno wove ! novo ousvid : WRaLVA on ee 40/No YO 40 ONINdO Hos A3y SOROS ren vee ne HT 1 HN U- me BaN Ee eee tgputen H22 SAFETY LAMP - BRIGHT INSTRUCT EONS STAR 2317C This flashlight is equipped with a safety interlock to prevent | removal of the lens ring without NOTE: Do not open flashl EXPLOSIVE/HAZARDOUS atmospheres. £. With loc in full open pasion (tumed countercioctwise) remave the lens ring and reflector and insert 1 Svat (& 20 0-cel) batteries. 2. Replace the réfiector. and screw the lens ring all the way ‘down until one stot in the cap REPLACEMENT PARTS| the use of a special wrench. light in potentiatly ‘3. Turn the locking wrench Clockwise ta tightan the lack in 2 cased position. 00 NOT USE EXCESSIVE PRESSURE IN ‘TURNING THE LOCK. x5 aervecroa ys rae sucarzeciy Ni l Nes x6 auva suock, XX30 aeFLECTOR Gasker AB LENS RING Xe-S2 TUBE waTw swiTCH AND ING HANGER Slo~Ci-er. THEO 60 chy F LAVHS ORLYINSNI A ANGKAINDI 2 hrc 3 89% SX BYU OLB AGUYS YoLINn z ans * [er eserves 4 sen wo -ovweal} OxL: LIVHS OULSUOUd YIBENY HLIK TBS + el o0z~ MOUNN Ha peur warns ronnie a HoH aun LRU APU ey pm aBoNS ent vu. AHOBA WRALYH H24 veo-tl~60 BOE “8 sigusnenoani ANID wet0 5 Yoon aNroun ALS. OLD : na le . fe F TAYE 33S E sh E EE 2 a | IRA unows fF BUS SSTINVIS “TWOVHS -Ha03]WHOIHH_|_HLONT THAIS O3ZINVATYD "3400 U3HHI YASS GIT “ONRGAOD YANO INN: whatyn “YOUN Aa prunes a oe 9 vp wr "8104 Po EUWD ean Ht Hp av LvtUn nou pend vo veweuye Eaves geo NOY wd H2s did C6 ON OE ouspuniy| o NTN Yo {naneino3 "Is | £ | wearer 1738 ALB3¥S AGMYS OLIN vntarre| @ | Oo eno us eR _woIbn fa prannon erro tenn smn om weep HU we pd ep en ean on oy 0 ams : ORLYId ONIZ “SONLLIL THUS NOBUO ‘SONULL SNIGGIA WASIIOd 1730: va soond tus ununape Bupneun wea ot wk AHO unov09 ANSHLY3UL 30vsuns Reavy TATA 30083 H26 11. VENTILATION SYSTEM AND FIRE DAMPERS 11.1. VENTILATION SYSTEM. 12 CONTROL FOR FAN Emergency stop switch for deck part fan. In order to prevent the spread of fire, an emergency stop switch shall be provided on the wheel house group panel and in fire station for stopping the following ventilating fans. a) Air conditioning supply fan >) Galley exhaust fan ¢) Sanitary space exhaust fan 4) Provision store exhaust fan e) Elevator trunk exhaust fan Emergency stop switch for engine part fan. In order to prevent the spread of fire, an emergency stop switch shall be provided in upper deck outside of the engine room entrance and in fire station for stopping the following ventilating fans. a) Engine room ventilating fan b) Purifier space exhaust fan ©) Boiler F. D. fan @ Inert gas fan Emergency stop switch for cargo part fan. In order to prevent the spread of fire, an emergency stop switch shall be Provided on the wheel house group panel and in fire station for stopping the following ventilating fan. a) Pump room exhaust fan I3 8. Operation 8.1 Preparation for operation 8.1.1 Checking installation 1) Ensure that all bolts are correctly tightened. 2) Make sure that unusually vibration is not transuitted from the hull, especially when the ship is sailing. If the fan excessively vibrates even when the ship is in stop, the hull is excessively vibrating or the stiffness of base, aounting plate or floor is not enough. Operating under this condition will damage the shaft and bearing and even cause aotor burning. Reinforce the hull. 8.1.2 Terminal section 1) Make sure that lead wire insulation is free from damage and cracks. [f any, repair the wire. 2) Check phase terminals for looseness. If any, retighten and apply locking paint. 3) Check phase wiring for correct phase sequence. If wrong, correct. 4) Ensure that the inside of the terminal box is free from vater and dust. [f any, clean the inside of the box. 8.1.3 Insulation resistance 1) Using 500 V aegger, measure the insulation resistance between each winding and the ground. The resistance should be greater than the value given in the equation below: . Rated voltage x 3 (¥) ‘The resistance should Insulation resistance = ————"$ 7" __ (yg) Rated output (kW) + 1000 not snaller than 1 HQ. 2) The terminal box should be securely installed. Tighten the bolts in the order of X so that the rubber backing is not deformed. Ensure that the bolts are positively tightened. 8.2 Operation Operation is made from the starter. For operating information of the starter, refer to t? starter manual supplied by the starter maker, 8.3 During operation 8.3.1 Monitoring instruments (if provided on the starter) Nake sure that the operating current is within the limits. The current is reversely proportional to the operating temperature. That is, low temperature requires more power to allow the high density air to flow. The current value say exceed the rated value in winter or when sailing in a cold area. In this case, low ambient temperature will allow heat due to overcurrent to dissipate, allowing the motor to operate under the rated poxer. However, settings on the theraal relay on the starter should be changed. For resetting procedure, consult us. ee 8.3.2 Checking for unusual sound DDWARKTNG @Do not touch the listening rod directly to the motor. If the rod touches the impeller, severe personal injury or damage to the impeller may result. Instead, touch the rod to the casing. During operation, check parts for unusual sounds. To check the aotor and bearing by ear, use the listening rod. 8.3.3 Checking for unusual vibration During operation, check parts for unusuel vibration. Unusual vibration is caused by resonance of fan vibration and hull vibration, or stiffness of the base, mounting plate or floor on which the unit is nounted is lov. Continuous operation under this condition prosotes vear of the shaft and bearing and aay burn the aotor. Reinforce the base, sounting plate and floor 8.3.4 Divergence of the daaper (if installed) Adcantiox @0o not operate the unit with the daaper fully or nearly fully closed. The notor is cooled by the air coring froa the impeller. Fully or nearly fully closed damper vill | cause the motor to burn. The aotor driving the fan is cooled by the air flowing fro the impeller. If the damper (if installed) is fully or nearly fully closed, the aotor will overheated end should be stopped. 11.2. FIRE DAMPER 16 2. Air volume control mechanism @ Rotate manual handle in clock wise, and set it in “Return” position. XX Be sure to set in “Retum” position when air volume is controlled. @ Loosen the butterfly bolt on the handle, and remove it out of the hole of VO disk. 2X When butterfly bolt is stickily fixed, use pliers or similar for loosening. @ Rotate the handte in a position that desicable air can be gained, and fix it firmly with the butterfly bolt at nearest hole on VD disk. 2% The angle of the handle and the angle of the damper blades are corresponded. < The damper blade angle can be set from 30 to 90 degree by 15 degree in 4 steps. =Remarks= 1. Be sure to set in “Return” position when air volume is controlled. 2. No air volume mechanism is prepared for the actuator for smoke fume damper. SutterFly bolt atting Position? 1d 3. Operation by temperature fuse © operation by temperature fuse Standard temperature fuse will blow at 72°C. The fuse is set inside damper. (See the figure below) Solder on temperature fuse will melt due to extraordinary temperature increase, and fuse shaft supported by solder will go down. By this action, fuse lever will’ be operated, and, lock will be released, then, damper blades will be instantly shut. | | | | | | | | @ Procedure of temperatura fuse exchange 1. Remove the cover covering electric Foss Operating Lever terminals by loosening the bolts. 2. Remove temperature fuse unit Apply screwdriver onto the slot and rotate it in counter clockwise. 3. Remove used temperature fus out of the unit and exchange with new temperature fuse, ‘The procedure in det: below. Fuse Pipe acd Pane! Release spring from Attach new fuse ‘with Set the hard plate on tha notch of the fuse spring, then, insert edge of the fuse, pipe, then, remove tha them into the fuse Press fuse pips firmly Used fusa shaft and hook the spring onto the notch. 4. Insert exchanged temperature fuse unit and screw it up. Fixit not to be loosened, 5. Hang the fuse lever aver the fuse shaft. (See the procedure below) \ caca of state Tio @ Pull and rotate fuse lever so as to contact the fuse shat. @Push fuse operation fever towards the center of shatt as much as possible @ Then, rotate the fever in CCW. Lever can be rotated without touching fuse shaft, @ Keep the lever in @ position and pull the lever back. © Hang the notch of lever over the fuse shart ———S = a X=] ey / jp 5. Manual opening davice ® Operation procedure 1. Push out the center of red plastic plate, ed Plastic Panel Handle 2. Pull the handle down. x an Tl2 @® Instaliation procedure Lever type Manual opening device Fixiog Pete Stay box shail not exceed the wall surface. The gap between the wall surface and the surface of stay box should be 25mm or less. Finished Wall Suefsca Remarks When face panel is connected, exercise caution not to tighten the ‘ay cause deformation of face panel, of fixing bolt too much since malfunction of the device i T/3 12. F.O. & L.O. TANKS EMERGENCY SHUT-OFF LINE Jl tose corn ol] ARRANGEMENT OF F. 0. & L. 0. TANKS EMERGENCY SHUT-OFF LINE RL | WikogreL sso em 20 i th Sse (oper eH cide ses 4 Ogu age Hose jm ware _OX | vii wa wes Baa | Omaetea| 21% Oxygen density A: shows fresh air circumstance. hows minimum line of explosion circumstances. C: shows maximam line of explosion circumstances. hows hydrocarbon gas circumstances, Under 8% oxygen density can not cause explosion inspite of hydrocarbon density an ignitting factor be inner tank. 3) Inner tank gas pressure Inner tank gas pressure should be operated mainly for avoiding tank damege by too much pressure or negative pressure . However ,in the case oferude tanker installed with inert gas system, inner cargo oil tank gas pressure should be controlled to keep slightly positive pressure at all times to avoid taking fresh air,and inner tank should be inert circumstances at all tanks. La-3 4, Relation between tanker working on voyage and inert gas , vent operation Top up Working on — Arrival ballast voyage Purging Inerting ———p ¥ [Tank creanin; Departure - 1 ¥. as free Loading port Dock in Unloading finish y Working after Preparation unloading, before, loa + ——+_ }<— Gas discharge Crude oil loading Cargo oil strioping * Inerting—»[~__Unloadng (crude oil washing) Shipment y Working after Working before unloading * loading. y Loading finish Unloading port Top up y Departure of | Working of >| Arivalin loading port loading on voyage unloading port Tanker working cycle that shows mainly cargo oil operation. TE-4 1) Inerting in case of cargo loading Upper side blank space of cargo oil tank before start oil loading , regardless it is filled inert gas or it is not filed inert gas,there is no possibility to explose because crude gas density “TOO RICH ZONE”. However .t reaches to explosion limit range because air come to inner tank from outside tank as cargo liquid level get lower after start oil loading. To avoid this situstion fill inert gas into cargo oil tank with necessary volume at all time with nacessary volume from loading oil volume,and blank space of inner cargo oil tank should be filled with inert gas at all tame. 2) Top up while tanker is on a voyage. {In spite of full load or ballast on a voyage , after filled up inert gas into cargo oil tank, inner tank pressure should be monitored, because of different between cargo oil tank and out air pressure,enter the out air through breather valve. And then if inner tank pressure drop, proper level position pressure should be keep to avoid inhalate air. Without inhalation of fresh air inner tank gas circumstances don't get to explosion limit range. It is safety as prevention of a fire accident. 3) Inerting during tank cleaning Because many explosion accidents happen during tank cleaning, Oxygen density of cargo oil tank should be checked that will be cleanned, and make sure it is under 8% density before start tank cleaning. 4)Gas exhaust during cargo oil loading ‘Should be filled inert gas into tank that will be loaded, and make sure its oxygen density is under 8. 5) Gas free during dock-in or working in tank If gas is replaced hydrocarbon that is more than 5% density with fresh air it reachs explosion limit range. Therefore, hydrocarbon that is inside cargo oil tank should be replaced (purging) with inert gas first,and keep hydrocarbon density under 4%, and then replace with fresh air. It is no possibility to reach explosion limit range. 6) Inerting for empty tank First boyage of new build ship to loading port.dock out after regular inspection, after working in tank in gas free condition should be filled with inert gas in cargo oil tank for preparation of crude oil loading. '¥ ¥ ‘aNOZ SNOWSONVE | NYE NYE 110 oDuvo 110 oDuya “sh area DS WHS WZLVA youd q if BULK HEAD +o ot [aNoz Kigave Sap % > « Ai US0d INA es waMVENE A/a (ONTS INIT LNSZA NOWNOD 40 aSVO NI) DNIGVOT ‘oO ‘D ONTHNG ‘Hosta svo TL oH carvan | WAVENT WIV ASaW sextant Th BOILER UPTAKE ER-k P/V BREAKER er AS DISCH. DURING C. 0, LOADING [vo (CIN CASE OF INDEPENDENT VENT LINE USING) CARGO OIL TANK VENT Post. c CARGO OL, TANK Pre t* i NGEROUS ZONE 1 BULK HEAD : aod le PAN aN 5 RESH AIR INTAKE : \ SCRUBBER I fy wu ) BOILER UPTAKE, Ta-9 ONE,|_ Dal “SAFETY 21 ‘aNOZ SHOWTONVG ‘yi ¥d|C NYE NYE ‘aNOZ AaaVe 110 opEva 110 oDuvo fivas waive yor aap TF BULK HEAD PAX oar Ls il 3B x G worl Ts0d INGA e MEMVENE A/a SAOGY GNY %@ ALISNG NEDAKO 40 ZSVO NI) ONIGVOINN ODVO S¥Oaga ONILUANI be i sonst Ty mura | SAVENT WIV Saud we "we al BOILER UPTAKE ‘Fy x INVES, 110 oDuVO NVI. 110 oD¥vo wwaan ‘GNOZ ShOWTONVA | ‘aNOZ ALSAVS Ga? % [rvs vaya, =| BULK HEAD ak Is0d INGA DNIGVYOTNA ODUVO DNIWNG ONTLUENT “o UENVEUE A/a a | DWVINT WIV Asawa Senvaaee fn BOILER UPTAKE req wre ‘aNOZ SHOWSONVG ["ENOT ALaave Ga? Hy e pax ed ionuoas Tl wv avs nioooivo | 110 ob8va < = soy a | - + Il 5 VENT UTVHETE Teor anew uy wayvaus A/a EDVAOA NO dn dou BOLLER UPTAKE I-10 s1NQ)| —__I 7 FREE ‘ | CARGO OIL TANK ri VENT Post b PURGING FOR @as IE IN CASE OF INERT GAS LINE UST = me P/V BREAKER vPP.DK PR SEAL CARGO OIL TANK ~ 6 SAPETY FRESH AIR INTAKE [3 RUBBER =p} ——— —— Boiten uetaxe ) Ee-l| ZONE || DANGEROUS ZONE ee aNoz SHOWsONVE "| ENOT AIaAWE ava va 110 opuvo 110 opuvo aed le 2 S ¥ v fa Waa Bs 8 va ' a oh = © \ 2 ’ "thee || 8 Tr as a re BOILER UPTAKE a | A @AVENT WIV AeawE Ts0d INIA ey usuVaud A/a ONISN ENIT INA INZQNZagaNI a0 FSV NI:@ ONISA ENIT LNA NOWNOD 40 TSVO NI'@ sion (ONISM SNIT ‘oO ‘odo aSVO NI) adud SYD wod ONIDUNE ENOZ SNOWSONVG | ENOZ ALEAVS YNYL NYE 110 oDuvo 110 oD¥vO EAD ¥ BULK F ava tr "adn Rap xX Fac) x = G a BR 0 scRuas: 7 DHVINT UTV ASTEE, Iso INGA “ uavang A/a Sf @N11 SVD LYENI 40 3S¥O NI) gaya svo = | YNOZ SHOWSONVO"|* SNOT ATSAVS 2c: “9 i ’ q anv ana vas wsava one Y aiooswva | 110 o98¥9 is uiewione J re Y la i A | ia eg) Lin | |S ] waa y = J - y B = Bll} g y 4 | wva g i oo x a A, WIVINT WIV gaa TSOe INIA fiat} waMvaua A/a ONISM SNIT INSA LNEGNadsaNI 40 FSV NI@ ONISA SNIT LINEA NOWWOD 40 38VO NI?® sion (ONTSA @NIT‘O ‘0 40 aSvO NI) gawd svo senna fy TQ-1E BOILER UPTAKE INDEX PAGE A. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The-tb 1. General 2. Inert gas generation and treataent B, OPERATION Tyas 1, Inerting, Purging, Topping up 2. Gas free 3. Navigation node 4, Vapour enission control systex C. SAFETY DEVICES Ta-30 (GENCY. PROCEDURES + SCRUBBER - DECK WATER See MAWTENANCE MAUAL = NON-RETURK, | FLUE GAS VALVE and AIR VALVE - RECORDER LL. CONTROLLER for REGULATING VALVE and EXCESS GAS CONTROL VALVE Dramings such as system diagram, each machinery, control circuit and so on shall be referred to another booklet of drawings. IG-1§ A GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1G- 16 ie General 1.1 Oxygen and explosion 1.3 Oxidation is a chenical combination between oxygen and other elenents. A combastion occurs when the oxidation is rapidly taken place which is usually accompanied with the emission of heat and light. Furthermore, the conbustion in an enclosed space generates gaseous materials which expand and lead to an explosion. Normal air is conposed as following elements and contains sufficient oxygen to support the process of oxidation, coabustion or explosion. Nitrogen N2 78.1 8 by volume Oxygen 02 20.9 % by volume Others 1.0 % by volume However oxygen content is below 11 % by volume, it is not suffic: combustion or explosion. 1.2 Inert gas Inert gas is a gas which is an inactive and does not combine with other elenents. The perfect inert gasse are helium, neon, argon and so on of five gases. Nitrogen (N2) and carbon dioxide (C02) are also known as the inert gas which are not easily combine with other elements. Flue gas of boiler An approximate contents of flue gases from marine boiler is as follows which nay vary according to the conditions. Nitrogen N2 83.0 - 83.5 8 by volune Carbon dioxide CO2 12.0 - 14.5 8 by volune Oxygen 02 2.0 - 5.0 % by volume Sulphur dioxide S02 0.3 ® by volune Solids 160 ag/a3 It is noted from above compositions of gases that the flue gas of boiler is good for inert gas to prevent explosion. 44-17 1.4 Atonosphere and explosion in cargo tanks An approxinate contents of conbustible hydro carton gases evaporated from crude oil is as follows which may vary by the tank conditions. Hethane cH 108 Ethane cane 18 % Propane cana 35 8 Butane canto 2s Pentane cSHL2 10% Hexane cond ax The explosion will not take place when the air/gas concentration is either too Jean or too rich in the tanks. However, the conbustion or explosion will occur within the range of flammable by 2 source of ignition. The upper exprosive limit is called UBL and the lower exprosive limit is as LEL. In the normal air, UEL is 11.4% and LEL is 1.4% , and the exporosive range will becone harrow as oxygen content is decreasing. FIG.1 shows the relationships among inflanmable gas, oxygen and explosios When oxygen content is below 11 8, conbustion or explosion will not proceed any nore as shown in FIG.1. 1.5. Source of ignition The following conditions are necessary to proceed combustion or explosion of hydrocarbon gases. 1) Oxygen content is over 11 & by voluae, 2) The hydrocarbon gas concentration is between UEL and LEL, and 3) The existence of source of ignition. Sources of ignition can be present in the folloving situations 1) Sparks or frictional heat generated by collision of the ship, 2) Sparks from flashlights, IG-1® 3) Sparks frou falling matter, 4) Careless disposal of cigarette butts, 5) Static eletricity generated by various phenonena, Great turbulence caused by ventilation or water jets from washing machines can generate static electricity in the tank atnosphere. In large tanks, static electricity can also be generated by turbulence in the tank atnosphere. When the deck is cooled during the night or by rain, an intense condensation of water vapor grows below the deck in the tank. This gives air turbulence in the tank atmosphere and generate “cloud” in the upper part of the tank. These conditions generate high potential te gases in the tank atnosphere. electric charge high enough to ++ SPECIAL CAUTION -~ Before GAS FREE operation, Measure oxygen concentration and hydrocarbon concentration in the cargo tanks. If the cross point of oxygen and hydrocarbon concentration is above the CRITICAL DILUTION LINE (A~B) on FIG.1, inert gas must be supplied into the tanks until the cross point becones below the CRITICAL DILUTION LINE. It is very dangerous to conduct gas freeing under the cross point of oxygen and hydrocarbon is above the CRITICAL DILUTION LINE, because the gas nixture shall pass through FLAMMABLE area during the gas freeing. This seans the atrosphere in the cargo tanks nay happen combustion or explosion by any source of ignition. For example, when the atmosphere is at point "C”, means 8% of oxygen and 7% of hydrocarbon, it is vital to conduct inarting into the tanks until the cross point reaches "D", belov the CRITICAL DILUTION LING, before gas free! 14-19 LIMITS OF FLAMMABILITY OF HYPOTHETICAL HYDROCARBON NITROGEN OXYGEN MCATUAE WINE ag yn se net TT 1 oN yee = WEN 7 = 7 “ee = = “8 { = f. ° Ss os. a Terr 5 « | ECCT AOROCAREON WATATURE (3 FIG 1G-20 1.6 Effect of inert gas to human body The huaan physical reaction to low oxygen content air is shown in the wining safety regulations as below. low oxygen content air is very dangerous, so that no entry into the cargo tanks filled with inert gas must be peraitted. Even if the tanks have been made gas free with fresh air, oxygen content aust be measured and over 19 $ of oxygen content aust be confirmed at several points in the tank before entering into the tank. 02 content | Reaction of hunan body 195 | wininun oxygen content required by rezulations 18 8 Point at which fire is put off 'S¥ | eee breathing and increasing pulses 18 | pisticulty in breathing and dulled action 10g | Paleness and ahysical rigidity sith auch difficulty in breathing Panting in breathing and Pounding hard and fast TS | vith’ sinple and leading face and nontal deranesnent Ol below 4 | syncope occuring within 40 seconds without any prior symptoms Inert gas blowing out from the tank hatch diffuses into the atmosphere as FIG.2. It is nore safe to approach to the 7 ne hatch fron windward side. 2 Hind velocity I ! Le —_ | 41000 Lo} ee content dS Ar 46g | B: 17.08 Ax Cr 18.5% D: 19.53 FIG.2 IG-21 2. Inert gas generation and treataent 2.1 Inert gas generation Inert gas can be generated by the combustion of all types of fuel oils used for boilers or diesel engines. However, the oxygen content in the coabustion gas of diesel engines is over 11 % which is too high oxygen content to be used as an anti-explosive inert gas. 2.2 Inert gas treatment Ineurities such as sulfur dioxide ($02), solids and so on are included in the flue gas of boilers. A eart of sulfur dioxide (S02) (about 5 ¥, 0.015 £ of total volume) undergoes further oxidation and results in sulfur trioxide ($03) and still further conbine with water vapor in flue gas, it foras the sulfuric acid (2804) . S03 + H20 + w2so4 This sulfuric acid reaches its dev point between 120 “C and 130 °C and corrodes netal surfaces. On the other hand, sulfur dioxide (S02) does not coabine easily with water vapor but vhen water vapor reaches its dew point sulfur dioxide (S02) is solved in the water and forms sulfurous acid (H2S03) with water. , S02 + H20 - Haso3 At the scrubber inlet, sulfuric acid (II2S04) reaches its dew point and sulfur dioxide ($02) conbines with water to form sulfurous acid (#2803) then sulfur dioxide (S02) is rewnoved effectively. Solids are also caught and renoved by water spray. The approxinete scrubber effeciency is as follous temperture +2 ~ 45 °c Cooling effect 2 cool: Desulfuri zation 2 about 95 % Renoval of impurities : about 90 % ng va at cooling water t: 1¢-22 B OPERATION 1G-23 1. Inerting, Purging, Topping up Ll Preparation - 1 1) Operate the boiler and control the oxygen content belox 5%. 2) Open tank inlet IG valves on the deck. (Local) 3) Open IG deck isolating valve. (Local) If non-return valve equips positive closing device, make the valve free from closing device. 4) Verify fresh air intake line for gas freeing is closed. (local) 5) Open scrubber cooling water overboard valve. (local) Overboard valve shall be left open position all the tine. 1.2 Preparation - 2 1) Select the system node in "INGRTING". (IGS panel) 2) Blow the disc of flue gas valve by steam for few minutes. (Local) 3) Verify no foreign substance is in blower casing. (Local) 4) Verify rubber hose for flushing is not connected to the blower. (local) 5) Supply electric pover to blower starter panel. (local) 8) Hake oxygen analyzer in operation condition. (Local) -1 Turn on electric power switch on the control unit. “2 After 15 niqutes, oxygen analyzer becones ready for analyzing. -3 If necessary, calibrate oxygen analyzer. -4 Verify gas sampling valve is open. 7) Open blower suction valves. (local) 8) Close vent valve. (local) 9) Prepare portable oxygen detector and hydrocarbon gas detector for measuring. If necessary, calibrate then. ++ TAPORTANT. ~~ % Main electric source and energncy electric source (DC24¥) should be supplied to the IGS panel all the tine. % Control air should be supelied to the system all the tine. * Deck seal water should be supplied all the tine. 1.3. Start and operation 1) Supply cooling water to scrubber. -1 Start scrubber cooling sea vater pump. (IGS panel) -2 Set cooling water pressure at 0.2 WPa by throttling inlet valve. (local) 2) Open flue gas valve. (IGS panel) In order to open flue gas valve, following conditions shall be satisfied. -L Discharge valves both of No.1 and No.2 blower are fully closed. -2 System aode is in "INERTING". -3 "HIGH LEVEL” alarm of scrubber cooling water is not given. -4 "LOW PRESS” alarm of scrubber cooling water is not given. +5 Boiler is burning. (not under IGS interlock condition) -8 Boiler soot blow is not in operation. 3) Start No.1 and/or No.2 blower. (IGS panel) In order to start blover, following conditions shall be satisfied. -1 "LOW PRESS” alara of scrubber cooling water is not given. -2 Flue gas valve is fully open. -3 "HIGH LEVEL” alarm of scrubber cooling water -4 Alara of electric power failure is not given. -5 "LOW PRESS” alarn of control air is not given. -6 "EX HIGH” alarn of blover discharge gas temperature is not given. -7 "PAILURE” alara of deck seal water supply is not given. is not given. 1.4 Automatic control valves 1) Blower discharge valve About 30 seconds after start blower, the valve will open automatically. 2) Regulating valve -1 Regulating valve control switch and "HIGH 02 INTERLOCK” switch Regulating valve is fully closed during blower is not running and after start the blower the valve shall be controlled its opening according to deck sain line gas pressure to control inert gas capacity flowing into cargo tanks. During blower running, when 02 content is decreasing below 8 %, "CHARGE OX” lamp will be lit and regulating valve will be controlled automatically by turning regulating valve control switch to “OPEN” position. During blower running and "HIGH 02 INTERLOCK” switch is at “NORMAL” position, hen 02 content exceeds 8 % "CHARGE OX” lamp vill turn off and regulating valve will be closed autonatically. Even if 02 content recovers below 8 3, regulating valve will be left closed untill the control switch turns to “OPEN” position. 1G-25 During blower running and "HIGH 02 INTERLOCK” switch is at "CANCEL" position, "CHARGE OK" lane vill be lighting regardless 02 content alarm and regulating valve will be controlled by the "OPEN" "SHUT" control switch. When inert gas supply to cargo tanks want to be stopped temporarily during blower running, turn regulating valve control switch to “SHUT” position to close the valve instead of stopping of blower. ++ IMPORTANT ~~ It is very dangerous to supply over 8% oxygan contained inert gas into the cargo tanks, so that "HIGH 02 INTERLOCK” switch should be at "NORMAL" position during "INGRTING” operation. +2 Controller The controller for regulating valve is wounted on IGS panel and is current output P.I.0. type which controls regulating valve opening with deck maia Line gas pressure. The controller is set up as standard before the delivery so it may required only changing nain set point (SP) value and/or AUTO/MANUAL mode onboard Detail operation of the controller shall be referred to fl-11. The nost suitable setting of the controller shall be found dur systen operation according to the instructions of H-ll. ng actual ++ NOTICE -- 3) When regulating valve is closed compulsorily, i.e. during blover is not running or the control switch of the valve is “SHUT” etc., outaut value (8) indicating on No.2 indicator of the controller aay be different fron actual opening value of regulating valve (fully closed). Indicating value on No.2 indicator is the value converted output signal of the controller (4 - 20 mh) to percentage (0 - 100 8) and when regulating valve is closed compulsorily, output signal from the controller to regulating valve is cut off by the relay. Exe ‘The valve is fully open during blover is not running. ss gas control valve 1G-26 hen blover is started, the valve starts to control blower discharge pressure with output signal of The main purpose of excess gas control valve is to release excess pressure of blower discharge to atmosphere but also following effects are expectable. -1 Prevents gas temperature rising vith continuous closed discharge operation of ess gas controller. the blower. -2 Avoids surging operation range of the blower. -3 Improves gas quality. Purges out high oxgen content gas at the begining of the opration. ++ NOTICE -- Output value (8) indicating on No.2 indicator of excess gas controller shows opposite opening value of actual valve openin: Indicating 0 % on the controller means 100 % opening (fully open) of the valve and 100 8 indication is 0 % opening (fully closed). When indicating 30 %, actual valve opening is (100 - 30 = 70) 70 %. When excess gas control valve is fully open compulsorily, during blower is aot Funning, output value (%) indicating on No.2 indicator of the controller may be different from actual opening value of the valve (fully open). Indicating value on No.2 indicator is the value converted output signal of the controller (4 - 20 nd) to percentage (0 - 100 %) and when excess gas control valve is fully open compulsorily, output signal from the controller to the valve is cut off by the relay. 1.5. Stop 1) Stop blower. (IGS panel) Following procedures are automatically excuted by stopping blower. +L Deck vater seal : forned water seal to prevent backflow +2 Regulating valve t closed fully -3 Excess gas control valve : opened fully -4 Blower discharge valve closed fully -5 Plue gas valve t closed fully 2) Close IG deck isolating valve. (local) If non-return valve equips positive closing device, make sure the valve is closed with closing devi 1G-27 2. al 3) Turn off electric power source to oxygen analyzer. (local) 4) Close blover suction valve. (local) 5) Open vent valve. (local) Cooling vater supply to scrubber shall be continued for 30 ainutes after blower stop for cleaning/flushing. Stop scrubber cooling sea water pump. (IGS panel) 7) Clean/flush scrubber denister with fresh water for 15 ninutes. (Local) 8) Connect flushing hose to blover and flush impeller for 15 ninutes. (Local) 9) Turn off electric poser to blover starter panel. (Local) 10) Select the systea node in "NAVIGATION". (165 panel) Gas free Preparation - 1 1) Open tank inlet 1G valve on deck. (local) 2) Open IG deck isolating valve. (local) If non-return valve equies positive closing device, make the valve free fr ‘on, closing device. Preparation - 2 ) Select the systea node in "GAS FREE". (IGS panel) ) Verify no foreign substance is in blover casing. (Local) 3) Verify rubber hose for flushing is not connected to the blower. (local) ) ) Open fresh air intake line for gas freeing. (local) Supply electric power to blower starter panel. (Local) Open blower suction valves. (local) 7) Close vent valve. (local) 8) Prepare portable oxygen detector and hydrocarbon gas detector for neasuring If necessary, calibrate thea. Start and operation 1) Start No.1 and/or No.2 blower. (IGS panel) In order to start blover, following conditions shall be satist “1 Alara of electric pover failure is not given -2 "LOW PRESS” alara of control air is not given -3"EX HIGH” alarn of blover discharge gas temperature is not given 1G-28 24 4 "PAILURE” alarm of deck seal vatec supply is not giver 2) Open regulating valve. (IGS panel) When start blower "CHARGE OX” lap will be lit and regulating valve will be controlled automatically by turning regulating valve control switch to "OPEN". 3) Measure oxygen content and hydrocarbon gas content as demand. Stop 1) Stop blower. (IGS panel) Following procedures are automatically excuted by stopping blower. +1 Deck water seal : formed water seal to prevent back Flow +2 Regulating valve i closed fully -3 Excess gas control valve: opened fully -4 Blower discharge valve t closed fully “5 Flue gas valve 1 closed fully 2) Close IG deck isolating valve. (local) If non-return valve equips positive closing device, nake sure the valve is closed with closing device. 3) Close blower suction valve. (local) 4) Open vent valve. (local) 5) Turn off electric power to blover starter panel. (Local) 8) Select the system mode in “NAVIGATION”. (I6S panel) Navigation aode hen the system is in "NAVIGATION" mode, flue gas valves could not be opened and blowers could not be started, the system is in rest. The system is kept watch the condition. If any alarn vill hapen, conduct trouble shooting and clear the alara. ‘on control systea Vapour enis: Before operating VAPOUR EXISSION CONTROL SYSTEM, verify IG deck isolating valve is closed. If non-return valve equips positive closing device, also make sure the valve is closed with closing devi: Operation of VAPOUR EXISSLON CONTROL SYSTEM should be followed the instructions C SAPETY DEVICES 1G-30 1, Interlock and alarm systen Various safety devices are provided to prevent backflowing of flammable gases in cargo tanks to safety area as vell as to keep safe operation condition of the systen. 1.1 Syste trip Inert gas system shall turn to as below state automatically by the event of tripping condition shown in CHART 1. 1) Blovers 1 stop 2) Flue gas valves : closed fully 3) Regulating valve : closed fully 4) Blover discharge valve 1 closed fully 5) Excess gas control valve opened fully 1,2. Alarns Audible and visual alaras shown in CHART 1 are crovided. - Whe n alarm will happen, conduct trouble shooting, investigate the cause and clear the alarn. 1.3, Other 1) 2 3) interlocks "HIGH LEVEL" alara of scrubber cooling water causes stop of scrubber cooling sea water pum. Flue gas valve could not be opened under the following condition -1 Systen mode is not in "INERTING”. , -2 "HIGH LEVEL” alara of scrubber cooling water is valid. -3 "LOY PRESS” alara of scrubber cooling water is valid. -4 Blower discharge valves are aot fully closed. -§ Boiler is not burning. (under IGS interlock condition) -6 Boiler is in soot blow operation. Blowewr could not be started under tl -1 Flue gas valve is not fully open. -2 "HIGH LEVEL” alara of scrubber cooling water is valid -3 "LOW PRESS” alara of scrubber cooling water is valid. -4 Blectric power is failed. <5 "EXTRA HIGH” alarm of blower discharge gas tenperature (75 ‘C) is valid. -6 "GAILURE” alaen of deck seal water supply is valid. -7 "LOW PRESS” alara of control air is valid. Regulating valve shall be closed automatically when oxygen content in the gas exceeding 8 3. Soot blow operation of boiler could not be proceed when flue gas valve is not fully closed. following condition 1G-3) T LuvHo wueTe tomo. ; wsepe queptodapuy Bala ORIET FOIE] —H 7 Os vais 9) AGT Vale o [To] o | 1 HOT] kava ol - “SSad SVD NTT NIVK Youd oO +> | oOo; = ea 1 cott 7 Oo : o os ua 002- wT Tesey [eurou ‘TART TAS ¥BLYA Youd Onion Eo sek wero) sane We FT TiddS WALVA TVS oad STEN SUPE TAFEY Ss0Ty + oO oO | sr z ‘% 8) WON Van : : a o a 5 aT % G RoTeq JNBINOD NBOAXO + ; oO ‘89K ‘9. SL | HDIN Valxa ~ ; oo 38 Torr) «+99 Tea | “akaL sw gouVHOSTO NaKOTA A y | Or ion ROTSq WE GOT nO “R°T009 FaqgNIDS doag + A oO Sak | TOITEY Ton we QOZE HOTH "ART “A"T009 WaEnOS __ * ° 3 ‘BK SO NT Pd 2°0 | SwSSa¥d “A000 WadaTNOS ¥ + oO | ail WATE 7° ON + + oO | sr aa WROTE TOW = - + 5 ea any did WALA “1000 HaGaTVGS Z x | 0 [oO 55K eH S50 NOT] eR TO - 90 WY Tui + | Oo], 90 5K SuNTIVa | guna i) WAOd TMT sxuvaay | TORT ant a i, SNVA Jas NOLLIGNOO | ANTWA ‘T¥KUON /6. FIRE SAFETY SYSTEM IN PUMP ROOM FS-| © | en asans adtd aC HSVM? Guta “ON dTHS laer-s SNO. 1381 INSIDE AIR TYPE HIGH EXPANSION FOAM FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM OPERATION MANUAL KASHIWA CO,,LTD, FS-3 Introduction When fire broke out in the vessel, itis difficult to carry out ant appropriate extinguishment without any trouble while time is passing momentarily Therefore, itis quite important to know what to be done properly in order to save all the crewmembers on board and keep the vessel's damage in minimum. High expansion foam system makes full use of its extinguishing ability and has following special effects. 1. Isolating effect The system will generate a large quantity of foam, Isolate the area on fire from other area to prevent fire from expanding and extinguish the fire in short time. 2, Cooling effect ‘Water included in generated foam liquid can cool the heat in the area on fire and decrease the atmospheric temperature for better extinguishment. Even when the crew was mistakingly caught in the foam, they will never be suffered from suffocation since high expansion foam includes much air. Therefore, the vessel has to be well organized to find a fire before expanding and the crew has to be well trained to be able to extinguish with a calm attitude. If the location of the system is known and regular check and maintenance of the system as well as training for fire extinguishment are done beforehand, the crew will known their each duty and extinguishes: the fire appropriately and quickly at the time of emergency. Fs- 4 1. Air foam liquid 1) Type Foam liquid consists of various type of solutions based on surface-active agent from hydrocarbon, and is used for High expansion foam system and middle expansion foam system, This liquid has great fluidity, stability, and ability of generating foam with ‘expansion ratio of from 600 times. 2) Validity and analysis The foam liquid is valid for more than four years when it is kept in a sealed tank under the temperature of -5 to +50°C After four years, the liquid to be replaced with a new one or to be analyzed ofits performance with 4L of sample liquid. When there are some chances of that seawater getting into the tank or the liquid is deteriorated from other reasons, we will test the sample, analyze it, and inform the resuit. Mixing system and foam generator are designed in accordance with quality of the liquid. Therefore we strongly recommend our product at the time of purchasing since using different type of liquid may affect extinguishing performance. 3) Purchase The type of liquid to be described at the time of purchasing. If unknown, we will be able to find it from our record if name of owner, ship, shipbuilder, and hull no. are given. For damaged parts, above information is also required ll, System Outline (Refer to Fig.-1) Foam generators are equipped on the ceiling for each protected deck area, As generated foam at upper area flow down to lower area through openings Diaphragm control valve is installed in the piping of foam liquid to keep constant flow amount and to maintain required mixing ratio (sea water 98%, foam liquid 2%) to the generator in each deck. FSS lll. How to Operation (Fig-2) *Tostart* 1. When fire in protected area is detected, break acrylic plate and press the *System stand-by" button on the control panel ‘The emergency stop system will be operated with alarm ring in the protected area, 2. Start the Emergency fire pump. 3. Press the "Foam discharge" button on the contro! panel. ‘As soon as seawater pressure rises above 0.4MPa, the foam liquid pump Start and the foam liquid pump suction valve and seawater valve are opened. From above operation, the foam will be discharged in fire protected area and start extinguishing the fire *To stop * 1. 'System stop" button on the control panel to be pressed. The foam liquid pump is stopped and the each automatic valve is closed. 2. Stop the Emergency fire pump. ~ CAUTION - After fire and cool down, the protected space to be well entilation before entry. IV. Outline of each equipment's 1, Foam generator Foam generator is composed from spray nozzle, body, and generating net. When the system is started, sea water mixed with foam liquid is sent to the generator and sprayed toward the net, air is drawn from inlet of generator, and foam is generated from the net of generator at 600 times of expansion ratio. Foam generators are placed in each ceiling of fire protected area. 2. Mixing unit Diaphragm control valve placed in the piping of foam liquid, is used to obtain the constant flow amount and mixing ratio. FS 6 v. vi. 3. Control panel Electric source to be always kept"on’ (No-fuse breaker in panel) Control pane! monitors "start" and "stop" of the system, “open’ and “close” of each valve, alarm, and pressure. Manual switch provided in control panel to operate each valve manually, can be used for operation check etc. Please pay your attention that manual switch to be turned to "NORMAL" Position and do not turn it except its test, After test switch are used for its test, it to be turned to "NORMAL" position. After Operation 1. Drain out in the foam solution lines and liquid lines by air blow. 2. Re-filing foam liquid is required amount. 3. Check the foam generator to fire damage and ete. 4. Test to fire lines by comp. air. 5. Test to operation the all valves. Maintenance 1. Fun the foam liquid pump and make sure proper operation once every 3 months Operate the foam liquid pump from starter in “AIR FOAM TANK ROOM": Before operation of the foam liquid pump, screw down globe valve (SCV) on foam liquid line to be close, open the automatic valve (AV2) so that the foam liquid cannot be transferred to the fire line, and then start the foam liquid Pump. All valves to be set with normal position after the test, 2. Operate the automatic vaives and make sure proper operation once every 3 months. (Test switches are located inside of control panel door) Check openiclose operation with manual operation or remotely check it by test switch. All valves to be set with normal position after the test and test switches used for the test to be put bake to “NOMAL" position. 3. Blow the pipeline between selection valves and foam generators once every 6 months. 10 -Caution after extinguishing- Confirm complete extinguishing. Da not go inside of extinguished room(s), engine room or pump room, (described as “the room(s)"hereatter) soon after extinguishing. It is extremely dangerous for humans, as the temperature of the room(s) is very high, and also oxygen supply is low and inflammable gas is present. Cool the room(s) for adequate time after extinguishing Then change the air in the room(s) for fresh air. Use explosion proof type lighting when going into the room(s). Use breathing apparatus when going into the room(s). The breathing apparatus should be a model which does not suck the air in the room(s) ‘Always check the level of oxygen and inflammable gas when working inside the room(s). The oxygen analyzer and the gas detector should be explosion proof type. The room(s) could be under conditions of law oxygen or existence of gas, which affects humans seriously, from a lack of changing air sufficiently because of the structure of the ship. Work should be carried out by at least 2 people in the room(s) to watch each other Get out of the room(s) at once when accidents occur, then carry out lifesaving activities including artificial respiration. There will be plenty of drainage (= mixture of seawater and foam liquid) on the bottom of the room (s) from foam extinguishing activities. Let this out of the room(s) using pumps. {n order to prevent secondary accidents like explosions or electrical shock, Confirm if there is any problem in operating the pumps by measuring the level Of inflammable gas and inspect related machinery including the pumps, the Pump motors, the pump starters and cables beforehand. Soray fresh water mist in order to clean up the foam remaining in the room(s). Ventilate sufficiently while cleaning the foam, as the foam may contain Poisonous gas which was produced during the fire, The electric machinery covered with foam should be wiped by damp cloth ete with fresh water properly, and then the inside of the machinery should be inspected. Fs~ B TOS WaSVT eS ae - a >: WoO’ dd “Woou JNIONZ Teorent 628 — ZH aS Ta, are | Set ran et _sav 30) i agar a [ an So — a oe SBWAl_9i[_BOl¥EINSS WO OMET| 2 5 Sk WA OL¥ROLAY] — \ ay | woisneroud 305) CS 1AT SafvD JaNsS3ud| er @d nee ae a 14 ' s TesanOF ERVATS| — pa 8 eee | Aa oe ale @=4. ahifd non AOL = ‘rn eg ONIONS TE —STRLWAWS ST 3a THIS TW mvs a ETD vO! GME WOON NVI WHOS BIT of SSS ee see a ' __ i SINIST aE rn ' ' 1 1 xo a B it aRAN WS NYE vs : by 5 ~ oan mo oat le Hh ANY INN VO Hh ' is pe] Tg Fag ae | ene als aS FLOW CHART OF ENGINE ROOM FIRE EXTINGUISHING RE CONFRUATON | 3 FRE DONGUSHNG STEN TARUAL OPERATE STAND“BY SW TCH ON ON COMTRCL PANEL (5T7O. GR ANIRD)_ERCETEY NERATOR Srey Stor SoM SGU Fon OSCR, ALAR | SOND ena Stat ln ENGKE Roow SySTew [owneeL SOUND IN-ENGINE ROOM [CANCEL a0. BEROENGY FRE POMP “ 4 OPERATE STAT To PRESS ALAR WATE MONTORNG re qaasay LON COUR PANEL Tor [EVACUATION 1s CONFRNED FRE BCINGUSSING STE TAMA OPERATE FOAM DISCHARGE SWITCH ON ON CONTROL PANEL we Far TRID PO | RT SAME MOE [Rio] | FomnSiCnoN we J WrERLODC Stat stat Sie Gu) oben Sw (v2) open Sur E f f I a 4 a tess [low PRESS AA NGIOATE ] NS (on COnTHOL PANEL (eeTER 15800) Wor. FoR DiscH v.—| WTERLOER (3) a0 Sip 2 FOAM GENERATION ALL AREA FIRE EXTINGUISHING CONFRWATION | WRiUaL OPERATE Syste STOP SwicH Eercency ae PUMP cx conten Pane.) ei Stor i) ee eT +3 <8 ST OF SYSTEM Te eee Fig.-2A WA7A-HIAMABARSA! (2) FS-10 FLOW CHART OF PU P ROOM FIRE EXT! NGUISHING N¢7A-HI-MaBARIIBI (3) Siu ua. PRES subs OVER TAFTER 15sec.) Le = caer AE] (Hat eanorsne coemaro —] FORM SCA] WERDER] (a8) CPE S10 Waal OPERA SYSTEN STOP SWITCH fevercency re Pou ON CONTROL PANEL ov 0? th "3 srSTen sto] FS-I [Low PRESS ALARW NOIGATE ‘ou coneou Pane | (aaa) el FREEOISRE STEN ,_( Tana ERNE StabeaY Suter on S60 PANEL, ATOR UR), RR GATE Soy Soe SOUL SOL Fon oSL Na [SRD] eae ‘Sot nub Roan SYST [ONE Sbino NSU Hoew ete | ai. [SRE EPH] “ 4 eben RE TOW RES aR TONE omay Lom aati Bae EWAGUATON Ss CoNFRID FRE ERRCUSMOS SEN Ta PERE Fou Hector Ou on Sour PAL me FORGES POE [EROS] © [SRR ALE RIGOR] [FERN WADE [EER tae START stop | (avi) OBEN [sur (Av2) OPEN SHUT. f ¥ oh * “1 AUTO, OPERATE I /7, GAS DETECTOR SYSTEM © __| ow asans | WALSAS “WOLITLAT Svo_ twet-s | on atus. Gd-2 GAS DETECTING SYSTEM MODEL FTO-—T4W/FTOMA-SW OPERATION MANUAL. Ensure that this instruction mani KOWYO RIKAGAKU KOGYO K.K. Gd-3 @Forvard Thank you very mich for purchasing our products. Gas detecting system (FTO-T4¥/FTOMA-SK) is a fixed type one to detect Leakage gas and give an alarm in combination. Before use, read this instruction manual and that of detector in order to use each device correctly and safely. Ensure that this manual is stored in a convinient location to enable referral at all tines. unit for any purpose other than stated above. Do not use this al: @Range of warranty The period of warranty for this product is one year from the date of delivery. 2, Defects arising in the equipment caused by faults in manufacturing within the period of warranty ~exeluding consunables- will be replaced ~parts only- or repaired free of charga, 3. Contact your distributor if defects occur, 4, Invoices will be issued for the actual cost of repairs or replacement parts within the period of warranty in the following cases! % Faults arising from method of usage other than those stipulated in this manual, + Faults arising from the device having been upgraded or repaired by people other than the manufacturer or distributor. * Faults arising from natural disasters or accidents not related to the product. * The replacenent of consumable products. ‘@Safoty precautions This sanual catogorizes procedures in accordance with the following levels of risk involved in order to prevent unexpected danger to operators and other personel, and damage to assets. Ensure that these itens are observed for safety reasons. @ Warning [This indicates that failure to observe the contents of the item or mistakon use may rasult in death or serious injury. ONevor dismantle of upgrade this product. Osvoide locating in a dangerous place where an explosion nay be expected, This product is not an explosion-protected type, [f it is installed at a dangerous place, there will be a fear of explosion and the like because of its ignition. Odtter installing this product, never fail to carry out gas adjustaent, zero adjustment with fresh air and sonsitivity adjustment with calibration gas of known concentration. If zero adjustment is made without gas adjustment, it is dangerous due to arrorneous detection and alarm, Moreover, that may causo damage of instrument, OWthen confirming abnormal condition of this instrument, put off power source inmediately and stop using to repair it. It is dangerous to keep on using. Ofthen the gas detecting panel giving gas alarming, deal with leakage of gas inmodiately. Oln order to use this instrument in more proper condition, never fail to conduct daily check and regular check in accordance mith section 13 “maintenance” of instruction manual, ap-+ ‘Caution | This indicates that failure to observa the contents of the item oF mistaken use may result in injury or damage to property. lace hore inflammable gas Ofix detecting part of suapling inlet of each measuring point at the tends to stay. Oln case that even if standard gas is supplied to gas detecting part, alarm is not given or adjustment is impossible to carry out, it may be a trouble of inflammable gas sensor. Replace the sensor in accordance with instruction manual of alara meter or analizer. When ‘the same phononena remains after replacenent, it is a trouble of alarz unit. Repairing should be required. If operation is boing kept without repairing, serious accident may be possibly caused and dangorous. Othe catalytic combustion sensor consists of a detection olenent and a comparison elenent. When replacing sensor, never fail to replace it in pairs. Othen alarm unit and gas detector are installed, refer to this instruction manuel and that of each detector. If wiring is made wrong, alarm unit or detector operates vrong or is broken occasionally. Oln case of suction type detector, if specifications of tubi are not correct, readings may be wrong occasionally. Length, inner diameter, ete. ‘@loanings of tersinology Special terms used in this instruction manual are as follows 1) Explosion-protected construction Construction applied to electrical apparatus to prevent ignition of the surrounding explosive atmosphere by such apparatus. 2) Hazardous areas ‘Terms representing group of area concerning explosion=protection? an area where hazardous of its existing. atmosphere exists or there is 3) Concentration of lower explosive limit (SLEL) Minimum concentration capable of exploding by ignition due to mixture of infllanable gas and air. 4) Detection principle Principle of detecting existence of gas, and converting it to electric signal. 5) Sampling syston System which sucks air to be measured automatically fron sampling points and leads to gas analyzer, 6) Fresh air The environmental air not including inflammable gas to be measured (in case of this instrument, used for zero adjustment gas). (O2‘used for span adjustaont gas) 1) Sensitivity adjustment Adjusting indication of alarm unit with calibration gas (span gas) of known concentration, 8) Zero adjustment Adjusting indication of alare unit to zero with fresh air. (02:N2 LOOvel%) 3 Indicator alarm unit, gas alarm moter or gas detector, refer to separate volume [instruction manual) . Ge-s CONTENTS ITEM PAGE 1, General Bee ee tee ie 527 Peerage e000000ccdo000q00000G0b00G eee gn 2-1 General specification 2-2 Alara unit specification (HC) 2-3 Alarm unit specification (02) 2-4 Alarm agter specification (HC) 2-6 Alarm mater specification (H2S) 3. Detection principle + +++ ets e rs ree tee ete ee eee ee GDH 3-1 Catalytic combustion method 3-2 Potensiostatic electrolisys method 3-3 Galvanic cell methed 4. Designation + 4-L Gas detecting panel 4-2 Gas detecting panel inside 4-3. Gas alarm panel 4-4 Gas alarm panel inside 5. Installation + +s + e+ ee ee eee en c/s) S-L Installation place 5-2 Installing detecting panel » Piping ee se) ee te ee ei 40-18 Cs Wring OG0G00gG0G0GuDUSUDGUGGUoTUGUGGGGuuORD GD-17 Gas flow systen + + + + Power supply + tt tee ete tee 10. Adjustment se te LOL Adjustment of inflassabla gas detector 10-2 Adjustment of oxygen detector 10-3 Adjustment of toxie gas detector 0-4 Adjustment of inflammable gas detector in panel 11. Method of;collecting calibration gas ttt ttt te tee ee ee eee 8 GD-26 U-L Method of collecting calibration gas from calibration gas cylinder Gas coliecting method from the spray cylinder 12. Operation + +++ seer cere reenter tice rcs al (2-1 Changingover measuring points 1-2 High alarm operation 12-2-1 Inflanmable gas (HO) 12-2-2 Oxygen (02) (2-2-3 Toxic gas (H2S) 12-2-4 Inflannable gas detector in panel 12-3 Trouble alarm operation of unit 12-3-1 Inflammable gas (HC) 12-3-2 Oxygen (02) [2-3-3 Toxic gas (28) “4 Puma failure operation Power supply failure 12-6 Brror code table of alarm unit 13. Maintenance betes 13-1 Inspaction it 13-2 Replacing a fi 13-3 Replacing a filter for accumulator {3-4 laintenance of suction pump cee epee eee ee ees gpg er for air filter (3-5 Replacement of sansor 3-5-1 Inflammable gas (HC) 13-5-2 Oxygen (02) (9-5-3 Toxic gas. (428) 14, Cautions for uses eee ee es cc GD-38 General This systen detects the inflammable gas in the air by applying the principle of catalytic conbustion method, and transmits an alarm when the gas concentration reaches a preset alarm level (BOSLEL) or above, and detects the oxygen by applying the principle of galvanic cell method, and transmits an alarm when the oxygen concentration reaches a preset alara level (8%) or above, and detects the toxic gas in the air by applying the principle of potesiostatic electrolisys method, and transmits an alarm when the toxic gas concentration reaches a preset alarm level (l0ppn) or above. The GAS DETECTING PANEL is set up in the HYD. PUMP UNIT ROOM and where piping is arranged to where gas is collected. The GAS ALARM PANEL is sot up in the C.0.C. ROOM. The sample gas is sucked by a pump in the equipment through the piping, and measured. SPECIFICATIONS 2 General specification (D Moder (2) Detection gas (3) Principle of detection (4) Detecting points (8) Detecting method (6) Measuring range (1) Measuring accuracy (8) Gas concentration alarm sot point (9) Gas concentration alarm accuracy (10) Measuring points switching-over PTOMA-TSW (GAS ALARM PANEL) FTO-TAW (GAS DETECTING PANEL) TA*KTO (GAS ALARM METER) (for #25) FA~A70. (GAS ALARM METER) (for ACCOMMODATION) Inflamnable gas (HC) Oxygen (02) Toxic gas (#28) HC + Catalytic combustion nethod 02 —+ Galvanic cell method H28 — Potesiostatic electrolisys method UBT. VAPOR MANIFOLD PUMP ROOM EXHAUST DUCT PUMP ROOM LOW FLOOR IN PANEL ‘SMOKING ROOM [ENTRANCE PORT ENTRANCE STBD Suetion type W.B.T. VAPOR MANTFOLD POMP ROOM EXHAUST DUCT PUMP ROOM LOW FLOOR Diffusion type IN PANEL SMOKING ROOM ENTRANCE PORT ENTRANCE ST8D EHC} O~LOOSLEL (lower explosion Limit) 2 HC 2 HC 02; 0~25% Has ; 0~50ppa Within 5% of full scale 02; Within 0.7% of oxygen density H2S ; Within +10% of full scale SOKLEL (Adjustable) 02; 8% (Adjustable) H2S ¢ LOppm (Adjustable) Within +25% of alarm set point + Manual (Wf B.T.) aP-7 aw (12) (13) (ud) (1s) (1s) an (as) (19) (20) (au) w @ @ w @ @ @ @ @ (10) ay) (aay (13) aa) (as) Response time Gas concentration alarm Failure alare External alarm output Within 30sec. (from gas alarm panel inlet) + Lamp, buzzer : Lamp, buzzer Operating temperature and humidity Temperature, hunidity and pressure : range of sampling gas Power supply Power consumption Painting color Tubing Ship classification Alarm unit specification (HC) Nane Model Indicator Nanber of alarns installed Alara setting POWER/PAULT LeD Gos alarm LED External alarm contact External fault contact Contact capacity Gas concentration output Power supply voltage Allowable voltage variation External dimensions Painted color PUMP ROOM alarm contact 2b PUMP ROOM failure contact 2b Shut down, contact Lb To turn light ACLOOV ta To solenoid valve ACLOOV ta O°C~45°C, ess than 9ORKRH O°C~45°C, Loss than GOXRH, atnospheric pressure + ACLOOV + 10V, 60H2 + 5% 16 ipprox. OVA Munsoll 7. 8867/2 half polish + Inside of PANEL ; polyurethane or soft fluorine, copper pipe (0046) Outside of PANEL : copper pipe (0046 or 10) Alarm unit KUM7/F(TR) : O~1O0¥LEL, LED bar motor and digital mater FL point or 2 points setting ALI—*3OSLEL oF LOSLEL, AL2—Not use (Both ALL and AL2 can be sat at 5~LOOKLEL) + Normal time ~~ LED(PW) Green Fault tine ~- LED(PI) Red flickers Normal tine =~ LED(ALL, AL2) Unlit Alarm time ~~ LED(ALL, AL2) Red flickers + Normal time ~~ Open AL, AL2) Fault time = Closed(AL1, AL2) Normal time -- Open Fault time -- Closed + ACLOOY, 0.5A: DC3OY, 1A (resistance Load) : DCA~20aA, (allowable load resistance mst be less than 4300. including connected cable resistance) : Unit power supply Dc2av + 108 36 x HL44 x DITS an ! Meter frane - Deep bluo(naker’ s standard) GO-8 2-3 Alarm unit specification (02) (W Nane Alara unit (2) Model 2 KU-7/6(TR) (2) Indicator : O-~25H, LED bar meter and digital meter (4) Nunber of alarms installed 1! L point or 2 points setting (5) Alarm setting 2 ALL—8%, AL2—Not use (Both ALL and AL2 can be set at 1~25¥) (6) POWER/FAULT LED : Normal time“: LED(PH) Green Fault time -~ LED(PH) Red flickers (D Gas alarm LED Normal time ~+ LED(ALL, AL2) Unlit Alarm time + LED(ALL, AL2) Red flickers Normal time --- Open(ALl, AL2) Fault tine > Closed(ALt, AL2) (8) External alarm contact (9) External fault contact Normal time ~ Open Fault time “+ Closed (10) Contact capacity F ACLOOY, 0.543 DC3OV, IA (resistance load) (11) Gas concentration output Dct~20m8 (allowable load resistance mst be less then 4300 including connected cable resistance) (12) Power supply voltage : Unit power supply DC24v (13) Allowable voltage variation :& Oy, (14) External dinensions 236 x HLdd x DIT6 am (15) Painted color 1! Meter frame ~- Doep blue (naker’ s standard) 2-4 Alara meter specification (HC) (D Name : Alarm meter (2) Model 2 FA~AT0 (3) Detection gas 2 Inflamablo gas in the air (W) Principle of detection Catalytic conbustion method (5) Detecting Points 1 point / 1 set (©) Measuring systen : Diffusion (1) Detectable range ! O~LDOMLEL (lower explosion Limit) (8) Indicating accuracy Within 6% of full scale (9) Gas concentration alarn + Lamp, buzzer and external alarm output (10) Gas concentration alarm sat point : 30KLEL (11) Failure alarn + Lamp, buzzer (12) External alarm output : Gas concentration alarm (S0¥LEL) lab (dry, max. 0.9A, at resistance load) (13) Gas concentration signal 1 DC 4~20mA (Linear) Load resistance -~ Max, 2500 (include cable resistance) (10) Operating temperature 2 GAS ALARM METER + O'C~45°C DETECTOR 2 OC~45C (15) Operating humidity and pressure : QOXRH, atmospheric pressure \CLOOY = 10V, Ota + 5% 16 (16) Povar supply (17) Power consumption Approx. SYA (18) Drip-proof construction P22, (19) Explosion-protected + Flame proof type of explosion-protected construction of GAS DETECTOR construction d264 G-9 2-5 Alarm meter specification (H25) (1) Nano (2) Model (3) Detection gas () Principle of detection (5) Detecting Points (6) Measuring system (7) Detectable range (8) Indicating accuracy (9) Gas concentration alarm (10) Gas concentration alarm set point : (UD Failure alarn (12) External alarm output (13) Gas concentration signal (14) Operating temperature (15) Operating humidity and prassure (18) Power supply (17) Powor consumption (18) Drip-proof construction + Alara meter : Ta=d70 Toxic gas in the air ectrolisys nethod : Potesiostatic EL point / set ithin 10 of full scale Lamp, buzzer and external alarm output 10ppn Lagp, buzzer jas concentration alarm (LOppm) lab (dry, max. 0.34, at resistance load) 2 0C 4~20nA (Linear) Load resistance Max. 2500 (include cable resistance) 2 GAS ALARM METER ; O7C~45°C DETECTOR yC~4BC + 9OKRH, atmospheric pressure ACLOOV + L0V, GOH + 5%, 16 Approx. SYA 1P22 Go-l? 3. Detection principle 3-1 Catalytic conbustion method If tho air containing an inflammable gas cones into contact vith a catalyzer heated appreciably, the molecules of the inflemmable ges react on oxygen in the air (catalytic combustion reaction), producing reaction heat (catalytic combustion heat) ‘The produced heat is proportional to the concentration of the gas providing that the concentration of the inflaneable gas is low enough for a perfect combustion. Accordingly, @ Wheatstone bridge is formed by using two filanents whose electric resistance is the same as shown in Fig. SL One filament is exposed to the gas to be measured (detection side Fl), and the other is sealed in clean air (comparison side F2). The bridge is preheated up by electric current to a particular temperature at which the gas will produce @ catalytic conbustion, If the inflammable gas touches the detection side filament, the temperature of Fl will go up by ‘tho conbustion heat, increasing its electric resistances, producing an olectric current between A and B on the bridge, by which gas concentration can be detected. L, ![/-—o WW € sw vag Fig, SL Basic circuit diagram for catalytic combust @o-Il 3-2 Potesiostatic electrolisys method The sensor is equipped vith thrae electrodes: poles (Wt, &) opposite poles (C, &) and comparative poles (R.£); and these are maintained by electrolytic cells inmersed in acid olectrolyte liquid. Each of these electrodes is connected to potentiostat circuits. . Band C. E react simultanoously against R.E when gas is passed through W. £ that holds fixed anount of electrical potential, and electrolytic current i flovs to the external circuit. Tho electrolytic current i is edtipared with the gas density with the uso of Faraday’s law, and by measuring i it is possible to measure the gas density. POTENSIOSTAT cuRREMT Fig. 8-2 Basic sensor circuit GO- (2

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