Chapter 5 Ceiling Designer Tool Bar

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Ceeiilliinngg D
Deessiiggnneerr TTooooll B
Ceiling designer creates ceiling planes that contain the information required to build the ceiling panels
when the structure is taken to project mode.
Correctly placing and sizing the ceiling panels before the job is transferred to project, will lessen the
chance of errors.
Ceiling planes should be joined over the centres of walls where possible, and further cutting to reduce
the panel widths to a manageable size should be left until project mode to retain the best joist layout.

Ceiling Designer Tool Bar.


Print Screen view.

This will print the view currently displayed on the screen.

Save Screen View Graphic.

This enables graphic files to be viewed by persons that do not have ScotSteel installed on their
computer. This will export the file in PNG, JPEG, GIF, or Bitmap (bmp) format, to the file location
where the project was previously saved. This location can be changed if necessary.

Export Screen View to ScotLayout.

This will export the screen view directly to the ScotLayout programme, for the creation of the
construction and site documents. (Covered in Chapter 21)

Export Plane Lines to ScotLayout.

This will export the ceiling planes lines to the ScotLayout program for the creation of the construction
and site documents. (Covered in Chapter 21)


This tab accesses the Default display, which will control the display for all future views of the program.
Including Project, and a new Plan.
Select the required items to view, and click Apply
The groups being viewed can be changed at any time.

Draw a New Ceiling Plane.

The Draw a new ceiling plane tool is used to create ceiling planes.
To create ceiling planes, click on the Draw ceiling plane tool and then click where one corner of the
ceiling plane will start.
Start here

Drawer the cursor diagonally across the area where the plane is to be created, and click again to
complete the panel.

Ceiling planes will be created at the default wall height entered in Wall Designer Settings Levels,
according to the level they are drawn on. The software will calculate the ceiling height from the
defaults set.

The example shows the properties of the ceiling on level 2, which are calculated by:
Level1 walls (2720) plus Level 2 joists (300) plus level 2 flooring (20) plus level 2 walls (2720) = 5760

Select and Edit a ceiling plane.

To edit or modify a ceiling plane, it must be selected.

To select a ceiling plane, click on the, Select and Edit a ceiling plane tool, and then click inside the
ceiling plane.
The selected plane will change to a darker colour.


Note. If the plane is being selected to have its height or pitch changed, it must be selected near an
appropriate edge to have the properties of that edge become active.

Height displays
Default, but will
not change


Line height
Plane pitch

Right Mouse Menu.

Clicking the right mouse button when a ceiling plane is selected will display its properties

Multiple ceiling planes can be selected, by holding down the Shift key, and clicking on successive
If more than 1 plane is selected, any area of the properties box, in which all selected planes do not
have the same setting, will remain blank.

Setting Blank

In the example the selected planes have different Vertical settings.

If the setting is left blank, then each plane will retain its setting.
If a value is entered, then all planes will adopt that value.

Add a new ceiling plane point.

To modify the shape of a ceiling plane to a shape that will have more than 4 sides, it is necessary to
add a new ceiling plane point.
The Add a new ceiling plane point tool will only be active when a ceiling plane has been selected.
To add a new point, select the ceiling plane, click on the Add a new ceiling plane point tool and then
click just inside the edge of the plane where the new plane point is to be added.

The new plane point will display, and the original plane edge will draw back to confirm its position.
One side of the new plane point will be selected, and display the 3 dragging handles.
To move the new plane point to a new position, hold down the Ctrl key Select the point, by clicking
the left mouse key while the cursor is on the point to be moved. Drag the point to its new position and
click again to release.

Enter the number of points required to complete the shape.

Erase a ceiling plane point.

The Erase a ceiling plane point tool will only become active when a ceiling plane is selected.
Ceiling plane points can be erased by, selecting the ceiling plane, clicking on the Erase a ceiling
plane tool, and then clicking on the ceiling plane point to be erased.


The ceiling plane point will be erased.

Delete a ceiling Plane.

Ceiling planes can be deleted using the Delete a Ceiling Plane tool.
To delete a ceiling plane, click on the Delete a ceiling plane tool.
The cursor will become,

Click on any ceiling plane, and the plane will be deleted.

To deselect the Delete a ceiling Plane tool, click on another tool.
Ceiling planes can also be deleted, by selecting them, and using the Delete key on the keyboard.

Make Parallel

The Make Parallel tool is used to make one ceiling plane edge parallel to another.
The edge chosen to be made parallel to can be on any ceiling panel on that level.
The Make Parallel tool will only become active when a plane edge is selected.
To make an edge parallel to another, select the edge of the panel to be adjusted.
The edge must be selected just inside the edge line, and somewhere near the centre.

The plane edge handles will appear when the edge is selected.
Click on the Make Parallel tool, and then click on the edge to be adjusted to.

The edge will adjust to be parallel.

Join Ceiling Planes.

The Join Ceiling planes tool is used to join 2 ceiling planes at the same level, or at their intersection if
they will join.
The Join Ceiling planes tool will only become active when a ceiling plane has been selected.
Ceiling planes must be within approx 1500mm of each other to successfully join.
The ceiling plane edges do not need to be parallel to successfully join.

To join 2 ceiling planes that are at 0 pitch, and on the same level,

Select the edge that is to be moved.

The ceiling plane edge handles will appear when the edge is selected.
Click on the Join Ceiling planes, tool, and then click on the plane edge that the first plane is to be
joined to.

A confirmation box will appear, confirming that the join is to be made.

Click OK, and the first ceiling plane selected will extend or retract to join the second plane.

If either edge is selected too far from the plane edge line for the edge to be selected, a warning will

To join 2 ceiling planes where 1 plane is pitched.

Select the planes by the same method as above.

The confirmation box will NOT display, and both the planes will extend or retract to join at their natural
intersection point.

Cut Selected Plane

The Cut Selected Ceiling Plane tool is used to cut existing ceiling planes at any angle set in Wall
Designer settings Snap Settings Standard.
The Cut Ceiling Plane tool will only become active when a plane is selected.
To cut a ceiling plane, select the plane, and click on the Cut Selected Plane tool.
When selected the Cut selected plane tool is selected, the cursor will become,

Click to start the cut, outside the plane edge.

Start Here

Draw the cut across the plane in the desired direction, and finish outside the plane edge.

Click again to make the cut.

One section of the original plane will remain selected, and the Cut selected plane tool is still active.
To release the tool, select another tool.
Both sections of the ceiling plane will have the same Set files as the original.
To make a cut from a plane point, start the cut within the snap distance of the plane point. The cut will
snap to the plane point.

Start here

Joist direction.

The Joist direction tool allows the joist direction to be altered in ceiling panels.
The Joist Direction tool only becomes active when a ceiling plane is selected.
To alter the joist direction in a ceiling plane, select the plane, and click on the Joist Direction tool.
A pivot point will display in the centre of the ceiling plane, with the cursor becoming an arrow head out
from the plane.

The angle of the joists will display in the centre of the pivot.

Revolve the cursor around the pivot to alter the joist direction.

If the Snap to Angle box is checked in Wall Designer Settings, the joist direction will snap to the
Standard or Custom angles set.

If Snap to Angle is not checked, the direction will move to any whole degree.

For mathematical calculation purposes the angles are designated as below.

To set the angle, click again. The rotating cursor arrow will disappear, and the plane arrow will show
the direction set.

Note. Default single joist direction is Right with the nogs facing down. This is viewed by facing the
plane in the direction of the direction arrow. The open face of the joists will be on the right. Panels can
have their components orientated the opposite way, by changing the joist direction 180 deg.


Ceiling planes do not display numbers, but a prefix and number is allotted when they are created.
By default, they will adopt the prefix set in Project Settings General

And number sequentially in the order they are created.

Cutting a ceiling plane will leave one section with the original number, and the other section will adopt
the next available number in the sequence.

Changing the Numbering prefix.

The numbering prefix can be changed at any time while drawing the ceiling planes.
Any change made will affect future planes created.
The below example (Example 1), had the lower ceiling planes created with Ceil As the prefix, and
then the upper ceiling planes created with Top as the prefix.

The panels are numbered Ceil1 to Ceil7, and Top8 to Top14

Changing Plane Numbering.

The numbers allotted to each plane can be changed by, clicking on the Renumber tool.
A text box will appear.

If the default prefix has not been changed, and the number chosen corresponds to a prefix and
number already in use, a warning will appear, and the renumbering will be cancelled.

Complete renumbering.
(This does not relate to Example I)
Click, OK to accept the renumbering to start from 1.
Click on the first ceiling plane in the new numbering sequence.

The chosen plane will become selected.

Click successively on the planes, in the order they are to be numbered.
Already selected planes will display as selected.

Viewed in project, the ceiling panel numbers will display.

Individual ceiling planes can also be renumbered, by selecting the ceiling plane, and altering the name
in the properties, Name, box.

If the name chosen corresponds to a name already in use, a warning will appear.

If Yes is selected, the plane will adopt the default prefix, and the next available number.
If No is selected, then another number must be chosen.

Edge Adjust.

After the ceiling planes have been snapped to the walls (See Snap Ceiling Plane to Plan Lines tool),
The ceiling planes can be snapped forward or back to the centre or opposite side of a wall.
The Edge Adjust tool will only become active when a ceiling plane edge has been selected.
The amount of move with each adjustment is set in Project Settings General Plane edge adjust

The example shows the distance set to half the thickness of a wall.
When the Edge Adjust tool is active, right clicking on it, will give quick access to the Ceiling Plane
edges adjust default. A text box will appear where the default can be changed.

Alter the setting as required, and click OK.

To move the plane edge to the centre of a wall, select the edge of the plane to be moved,


and click on the Edge adjust tool.

The edge will move IN by the distance set. (in the example 45mm)

Successive clicks of the Edge adjust tool will move the edge 45mm IN each time.
Holding down the Ctrl key while the Edge Adjust key is clicked will cause the edge to move OUT
by the set amount.
Successive clicks of the Edge adjust tool while holding down the Ctrl key, will move the edge 45mm
OUT each time.

Add Text.

180 characters and spaces in any 1 block of text can be added to a project, in Ceiling Designer, Floor
Designer, Roof Designer, and Project modes.
To add text to a Ceiling Designer project, click on the Add Text tool, and then click on the project in
the approximate position where the text is to be placed.
The Add Text box will appear.

A total of180 characters and spaces can be typed into the Text panel.

Checking the appropriate boxes will cause the text to be viewed in Project mode when those groups
are viewed.
None of the boxes will be selected if the None button is clicked, and all will be selected when the All
button is clicked.

With reference to the X, Y, and Z, axes which move when the job is rotated.
0 X, Y, and Z is at 0 floor level and in the centre of the project.

Bu default, text entered in Ceiling Designer will be at 0 Z.

The X, and Y, positions displayed are the coordinates of where the cursor was clicked to enter the
These positions can be altered if necessary. Text can be selected and moved after it has been
When the appropriate text has been entered, and any adjustments to Groups and Position made,
click OK and the text will be entered.

Modifying Text.
Once text is inserted, it can be modified, by clicking on the, Add Text tool, and right clicking on the
beginning of the text.
The Edit Text box will appear showing the existing text.

Modify the entries as necessary and click OK. The text will be altered accordingly.

Moving Text.
Text can be moved, by clicking on the Add Text tool, and left clicking on the text.
The text will turn blue, and move with the cursor.
To release the text to its new position, click the left mouse button again.

Deleting Text.
Text can be deleted, by clicking on the Add Text tool, and right clicking on the beginning of the text.
The Edit Text box will appear showing the text.

Clear the text from the text box by clicking the Clear button below the text, and click OK.
The text will be deleted.

Ceiling Plane Properties.

The Ceiling Plane Properties tool will only become active when a ceiling plane has been selected.
To view a ceiling planes properties, select the plane, and click on the Ceiling Plane Properties tool.
Ceiling plane properties, can also be viewed, by right clicking on a selected plane, or double clicking
on any plane.
The Ceiling Planes properties will display.
(A ceiling planes properties can also be displayed by double left clicking on the ceiling plane.)
To register the edge of a ceiling plane to modify its properties, it must be selected within the snap


A ceiling planes properties are under 2 tabs.


Line Height.
The line height will display the height of the selected ceiling plane edge above the 0 Z coordinate.
Note. If the ceiling plane has been selected too far from an edge for the edge properties to register,
the Line Height will display Height only, and the Pitch will be greyed out. Altering the Height
setting will not alter the height of the plane.

If the ceiling plane edge selected is level, the height will display.

If the ceiling plane edge selected is raking, the Line Height will show that the edge has 2 heights.
(That the ends are not the same.)

By default, ceiling planes will be created level, and at the default wall height.
To pitch a ceiling plane, select the plane edge that the pitch is to hinge on.



Enter a pitch in the Pitch box.

Click Rebuild to rebuild the plane to the new pitch.

Ceiling plane pitches must be entered in Degrees. Either positive or negative.

If the pitch is given as a gradient (6 in 12) then the angle can be automatically calculated by clicking on
the Calculate button.

A text box will appear where the gradient is entered (IE 6 in 12)

Click OK and the appropriate pitch will be entered.

Max Truss Layout Separation.

The setting in the Max Truss Layout Separation box is the maximum spacing of the trusses when a
truss layout is placed on the ceiling plane.
In the example the Max Truss Layout Separation is set to 600.
Note. The truss layout does not create trusses. It creates a layout, which studs and joists can be
aligned to. (This function has largely been superseded in the later software.)

Joist Angle.

The Joist angle is the angle at which the joists in the panel will be built in Project mode.
The joist angle can be established using the Joist direction tool, which will snap to the snap angles

or any angle can be entered manually into the box. (2 decimal places are accepted)


Level, displays the level at which the ceiling plane will be visible. Any one of the 5 levels available can
be selected using the Menu arrows, or by manually entering the level No.
Note. This does not change the physical position of the ceiling plane. Only the level it is viewed and
active on.

Ceiling planes default to being visible. To hide a ceiling plane, uncheck the Visible box.
Hidden ceiling planes cannot be selected.
To re display the ceiling planes, click the Make all ceiling planes visible tool.

Frame Items.

The Frame Items tab displays the selected ceiling frames layout. This can be modified as necessary
by altering the values, or selecting another Set file from the data base. (See Project Settings
Frames Ceiling).
The ceiling frame will require a rebuild after any changes.

Snap ceiling plane to Plan Lines.

The Snap Ceiling Plane to Plan Lines tool will only become active when a ceiling plane is selected.
The Snap ceiling Plane to plan Lines tool is used to snap a ceiling plane to either the outside, or
inside of a wall. If the edge of the plane is required to be in the centre of the wall, then the plane is
snapped to an edge and then adjusted, using the Plane Edge Adjust tool.
Ceiling plane edges will only snap to the edge of a wall, if they are within the snap range set.
To snap a ceiling planes edges, select the plane, and click on the Snap ceiling plane to plan lines
The ceiling plane edges will snap to the nearest wall edge.

Click on the Snap ceiling plane to plan lines tool.


The Level button shows the level being displayed on the screen.
Only one level can be displayed at one time.
To display another level, right click on the button to go up, and left click on the button to go down.


The Make all ceiling planes visible tool returns all hidden ceiling planes to being visible.
To make all ceiling planes visible, click on the All tool.

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