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Elastodynamics - Motivation

Page 90

Fehmi Cirak

Elastodynamics -1!

The discrete elastodynamics equations can be derived from either

Hamiltonian, Lagrangian or principle of virtual work for (dAlemberts
(build-in boundaries)

with initial conditions

Discretization with finite elements

Element mass matrix

element mass matrix

Page 91

The stiffness matrix and the load vector are the same as for the static case
Fehmi Cirak

Elastodynamics -2!

Semi-discrete equation of motion

Mass matrix
Stiffness matrix
External force vector
Initial conditions

Semi-discrete because it is discretized in space but continuous in time


Viscous damping

Rayleigh damping

Page 92

Fehmi Cirak

Timoshenko Beam - Virtual Kinetic Work


Kinetic virtual work

Rotationary inertia (very small for thin beams)

Page 93

Fehmi Cirak

Timoshenko Beam - Mass Matrix


Discretization with linear shape functions

Lumped mass matrix (lumping by row-sum technique)

In practice the rotational contribution can mostly be neglected

For the equivalent Reissner-Mindlin plate, the components of the mass matrix are
simply the total element mass divided by four

Page 94

Fehmi Cirak

Explicit Time Integration -1!

Semi-discrete equation of motion

Discretization in time (or integration in time)


Page 95

Assume displacements, velocities, and accelerations

for t!tn are known

Central difference formula for the velocity

Central difference formula for the acceleration

Discrete equilibrium at t=tn

Displacements at t=tn+1 follow from these equations as

Fehmi Cirak

Explicit Time Integration -2!

Provided that the mass matrix is diagonal the update of displacements and
velocities can be accomplished without solving any equations
Explicit time integration is very easy to implement. The disadvantage is
conditional stability. If the time step exceeds a critical value the solution will
grow unboundedly

Critical time step size

Longitudinal wave speed in solids

exact solution

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Fehmi Cirak

Semi-discrete Heat Equation -1!

Semi-discrete heat equation


Page 97

is the temperature vector and

is the heat capacity matrix
is the heat conductivity matrix
is the heat supply vector

its time derivative

Initial conditions

Family of time integrators

Fehmi Cirak

Semi-discrete Heat Equation -2!

Common names for the resulting methods

forward differences; forward Euler
trapezoidal rule; midpoint rule; Crank-Nicholson
backward differences; backward Euler


Explicit vs. implicit methods



the method is explicit

the method is implicit

Implementation: Predictor-corrector form

substituting in

Page 98

Fehmi Cirak

The Newmark Method -1!

For elastodynamics most widely used family of time integration schemes

Assume that the displacements, velocities, and accelerations for t!tn are

Implementation: a-form (according to Hughes)


Page 99

Unconditionally stable and undamped for

Compute predictors

Fehmi Cirak

The Newmark Method -2-

Page 100

To compute the accelerations at n+1 following equation needs to be solved

Fehmi Cirak

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