Fip Company Profile

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Back in 1945 Commendatore Attilio Daciano Colbachini founded F.I.P.

S.r.l, a company, which until 1962 carried out a commercial activity
geared towards the distribution of technical products for the building,
hydroelectric and highway sectors.
In 1956 Dr. Romeo
Chiarotto joined the
company establishing
himself as a promoter of
innovation and expansion of
the company by creating its
industrial division, which
first specialised in the design
and manufacture of
technical products for the
large-scale construction
sector and thereafter, in the
development of protection
and strengthening of civil
engineering structures in
Today, FIP Industriale S.p.A. under the leadership of Chairman Donatella
Chiarotto have intensified their expansion to the overseas markets and
operate with vanguard products and technology for civil engineering,
especially in the following sectors: highways, railways, tramways,
offshore platforms, port structures, dams, buildings and industrial plants.
Their headquarters at Selvazzano Dentro, in the province of Padua,
occupy an area of approximately 51,000 square meters and other
operative units are located in Milan, Rome, Paris, Cambridge and Sao
Paulo in addition to agents almost all around the world.
Our organisation has all the necessary skills to transform even the most
sophisticated and challenging ideas into projects. This know-how
develops along a path that goes from the preliminary study to the final
project, supported by laboratory testing on prototypes, and terminates
with the manufacture, the installation and, possibly, the monitoring of
Design activities are carried out by a staff of engineers and specialised
technicians who have access to modern electronic tools such as computer
programmes for the dimensioning of devices, dynamic analysis of
structures and finite element programmes.

FIPs premises comprise of a functional test

and earthquake simulation laboratory
equipped with numerous sophisticated
instruments among which a 8,000 ton test
rig, one of the biggest in Europe.
For this reason, besides in-house purpose
testing, it is also used for performing test
for third parties including our main
European competitors. In addition to the
functional test laboratory, FIP have also
laboratories for the development of
chemical and cementituous products.
Most of FIPs products are the result of the research activity performed in
our laboratories: as a matter of fact, more than 30% of personnel are
highly qualified and every year the company invests about 10 % of its
turnover in research programmes.
This activity mainly focuses on seismic protection, with the first studies
and applications dated back to 1974 for the Savio and Somplago
viaducts, as well as on environmental protection concerning safeguard of
Venice and its monuments in 1972, an activity which has been continued
over the last years with the reconstruction of the morphological
equilibrium of its lagoon through their sister company Mantovani.
The precise strategy of pursuing continuous innovation has allowed FIP to
gain remarkable experience also in implementing research projects
approved by the European Commission in partnership with leading
European companies, universities and research institutes.
These projects, together with the continuous in-house studies carried out
have enabled FIP to develop new design and construction methods by
using the most innovative materials: a typical example of this strategy
was the development of shape memory alloy devices designed for the
protection of historical monuments and buildings, the first of which were
installed in the framework of the recent rehabilitation of the Basilica of St
Francis of Assisi. The creativity of FIPs specialists has made it possible to
file about 150 patents to date.

R&D activity is also expressed in the design of

special construction equipment and in the
manufacturing process, through constant innovation
and improvement of means and processes: our
workshop is equipped with modern machinery that
guarantee a cycle of production at the highest
quality control and reliability levels and an annual
production capacity of 20,000 pieces of bridge
bearings and seismic devices.
Furthermore, we are proud to affirm that from 1945
to date, FIP have designed, manufactured and
installed more than 800,000 metres of expansion
joints and, during the last 20 years, with equipment
of their own design have hydrodemolished about
1,000,000 square metres of concrete.
FIP distinguish themselves in their field for the ample range of products
and services they can offer and their special feature is that they can
offer their devices in a great variety of types.
FIP can boast long experience in project specifications and technical
standards of various countries (from China to Venezuela, from the
United States to Australia) and, consequently, manifold competencies for
adapting the basic products to the different standards: they have a long
list of approvals and certifications.
Quality has always been the primary target and in 1992 FIP obtained the
CISQ-ICIM Quality System certification according to the criteria
established by the international ISO 9001 standard.
The importance FIP attribute to the evolution of technology is also
confirmed in their participation in the activity of working groups who
prepare the relevant sectorial standards both at the national (UNI,
ANIDIS-GLIS) and international (CEN, EOTA, ISO) level, in addition to
their membership in associations involved in structural engineering
(AICAP, IABSE, ACI, AIPCR,) as well as relevant business associations.


From the early Seventies, when they were issued the first patent, FIP
Industriale have always considered the activities of the Research &
Development Department as being of fundamental importance.
Products and equipment currently proposed and used for civil engineering
purposes were developed and perfected in our in-house research
laboratories, by our highly qualified technical staff.
The Research & Development Department works out innovative solutions,
in close co-operation with the Technical Department and the Test
Laboratory, and for projects of a wider scope, also with Italian and
foreign universities, research centres, laboratories and industries.

In progress or recently completed R & D projects involve, among other,

the following technologies:
fluid viscous dampers;
semi-active seismic devices;
isolation mats and other vibration control devices;
tunnel products;
special bearings;
special expansion joints for railway applications.

Among the numerous research projects followed by FIP Industriale over

the last years we highlight the following three ones, which were mainly
geared to the development of devices for the seismic protection of
various types of structures. These projects were co-funded by the
European Commission within the IV Framework Programme for Research
and Technological Development and implemented in co-operation with
prestigious partners from all over Europe.

Development of Innovative Techniques for the Improvement of

Stability of Cultural Heritage, in particular seismic protection ISTECH
1/3/1996 - 30/6/1999
Environment and Climate Programme;
Highly Adaptable Rubber Isolating System - HARIS
1/1/1996 - 31/12/1998
Brite-EuRam III Programme (Industrial & Materials Technologies);
Optimization of Energy Dissipation Devices, Rolling-Systems and
Hydraulic Couplers for Reducing Seismic Risk to Structures and
Industrial Facilities - REEDS
1/7/1996 - 30/6/1999
Brite-EuRam III Programme (Industrial & Materials Technologies);
ISTECH Project

Development of Innovative Techniques for the Improvement of Stability

of Cultural Heritage, in particular Seismic Protection
This project was co-ordinated by FIP Industriale and implemented in cooperation with partners from the European countries subject to the most
severe seismic risk:

ENEA (National Agency for Energy and Environment), Bologna Italy

Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST), Lisbon - Portugal

JRC/EC - Joint Research Centre, Ispra - European Commission

University of Rome "La Sapienza" - Italy

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Greece

The objective of this project was the development of innovative

technologies for the structural repair and seismic strengthening of
historical structures and monuments based on the use of shape memory
The study of the properties of these high-tech materials as well as of the
seismic vulnerability of the European architectural heritage has lead to
identify the super-elasticity of shape memory alloys as their most useful
characteristic for the purpose of seismic protection of monumental
Indeed, it allows for creating shape memory alloy devices providing
effective joining of various structural elements (as a replacement of - or
in series with - traditional steel tendons) while acting as force limitators.
Shortly after completion, the results of the ISTECH Project have lead to
some significant application of the newly developed seismic devices,
among which the Basilica of Saint Francis in Assisi.
HARIS Project
Highly Adaptable Rubber Isolating System
This project was conducted by FIP Industriale together with the following
Vienna Consulting Engineers (Project co-ordinator) - Austria;
Danish Maritime Institute - Denmark;

Vienna University of Agricultural Sciences;

Institute for Structural Engineering - Austria;
Vorspann-Technik G.m.b.H. - Germany.

The main project goal was the development of special rubber isolators
with performance characteristics variable over a wide range by acting on
a limited number of design parameters. In particular, isolators were
developed which are characterised by their different horizontal stiffness
along the two perpendicular axes, and are especially useful for
applications in bridges and viaducts.

This orthotropic behaviour was achieved by suitably shaping the

isolators steel reinforcement.
Numerous static and dynamic tests were performed on isolator
prototypes and earthquake simulation testing on a shaking table was
carried out on a bridge mock-up.
REEDS Project
Optimization of Energy Dissipation Devices, Rolling-Systems and
Hydraulic Couplers for Reducing Seismic Risk to Structures and Industrial
The 11 project partners with whom this project was conducted, included,
among others:
ENEL S.p.A. (National Italian Electricity company) - Co-ordinator Italy

ENEA (National Agency for Energy and Environment), Bologna Italy

GEC Alsthom T&D SA - France

Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST), Lisbon - Portugal

JRC/EC - Joint Research Centre, Ispra - European Commission

MRPRA (Malaysian Rubber Producers Research Association, now
Tun Abdul Razak Research Centre) - United Kingdom

The project was aimed at the optimisation of various types of seismic

devices for use both in civil and industrial structures.
FIP Industriales main contribution was the development of torsional
steel hysteretic dampers and the study of seismic isolation of LNG
(Liquefied Natural Gas) storage tanks.

Among the great number of experimental tests carried out during the
course of the project, special mention shall be made of earthquake
simulation tests:

shaking table testing on a LNG tank mock-up, respectively

performed with and without the seismic isolation system that had
yielded the best result, the latter made up of a combination of
elastomeric isolators and dampers;
pseudo-dynamic testing on a full-scale mock-up of a reinforced
concrete framed building, braced with elastomeric viscoelastic


FIP Industriale have always endeavoured to give tangible proof of their

high quality standards and today they are the only manufacturer in the
field who can boast such a wide range of products and services covered
by prestigious national and international certifications, technical
approvals and qualifications.
The validity of the acknowledgements listed below always remains
updated by the ongoing internal and external surveillance activities
carried out by FIP Industriales Quality Control as well as by the issuing
bodies. The latter activities, performed by independent third parties,
guarantee that the established quality standards are constantly
The experience gathered in contracts all around the world has enabled
FIP Industriale to design and manufacture devices conforming to the
major national and international technical specifications, like EN,
AASHTO, BS, DIN, CNR. Nevertheless FIP are prepared to adopt design
and execution criteria established by any other standard.

In 1992 FIP Industriale was the first Italian

manufacturer in the field to secure the CISQICIM certification for the Quality System
conforming to the International Standard ISO
This certificate covers the design, production
and installation of: special structural devices
(bridge bearings, seismic devices, expansion
joints); special structural works
(environment protection technologies);
pavings and special coverings
(waterproofing); acoustic systems for
railways and motorways (noise barriers);
steel work. Retrofitting of bridges and

A further certification of the quality system

was issued by CISQ-ICIM relevant to quality
requirements for the welding of bridge
bearings, seismic devices, expansion joints,
steelwork in compliance with the standard
UNI EN 729-2.

Following the new Italian legislation for

Public Works (Law of 11 February 1994, no.
109 and subsequent emendments), FIP
Industriale has secured the attestation of
qualification released by EURO SOA for eight
categories of general and special contracts.
This attestation of qualification proves the
fulfilment of requirements in terms of
technical and financial capacity for the award
of public works.


FIP Industriale have in their possession the

certificate issued by the German Institut des
Deutschen Verbandes fr Schweisstechnik e.
V. conforming to standard DIN 18 800/7
(DIN 15 018, DIN 18 809, DS 804), covering
the design, execution and control of welding
performed on steel road and railway bridge
structures and their components.
The German MPA Staatliche
Materialprfungsanstalt Universitt Stuttgart
has released certificates of conformity for
bridge bearings conforming to the Technical
Approvals Zulassungen issued by DIBt
(Deutsches Institut fr Bautechnik) to FIP
Industriale as well as for restraint bearings
according to DIN V 4141 Part 13.

Furthermore FIP Industriale is able to design

and supply elastomeric bearings in
accordance with DIN 4141-14, with the mark
of and periodic surveillance by TUM,
Technische Universitt Mnchen.
In the framework of the enforcement of the
European Construction Products Directive,
FIP Industriale have all prerequisites for the
CE marking of bearings conforming to the
harmonised standards EN 1337.

Pursuant to Art. 8 of Decree DPR 246/93 the

Presidenza del Consiglio Superiore dei Lavori
Pubblici Italiana ( Superior Council of Public
Works) has issued a product certification for
FIP Industriales structural restraints,
antiseismic devices, spherical bearings and
expansion joints.
The German Deutsches Institut fr
Bautechnik, Berlin has issued three
Zulassungen (= Technical Approvals) to FIP
Industriale, for spherical bearings, pot
bearings and sliding elements.
In Poland, FIP Industriale has obtained the
Technical Approval from the governmental
body Instytut Badawczy Drg i Mostw for
VASOFLON pot bearings.
In Hungary, llami Kzti Muszaki s
Informcis Kht has approved FIP Industriale
as qualified supplier of VASOFLON pot

The French institute SETRA (Service dEtudes

Techniques des Routes et Autoroutes) has
released an Avis Technique (Technical
Approval) for FIP Industriales expansion
joints, RAN P series for movements from 300
mm to 800 mm and for GPE series for
movements from 80 mm to 250 mm.

In Romania, la Comisia de Agrement Tehnic

in Constructii has issued its technical
approval for road expansion joints of the
RAN 50 series.


The Italian Railways Ferrovie Italiane FS

have approved FIP Industriale as qualified
supplier of railway expansion joints of the
BETA series and of railway bearings in the
Sferoflon series in accordance with
Istruzione FS 44e
The French Railways SNCF (Dpartement des
ouvrages dart, Division des tudes,
mthodes et contrle des grands ouvrages
mtalliques et mixtes) have approved FIP
Industriale as qualified supplier of pot
bearings in accordance with Livrets S.N.C.F.
2.00 - 2.32 - 2.59.
In England, the Highways Agency of DTLR,
Department for Transport, Local Government
and the Regions has issued, in favour of FIP
Industrial (UK) Ltd, a type approval of
various types of reinforced rubber joints of
the RAN, SIN, GPE and RAN P series listing
them in the Approved Products Register.

The Government Secretariat, Works Branch

of Hong Kong has approved FIP Industriale
as a qualified supplier of mechanical bearings
(category Class I), of elastomeric bearings
(category Class II) and of expansion joints.
Within the US initiative for accelerating the
evaluation process for innovative
technologies for which no specifications or
standards exist, FIP have successfully
completed the real-scale tests conducted on
sliders with steel hysteretic dissipating
elements as requested by the test
programme jointly established by the Federal
Highway Administration, Caltrans (California
Department of Transportation) and HITEC
(Highway Innovative Evaluation Center)
FIP Industriale, as the only European
manufacturer, is listed among the suppliers
pre-qualified by Caltrans for the supply of
fluid viscous dampers, after having
successfully performed the tests established
by the HITEC protocol at the BOEING
laboratory, Canoga Park, California USA.
FIP Industriale, after successful prequalification testing at the laboratories of the
Earthquake Engineering Research Center
University of California at Berkeley is listed
among the suppliers pre-qualified by the
Golden Gate Bridge Highway and
Transportation District for the supply of fluid
viscous dampers for the seismic retrofit of
the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.

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