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Nepal Earthquake Response- Dhading

Field Visit Report # 3
Date of Visit: 2 Feb 2016 to 12 Feb 2016
Site Visited: Tripureshwor and Satyadevi

District: Dhading
Team Members: Bibek Balla

Purpose of Visit:
1. To provide layout for construction of latrines in schools in Tripureshwor and Satyadevi VDCs
2. To implement water supply system construction in Tripureshwor and satyadevi VDCs

WASH team is conducting their program in Tripureshwor and satyadevi VDC since May
26. We are conducting WASH in School in 12 schools and eight water supply schemes in
Tripureshwor VDC and Satyadevi VDC.
Monitoring Situations/General Context:
Site for latrine construction in Janajyoti School, Jaljale School, and Chandradevi School
has been cleared. Pit for RVT construction was completed in Dandagaun and Gada khola

Monitoring of Objectives/Indicators:
In Ganeshthan WSS commnunity have cleared site for intake and has dug transmission
pipeline. In Gadakhola WSS and Dandagaun, they have formed water user's committee
and we have provided layout for construction for RVT and pipeline.

Progress of the Activities:

In Ganeshthan WSS pipeline has been dug and site has been cleared for intake. In gada
khola and Dandagaun WSS Pit for RVT was completed. In Janajyoti School, latrine is
under construction. Layout for latrine construction is provided to Jaljale school, Bachchala
school and Chandradevi school. But in Chakreshwori School they havent cleared site for
latrine construction.
In Rackchowk WSS and Okhar khola WSS pit for RVT construction is completed

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Key Issues/Findings:
In rackchowk WSS site previously selected for RvT construction was moved since there
was fault plane in that location.
Source of Gada khola contains metal impurities.
Communitity is busy in Cash for work so it is difficult to carryout Water supply construction.
There was lack of skilled manpower for construction oF RVT.
School have problem for providing space for latrine construction.

Hence construction is rapidly ongoing in water supply schemes but in school it is opposite.

Each water supply scheme should be facilitated by skilled manpower.
We should work in an integrated way within OXFAM.

Related Photographs:

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Thank You

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