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(10 * 2 = 20)

1. Explain the concept of mass customization with real life examples

2. Write a short note on CRAFT.
3. Write any four objectives of work study.
4. What is the main purpose of motion study?
5. Define productivity. How productivity is measured?
6. What does VED stand for?
7. What are all the components of Inventory Carrying Cost?
8. Define Rating. Explain the different type of allowances.
9. List any three vendor rating techniques.
10. What is the difference between the push and pull methods of material flow?

PART B (2 * 13 = 26)
1. A. Explain in detail about process planning.
B. What are the measures to increase productivity?

2. A Explain the steps involved in value analysis.

B. What are the different types of model inventory system.
Part C (1 * 14) = 14
3. A. What are the criteria to select vendors?
B. Distinguish between standardization and simplification.

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