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Y E A R 3 C A L L I N G O N C R I T I C A L T H I N K I N G L E S S O N 2

Using Your C.R.A.P. Detection Skills

Part 2 of the C.R.A.P. Detection (from Howard Reingolds book: Net Smart:
How to Thrive Online) lets students try out their new skills on actual webpages
that appear to be authentic and reputable. This lesson works best if students
have access to digital devices, that way they can investigate each entire site in
order to determine its veracity. If you dont have devices, print the pages that
follow and let students apply the C.R.A.P. test to each sites home page.

Part 2

Learning Objectives:
Students will:

Apply the four steps of the C.R.A.P. Detection.

Work together to discuss the authenticity of websites.

Begin to understand how information that appears valid may not always be so.
Lesson Introduction:
Tell students that today they are going to continue applying their C.R.A.P. Detection skills to websites that
currently appear online. If you only have a few digital devices in your classroom, divide your class into teams
to share access to the computers, laptaps, tablets, or smartphones you may have available. If you dont use
devices in the classsroom, then print the following pages and have students work together in pairs. You can
also assign this lesson as homework.

The Lesson:
1. Pass out the following worksheet and divide your class into small teams or pairs.
2. Ask students to carefully apply the C.R.A.P. test to each site and to record their ndings on the pages
provided (every student should complete a worksheet).
3. Bring your class back together and ask teams or pairs to report on their ndings. Lead a class discussion
regarding how these sites may appear reputable to someone who does not look at them carefully!
For students to have a tool that will help them assess the reliability of websites they nd online.

CyberCivics 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express
and written permission from the author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

For Full Curriculum Visit:

Cyber Civics Website

w w w. c y b e r c i v i c s . c o m

Your Names___________________________________________

Give each of the following websites the C-R-A-P test:

1. Dog Island: Where You Can Take Your Dog on Vacation (
Is it Current? Explain__________________________________________________________________________________
Is it Reliable? Explain_________________________________________________________________________________
Who is the Author? Are they reputable?__________________________________________________________________
What is the Purpose of the site? Explain__________________________________________________________________
2. Help Save the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus From Extinction (
Is it Current? Explain__________________________________________________________________________________
Is it Reliable? Explain_________________________________________________________________________________
Who is the Author? Are they reputable?__________________________________________________________________
What is the Purpose of the site? Explain__________________________________________________________________

w w w. c y b e r c i v i c s . c o m

Give each of the following websites the C-R-A-P test:

3. Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division (

Is it Current? Explain__________________________________________________________________________________
Is it Reliable? Explain_________________________________________________________________________________
Who is the Author? Are they reputable?__________________________________________________________________
What is the Purpose of the site? Explain__________________________________________________________________

4. Aluminum Foil Detector Beanie (

Is it Current? Explain__________________________________________________________________________________
Is it Reliable? Explain_________________________________________________________________________________
Who is the Author? Are they reputable?__________________________________________________________________
What is the Purpose of the site? Explain__________________________________________________________________

w w w. c y b e r c i v i c s . c o m

Give each of the following websites the C-R-A-P test:

5. Buy Dehydrated Water (

Is it Current? Explain__________________________________________________________________________________
Is it Reliable? Explain_________________________________________________________________________________
Who is the Author? Are they reputable?__________________________________________________________________
What is the Purpose of the site? Explain__________________________________________________________________

6. Republic of Molassia (

Is it Current? Explain__________________________________________________________________________________
Is it Reliable? Explain_________________________________________________________________________________
Who is the Author? Are they reputable?__________________________________________________________________
What is the Purpose of the site? Explain__________________________________________________________________

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