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Barrameda, Sheena

22, 2016
De Guzman, Arielle Frances
EMGT101 A06
Gadingan, Faye Anne



During the Egg Rocket Activity we had last meeting, there are difficulties
weve encountered and lessons learned. In this paper we will explain what
those are.
For our group planning is the most time-consuming part. Since we dont
know most of our members and due to our weak interpersonal skills, we had
a hard time communicating with each other about the plan. We came up with
some ideas but we cant decide which one to follow. When we realized were
running out of time, we decided to follow one suggestion. This suggestion
came from a member that is a Civil Engineering student. She had couple of
ideas on how the rocket should look like because the technical skills needed
in matter is in-line with her program.
Difficulty in organizing and staffing also hit a big mark in the quality of our
work. We havent assigned specific tasks to one another that is why we dont
know what our specific role in the group is. Again this is because of poor
interpersonal skills. And again because the time is running out, we just point
someone to be the financial representative, marketing representative etc.
Our group had the biggest amount of expenses for this project. The problem
we see in this matter is difficulty in controlling. We havent properly
estimated our expenses with the rocket design we want to build. In fact we
have excess material that was not used but already been purchased. It was a
big loss. One of the mistakes our group is that we have spent almost 900k
thinking about the safety of the egg but still the rocket we built was not
enough for the safety of the egg. Lessons learned are that we should think
ahead for ideas and that we should be open minded. One of the important
things is managing the time allotted to plan on how to build a rocket ship.

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