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Table of contents

Chapter 1: The Auxiliary Verbs in English.3
1. Definition.3
1.1 Perfect Auxiliary HAVE....5
1.2 Progressive/Passive Auxiliary BE.........6
1.3 The Auxiliary DO......8
1.4 The NICE Properties of Auxiliary Verbs..9
Chapter 2: The Auxiliary Verbs in German.19
2. Definition.......................................................................................................................19
2.1 Perfect Auxiliaries: HABEN, SEIN..........20
2.2 Passive Auxiliaries: WERDEN, SEIN .....29
2.3 The NICE Properties of Auxiliary Verbs.....31
Chapter three: Distinctions between English and German Auxiliary Verbs34
3. Definition.......................................................................................................................34
3.1 The Perfect Auxiliary HAVE vs HABEN ...34
3.2 The Progressive Auxiliary BE ....35
3.3 The Passive Auxiliary BE vs SEIN/WERDEN .......36
3.4 The English Auxiliary DO...37
3.5 The NICE Properties of English and German Auxiliary Verbs...38
Chapter four: Methods of Teaching Auxiliary Verbs in English and German.42
4. Definition...42
4.1 Types of Exercises...42
4.2 Textbook Evaluation44
4.3 Teaching Auxiliary Verbs in English..45
4.4 Teaching Auxiliary Verbs in German..48

Works Cited..52

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