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Block Test for Module 3 H2

Chemistry Paper, Paper 2

Pyridine was discovered in 1849 by the Scottish chemist Thomas Anderson as one of the
constituents of bone oil. Two years later, Anderson isolated pure pyridine through fractional
distillation of the oil. It is a colorless, highly flammable, weakly alkaline, water-soluble liquid with a
distinctive, unpleasant fish-like odor.

a) (i) Define enthalpy change of atomization

(ii) Experimentally the enthalpy change of atomization of pyridine was found
to be+5135 kJ Mol-1.Write a equation to represent it
b) Using relevant bond energy data from the data booklet, calculate another
value for the enthalpy change of atomization of pyridine
c) Write an equation to represent the enthalpy change of combustion of pyridine
d) When 1.13g of pyridine was combusted in a calorimeter, the procedure
heated 100g of water from 25 0C to 87 0C. This is process was known to be
65% efficient. Calculate the enthalpy change of combustion of pyridine
(Specific heat capacity of water: 4.20 J g -1K-1)
The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide is a first order reaction

a) (i) What is meant by the term order of reaction [1 mark]

(ii) How long will it take for a 15% of a sample of H 202 to decompose [2
b) The decomposition of H202 can be catalyzed by bromide ions. The rate
equation is :
Rate= k[H202][Br-]. Give a 2 step mechanism involving BrO- as an
intermediate that is consistent with this rate equation [2 marks]
c) Iodide ions are oxidized in acid solution by hydrogen peroxide


State 3 conditions that determine whether a reaction would occur

when molecules collide [3 marks]
Assuming the rate of the above reaction is zero order with respect to
[H+], determine the order of reaction with respect to [H202] and [I]
based on the experimental results shown below. Hence determine the
rate constant for the reaction. ( Assume order of reactions with
respect to H2O2 and I are positive integers) [4 marks]

Expt Number






Initial Rate mmol

dm-3 s-1


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