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Using Mullins Library to Find Articles

Article #1
The main purpose of this article was to show the relation between technology and
business ethics. They reference Freemans article and how he talks about the separation thesis.
The views of technology are also changing with philosophers arguing that the base assumption
for technology has been changing for years. Mainly between technological and social
determinism. People can change the way technology is made but when they do so they are not
keeping the moral aspect of it.
The current treatment of technology in within business ethics is very clear. People will
use it to their advantage if need to. If we were to change the assumption of technology to a
neutral state then it would allow people to think about ethical discussions. They must first fully
understand business ethics before you can apply technology ethics. As long as we can keep
thinking out technology as a neutral state and it allows us to use ethics in our decisions then it
will allow the bond between business and ethics.
Article Name: The Separation of Technology and Ethics in Business Ethics

Article #2
The main purpose of this article is to show the extensive range of technologies affecting
the business school. It also shows some of the implications and ramifications of it. It starts off
with giving a brief description of What is technology? It then proceeds to explain different
models of how technology can be used to affect business school teaching. And how the United
States differs from the UK.
There are many different technology-enabled learning models. Such as cottage
industry model, or the correspondence model, and many others. There is a difference in using
technology efficiently and it being used as a distraction. A lot of technology people have to use
also requires a little bit of learning with it. Some of the programs are not easy to use and much
be taught very well.
Article Name: Technology and the business school world

Stalder 2


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