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There are two teams of five players.

Divide the play space into three LANES: BOTTOM, MID, and TOP.
Give people their ROLES:
Support and Carry start in BOTTOM
Mid starts in MID
Top starts in TOP
Jungle starts in the space between lanes
Both teams have one of each role.
Pick an issue that is contentious or widely debated (Should abortion be legal?). Both teams are on
opposite sides of this issue.
Debate the issue amongst yourselves for 25 minutes, or to the point of moral fatigue, following these
Before the 8 minute mark, you may speak only with people in your lanes.
After 8 minutes, a team's members may change lanes whenever an enemy is rhetorically stifled, unable
to give a rebuttal within 10 seconds (move to or from this enemy's lane).
SUPPORT: Speak only when backing up your Carry's claims (never stifled)
CARRY: You must never equivocate
MID: You must present examples from personal experience
TOP: You must present FACTS and STATISICS that sound plausible (even if made up)
JUNGLE: Speak only 10 words in any given exchange, but you may move between lanes any time and
speak to any enemy (change lanes after speaking) (never stifled)

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