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BOOK ONE Rhythm Vocabular Charts For Effective Rhythmic Development by ED SUETA INTRODUCTION ‘The thirty two Rhythm Vocabulary Charts in this book contain a basic rhythmic foundation for the developing musician. The purpose of che Charts is to lead the student toward rhythmic under- standing and independence. ‘Two types of music reading skills should be taught throughout the Charts: simultaneous scanning, Which isa right brain function, and linear scanning, whichis a left brain function, My Rhythm Syllable System as indicated throughout the Charts, leads the student toward simul- taneous scanning, whereas a number system leads the student toward linear scanning. BOTH METH- ODS SHOULD BE TAUGHT THROUGHOUT THE CHARTS, MY RHYTHM SYLLABLES FIRST, A NUMBER SYSTEM SECOND. As the student matures, the emphasis should be shifted from simul- taneous scanning (chythm syllables) to linear scanning (number system). The number system used will be the one preferred by the teacher. Ultimately, the student should be able to read music using either method, ‘The Rhythm Vocabulary Charts are sequenced in order of difficulty. Each rhythmic concept is dealt with individually and then expanded in subsequent Charts. Beginners can start with Chart One. Older students with previous experience can start at the place in the Charts where their understanding isnot clear. OVERHEAD TRANSPARENCIES are available and can be utilized in conjunction with this book in the classroom. SUGGESTED TECHNICS FOR OBTAINING BEST RESULTS: . Say each line and clap the notes, Say each line and tap the notes with the right hand (on desk top or right knee). Say each line and tap the pulse with the left hand and tap the notes with the right hand. Hand tapping directions can be reversed for left handed students, Foot tapping (pulse) is optional, but strongly recommended. . As understanding and coordination develop, increase speed, The ultimate goal should be to go as fast as possible, awreye SUETA RHYTHM SYLLABLES swans 12, Ff, Few. 13. 8 4 Bee [2B 4B Gee 1oonca cote = — J 1So0 0080 ° — — ToSo080 d ° 1 ToDo" d 5 ‘ ToGo" ds d 2 Gece en) a a tact) ITT 24d Fi T (spoken letter T) ‘ 3 3 DaDaDa(Duh Duh Duh) |} 7d 2d] | * The reason for using tho same syllables for these nots is thatthe second pulse is common to both. Mao CHART 1 fA igh Hand ° ° o rrr rr tt ft sme Left Hand 16530 0 d. J: dd fof f tf ff simite Tce J J J 4 t t f f simile 00 J J / J ; r somite ® ° ° i ah a9 CHART 2 _ = ~ ' m~ ‘ ~ ° 8 ° ° ° ° ° é Ewe ~ oo . . oS Be EL © ~ oS > 7 2 & a ov base . = > — ¥ _ : o wte Exe > . . > > eo. ~ ~ ~~ oo nyu 4 = - > > _ woe ~ — = > aS =) > ow ° 9 ~ a OO 8 8 ee > i > i 8 g . > . Boe wt ea Bre ee > eo @ gx. _ — > Bo Sw. Brew De > = — — _ = av = = ~ sos sow os os ae 24. CHART 4 ° ld tren te ee ele tt ame alata Jd Widdle Wlidlidld dle aan 34 dd ddd Wdddle ae ea lle r Ree ee eae eee ee lear | eer le s4)i dle Idd didi ld id J lid die on 4d d liddliid ld Jl. lid Jide d dle rgd dd (ddd Id diiddld J ld eee eee eG CHART 5 tad ddd lee dee ded te dt ld oll ale dla Iddedd ledddd Jil ddd dl reronte edidld Jild ili lied deee lid dd dl oo ddeleedld Jidedils ddd Judi dieell soo SPAe ees eee taluesrecd ee dealeve TA Leealldeelildeilidslesiibeedileeed idee ll eFdedeld di iideleddeld dg ld dilleedl. ll Oe ape ed eelteomey oy ema eye eee i) ele el ede idelide lls ld did dideldl. oll Mot CHART 6 Ta Ta J ~ 2 eighth notes = 1 count Too Too Too Too pli dlid lis lid i dd arly 7 \ldsi assim AI FLL UAL NA As SALI FINE AINE do HII INN LIAL I Ad * In addition o Rhythm Syllables, the teacher can indlcate the number system tobe used with eghth notes. Mon CHART 7 AnALJ AT iam 2 iit PPTL TN Lae) TIM AOA AIA NIN Al AIOIN AA AAW An Je eed ele eee ee eee ANLINIAII NIN AIA od CHART 8 a AN AnniAnAs ANAL 4 1770 fT AINA! A aOlAT oa AL aia all Ql OOn Anns AAT) Ad Meo CHART 9 aed | Old WII ITM ot ALTE Tse lee Le ae le I Jee LTT Le led lie Ql Oi PIII sls Ald Weddle msi Sallis le ld eld SI Wl SADT dees MADIINOUIT. Riedl Ol. Wl ATR TO eed. Wl ATID A Dd del DAD. Wedded tl eased elle Dl Oe Qld TD ll Mon CHART 10 Pru ns Ws ny d J Wo Warn ins tad OP Pla dd 1h dd dk oy alli isd wei nia, Ml) i nids Wp bois AL J doo lg Wed do bled eid) old wed 1d oe) bald sels WIOLOLO ILO Loins SAL dL DIL ds TL dd ddd od * In addition to the Rhythm Sylables, the teacher ean indicate the number system to be used with dotted quarterighth. Mor hy “ddidal sal 64 JI addd eee CHART 11 Idd Lhe Md tree SAIL DITTO Wd ld ld JI LMM LMT. Ii dell delaiidiidd a delllidl., Wella all ILM LL ddd Ld Ml. JL DIDI AD WL Ad [i dd dls 22d Add Ald ieee liseli ded eee ee se pre siele tle alee een les FI JIL SITIO Ws Al dll i dd 2 10% Mo or dil dda did (Tl dlie ted CHART 12 4 = cighth test Ta Ta Ta ‘Ta rest rest. rest rest a 7 (ee ee ceeecieee|t lee) eer ly tory f t t f 28 TTI | FTI: IFT: lia: stra pha fr bdr le PD 7 It Fe * ta aon to Rhythm Syabs, the eae can nate te numer sytem oe wed forthe render ofthe Cars son CHART 13 adil : Pree velue ye alten ee meager ae dL SIT. epee ene ade DET IN TT 1e eset nears alta |e) Erde dele dd le ards Wd ddl Li drdi td SP did dL OL ald ddd dls Jildrdld FLD stds ds Jd dT be ooo Th ADIN led di) 0d ae Td) T ii eeereeenceres |. eee eeneerEr ee) BAL SILI Wedd dd IT) Wd dD dd a A Lid dd dd dlls al dc Irby ddd a woh ddd dL DI Ld dd dd dell Trdg M401 I CHART 14 ALLA BREVE (CUT TIME) 3 cog. jase 1 Gog | . | - l r t r r reg) ig = I= Fo ole 2d P f r iz seg Qj ide de tpg dideda ll f t f lf ‘¢d dle Idd le dddidld diiiddl. 2a, dd d Wdddle Wisldle Ie dle il s¢d~ ie - [dete Ind le Jd ld cede Bd dild d lsd 1. leer le dle ddl. | s¢jedeldedelliJil. lededbedediseadil. Ml 681, Jld did 2 le dededls d ld dle dl red did ddedeld Jd Jild d Weed le dl Meson CHART 15 TTTT = sixteenth notes-4 notes to one count TaTaTaTaTaTaTaTa TTTTTTTTTTTTT MAA TT Rigese) OO aaana | AA) |S) NAAN INARA | OOO FROIN AINA I {OS FRAR FR | |SR BL ll (OAR AB FR | RGR |i 0s ll ARO FAO OFA I! | 12) TFA FR AAA TARO) FR, WAI anid oll 98 FR IARI J 10) LGR LT mat CHART 16 3 all. Fj ~ 2 sixteenths and eighth = 1 count 1ITe TT Ta TT Tatoo AANA AA ANNMAAN il f rr of f f f Od AND AS I MNINAINI MIN MOMs ll “AMMALIAM MI WI AMINA ll AAMAMINMIIINAMIINM tl GANOO ANIMA AIM Ms il SGNOMAMINMIIMMLINA | GAIAM IA MAMI ll ENNMIANIAMINIIAMINIINAI I meson CHART 17 Ta TT IFA ~ cighen and 2 sixteenths = 1 count NOAA nn ea 4 ‘4 a ¢ iPRT ; : STI TD ITAA WT MOINTAINL TALIA TANNA TRIAL INSTAR | SATAN IA! 84 OTANI TRAIT SANTA IATA TAN OITA! FAAS OAR aT TARTAR CASA NTR! ENT WAN IATA TT 98 SANIT TATA IA) and wor CHART 18 uy ino Ao io MOAAANN inaniingss NOAnAAMINAgions 4 “Ain wanna ANG Wann 4 qoanninwinanianis HORAN Wi oa ETWIAL IAA WI WIT GONITV IAIN a sod * TH blends into one syllable Te for fast temp. M401 CHART 19 SYNCOPATION Ta Téa Ta e Ta Ta Ta Ta Too Too ATTTI 1 TTS ITI J iam APT a ee ali Mss Wir. alimminm winnings aor is imi: alii: ini aiT ii sismmeia al OO mois RIT JIT WA imme Mor CHART 20 SYNCOPATION Ta THA Ta iat} arma Timmy msi foo Te » '1 Too Too eee t pide : Id dL J dd dS Ali dbl dle dd le dds oli dd Eli dl olds dd Lil ds dial od sAdbl dds di dd lds ddl dll dd ADL dds d1dL dL [dd ddd dds dd ads ovo) 12 J i Jed od da a) dbs did J J 1d dd OT EdL dL Sloe did lo Fil J tbl ote eon CHART 21 Hild 1d Hl ss 1 am di) Ale ths ia aaa am 41 0Ui Wd Jd 16 Id Jl) LIT sa f Pelee TA. We cade. AO ISU. WRI ls al. 64) Us| He WML JL WD. 4) Malls did Deis bee. Ae JiMiJeld Ml. We BU desl de. M01 24 CHART 22 6 counts ina measure 3 counts ina measure teount (Too) 8” {he 1 count (Too) 6 8° Too Too Too Too Too Too oo) RIG? TI IT TT TT) Ctr ttf ae 16s Wo TS SOB kA ea é. ld. Ido od dd Ltt ttf thy tty 8 I770 ITI IL a eee ee ToS 60 Too ToS do Too eS) odd oth 2 te dd Odd bef tor sBJ QL TFT 2 ll bl 1 ITG op Rest Too Tof”s9 "Bo Bir da liad i 1 1774 a oe Too Rest Rest Too Rest Res dra pra |dbrr dl [IL ler dd | Too Too Too ToS 00 0 aJT7I ld LITO 1h Led lh tbe ttt tr wo [ITD FTI Ie | Beek ey eee lk oe eeea ieee ee laeee se Bd IIT Ir dh UT ltd der od mao CHART 23 tee bom id dg le gd iWddalladald Jl dll Peeeteerfrftrereér ts ee al della did Jid Wl Peeere Pre? fae oo ois Talis ldeldald Jd dadhedileke dil “hd je ddld dd leeds dteaedel Jldelddl Pree SEL (dd led de Jodledl ede ied dd id leld de seldale dd dd edad dil TEL dd ldedddsldederdl. Jedd dd Juda L ll the. le ddd Lil ildede dd - ceded dda Redd GIR Ree Rett Sided ere Pree ere rn CePLerit ns Cre riteL| Mot CHART 24 PIAA LAI) Delded Od) IT 2 PEPE | —. ? f ad Py 1 00, 0d We Dd Dd DS De I Ae QI de Bde D1) The Dele Dede Dell ‘EDITS We AT le stidd ff ‘ f pogepeld MeL Nelle TT Wl a aa valued) Meee eal) linen ee (ees Ed JIN Tel) Tee De Ded Dl ELT Ole Dll Deal De Dell he Als JI sD eel eller Desde Dl eR DIRTIEST DQ ee M401 CHART 25 : 7 } ; ; pond JD DL Ladd bds 11) Dal drdrd ldodd el naa } ; Ibid ddl LD ddd al dO2 be SAID le ldelldodd eles dl all Da led dds WT I) 12 Ih SFL LMI I Dd DL Dd They WT 2 ll SELL ide d di did LL MD orl dll SE drm Md dT ll ced dod LIT Il TELM IID SIL MM SID dL Md ddd ll 89ST TS WTI hd dd Dil dL idle TTD Medd 2 Ul Fads ed Md Wedd Dbl. dL Dob odd WI) 2d ll wo FIDO hdd i= bOI, RDI Md edd ie Moi CHART 26 ! Anihe Dry } WD Drbs dem led dQidy I S|) Qa a oh a il STIL Nd DL l= STN) dd TTS J TD all SAD DL ID) dali rds (TT e Ord a We ld doe ell ALD Dd Dl NTI NL MN TIL UT 0 al SAMUS ML DU Ded evs DDI dd gs Jl CED DE Jibead MOT d MOS AL QUO le bei EDL 12d UPL ld dd 1 el SEDI DILL IDI IDE ADL DD La rdlod soda PENN ILIN ND eb Dida 1s Did 0) TL OPN NRL MUS eR Dy Nelda DIs eld UN ul M401 CHART 27 ee eee eee eee ee ee eee eee “td db Wl JdWJLUm1e ted ld JW oor nes dls J Wid iddeledel dle Wild ded deedi ar ———E Lid did Jd dedlerk eda sel dedi Jil AST tele di ded ddl Wd Jl dist dW d Jee d lll BLJIdle JWI d JW Add ddd dd lol fo Chart 14 for @ Rhythm Sylables. CHART 28 ed IITA ATI = Wedd 2d WI ned, Po F }- ANI Qld J I Db [0d J 1127702 ell OL dele dlee Qld ADL dal Bald do dld Od ONL L Mae WML dS WO DM dled e Ded dell sell Mehdi dld TOL dl MII Ll eld I SLIT Md Meets, Dl dP dl * In addition to Rhythm Syllables, the teacher can indicate the number system to be used for @. M01 30 CHART: 29 (2) dada 2dada 1 2 1 da2 (6) 123456 123456 123456 ata "SITISTIL ld db WIT WM a I OS oref iit the ter ee eeea (gee D8) MTN AL TQ le LLL SRITUL ITIL Wald bold db drt A QL FUTUNA We LL ld ed 68h J LDL IS ATI Y DITDL TDL | stad 6QJ DL BIT dL Bi J TIO BL ol ba BTIA O CHART 30 “ a FPR | STSDSTGaS. | FGGDd. ITRITIS Ddy+| SEGAL ot ANN ED TBI J Doo OL QC) WTR. TL MOTH ok LT TI 6 $2701) MPBOMCED > STB CSD) JUTSU UU a SUT earner eee ere eee EEE EE ee ss eT Lr «$A DRL SST. do SD UD SR * Linear scanning (numbers) bocomes indispensible for 6/8 in 63s wel as 2. eon CHART 31 1G free ret FD FFF LTT by Ld 25 ifayy TA NW Fle WA IA Wd sR LTD RTD TSI bd beds bd, DTI) 3 RIB ORDA STA WR BTL RD bod J LD SATA SRT NIGA e WITT J: IN FAW ITAA OI AR i) A ll AM OTN MIN SIN AAT | LDA dd) WTI TA i: FR lal dee ll WRG AA GROIN: | OF SERIA AGT ad ATI TU TATTAL FR dl Ad | lpdL Fl ll dle ll Al ASA dl dl * Teacher canals indicate the number system to be use. s4o1 CHART 32 MeL MIWA Medes Wee ba Od NTO Ml 2 AMOBIG SED SI ALU dd Led 8) SLT JOT PQ ML IAT Oe OL WL OUT ODIO Nek DAI aU bo SE SRLGL WDD ATTSIAL J NLD JLB 1S oS NIT) SDS LDA TIAA MTS de ABT ACB W ITU. J A ART | BDU BDA, JN Be Jd Bld JIT JB Bd ATI FRORTRL BINA it RL OSI OR tes Wolo mal a) oH) DBT 1 DBT Bled oh BL Wa ey ll pro eer Pe Po CER ee Pech hee eek oF Poe Mot

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