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>HANGE OF DEPENDENT! ‘Any change of dependents or change in marital status must be reported to the ‘Administration Office by submitting a corrected W-4 form. The Administration Office must be contacted when there is a change in insurance benefit status, EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Employees may not engage in personal or private business activities during their County working hours. This included solicitations and selling of any kind, except charitable solicitations made in break areas on authorized breaks or lunch periods. OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT Employees of the County may accept outside personal or private employment if the following conditions are met: 1. There is no conflict with assigned working hours. 2. The employee's efficiency at the County is maintained. 3. There is no conflict of interest. See "conflict of interest" for definition. Each office or department may define the policies regarding outside employment more specifically than the above conditions; however, such definitions must be in writing and on file with the Administration Office POLITICAL ACTIVITH The Board of County Commissioners encourages County employees in matters of, responsible citizenship and does not by these provisions intend to interfere with the conduct of County employees engaged in political activity, so long as those activities are confined to hours when the empioyee is not on duty, and that the activities do not impair the employee's efficiency or the efficiency of fellow employees at their County job. Employees are not to campaign while on duty or while wearing the County uniform, logo, and insignia or while in County vehicles. Employees wishing to conduct such activities during their regularly scheduled hours must request a leave in advance. Said request must be in writing, Employees whose principal employment is in connection with federally financed activities are subject to all applicable federal restrictions on political involvement, such as the Hatch Act, 5 U.S.C., 1505 ET SEQ., and regulations adopted by the federal govemmment, such as those in 5 C.F.R. part 151, which include the following: Page 14 01-22-08 1, Covered employees may not use their official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the results of elections or nominations for office. 2. They may not coerce, attempt to coerce, command, or advise other employees to pay, lend, or contribute anything of value to a party committee, organization, agency, or person for political purposes. 3. Covered employees may not be candidates for public office in any partisan elections. This restriction does not apply to governors or lieutenant governors, mayors of cities, duly elected officials or executive departments of state or ‘municipal merit or civil-service system, or individuals holding elected office. 4, Employees shall be informed if the Hatch Act applies to them. INFLICT OF INTEREST. An employee or elected official exercising any substantial discretionary function in connection with a County contract, purchase, payment or any other financial or monetary transaction, who is a director, president, general manager, or similar executive officer or who ‘owns or controls, directly or indirectly, a substantial interest in any business or entity participating in the transaction, shall advise the County Commissioners, in writing, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the event, that there may be a conflict. Failure to disclose a conflict of interest may be grounds for immediate termination and the employees may be charged according to Colorado Statutes, All officials and employees will comply with State Conflict of Interest laws and report tues concerning the same to the Board of Commissioners. LEGAL DEFE) E OF CLAIMS 1 The Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, 24-10-110(11), C.R.S. 1973 as amended, provides that the County shall pay the costs of legal defense, judgment and settlements of all claims and/or suits brought against County employees. Election to defend and payment of defense costs, judgments and settlements will be made by the County only where the claim against the employee arises out of injuries allegedly sustained from an act or omission of such employee occurring during the performance of the employee's duties and within the scope of his or her County employment, and will not be made where the act or omission of the employee is willful, wanton and/or intentional and outside the scope of his or her employment. In order to meet the requirements of the Act, employees are required to do the following: A, Notify the Administration Office of the underlying incident/occurrence at the time it happens. Page 15 01-22-08

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