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Strategic Sales Planning

True or False?
Broad statements of goals are known
as short term, measurable goals

Short Term Measurable Goals are goals
that can be achieved in a limited period of
time and frequently lead to the achievement of
a long term goal that is one of the following:

True or False
The most successful Learning
Technology Representatives create and
implement detailed plans that include
goals for each task they plan to do,
every day

The common theme among all top
performing Learning Technology
Representatives is that each day they
have a strategic plan created for all of
their activity. This includes the tasks
they will be doing as well the goal for
each task.
They always know what they are doing
and why!

True or False
A long term goal is close the business
for Q4, while a short term measurable
goal is get commitment from the
decision maker to review our product
and give feedback

A short-term goal is a goal that is
designed to be completed in a short
period of time. Typically, short-term
goals span a few days or a few weeks
and never last longer than six months.
Long-term goals span longer periods of
time and can take six months or longer
to complete.

True or False
A non-measurable goal is increase
awareness of product within account

Many worthy goals might be non-measurable.
Because some goals are not quantifiable does not
automatically make them less valuable; it just
makes it harder to determine the level of success.
For example, a goal such as to increase market
awareness of our product is not measurable in its
current form. This does not mean that you should
not create this goal. Without qualifying what the
initial level of awareness is and what your actions
will be, however, it is not possible to determine
whether the goal is achieved.

True or False
Improving your sales planning skills
can result in a better work/life balance

Improving your sales planning skills
will make you more efficient and
effective in the field. Not only will you
have more free time to spend on your
personal goals, but also more $$

You are now ready to begin

Strategic Sales Planning!


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