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F.O.C. Full On Coaching Cohort Agenda!

Atlanta, February 3 5 2016

February 3
1:00 1:45

Welcome and Opening Activity

Annie has a short Bell Ringer Survey that will be up
for them as they come in to complete to get them
thinking and warmed up
Hot Lava Crossing Teambuilding
Norm Setting and Purpose Review for the Time
Together Dianne us chime in when desired

1:45 3:45

* How to take constructive feedback notes on the form

provided keeping the framework in mind guidelines,
thoughts (Joann)
Coaching Presentation 1 (Adrianne)

3:45 4:00


4:00 4:30

Feedback for Coaching Presentation 1

Use Stacys note taking form during, then roundtable
style going person to person, expectation for all to
provide constructive feedback (Annie)

4:30 5:00

Closing Words ( Kinsey, Dianne)

February 4
8:00 8:30

Opening Activity

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Coaching Video and Discussion- Thoughts, Possibilities,

Implications (Joann)

8:30 10:30

Coaching Presentation 2

10:30 10:45


10:45 11:15

Feedback for Coaching Presentation 2

11:15 12:15

Coaching Scenario Activity (Joann)

12:15 1:15


1:15 3:15

Coaching Presentation 3

3:15 3:30


3:30 4:00

Feedback for Coaching Presentation 3

3:00 4:00

#FieldMoments Sharing Modeled after Jimmy Fallon

#Hashtags (Joann)
Watch short Fallon video inspiration clip, then go around and
share field moment from this year- funny/memorable one a
piece keeping short twitter style


Closing Words
I have left a cushion here at the end of the day assuming things will
run over at some point in the day
Debrief on what weve seen so far get their thoughts too?
Where did we see really strong examples of each part and how can
we transfer then

February 5
8:00 10:00

Coaching Presentation 4

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10:00 10:15


10:15 10:45

Feedback for Coaching Presentation 4

10:45 11:30

Next Steps

11:30 12:00 2015 Awards Ceremony - Joann and Lacee

1st Annual IC Awards Presentation
Each IC receives an award certificate, award personally chosen to fit
them. Presentation consists of poem written for each IC, along with a
theme song hand selected for each IC.
Road Warrior Award
Miami Vice Award
Hollywood Walk of Fame Award
Willy Wonka Award
Southern Charm Award
New Kid on the Block Award
God Bless Texas Award
Been There Done That, Need an IS Webinar? Award
Overnight Success Award
Georgia Peach Award

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