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A Fighters Lines

By Marzuki Ali
1. What do you think is the most admirable quality of the persona?
He was willing to fight and die for his countrys freedom.
2. Do you think the persona ever regretted his actions?
No, he is proud of his sacrifice for the country.
3. What do you think have happened to the old soldier?
He is old and crippled.
4. Do you think the persona is the right person to talk to the young people about
patriotism? Give a reason for your answer.
Yes, he is the right person because he had fought during the war for the
freedom of the country.
5. Why do you think the persona is in a wheelchair?
His body and energy have been crushed during the war.
6. What is the main theme of the poem?
The main idea is about rallying the younger generation to defend the
countrys freedom.
7. Write the lines that says the younger generation must defend the countrys
Wake up and form ranks sons of our ancestors and stand up heirs of our
8. Explain in your own words how you can uphold the countrys freedom
I could defend my country from outside and inside enemies and I can
also fight for my countrys freedom.
9. What does the word wheelchair tells us about the persona?
He is crippled or paralysed.
10. Why do you think the persona says these times are too big a challenge?
Because nowadays there are a lot of deceitful people everywhere.
11. Based on the poem who do you think the persona was?
He was a soldier fighting for the countrys freedom.
12. What would you do if you were the persona facing such a challenge?
I would continue fighting not with my energy but by sharing my wisdom
with the younger generations.
13. Why do you think the persona has lost all his strength?
He had used up all his energy fighting the enemies when he was a
14. What happened to all those people who had fought for independence?
They are already all and worn and had lost all their strength.
15. State one phrase in the poem that says the persona is helpless.
From the wheelchair for the rest of my days.
16. What was the appeal made by the persona and why?
He appealed for the younger generations to protect the countrys
independence because if they fail to do so then the country will be
invaded by the enemies from outside or from inside the country.
17. Who do you think the persona ask to wake up?
The younger generations.

18. What did the persona told them to do?

To wake up and form ranks and be brave to be united in protecting the
countrys freedom.
19. What does the persona means when he said it is you now who should speak?
He said that it is time for the younger people to stand up for the country
because people like him are already too old and worn to continue to
fight for the country.
20. What do you think are the difference between the types of enemies that the
persona have to face with the enemies nowadays?
The persona had to fight with enemy soldiers but nowadays the new
generations have to fight against deceitful people.
21. Explain the phrase in the name of justice?
Taking action against the wrong doers.
22. What do you think is the meaning of the word heir?
The person who inherits something from their elders.
23. What do you think the heir inheritance is?
To continue the fight of the older generation in defending the countrys
24. In your opinion, what will happen if the younger generation fails to defend the
country? Explain.
If they fail to defend the country, the country will fall into the enemys
hand because there will be no one to fight against the enemy.

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