LMCAAS FNIHB First Nations Counselling Brochure

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London Middlesex Counselling &

Addiction Services


Clinical Social Worker/Therapist

If you or your family are experiencing

a mental health crisis I can help you.
My counselling services are approved
by Health Canada and all counselling
fees are covered if you hold a status
card. I will provide you with the mental
health treatment and confidential services you need to gain stability. I will
also assist you to develop a stable outlook and lifestyle.

Situated at Unit 211-186 King Street downtown London, Ontario, LMCAAS was founded
by Rey T. Singh, a social worker and clinical
therapist with extensive experience working
with First Nations across Canada. He is Health
Canada FNIHB approved for providing counselling support to First Nations through the
Short-term Crisis Counselling and Residential
School Health Support Programs. Rey has extensive counselling experience using evidencebased therapies as well as indigenous approaches to healing. Rey also works with youth
and families in the youth justice area as a clinician/therapist for those with identified mental
health needs in London, ON. He is also a Master of Social Work, a registered social worker,
a certified addictions counsellor and a registered clinical supervisor.

You may book your confidential orientation session with Rey online at:

Is your family member at LHSC and require an
outpatient mental health therapist to meet with
them? Call me to set up support services in the
convenience of your residence or community centre.
Call me directly at 226.236.6485 or book your
appointment by availability online at
www.firstnationscounselling.com I am available
by home-visit, online or in-office sessions.
*Available evenings & weekends by appointment

(Click First Nations Counselling)

Rey T. Singh RSW, MSW, CAC II, RCS
Clinical Social Worker/therapist
London Middlesex Counselling &
Addiction Services
186 King St. Second Floor Rm .211
London, ON
Confidential Cell: 226.236.6485
Email: rsingh@lmcaas.com
by Rey T. Singh 2014

Counselling &
First Nations
Mental Health
186 King St
Second Floor
Rm 211

S hor t - T er m C ri s is
I nt erv en tio n Me nta l
H ea lt h Sup por t
P rogra m a nd Ind ia n
R es id ent ia l Sch ool
H ea lt h Sup por t
P rogra m for Fi r st
N a t ion s

*By Appointment

Short-term Mental Health Crisis Program

Thank you for inviting me to your journey of recovery!

Counselling services offered for:

We will accurately assess, treat and

manage your mental health matters
together by fostering a therapeutic
relationship with you based on trust.

Mental health Support-Crisis and


If you or your family member are experiencing

mental health crisis or having difficulty managing
symptoms of mental health such as intrusive
thoughts, depression, anxiety or psychosis, or
mental or emotional distress you may receive up
to 15 sessions plus five for referral to other services. These sessions take place on a one-perweek basis. During these sessions I will work with
you or your family member to assist them with
stabilizing and treating their mental and emotional health needs. I will do this by assisting
them to learn core mindfulness skills to manage
their emotions, effective communication skills,
balanced thinking approaches to situations, and
work with them to increase their tolerance to
stress. We will also incorporate as many helpers
in the community as required to assist you and
your family member.

Substance abuse disorder and dual diagnosisyouth and adult

Domestic violence

Anger management

Depression and anxiety management

Grief and loss

Complex Post Traumatic Stress

Marriage and Relationship Counselling

Residential School Health Support

Indian Residential School Health Support

Transitions and New Relationships


Reconnecting with others requires the

learning of effective communication
skills as well as learning skills to manage stress and anxiety.


Family Dispute resolution

Gender identity

Be your most resilient self and learn

the middle pathway to mental and
emotional health.

One on one or family-based support

Sessions at home or in office.

Solution-focused, dialectical, narrative


If you or your family member are experiencing

emotional or mental distress due to being impacted or having a relative impacted by residential schools there is immediate access to 20
sessions with available ongoing support. These
sessions take place on a one-per-week basis.
During these sessions will work with you to with
stabilize and treat your mental and emotional
health needs. I will also help you gain necessary
skills to maintain your stability and connect you
with other community resources and supports to
assist with your overall mental health goals.

Incorporates Indigenous healing methods

My counselling approach is informed

by FN culture and fosters greater
knowledge of your FN culture and
identity by incorporating indigenous
healing methods into your care plan.
Stabilize your mental health with
mindfulness skills that help you achieve
and maintain well-being, harmony and
balance for optimal mental health.

Health Canada FNIHB covered.

Mental Health and Intensive Counselling
Referral Services (Covered for First Nations through FNIHB)

Health Canada Coverage for First

Nations Clients
Covered by Employee Benefits Program
Per diem rates for FN Communities
Online, In-office or by Home-visit

by Rey T. Singh 2014

*By Appointment Only

London Middlesex
Counselling &
Addiction Services
Phone: 226.236.6485
Fax: 519.204.3886

by Rey T. Singh 2014

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