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Database Design
1-1: Introduction to the Oracle Academy
Practice Activities

Give examples of jobs, salaries, and opportunities that are possible by participating in
the Academy
Explain how your participation in the Academy can help you take advantage of these

Try It / Solve It
1. This activity aims to develop your skills for locating, evaluating, and interpreting IT career
information. Use Internet resources provided by your teacher to identify a specific job that
interests you in the IT career field. Then, answer the following:
a. What are the typical tasks involved in this job?
b. What kind of social, problem-solving or technical skills are required?
c. What are the physical demands of the job?
d. What kind of training/education is required for the job?
e. Where are current job openings?
f. How many different kinds of businesses use these job skills?
g. What is the salary range?
h. What other entry-level jobs are within this career field?

2. Describe how taking one of the Academy courses and earning a certification exam could
help prepare you for a job in that career field.

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