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Week 1 - Molecules, Moles, Flavor, and pH | SPU27x Courseware | edX

24/09/2015 2:19 pm

HarvardX: SPU27x Science & Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to Soft Matter

Of the ve avors, sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami, it turns out that sour-tasting molecules
often also have an interesting physical effect that can play an important role for various cooking
processes: they make foods acidic, or, in scientic terms, they lower the pH.
In the next two videos we will learn about the science underlying this phenomenon and see how it
relates to our experience of food. Just as with avor molecules, one of the remarkable properties
of acidifying molecules is that they exist in tiny, tiny quantities, while still having a notable effect on
the foods they exist in.


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Week 1 - Molecules, Moles, Flavor, and pH | SPU27x Courseware | edX

24/09/2015 2:19 pm

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