Manuale Di Istruzioni FILTRI AD Y-InG

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Via Galvani 23/D

20019 Settimo Milanese (MI)

Phone: +39 02 33502564
Fax: +39 02 33511919

Maintenance &
Instruction Manual


1) Purpose
Subsequently the suitable details serve to illustrate operational formality for installation and use of
the products..

2) Responsibility
The firm builder is not taken on responsibility in the case in which the products are set in conditions
of use or inadequate operation / improper.

3) Inadequate use
Assemblage and installation of the non correct equipment (serious lacks-total or partial nonobservance of the instructions).
Observance of the prescriptions of use pointed out by the builder missed.
Negligence in respect of the norms safety vigenti (Es: interventions effected with parts in pressure).
Interventions preventively I discussed not and or authorized by the builder.
Use of exchanges not in the house builder.

4) Operativit
You does faith on the fact that the fluidi,is sour gas,gli etc.. they have to be compatible with the
employed subjects and that it is had to proceed to the opportune interventions both of installation
that of dismantlement with necessary special devices of protection to avoid accidents.

5) Application
Before installing the collectors of impurity it needs to make sure itselves that are not present in the
pipelines residual of every kind, doing this him improves the use and duration.
An assemblage has to happen in correct way, possibly in parallel position to the pipings in axle with
the flanges; generally fixing with prisoners and nut.
Between the body of the filter and the flange it is suitable to put a gasket of estate (preferably
spirometallic type ).

6) Dismantlement and cleaning / assemblage

Before to extinguish and to void the reservoir to attend that the temperature reaches an acceptable
To intervene to tool removed by the plant.
The first phase consists of unscrewing the vent/plug of situated drainage on the cover.
This step has needed to get free better own inside the various residues of gas and other type of
liquid present.
Subsequently recommend him to unscrew the bulloneria that ties the covers to the body, to remove
the same and to verify the condition of the cartridge.
In case of complete holes occlusion we recommends to replace the components with complete kit
of exchanges (gasket and cylindrical or conical screen).
In case of partial fillings it would be opportune an accurate cleaning of the filters, only in a critical
version is necessary substitution concerns the sealing gasket between body and cover.
For the reassembling to repeat the phases above you list in opposite sense.

7) Disposal
Disposal of possible residues will have to observe the indications of law vigenti.

For any information to address to:

Via Galvani 23/D
20019 Settimo Milanese (MI)
Phone: +39 02 33502564
Fax: +39 02 33511919

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