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My reason for choosing to undertake advanced diploma in business is because I have always

wanted to own my own business in studying this course I will be able to acquire fundamental
skills needed for a successful career. It will help me in managing my customers managing
finances and projects plus much more.
My reason for undertaking the course at Bridge Business College is because the college is
committed to providing vocational education and training which is both relevant to both
industry and to me as a student. The college also assists students in the development of
effective skills and strategies for educational success and independent lifelong learning.
My reason for choosing to study in Australia is that I will be able to learn a languages,
broaden my perspective, explore my indentity, challenge myself, increase my self-confidence
and decision making skills, reevaluate my priority goals and discover a new family cultural
heritage my relevance of my course to my academic employment background is that I will be
able to develop a broad knowledge of business operations as well as gaining targeted skills in
my specific field such as customers, markets finance, operation strategy communication and
also in it thus will be transferred to my background. These skills will be put in use in
everyday life and in future.
Since my country Kenya is a developing country, in learning advanced diploma in business,
in future when I come back home I will start business that will help reduce the level of
unemployment thus helping in the development

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