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Date: Week 1124th June 2016

Sports Day!

We enjoyed a fantastic sports day on Wednesday, starting with Daycare and EYFS in the
morning and then Y1Y6 in the afternoon. Our learners were amazing. There were totally
absorbed in their races and really persevered to do their very best but most importantly
everyone had a lot of fun. There was a fantastic turn out from parents and carersit was
fabulous to see you all there. Thank you for coming out to support our sports day. We really hope you enjoyed the day as much as we did! And a big thank you to Miss Johnson and all
staff who helped with the organisation and running of the day.

End of Year Reports

Your child should receive their end of year report today. Their report also contains information on their next class teacher and a
parents questionnaire and report reply slip.
We really appreciate all feedback and work
hard to follow up any suggestions from parents and carers so please do fill in the slips
and return them to your childs teacher or the
school office. There will be an informal drop in
parents evening on Monday 4th July for any
parents who wish to discuss their childs report or meet their childs new class teacher.

Still to Come This Half Term

29th JuneSummer Fair
30th JuneY6 Leavers Party
1st JulyLeavers assembly
4th JulyShuffle Up Fortnight starts
4th JulyParents Evening Drop In
6th JulyStay & Play & Information Event
for new EYFS parents
Thurs 14th JulyWorsbroughs Got Talent
15th JulyBreak up for Summer

Attendance Winners Trip

Music, Drama & Gymnastics Performance

Our 100% attendance winners really enjoyed their reward trip to

Knowsley Safari Park on Tuesday.
They had a very early start but it
was well worth it as they enjoyed
a fun filled day spotting animals
and playing in the adventure playground. Well done everyone!

Everyone is welcome to attend a performance by the

Choir, Drama Club, String Orchestra and Street
Dance/Gymnastics Club on Tuesday 28th June at
2pm in the sports hall. pay on the door 1.

Y3 Enter the Stone Age

Y3 enjoyed a fabulous
morning with Gilly in the
woods on Thursday, as
they stepped back to the
Stone Age. They put
their learning from this
term to good use, making
shelters and models and
even cave paintings. They
showed what incredible
learners they have become during Y3.

Worsbroughs Got Talent

EYFS Love Reading
Thanks to all the parents and carers who came
along to support
our EYFS reading
afternoon Onesie
Upon a Time on
Thursday. The turn
out was incredible
and the hall was
bursting at the
seems with
readers enjoying
a good book!

Our ever popular annual talent show returns on Thursday 14th April, with tickets available for the 9.30am dress rehearsal and grand final at 1.30pm. Tickets will be available from reception
from next week.

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