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Section IV
Directions: From the given choices find the word whose meaning is closest in opposition
to the underlined word in respect of each of the following sentences:
1. Unfazed by the odds stacked against him, the boy went ahead making a niche for
himself with his terrific dedication and hard work and consequent achievements.

b) Encouraged

c) Determined

d) Undeterred

2. He has had a blemish-free record in the entire tenure that earned him a great name.
a) Impeccable

b) Clueless

c) Farnish


3. Some measures taken to alleviate poverty have only the placebo effect and no one can
have any credit of producin a long lasting remedy.
a) Detrimental

b) Beneficial

c) Stopgap

d) Immutable

4. Strong measures are in the making to curb the practices of nepotism in various
a) Egotism

b) Despotism


d) Probity

5. After all his activities connected to various thefts, he finally met his nemesis in that he
got caught and lodged in the cell the charges having been proved against him.
a) Friend

b) Foe


d) Saviour

6. The Personnel Manager censured the assistant for his truancy.

a) Despised

b) Congratulated


d) Insured

7. Her lax attitude caused her dearly and made her pay a big price.
a) Evil

b) Diligent

c) Stickler

d) Strict

8. Aung San Sui kyi of Myanmar has been named laureate of the UNESCO-M Singh
prize for promotion of tolerance and non-violence.
a) Outcast

b) Holder

c) Recipient

d) Honored

9. On entering the front office I found a scraggy girl at the reception desk.
a) Plump

b) Lanky

c) Ugly

d) Attractive

10. The evening was spent leisurely with a delicious but light repast.

b) Past time

c) Boredom

d) Entertainment

11. For not meeting the month's target the team had a dressing down from the Chief
a) Reprimand

b) Commendation

c) Criticism

d} Beseech

12. With the passage of the new bill in both the houses, exports are expected to fillip. a)
b) Downturn
c) Depressant

d) Stimulus

13. Our office limo was botched up by the usual garage and we are on the look out for a
good outfit.
a) Made up

b) Made good

c) Lost

d) Mended

14. The abduction of the ex-minister by the forest brigand has become a very dicey affair


b) Risky

c) Secured

d) Congenial

15. The supplier quoted the clause of caveat emptor to his defense.
a) Warranty

b) Promise

c) Stipulation

d) Provision

Directions: The pair ofItalicized words are followed by four pairs of words. Selecttl't pair
that is nearest in relationship to the pair in the italics.
16. Honesty: Policy
a)Diamond: Chain
b) Carbon: Coal

c) Honour: Felicitate
d) Time: Healer

17. Silence: Golden

a)Speech: Silver

c) Safety: Traveller

b) Silence: Consent

d) Seeing: Believing

18. Smooth: Velvet

a) Soft: Wax

c)ripe: Fruit

b) Stupid: Donkey

d) Clever: Student

19. Hippocrates: Medicine

a) Madamcurie : Radium
c) Finsen : UV lamp

b) The Hwango-Ho : China's sorrow

d)Sebastian Bach: Music

20. Glyptotheca : Sculpture

a) Factory: Materials
b) Granary: Grain
c) F'ilature:Yarn
d) Warren: Rabbits
21. Conjecture: Confidant
a) Connive: Contrie
c) Accuse: Blame
22. See: Observe
a) Eat: Fat
c) Aeroplane: Passenger
23. Water: Irrigate
a) Internet: Knowledge

b) Blithe: Happiness
d)Burnish: Polish
b) Pencil: Paper
d) Hear: Listen
b) Manure: Urea

c) Legislation : Government

d)needle : Stitch

24. Encomium: Denunciation

a) Engulf: Swollen up
c) Dogmatic: Assertive

b) Dotage: Senility
d)docile : Stubborn

25. Crow: Crows

a) Warble: Birds
c)bangle : Bangles

b) Table: Furniture
d) City: Citadel

26. Frog: Tadpole

a) Horse: Colt

b) Man : Woman
d) Ice : Icicle

27. Evil:Devil
a) Prose: Poet
c) Spectator: Critic

b)Revenge : Conjuror
d) Newspaper: Editor

28. Magnetism: Magnet

a)Brittle : Glass
c) Magic: Magician

b) Erudite: Scholar
d) Gravity: Earth

29. Amnesty: Pardon

a)Antipathy: Dislike
c) Mandatory: Voluntary

b) Pillage: Coward
d) Pallid: Colorful

30. Venomous: Snake

a) Vigilant: Soldier
c) Thoughtful: Scholar

b) Weak: Repair
d) Watchful: Sentinel

31. Wet: Fish .

a) Vast: Space
c) Bright: Light

b)red : Colour
d) Unclean: Sin

32. Chair: Sit

a)water: Drink
c)Book: Read

b)calorie: weight

33. Dark: Night

a) Star: Sky
c) Smuggler: Fraud


34. Reform: Belief

a) religion: Custom
c) Renaissance: System

b)amend: law
d)change :happen

35. Fleet : Vessels

a) Group: Students
c) Bulk: Commodities

b)gatherings: audience
d) crew:sailors

36. Obedience: Obey

a) Adapt: Adept
c) Spectacles: Glass

d) growth:grow

37. Drone: Bee

a) Maid: Spinster
c) Wizard: Witch

d) king:people

38. Mathematics: Subject

a) Measles: Infectious
c) Metal: Iron

b)billiards :game
d)God: Atheist

39. Threw: Ball

.a) River: Flow
c) Eat: Swallow

b)Bird: fly
d)see: object

40. Guide: Tourist

a) Teacher: Student
c) Sage: Disciple

b)mentor :student
d)driver: passenger

Directions: Read the passage given below and the questions in the light of passage.
Answer' A' if the statement is true, 'B' if the statement is false
'C' if the data is not sufficient.
India could have declared itself a Hindu State since over 80% of its population was
Hindu and all its neighbouring States declared themselves religious States: Islamic
(Pakistan), Buddhist (Sri Lanka & Burma) and Hindu (Nepal). But under the influence of
leaders like Gandhi, Nehru, Azad and others it chose to pursue a greater ideal, a modem
secular State where all religious communities would enjoy equal rights. It was too good
at last. Religious bigotry raised its ugly head in our neighbouring countries and in
response, Hindu bigotory rapidly gained strength in India.

41. India could not declare itself a religious State.

42. The neighbouring countries which declared themselves religious States have failed to
achieve unity.
43. Being a secular state is better than being a religious State.

44. Equal rights to all religious communities were a concept propounded by some
eminent freedom fighters.

45. An ideal can never become a good practice.


Directions: In each of the following sentences a part of the sentence is underlined.

Beneath each sentence, four different ways of phrasing the underlined part are indicated.
Choose the best alternative from among the four.
46. Clearly, BJP and its allies will have too much of explaining to do, something that they
have always demanded from the Congress in the past.
a) Will have too much of explaining to do.
b) Will have too much to explain.
c) Would have to explain a lot.
d) Will have a lot of explaining to do.
47. When you leave out a player who is the best in the country by a mile, the people need
to know the real reasons and this is where the attitude of the BCCI is depressing.
a) Who is the best in the country by a mile.
b) Who is the best in the country.
c) Who is the best in the country for a mile.
d) Who is the best in the country with a mile.
48. The best way to learn about human anatomy and about saving lives is by the studying
humans, not animals
a) Are by the studying of humans, and not animals.
b) Is by the studying humans, not animals.
c) Is through studying humans, not animals.
d) Is by studying humans, not animals.

49. They have tried for eighteen months expecting to get away without telling us the
a) Tried since eighteen months.
b) Have tried for eighteen months.
c) Had tried since eighteen months.
d) Have been tried for eighteen months.
50. The rehabilitation of sick SSI units are under the serious review by various
a) Are under the serious review by.
b) Are under the serious review of.
c) Is under serious review by.
d) Is under the serious by.

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