Microbiology - Final

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Introduction - History of
Medical Microbiology The influence of Pasteur,
Koch, and Lister.
Virology - Structure,
Genetics, Culture and
diseases - AIDS and its
Bacteriology - Structure,
Genetics and diseases.
Protozoan microbiology.
Pathogenicity of Micro
organism - Anti microbial




15. Enumerate the methods of diagnosis of

AIDS. (M-07, J-11) (BB) (Pg.106)
16. What made to open up a new field of study
named Microbiology? (Pg. 93)

1. Introduction-History of
Medical Microbiology- The
influence of Pasteur, Koch, and

17. Define Microbiology. (Pg.93)

18. What is Medical microbiology? (Pg.93)
19. Describe the different kind of microbes
associated with different kinds of fermentation.

1. Write the crowning achievements of Louis

Pasteur. (M-11) (Pg.93)

20. What did Koch advocate his postulate?

Explain its impact. (Pg. 94)

2. What are viruses? Why are they referred to as

obligate- intracellular parasites? (J-07) (Pg.94)

21. Write about the different kinds of

fermentation observed by Pasteur? (Pg 93&94)

3. What is meant by Diploid cell strain? (M-06,

O-11) (BB) (Pg.96)

2. Virology - Structure,
Genetics, Culture and diseasesAIDS and its control

4. Comment on continuous cell line culture of

virus. (O-09,O-10) (Pg.96)
5. What is meant by Chicken Embryo
Technique? (M-08) (Pg.96)
6. List out the names of any three oncogenic
viruses. (M-09) (Pg.97)

22. Why do we call virus as obligate

intracellular parasites?

7. Mention the various Morphological features

of bacteria. (J-08) (Pg.98)

23. What do mean by Replication? (Pg. 94)

8. What is transduction? (M-12) (Pg.99)

24. Can you culture virus in the culture media?

Why? (Pg. 95)

9. Write the symptoms of cholera. (M-08)


25. Why do you add agar in the culture medium?

(Pg. 95)

10. Write notes on Gastroenteritis. (J-09)


26. Mention the uses of pure culture technique.

(Pg. 94)

11. What is amoebiasis? (O-06) (BB) (Pg.101)

27. Write about antiseptic surgery. (Pg. 94)

12. Write the names of any three protozoan

parasites and their diseases. Or Mention any
three pathogenic protozoans.

28. Write about different kinds of fermentation

observed by Pasteur. (Pg. 93 & 94)

13. Define Zoonoses. (O-07) (BB) (Pg.102)

30. How do viruses infect the bacteria and

multiply? (Pg. 95)

29. What are the bacteriophages? (Pg. 94 & 95)

14. Write any three characteristics of a good

chemotherapeutic agent. (S-08) (Pg.103)



50. List out the Bacterial Diseases. (Pg. 100)

31. What are capsid, capsomeres and envelop?

(Pg. 95)

51. What is Gastroenteritis? What are its

symptoms? (Pg. 100)

32. Give examples for Isohedral viruses, Helical

surface symmetry and Complex viruses? (Pg.

52. How is Cholera transmitted? What are its

symptoms? (Pg. 100)

33. What are haploid viruses? (Pg. 96)

53. Write a short notes on plague. (Pg. 100)

34. What are diploid viruses? (Pg. 96)

54. Write a short notes on Gonorrhoea. (Pg. 101)

35. Differentiate between haploid and diploid

viruses. (Notes)

4. Protozoan microbiology

36. What are infectious particles? (Pg.96)

55. Where do you find Trichomonad? (Pg. 101)

37. Write a short note the structure of viral

nucleic acid. (Pg.96)

56. What is the definite host of Plasmodium?

(Pg. 101)

38. List out Viral cultures technique. (Pg.96)

57. Among the four types of malaria which type

is fatal? Why? (Pg. 101)

39. What is Primary culture? (Pg. 96)

40. List out Viral Diseases. (Pg. 97)

58. Why the patient body temperature rises to

106 o F in the case of malaria? (Pg. 101)

41. What are oncogenic viruses? Give examples.

(Pg. 97)

59. What is black water fever.? (Pg. 101)

42. List out the symptoms of rabies. (Pg. 97)

60. Name the two phases involved in life cycle

of Malarial parasite. (Pg. 101)

43. Small pox is completely eradicated.discuss. (Pg. 97)

61. What is pathogenicity of micro-organisms?

(Pg. 102)

44. How is small pox virus transmitted? (Pg. 97)

62. What are called attenuated strains? (Pg. 103)

3. Bacteriology - Structure,
Genetics and diseases

63. Name some antifungal and antiviral

antibiotics. (Pg. 104)

45. How do you culture Bacteria? (Pg. 98)

64. Which form of Entamoeba histolytica. is

pathogenic? Give reason. (Pg. 101)

46. Name the four types of bacteria. (Pg. 98)

65. What are zoonoses, anthroponoses and

Zooanthroponoses? (Pg. 102)

47. What are the physical conditions required

for culture of bacteria? (Pg. 99)

organism - Anti microbial
resistance and chemotherapy

48. What are the three types of gene transfer in

bacteria? (Pg. 99)
49. Differentiate between transduction and
transformation. (Pg. 99 / notes)



66. Which form of virus is widely used for

production of vaccine? Why ? (Pg. 103)

3. Write short notes on viral diseases in man.

(M-07) (BB) (Pg.97)

67. Define chemotherapy. (Pg. 103)

4. Mention the steps involved in the preparation

of bacteriological media. (O-09, J-10) (Pg.98)

68. What are Antibiotics? Write its types with

examples. (Pg. 104)

5. Write notes on Bacterial Genetics.(O-10)


69. Write a short note the mode of action of

antibiotics. (Pg. 104)

6. Describe any two bacterial sexually

transmitted diseases in man. (J-07, M-11)

70. Write a few notable antibiotics. (Pg.104)

71. What are Interferons? (Pg. 104)

7. Write notes on two bacterial diseases in man.

(J-08) (Pg.100)

72. Write a short note on epidemiological

studies of AIDS. (Pg. 104)

8. Enumerate the adaptations of pathogenic

microbes. (M-06, O-07, J-11, O-11) (BB)

73. What are Retroviruses? Give an example.

(Pg. 104)

9. Describe the structure of HIV virus. (M-09)


74. What are gp41 and gp120? (Pg. 105)

75. Expand HLA . (Pg. 105)
76. Where can you find the HIV besides blood?
(Pg. 106)

10. Explain the control and management

(preventive measures) of AIDS. (J-06, S-08, M12) (BB) (Pg.106)

77. List any three symptoms defined by WHO.

(Pg. 106)

11. Write the symptoms of AIDS, defined by

WHO. (O-06, M-08) (BB) (Pg.106)

78. How will you increase the awareness on

Control and Management of AIDS. (Pg. 106)

12. Write an account on the history of discovery

of HIV. (Pg. 104)

79. Name a few antiretroviral drugs. (Pg. 107)

13. Give an account on cultivation of animal

viruses. (Pg. 96)

80. Classify different types of Malaria. (Pg. 101)

14. Malaria-a major public health problem discuss. (Pg.101)

81. What is Amoebiasis? (Pg. 101)

82. Write the characteristics of species
resistance. (Pg. 103)

15. Write an essay on Pathogenicity of micro

organisms and infections. (Pg.102)

Section: C (5 Marks)

16. List out the contribution of Pasteur / Koch /

Lister. (Pg.93/94)

1. Write the pathogen, symptoms and mode of

transmission of Rabies and Cholera (M-10)
(Pg.97, 100)

17. How do you culture Bacteria in the lab?


2. Write short notes on any two viral diseases in

man. (J-09) (BB) (Pg.97)

18. Explain Bacterial Genetics. (Pg.



19. Explain Plasmodium and Malaria. (Pg. 101)


20. Explain characteristics of a good

chemotherapeutic agent possess. (Pg. 103)

An antigenic substance prepared from the

causative agent of a disease or a synthetic
substitute, used to provide immunity against
one or several diseases.

A form of the disease leishmaniasis marked by
emaciation, anaemia, fever, and enlargement of
the liver and spleen.

A vaccine is a biological preparation that

improves immunity to a particular disease.
Vaccine: a word derived from usage of cowpox
(cow means in vacca Latin).

Kala-azar is a slow progressing indigenous

disease caused by a protozoan parasite of genus
In India Leishmania donovani is the only
parasite causing this disease

It contains an agent that resembles a diseasecausing microorganism and is often made from
weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its
toxins or one of its surface proteins.

reticuloendothelial system and may be found in
abundance in bone marrow, spleen and liver.

The agent stimulates the body's immune

system to recognize the foreign antigen, destroy

Post Kala-azar Dermal Leishmaniasis (PKDL)

is a condition when Leishmania donovani
invades skin cells, resides and develops there
and manifests as dermal leisions. Some of the
kala-azar cases manifests PKDL after a few
years of treatment. Recently it is believed that
PKDL may appear without passing through
visceral stage. However, adequate data is yet to
be generated on course of PKDL manifestation

Edward Jenner (1796) used this vaccine in

human beings resulting in protection of human
beings from smallpox. Jenner's work was
continued by Louis Pasteur.

In the edible vaccine, Transgenic plants are used
as vaccine production systems.
The genes encoding antigens of bacterial and
viral pathogens can be expressed in plants in a
form in which they retain native immunogenic

A tropical disease caused by parasitic
transmitted by the bite of the tsetse fly. It causes
fever, chills, pain in the limbs, and anaemia, and
eventually affects the nervous system causing
extreme lethargy and death.

Initially thought to be useful only for

preventing infectious diseases, it has also found
application in prevention of autoimmune
diseases, birth control, cancer therapy, etc.
Edible vaccines are currently being developed
for a number of human and animal diseases.

Leishmaniasis is a protozoan parasitic disease
caused by the Leishmania parasite. This parasite
typically lives in infected sand flies.

As Hippocrates said, Let thy food be thy




like mucus, tears and egg-white but it did not

A serial dilution is the stepwise dilution of a

substance in solution. Usually the dilution
factor at each step is constant, resulting in
a geometric progression of the
concentration in a logarithmic fashion. A
ten-fold serial dilution could be 1 M, 0.1 M,
0.01 M, 0.001 M ...

have much effect on the strongly harmful

bacteria. Six years later; as a result of some





discovering penicillin. It was in 1928 when he

observed while experimenting on influenza
virus that a common fungus, Penicillium





staphylococcus culture plate. Upon subsequent

investigation, he found out that mould juice had
developed a bacteria-free zone which inhibited
the growth of staphylococci. This newly
discovered active substance was effective even
when diluted up to 800 times. He named it
penicillin.He was knighted in 1944 and was

given the Nobel Prize in Physiology or

A culture containing a growth of a

single kind of organism free from
other organisms.

Medicine in 1945 for his extraordinary

achievements which revolutionized the medical

Chicken Embryo


The Discovery of Antibiotics

"One sometimes finds what one is not looking

for" (Sir Alexander Fleming)
His research and study during his military career
inspired him to discover naturally antiseptic
enzyme in 1921, which he named lysozyme.
This substance existed in tissues and secretions

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