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The Halfling Horde

James M. Zoshak DMZ2112

The Halfling Horde

A Dungeons & Dragons Next adventure for four to six characters of 7 th through 9 th level
By James M. Zoshak DMZ2112

The Halfling Horde is a Dungeons & Dragons Next adventure for four to six characters of 7th
through 9th level. The adventure involves a nomadic horde of halflings coming into conflict with a
town, Round River, newly founded in their sacred grounds. It takes place in a recently settled region
of hilly wilderness grassland connected back to civilization by a river. The river has been named, as it
plays an important role in the backstory of the adventure, but the wilderness itself as well as the
nearby civilization have not, to permit easier inclusion into a pre-existing campaign setting.
The adventure is written with the assumption that a wizard, Oxidus, invites the party to Round River
to help with the towns woes, and provides magical means of transportation to reach this remote
location. If the campaign setting renders this contrivance unnecessary, Oxidus can extend the
invitation without offering his teleportation skills.

Round River
Five years ago, the newly-minted Baron Eligost was granted a parcel of land in the great plains on the
frontier of his lieges kingdom. On the advice of his mentor, the wizard Oxidus, Eligost led a small
band of pioneers into the valley and founded the farming village of Round River on the banks of the
River Gren. The good breadth and depth and meandering pace of the Gren permitted easy trade
with the cities and towns downstream and Round River prospered, quickly doubling and tripling in
Last month, however, just before the winter solstice, a halfling outrider dressed in rough hides and

The Halfling Horde

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furs rode his pony into the Round River town square and announced that the Broadbelt Horde was
returning to winter in its most sacred valley, and that Round River must be abandoned or face
complete destruction.
The baron did not take the threat seriously, coming from a primitive halfling, of all creatures, and ran
out the clock. But when nearly 10,000 halflings and their war dogs poured into the valley three weeks
later, he realized his mistake.
Eligost, Forsythe, the towns abbess, and even old Oxidus himself all tried to reason with the
unflinching high chieftain of the horde, and they all failed. More than that, they insulted the nomads
with a cash bribe, intolerance for the hordes traditions, and the final straw, an attempt to frighten
them off with magical fire. The chieftain refused the leaders of Round River further audience and
gave them an ultimatum -- one week to evacuate before the town would be reduced to rubble and ash
along with anyone left inside it.

The people of Round River are for the most part farmers, or the family of farmers, interspersed with
those sorts of tradesmen necessary for a farming community to thrive -- farriers, blacksmiths,
coopers, and liveries, among others. They are insular at the best of times, isolated as they are from
the more civilized portions of the kingdom, but recent events have made them downright
In fear for their livelihoods and lives, their wariness of outsiders has blossomed into full suspicion.
A few people have elected to obey the hordes ultimatum and flee downriver -- mostly the tradesmen
living in the town itself and anyone with ready access to a barge -- but the vast majority of the
townsfolk have elected to stay despite their fear, swearing to defend their homes against the invaders
even if it means their deaths.

Round River and the Broadbelt Horde are both named for the same unusual geographic feature -- in
this valley, over the centuries, the River Gren has cut itself a bed in almost a perfect circle around a
natural rise in the windswept fields, cradled against a second, taller hill to the south.
Round River was originally built on the banks of the Gren at the southern bend, where the river
flows on toward the heart of the kingdom, but in five years it has bridged the mouth of the loop,
lining the northern bend with water wheels and barge wharves. At this time of year, the long, slow
curve of the loop is almost completely frozen over, although the turbulence at the two bends usually
keeps them flowing year round.
Civilization, if it can be called that, is about a days travel to the southwest of Round River, although

The Halfling Horde

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the larger towns and cities of the kingdom are another few days beyond. In every other direction, the
great plains spread outward, covering tens of thousands of square miles. These vast lands are the
home of a number of nomadic halfling hordes, as well as other societies of hunter-gatherers and
countless creatures of the wilderness.

The Broadbelt Horde

The Broadbelt Horde has been traveling the great plains for centuries, following the same six-year
circuit that their ancestors set down in another age. The loop in the River Gren, or the Broadbelt, as
it is known in their language, is both the symbolic beginning and ending of this journey.
The halflings legends state that their ancestors first reached the great plains by sailing their keelboats
up the Gren. They carry the ashes of their dead with them for the duration of their long migration,
just to pour them into the always-flowing northern bend of the Broadbelt once every six years, and
let them be carried back to the lands of their ancestors.
The legends also state that their ancestors encountered their first war dogs on the rise around which
the Broadbelt flows. The war dog is a part of the halflings cultural identity, now -- every halfling
rides, and the dogs serve not only as mounts and companions but also as pack animals and guardians.

The Broadbelt Horde is a self-sufficient society in constant motion. Every halfling is trained to ride
from an early age, and those who do not hunt support the society in other ways, either by gathering
edible plants, brewing small beer from the grasses of the plains, weaving cloth, or tanning hides,
among other tasks.
The halflings are not happy about finding their sacred valley despoiled, and behind closed doors they
are anxious for the outsiders to leave their valley and to put Round River to the torch. However,
their culture has a strong tradition of hospitality toward strangers, and as a result they are nothing
but polite and kind to visitors -- until they are given a reason to be otherwise.
The Broadbelt halflings are fully capable of war, but under their current leadership are not
particularly keen to seek out violence. There is a great deal of tension just beneath the surface of
Broadbelt society -- everyone hopes that the situation with Round River will resolve without
bloodshed, but everyone knows that is unlikely in the extreme. So their tighten their bowstrings and
sharpen their spears.
The wild card in the politics of the horde just now is that the leadership of a rival horde has found a

The Halfling Horde

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sympathetic ear in the patriarch of the Berrystill family of the Broadbelts and has paid him a great
deal of money to disrupt the pending nuptials that will cement an alliance between the Broadbelt and
Greenheels clans. Old Berrystill has also turned a critical eye to the situation with Round River,
looking for a way to ensure the outcome weakens the Broadbelt horde and further ingratiates him
with his new masters.

Last month, just before the winter solstice, a halfling outrider dressed in rough hides and furs rode
his pony into the Round River town square and announced that the Broadbelt Horde was returning
to winter in its most sacred valley, and that Round River must be abandoned or face complete
destruction. Three weeks later, the 10,000 halflings and war dogs of the Broadbelt horde poured into
the valley.
Oxidus, wizard and mentor to the young Baron Eligost, seeks out the party to ask for their assistance
in representing the town in further negotiations -- or as military champions, should the need arise.
The halflings have a wedding to solemnize and dead to bury, and they do not recognize the new
barons claim to the land. Whats more, prior attempts at diplomacy have insulted the halflings, and
with nearly 10,000 riders in their horde they are no longer in the mood to compromise.
However, tragedy strikes in the form of an assassination, perpetrated against the intended bride and
groom. The intent is obviously to incriminate the party, but the ruse fails. When the conspirators
are revealed, they try to kill the party, and the party is set on the path of vengeance against the
Berrystill traitor.
The heroes track the traitor to a ruin in the middle distance, exact their revenge, and then return to
the hordes camp to find that things have gone poorly in their absence. Round River has launched an
ill-advised attack on the Broadbelts and taken the high chiefs husband as a hostage. The party
resolves this crisis, leaving the high chief in their debt. At that point, it is up to the party whether
they choose to use the high chiefs favor to save Round River, or for their own advantage.

Non-Player Characters
Oxidus, Sage of Fire
An experienced and powerful mage, Oxidus is a long-time magical scholar, with a fondness for taking
on noble pupils and mentoring them,. He genuinely wishes the matter with the halflings to be settled
peacefully on both sides. Oxidus is dark-skinned, in fit ship for his age, and oddly for a dwarf has not

The Halfling Horde

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a hair on his head or chin.

Baron Eligost, Lord of Round River

Eligost wants nothing more than to have the halflings gone and Round River out of danger. Dark
red hair, a full beard, and a steely but firm gaze serve to display his confidence and determination.
With the halfling horde just on his doorstep he wears his armor and arms near-constantly despite his
official position and his guards. While still hoping for negotiation on the PCs part to bear fruit, he
will fight to protect Round River and its people.

Captain Helles Brijn of the Round River Watch

Helles has had a relatively easy job in her position as Captain of the Watch. Like the Baron, Brijn
simply wants the halflings to go away, and also like the Baron she is constantly armed and ready for
battle. While sounding confident in the ability of Round River and its people to fight, she knows the
halflings have them outnumbered and outclassed, and her words are mostly bravado to keep morale
up. Brijn keeps her gold-colored hair in a no-nonsense ponytail, and her bright green eyes miss little.

Abbess Forsythe
Forsythe's worse nightmare came true when ten thousand savages set up camp outside Round River
and demanded the whole town evacuate or die. She sees the halflings as the interlopers, and their
adherence to their ancestors as ridiculous despite the fact that she worsened the situation when she
refused to so much as talk to them. Forstyhe has bright blue eyes and keeps her short brown hair in
a simple bun. The cleric is in every respect an average human woman, remarkable only for her faith.

Aelys, High Chief of the Broadbelt Horde

Aelys was surprised to find the city of Round River sprung up in her clans ancestral lands, but her
position as High Chief made her duty clear: take back the land for her people. She is willing to talk
with anyone that comes in peace, as per the customs of her people, but in her mind Round River is
finished one way or another. Her hair is always carefully braided and weaved as befitting her station
as High Chief, and while it has a bit more grey in it than brown, and her face a few lines, she is
anything but old.

Amran Broadbelt, husband of the High Chief

Amran is more than four feet tall, an exceptional size for a halfling, and while broad shouldered and
looking very much like a warrior, is also talented in diplomacy, as befitting his role as Aelys' husband.
His dark brown, nearly black hair is tied back in tight dreadlocks, and matched with dark brown eyes.

The Halfling Horde

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While open to discussion of the current situation, he will not go against Aelys under any
circumstances. As long as he is treated politely, he will return that courtesy to the party.

Hugh Broadbelt, son of the High Chief

Recently come of age, Hugh is to be wed to Shendra Greenheels shortly after the party comes on the
scene. Slightly over four feet, a trait he inherited from his father, he cuts an imposing figure for a
halfling, and is confident without being arrogant, his mother Aelys having kept his ego in check while
raising him. He inherited the dark brown, nearly black, hair and commanding height of his father,
and the green eyes of his mother.

Shendra, the Greenheels Bride

Shendra Greenheels is to be the bride of Hugh Broadbelt in a few short days. Her long black hair is
neatly braided and weaved, with great care taken to ensure she is as elegant but strong in appearance
as she is in personality. Somewhat short for a halfling, her husband-to-be towers over her.

Corman, the Berrystill Traitor

Corman is a halfling of average height and weight, with brown hair and brown eyes. He has nearly no
distinguishing physical features of note, and likewise has never shown any particular aptitude nor
talent that had gotten him noticed by the current leadership of the Horde. When the opportunity
came for his entire family to make good coin by setting the Horde against the town, he nearly jumped
at the chance. While not about to sacrifice his life for a cause, he is willing to set his family against
the Broadbelts and the party as well.

The Halfling Horde

Act I - Round River
The adventure begins at the partys favorite watering hole, where they are celebrating their latest
victory. Read the following introduction to the party, giving them opportunities to react between

It has been an evening of good food, good drink, and good cheer. Just as the evenings festivities
have begun to wind down, and your bellies are full of crusty bread, rich cheese, and roasted meats,
the fireplace suddenly flares, illuminating a broad figure standing in the ashes behind the grate.

The Halfling Horde

James M. Zoshak DMZ2112

The dwarf steps forth from the fireplace, seemingly unaffected by the flames but for a few errant
ashes on his robes. He brushes these off with a thick-fingered, coffee-colored hand and knocks his
fire-etched staff against the flagstones of the hearth. He looks around the room, studying faces.
At this point, Oxidus singles out the party member with the highest Charisma and moves to speak
with him. If he is interrupted, he speaks to the first party member to approach, instead.

Striding over to you, the dwarf -- who is oddly completely devoid of hair, from pate to chin -- offers
a slight bow, touching the fingers of his empty hand to his bald forehead. Forgive my intrusion;
my name is Oxidus, and I represent a town in great need of your assistance. I have learned of
your accomplishments from my colleagues in the magical community, and I think you are uniquely
suited to help us.
Half a continent away, at the edge of the great plains, lies the town of Round River. It is my
home, and the baron is a close friend. A month ago, we received word that a horde of nomadic
halflings was returning to the valley where Round River was built, and they intend to drive out the
townsfolk and put Round River to the torch.
The baron chose to wait and assess the situation, but yesterday, the horde arrived in the valley
and they number in the thousands. Their high chief gave the town one week to evacuate before she
has promised to raze Round River and execute anyone who remains there. We attempted
diplomacy with the halflings, but mistakes were made, and they have banned me and the other
town elders from their camp.
I need a party of stout adventurers to act as our intermediaries and save Round River -- or if
diplomacy fails, to act as our champions and drive off the horde with a ritual show of strength.
We have little material wealth, but in exchange for your service the baron has authorized me to
offer you a portion of any surplus the towns budget sees for as long as he rules the barony.
What say you? Will you come with me to Round River?
Oxidus has a pretty good understanding of both sides of the situation at Round River and will
answer questions the party puts to him honestly, although he is hesitant to place any blame upon the
town or Baron Eligost.
If the party asks him what mistakes were made in the pursuit of diplomacy, Oxidus only admits that
he tried to frighten the horde off with a pyrotechnic display, only to have it dispelled by the halflings
high chief, herself a powerful mage. More than anything else, Oxidus wants to see this conflict end

The Halfling Horde

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with no loss of life.
When the party agrees to follow Oxidus to Round River, read the following to the party:

Smiling and nodding, the mage rubs the back of his head with one hand. Good, good. Thank
you; your reputations are well earned. He turns back toward the fireplace and casts a quick
cantrip. A glowing ring circumscribes the broad hearth of the fireplace and he steps into it. The
fire leaps once again, and he looks back over his shoulder. Follow me quickly -- the
teleportation circle is not permanent. He then steps into the fire and vanishes.
The circle will remain long enough for the party to gather their gear and make basic preparations for
the journey. Once at his tower in Round River, Oxidus provides the party with the address of an
inn, the Riverbend House, explaining that arrangements have already been made for their comfort
and a suite has been reserved in their names. He goes on:

Obviously time is of the essence, as we have only six days before the high chiefs patience expires.
However, I recommend that you speak with my fellow town leaders before journeying to the hordes
camp, in order that you should have the most complete picture of what has transpired here. You
can find Baron Eligost at the town hall; Watch Captain Brijn at the watch house, and Abbess
Forsythe at the abbey. I would ask that you give them your understanding -- these are trying
times for us all.
The baron, watch captain, and abbess are all grateful for the partys presence, although their nerves
are raw. They are all willing -- if not happy -- to speak with them about the halfling threat. None of
them are as neutral as Oxidus regarding the situation -- Eligost and Brijn are downright hawkish,
although it is all bravado. Round River lacks the military clout to even give pause to the halflings.
Forsythe, like Oxidus, hopes the situation will be resolved without bloodshed, but not out of any
sympathy for the hordes position -- ultimately, she wants the savage halflings gone, and is willing
to sacrifice their lives if that is what it takes to protect her flock.
Eligost and Forsythe will openly discuss the errors they made in diplomacy with the high chief,
because neither of them believe they made any mistake: Eligost attempted to purchase the land
Round River is built on, and Forsythe refused to take part in a ritual greeting before the opening of
negotiations that offended her conservative religious sensibilities.
If the party attempts to interview any Round River townsfolk regarding the presence of the horde,
they come across as inhospitable and cold, although it is not difficult to understand why given the
high chiefs ultimatum.

The Halfling Horde

James M. Zoshak DMZ2112

Act II - A Winter Wedding

Eventually the party will leave Round River and head for the camp of the Broadbelt Horde. Read
the following:

You leave Round River through the eastern gate and immediately see the hordes camp. It sits
atop the rise overlooking Round River like a great collection of autumn leaves atop the winter
snow. You are struck by its size -- what you can see of it is twice the size of Round River, at
least, and there is undoubtedly more camp on the back side of the hill. Truly, this is going to be
an uphill battle -- with a force this size the halflings have little incentive to negotiate and less to
The hike to the camp takes an hour and a half. When you are a bowshot from the outermost
tents, two halflings mounted on massive war dogs ride up to you and level their spears in your
Know that all visitors who mean no harm are welcome among the Broadbelt Horde, one of the
outriders says, in the common tongue. Be you friend or foe of the Horde?
The outriders will ask a few more questions. They know the party has come from Round River, and
they are curious about their relationship with the town. They will answer general questions about the
horde but will refer specific diplomatic questions or questions about challenging the hordes
champions to the high chiefs husband, Amran. Regardless of whether the party asks, when they part
ways, the outriders will leave them with this:

Go in peace, friends of the Broadbelt, but know that if you seek to further the towns cause with
our high chief, or if you seek to challenge our champions for right of settlement here, you must
speak with our chiefs honored husband, Amran. Our chief is busy with the preparations for her
sons marriage to the Greenheels bride in a few days time. You can find Amran in the high
chiefs tent at the top of the rise.
If the party ends up in conflict with the outriders, use the statistics for the Berrystill outriders from
Act III, below. The party is in clear view of the camp, and while they will probably dispatch the
outriders without difficulty, the rest of the camp will be hostile to them. Move on to the events of
Act IV and Amrans kidnapping by the baron. Depending on the partys relationship with the baron,
they may be involved with the attempt or may try to stop it. In the latter case, it is possible Round
River may still be saved.
The Broadbelt halflings are polite and welcoming to outsiders, although it is clear to any such

The Halfling Horde

James M. Zoshak DMZ2112
outsider that the kindness appears to be culturally mandated, and not the result of any individual
respect for the party. Most of the halflings speak some Common and are happy to answer questions
about their lives but know little about the situation with Round River except that the town wont be
there anymore at the end of the week.
If pressed, individual halflings will agree that the construction of Round River was an affront to their
beliefs and that its destruction will be a just punishment for the rude leaders of the place. They do
not harbor ill will toward the people of Round River in general, and firmly believe that they should
leave before the horde is forced to kill them.
When the party goes to speak with Amran Broadbelt, read the following:

The guards outside the high chiefs tent are dressed ceremonially but the spears and swords they
carry look sharp enough to cause more than ceremonial damage. They wave you into the tent,
where you find a middle-aged halfling dressed in handsomely beaded furs speaking to two more
plainly dressed individuals in the halfling tongue. When he sees you enter, he clasps his visitors
hands and appears to ask them politely to leave. In turn, they bow, and walk past you to the
entrance of the tent, offering you smiles and greetings in broken Common.
You are from Round River, the well-dressed halfling says. I am Amran Broadbelt, husband
of the high chief of the horde. I am sorry my wife cannot speak with you personally but she has
many responsibilities with regard to our sons upcoming wedding, both as high chief and as a
I hope that you are here to ask for more time to evacuate your citizens, as you certainly do not
have enough time remaining to do so. We will grant it; we have no desire to put your people to
the sword.
Provided that the party is polite, Amran is likewise polite in response to further negotiation, but
unless the party is willing to make grand personal gestures (and not of a monetary nature), Amran
will not budge on anything other than a postponement of the imminent horde attack. There is too
much at stake for his people.
If the party is unapologetically rude or insulting, Amran will ask them to leave and they will not be
welcome back in the camp. Move on to the events of Act IV and Amrans kidnapping by the baron.
Depending on the partys relationship with the baron, they may be involved with the attempt or may
try to stop it. In the latter case, it is possible Round River may still be saved.
If the party asks about challenging the hordes champions, read the following:

The Halfling Horde

James M. Zoshak DMZ2112

Amran lets out a deep sigh and massages the bridge of his nose. If that is what you want, the
Broadbelt Horde will honor your challenge. But we must ask that you accept a short delay. If
one among you prides yourself on your stealth and dexterity, I can easily arrange for you to face
our greatest scout today, in a trial by combat, but Im afraid that the greatest of our mages,
shaman, and warriors are all either preparing for the wedding or out on patrol. We can arrange
for the remainder of the challenges to be carried out following the wedding in two days time.
If the party asks for the delay to be considered in the impending destruction of Round River, read
the following:

Amran laughs. So certain of your defeat? We will postpone our attack until the conclusion of
your challenges provided that evacuation begins immediately. We will not abide stalling tactics.
When the partys conversation with Amran is over, read the following:

Thank you for coming to see me, Amran says. It is my hope and the hope of my wife that we
can see this situation resolved without bloodshed, but I must be clear: the land of our ancestors is
free, and will remain free, even if that means we have to resort to unpleasant means to ensure this
is so.
Now, I must tell you that it is considered good luck among my people for a wedding to be
attended by strangers who have traveled a great distance. I know the potential for great conflict
exists between us, however you have proven yourselves to be proper guests. I can tell by your garb
that you are not natives of Round River. Would you do my family the honor of attending my
sons wedding in two days time, or at least tonights rehearsal banquet?
If the party refuses, Amran is disappointed but understands, given the circumstances. He says his
farewells and says that he looks forward to the trials following the wedding. If they accept, he offers
to allow the party to stay in his spacious tent until the banquet.
When the party attends the banquet, use the opportunity to introduce them to as many of the major
halfling NPCs as possible. They should meet the doomed bride and groom, as well as the traitorous
Corman Berrystill, and even have conversations with Aelys and Amran Broadbelt, if possible. The
more exposure they have to the NPCs at this stage, the more invested they will be in the events to
come. Read the following to the party:

The wedding rehearsal banquet is sumptuous, if unrefined. The heads of all the families of the
horde are in attendance, and it seems like everyone is nearly as excited to meet and talk to you as

The Halfling Horde

James M. Zoshak DMZ2112

they are to congratulate the bride and groom on their impending nuptials.
As the night draws to a close, read the following:

When the guests begin to trickle out of the tent in pairs and threes, Shendra Greenheels, the bride,
approaches your table. Excuse me, adventurers, but I was hoping I could impose a moment
more on your time. There is a ritual that Hugh and I would like to perform, to honor my family
and ancestors who could not be in attendance tonight. As strangers and as friends, we would like
you to stand in for them, if you would be so kind.
If the party agrees, she asks them to meet her and Hugh in their tent in ten minutes. When the party
arrives, read the following:

The first sign that something is wrong in Hugh and Shendras tent is that there are no guards in
front. You open the flap and are horrified to discover the betrotheds bodies lying awkwardly on
the scattered fur cushions and rugs, their blood spattered over the contents and walls of the tent.
The back wall of the tent has been slit open, and now flaps in the wind, the cold winter air not
half the cause of the chill in your spines.
If the party gives chase immediately, there is a chance they could catch up to the Berrystill murderers
that killed Hugh and Shendra, but it should be difficult. The halflings know the camp well and will
put the party through its paces. The adventure continues even if they fail, but if they are successful,
skip ahead to bringing the Berrystill equipment to the high chief in Act III, then return to the
beginning of Act III for the Berrystill ambush at the Riverbend House. Both events need to occur in
order for the high chief to set the party on the heels of Corman Berrystill.

Act III - The Stone Crown

Later that night, the Berrystill family attempts to up the ante on their betrayal by infiltrating Round
River and attacking the party in their beds at the Riverbend House. Four Berrystill ambushers
backed up by a Berrystill falsefriend manage to slip past the watch and into the inn, where they kick
in the door of the partys suite and attack. If the party met Corman Berrystill at the banquet the
night before, they will recognize the assassins gear as being familiar, but not necessarily identify the
family of the assassins without a successful DC 15 Intelligence (History) check.
The following morning, the party has some choices to make. They can take the news of the attack to
Captain Brijn or the baron, but while both are incensed neither is prepared to do anything about it.
They stomp and rage, but all the event really does is cement the reality in their minds that Round
River is at the mercy of the horde.

The Halfling Horde

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If the party takes evidence of the attack to High Chief Aelys, however, she immediately recognizes
the equipment of the assassins as belonging to the Berrystill family. Read the following:

When you show the high chief the arms and armor of the halflings who tried to kill you, she leaps
to her feet and grabs them from you. These are Berrystill make, she growls. How dare that
old drunk-- he and his family will pay with blood! I am sorry, honored guests; this attack did
not go forward with my blessing. For their own dark purposes, for which they will suffer mightily,
the Berrystill family has seen fit to dishonor me by making this attempt on your life.
There can be no doubt that this heinous act is the fruit of the same diseased mind that has taken
my son from me, in an attempt to discredit me with the Greenheels horde. And in this, Corman
Berrystill has stolen from me even the honor of vengeance!
The high chief is silent for a long time before continuing. It is tradition among my people that
the victim of a crime always has the right of vengeance for it. If the victim does not survive, then
that right falls to his family, but even though this attack has revealed to me the identity of my
sons murderers it has also caused the right of vengeance to fall to you.
The high chief regards you with a cold fire in her eyes. Do you accept this right and this
responsibility? Will you deliver our vengeance to Corman Berrystill?
If the party accepts, the high chief, her husband, and their most elite guards escort the party to the
tents of the Berrystill, where they find that Corman Berrystill has broken camp and fled with his most
loyal family members. Read the following:

I know where that drunk has gone, the high chief grunts, spitting into the dog tracks
disappearing into the north. A days travel by foot north of here is a ruin my people call the
Stone Crown. It is defensible, and the Berrystill have bandit allies who summer there. You find
the ruin, you find Corman Berrystill. The high chief says nothing further; it is clear by her
demeanor that she expects you to leave immediately.
If the party refuses, the high chief accepts the burden of vengeance and asks the party to leave while
the horde handles this matter internally. If the party refuses, insisting on challenging the hordes
champions or diplomacy on behalf of Round River, the high chief acquiesces but rushes through the
particulars as quickly as possible such that she can pursue Berrystill.
Heading out into the great plains to pursue Corman Berrystill begins the exploration phase of this
adventure. The Stone Crown is a days travel northeast of Round River. It is a temperate winter, and
the plains are a typical region with regard to random encounters. Use the table in the Encounter

The Halfling Horde

James M. Zoshak DMZ2112
Statistics, Act III, section below for these encounters.

Map of the Stone Crown

North is toward the upper left corner of the map image. Unless they circle around, the party will
approach the ruin from the southwest, along the bottom edge of the map.
1 Sunset in Winter

7 The Stone Crown

2 Dawn in Summer

8 The Umber Hole

3 Forgotten Spring

9 Smugglers Bend

4 Autumns Loss

10 Bloody Secret

5 Lonely Shade

11 The Wickeds Rest

6 Humble Stones

12 Bandits Survival


The Halfling Horde

James M. Zoshak DMZ2112

Stone Crown Locations

Read the following as the party approaches the Stone Crown:

You crest a ridge and find yourselves looking down into a depression about half a mile across.
The depression is dotted with oddly regular stands of trees and brush, and at its center is a low hill
crested by what appears to be the ruin of an ancient tower, now only a ring of crumbling masonry
about eight to ten feet high with a jagged top edge that no doubt gives the ruin its name -- the
Stone Crown.
1 - Sunset in Winter
Three Berrystill hamstringers guard the northeastern entrance to the tower, along with eight of the
familys war dogs. If combat begins at area 2, the halflings and dogs in area 1 move to reinforce their
2 - Dawn in Summer
This area is a mirror image of area 1. If combat begins at area 1, the halflings and dogs in area 2
move to reinforce their allies.
3 - Forgotten Spring

This rocky patch of brush is barely recognizable as the carefully laid out garden it once was. At
the center of the uneven flagstone paths and savagely overgrown flower beds is a round decorative
pool of crumbling masonry. The seasonal snow cannot conceal the fact that the pool appears to be
surrounded by a circular pile of rusting arms and armor.
The garden pool is home to an ancient water weird, the enchantments on which have broken down
over the centuries. In another few years, the water weird will undoubtedly finally be dispelled, but in
the meantime the magical guardian viciously attacks anything within ten feet that carries a weapon or
magic focus.
Use the Bestiary statistics of the water elemental for the water weird, with the following changes: the
water weird is immobile, and cannot leave its pool. However, its melee attacks have a 10 reach, and
if there is nothing within striking distance the weird returns to its pool and regains 15 hit points each
round until a new target presents itself.
4 - Autumns Loss

The oldest of these trees at the foot of the hill were obviously planted by hand, in neat rows,
although they are now interspersed with their own progeny and other wild growth. At the edge of
the copse, in broken, crimson snow, lies the body of a halfling, her skull obviously crushed. Her

The Halfling Horde

James M. Zoshak DMZ2112

hatchet lies a few feet away, its haft snapped in two.

This ancient orchard is the home of a treant. He was originally native to the forest that once covered
this area in a past age, but woke after a long sleep to find that only the trees planted by his mage
friend around his tower yet remained.
Determined to preserve these last few remnants of the forest, he has taken up as guardian of the
orchard. The Berrystills sent only a single halfling to the orchard to collect firewood after their
arrival -- the poor womans corpse was more forbidding to them than the prospect of a cold night.
Spotting the treant among the overgrown trees is difficult, requiring a DC 20 perception check.
Unless addressed directly or acting in defense of the trees, the treant is perfectly content to not
interact with the party.
However, if the party can convince the treant that they are here to remove the Berrystill halflings
from the Stone Crown, he can tell them the command phrase that his wizard friend used to use to
deactivate the water weird in his garden: Overwatering rots the root. He is not certain whether it
will still work after all this time, however.
If the party ends up in conflict with the treant, use the treant statistics from the Bestiary.
5 - Lonely Shade

This isolated stand of trees shows signs of having once been planted and tended by mortal hands,
but those days are long over.
This copse conceals two secrets: the first is a hidden entrance to the Stone Crown, a steeply angled
door set into the side of a low, overgrown cairn. Finding the door, or whats left of it, requires a DC
15 perception check. The second secret is the ancient smugglers trap set to protect the door -- a
spiked wooden frame lashed together and suspended from the treetops.
Because of the thinning out of the trees, the large trap is slightly easier to spot than the concealed
door itself -- a DC 12 perception check will clue the party in to its presence. Once spotted, a DC 17
Dexterity check and proficiency with thieves tools will do away with the threat. If the trap is
triggered, everyone within 5 of the door takes 4d8+6 damage from the falling spikes, DC 14
Dexterity saving throw for half damage.
6 - Humble Stones

This low building attached to the Stone Crown appears to have been built much more recently
than the tower itself. Its stones are well-fitted and its slate roof shows little disrepair. As you
enter through the stout wooden door, an arrow thunks into its boards inches from your hand.

The Halfling Horde

James M. Zoshak DMZ2112

You are under attack!

The door between areas 6 and 7 is open, so that the Berrystill hamstringers in the Stone Crown can
fire through the opening at intruders. The other combatants in the Stone Crown stay out of the line
of fire until the party reaches the inner door and tries to enter area 7.
7 - The Stone Crown
The Stone Crown conceals the majority of the Berrystill halflings who followed Corman to this ruin.
They number four Berrystill hamstringers, two Berrystill outriders, a Berrystill warcaster, and a
Berrystill brewshaman, along with four of the familys war dogs. Combat here begins in area 6.
When it is over, read the following to the party:

The interior of the Stone Crown is not surprising. It is, as was apparent from the outside, a ring
of aged masonry about eight feet high, with a jagged top edge resembling the points of a crown.
There is a ruined stair against the south wall that climbs about six feet up the wall before
crumbling into a pile of loose stone. The floor is overgrown flagstone, and at the center of the floor
is a worn wooden trap door.
8 - The Umber Hole

The room below the trap door is unlit, but by the light outside you can make out that it is dug out
of the soil and reinforced with wooden beams. A single tunnel leaves the room to the southeast.
The only distinguishing features of this room are the 10 drop to the floor and the bear trap directly
beneath it. The bear trap has been carefully buried and concealed with loose dirt, and a DC 17
perception check is required to spot it from the surface. However, anything dropped into area 8
triggers the trap, as does anyone dropping into room and not specifically swinging to one side or the
other. Anyone landing on the trap must make a DC 18 Dexterity save or take 2d10+8 damage. A
victims movement is also halved until the damage is healed.
9 - Smugglers Bend

Reinforced with stone arches obviously borrowed piecemeal from the ruin above, this earthen tunnel
descends into the hill at a sharp angle before turning left into the unknown.
At the left-hand bend in the corridor, a tripwire is rigged to release a spring-loaded axe at waist
height on a medium creature (face-height for a small creature). A DC 14 perception check will spot
the tripwire. If the trap is triggered, the lead character must make a DC 15 Dexterity save to avoid
the axe, or take 2d8+4 damage.
As the party approaches area 10, two Berrystill outriders to either side of the entrance grab the
character in the lead and throw him into the room, attempting to knock him prone (opposed

The Halfling Horde

James M. Zoshak DMZ2112
Strength check to stay upright). If both outriders grab the character (unarmed surprise attacks at +3
to hit touch AC), the opposed Strength check is made at disadvantage for the player character. A
DC 12 perception check will reveal the concealed outriders to the approaching party.
The outriders then enter the corridor to break up the party while Corman Berrystill and the Berrystill
hamstringers go to work on the lead player character.
10 - Bloody Secret
In this room lurk two Berrystill outriders, two Berrystill hamstringers, a Berrystill brewshaman, and
Corman Berrystill himself. The combat in this room begins in area 9 or area 11, although the
majority of it happens in this room. The desk and the two tables here are intact but badly dry rotted.
Any impact reduces them to chunks and splinters, creating an area of difficult terrain (halved
movement). Read the following to the players at the conclusion of the combat:

The Berrystill traitor defeated, you take a moment to catch your breath and review your
surroundings. The room appears to have once been a combination of office and storeroom, perhaps
for a smuggling ring, although the contraband is long gone. A desk, a chair, and two worktables
look to be badly dry rotted and barely standing under their own weight. A third table is propped
up against the wall in the southeast corner of the room.
The southwestern entrance to this room is an open tunnel, but the northeastern entrance is an
ancient door concealed by an upended table. The only person who knows the door is there is
Corman Berrystill; if he is incapacitated he will try to trade the contents of the chest behind it for his
11 - The Wickeds Rest

This small chamber once served as a cramped bedroom, although the wooden frames of the bed and
chest of drawers have long since succumbed to dry rot and the mattress is nothing more than a
torn, mouldering sack, its straw stolen away by burrowing animals. A far more contemporary
and intact chest has been placed at the foot of what remains of the bed.
Ancient and disintegrating wooden doors adorn the north and south walls. A long tunnel is
visible between the boards of the southern door, and some kind of wooden obstruction is visible
through the northern door. Short-tempered conversation in the halfling tongue can be heard beyond
the obstruction.
The room is unremarkable but for the chest, which contains a portion of Corman Berrystills wealth.
If the party enters this room from area 12, and they are careful about their noise, they have a chance
to surprise the halflings in area 10 by breaking down the north door and knocking aside the table

The Halfling Horde

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blocking it (a DC 12 Strength check).
12 - Bandits Survival

This long earthen tunnel is lined with visibly rotting wooden supports along its entire length. The
ancient doors at either end are in a similar state of disrepair.
Despite appearances, the shallow tunnel is quite stable, especially in winter when the ground is

Act IV - The Barons Folly

After the party defeats Corman and returns to the camp, they find that the entire Horde is mobilizing
for attack. Recognized by the lookouts standing guard as having Aelys' blessing they are allowed
entry past the lines after a brief conversation. On the way they may see several human-sized bodies
being burned. Entering her war tent they find her in the middle of drawing up preparations for an
immediate assault. When the party inquires why, she first thanks them for avenging her son and his
bride-to-be and then explains what happened while they were gone, speaking flatly and without
emotion only with a great deal of effort.

The High Chief fixes her gaze firmly on you as she speaks. This is a warrior, preparing to go to
battle. "Firstly thank you for avenging my son and his future wife. Unfortunately I still have no
time to mourn as those fools in the town have taken my husband. A raiding party crept in during
the night, killing several of my clan, and while the dead were avenged twice over, they managed to
escape with Amran in their grasp." She pauses a moment to let that sink in. "They have given me
no choice at this point. Today, we go to war."
Should the party offer to retrieve Amran she is willing to give them the opportunity to do so and
return with him. Aelys makes it absolutely clear that the kidnapping has erased any remaining
goodwill she had towards the town. Should the party not offer to, she can suggest having the PCs go
in and attempt it, as sending in even a small raiding force of her own would star the war. That is
entirely pragmatic on her part: the halflings are not all mobilized as of yet. If the PCs agree she
thanks them and then returns to her preparations. The party has perhaps two, maybe three hours at
most before she will send in her own groups of scouts to try and rescue her husband, and another
hour before the horde launches an all-out attack on the town.
When the party returns to Round River they find the populace on the verge of panic. The fact that
the halflings are readying for a full assault has not escaped any of them, and rumors are flying. If on
good terms with the town, they are taken to the war council, composed of Oxidus, Baron Eligos,
Captain Brijn, and Abbess Forsythe. Oxidus is the most rational person present, and will do his best

The Halfling Horde

James M. Zoshak DMZ2112
to stop any of the NPCs from having arguments with the PCs, unless the party is expressly hostile to
The simplest thing the party can do at this point is simply to ask for Amran to be released to their
custody. They are the only group working on behalf of Round River that Aelys will actually still talk
to. It shouldn't take much to convince the Baron that freeing him and having the PCs return to the
halflings might be the only thing that can save Round River at this point, given that an attack is
absolutely certain.
The other alternative, of course, is resorting to violence. Oxidus, Eligost, Brijn, and Forsythe are
backed up by a dozen (or more) Round River watchmen, but that should make little difference to the
party. In the end, this encounter comes down to who is left standing. Oxidus and Forsythe will both
protect Amran from the others as long as they are alive, and if Eligost and Brijn go down, they will
surrender Amran to the party. However, if Oxidus and Forsythe go down first, Eligost or Brijn will
kill Amran. Eligost will try to escape -- Brijn will fight to the death.

Whats Next
The dungeon master should use his or her judgment as to the aftermath of Act IV. Did the party
attend the rehearsal banquet? Did they doggedly insist on challenging the hordes champions, or
were they more circumspect, looking for another way to get into the high chiefs good graces? Did
they pursue Berrystill, or leave it to the high chief? Finally, did they succeed at rescuing Amran
Broadbelt? Or did he die in Round River? What about the baron and his companions? Did they
survive their final encounter with the party?
Most of the possible outcomes of this adventure will result in High Chief Aelys owing the party some
kind of debt, but there is no hard requirement on her to honor it in any way other than what she sees
as fit. If the dungeon master feels that Aelys is very much in the partys debt, then perhaps they can
trade that favor for Round Rivers continued existence -- if that is what they desire.
The high chief will demand as many concessions from the town as she can manage, the least of which
will be a guarantee of safe access to the river for her peoples rituals, but if she is truly grateful to the
party she will honor their request. Of course, if the town leaders are dead, that may not be enough to
guarantee Round Rivers survival.
Perhaps a temporary reprieve is all the party can manage for Round River -- six years, until the horde
returns again and the negotiation must again be undertaken. And of course, in the worst case
scenario, Round River burns. In the end, the partys interactions with the Broadbelt Horde and their
attitudes toward Round River should decide the towns fate.

The Halfling Horde

James M. Zoshak DMZ2112

Encounter Statistics
Major Players
Oxidus, Sage of Fire
Oxidus is a scholar, not a war wizard or an adventurer. He does not have access to high-level
combat spells.
Medium Humanoid (Dwarf)
Armor Class 16 (mithral scale, trait)
Hit Points 48 (12d6+12)
Speed 30 ft.
Str 9(-1)
Dex 8(-1)
Con 12(+1)
Int 18(+4)
Wis 12(+1) Cha 10(+0)
Alignment lawful good
Languages Common, Dwarf, Ignan, Draconic, Giant, Elven
Oxidus is proficient with medium armor and gains +1 AC while wearing it. He has advantage on
saving throws against poison and is resistant to poison damage.
Oxidus can deal maximum damage with Burning Hands, Scorching Ray, or Fireball once per day,
and adds +4 damage to all his non-melee damage rolls.
Melee Attack - Quarterstaff: +7 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 4 (1d6+2) bludgeoning
damage (minimum 1 damage).
Burning Hands (4/day): per the 1st-level mage spell; DC 17 Dexterity saving throw to resist.
Scorching Ray (3/day): +9 to hit (range 100 ft.; 3 targets). 2d6 fire damage.
Fireball (3/day): per the 3rd-level mage spell; DC 17 Dexterity saving throw to resist.
Wall of Fire (3/day): per the 4th-level mage spell; DC 17 Dexterity saving throw to resist.


The Halfling Horde

James M. Zoshak DMZ2112
Encounter Building
Level 16
XP 4000

Baron Eligost, Lord of Round River

Medium Humanoid (Human)
Armor Class 16 (chain)
Hit Points 63 (9d10+18)
Speed 30 ft.
Str 17(+3)
Dex 11(+0) Con 15(+2)
Int 9(-1)
Wis 10(+0) Cha 11(+0)
Alignment lawful neutral
Languages Common, Dwarven
Baron Eligost can use an action to gain 12 (1d6+9) temporary hit points once per combat, attacks
three times in a round (twice with the longsword, once with the short sword), and can perform an
extra action in a round once per combat.
Melee Attack - Longsword: +6 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 7 (1d8+3) slashing damage.
Critical hit on a natural 18-20.
Melee Attack - Short sword: +6 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 6 (1d6+3) piercing damage.
Critical hit on a natural 18-20.
Encounter Building
Level 9
XP 600

Captain Helles Brijn of the Round River Watch

Medium Humanoid (Elf)
Armor Class 17 (dragon scale, Dex bonus)
Hit Points 35 (7d10)
Speed 35 ft.
Str 12(+1)
Dex 16(+3) Con 10(+0)
Int 10(+0)
Wis 8(-1)
Cha 10(+0)
Alignment lawful neutral


The Halfling Horde

James M. Zoshak DMZ2112
Languages Common, Elven
Captain Brijn can use an action to gain 10 (1d6+7) temporary hit points once per combat, attacks
twice in a round, and can perform an extra action in a round once per combat.
Melee Attack - Scimitar: +6 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 7 (1d8+3) slashing damage.
Ranged Attack - Longbow: +7 to hit (range 80 ft./320 ft.; one creature). Hit: 7 (1d8+3) piercing
Encounter Building
Level 7
XP 300

Abbess Forsythe
Medium Humanoid (Human)
Armor Class 16 (scale mail, shield)
Hit Points 35 (7d8+7)
Speed 30 ft.
Str 11(+0)
Dex 11(+0) Con 13(+1)
Int 9(-1)
Wis 19(+4) Cha 13(+1)
Alignment neutral good
Languages Common, Celestial
Sacred Flame: as the cleric cantrip. DC 11 Dexterity saving throw.
Channel Divinity: Radiance of the Dawn (2/day): per the cleric light domain ability.
Cure Wounds (4/day): as the 1st-level cleric spell.
Flaming Sphere (3/day): as the 2nd-level mage spell; DC 15 Dexterity saving throw to resist.
Mass Healing Word (3/day): as the 3rd-level cleric spell.
Guardian of Faith (1/day): as the 4th-level cleric spell; DC 15 Dexterity saving throw to resist.
Encounter Building
Level 7
XP 600

The Halfling Horde

James M. Zoshak DMZ2112

Aelys, High Chief of the Broadbelt Horde

Small Humanoid (Halfling)
Armor Class 11 (Dex bonus)
Hit Points 36 (12d6)
Speed 30 ft.
Str 8(-1)
Dex 12(+1) Con 10(+0)
Int 16(+3)
Wis 9(-1)
Cha 10(+0)
Alignment neutral good
Languages Common, Halfling
Broadbelt halflings reroll all attack roll, skill check, and saving throw results of 1; the second roll
must be used. They have advantage on saving throws versus fear and poison and are resistant to
poison damage. They treat spaces occupied by medium or larger creatures as empty for the purposes
of movement.
Aelys Broadbelt can deal maximum damage with Shocking Grasp, Magic Missile, Melfs Acid Arrow,
or Fireball once per day.
Shocking Grasp: per the mage cantrip; DC 15 Dexterity saving throw to resist.
Magic Missile (4/day): per the 1st-level mage spell.
Melfs Acid Arrow (3/day): +7 to hit (range 100 ft.; one creature). Hit: 9 (3d6) acid damage, and 9
(3d6) acid damage at the end of the targets next turn.
Fireball (3/day): per the 3rd-level mage spell; DC 15 Dexterity saving throw to resist.
Ice Storm (3/day): per the 4th-level mage spell; DC 15 Dexterity saving throw to resist.
Cone of Cold (2/day): per the 5th-level mage spell; DC 15 Constitution saving throw to resist.
Chain Lightning (1/day): per the 6th-level mage spell; DC 15 Dexterity saving throw to resist.
Encounter Building
Level 12
XP 2500

Corman, the Berrystill Traitor

Small Humanoid (Halfling)

The Halfling Horde

James M. Zoshak DMZ2112
Armor Class 15 (studded leather, Dex bonus)
Hit Points 44 (11d6+11)
Speed 30 ft.
Str 8(-1)
Dex 18(+4) Con 12(+1)
Int 8(-1)
Wis 9(-1)
Cha 10(+0)
Alignment neutral evil
Languages Common, Halfling
Berrystill halflings reroll all attack roll, skill check, and saving throw results of 1; the second roll must
be used. They have advantage on saving throws versus fear and poison and are resistant to poison
damage. They treat spaces occupied by medium or larger creatures as empty for the purposes of
Corman Berrystill can take a second action on his turn to disengage, hide, or hustle. He suffers no
damage on a successful Dexterity saving throw for half damage, and only half damage on a failed
saving throw. He has advantage over any opponent who has a lower initiative roll in the first round
of combat. He does +4d6 bonus damage when he has advantage over an opponent in combat, and
this bonus damage is maximized on a critical hit. Any time he successfully hits a surprised opponent,
that opponent suffers a critical hit.
Melee Attack - Short Sword: +8 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 7 (1d6+4) piercing damage.
Ranged Attack - Shortbow: +8 to hit (range 80 ft./320 ft.; one creature). Hit: 7 (1d6+4) piercing
Encounter Building
Level 11
XP 1250

Act II
Champions of the Broadbelt Horde
With the exception of High Chief Aelys, who serves as the arcane champion of the Broadbelts,
statistics for the Broadbelt champions are not provided. To represent these formidable opponents,
take the appropriate player characters sheet ahead of time, convert the character to a stout halfling,
and then increase their level by 2. Given that the Broadbelt Horde consists of thousands of halfling
hunters and warriors, finding matches for the player characters is no challenge for the horde.

The Halfling Horde

James M. Zoshak DMZ2112

Berrystill Murderer
These merciless halfling scum are disguised as wedding attendants, but are armed with human
longswords taken as trophies in a past conflict.
Small Humanoid (Halfling)
Armor Class 11 (Dex bonus)
Hit Points 4 (1d6+1)
Speed 30 ft.
Str 8(-1)
Dex 12(+1) Con 12(+1)
Int 8(-1)
Wis 9(-1)
Cha 10(+0)
Alignment neutral evil
Languages Common, Halfling
Berrystill halflings reroll all attack roll, skill check, and saving throw results of 1; the second roll must
be used. They have advantage on saving throws versus fear and poison and are resistant to poison
damage. They treat spaces occupied by medium or larger creatures as empty for the purposes of
Berrystill murderers do +1d6 bonus damage when they have advantage over an opponent in combat.
Melee Attack - Longsword: +0 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 4 (1d10-1) slashing damage
(minimum 1 damage)
Encounter Building
Level 1
XP 15

Berrystill Ambusher
When they assault the party, two ambushers rush in with their short swords while two more hang
back to use their shortbows.
Small Humanoid (Halfling)
Armor Class 14 (leather, Dex bonus)
Hit Points 32 (8d6+8)
Speed 30 ft.

The Halfling Horde

James M. Zoshak DMZ2112
Str 8(-1)
Int 8(-1)

Dex 16(+3)
Wis 9(-1)

Con 12(+1)
Cha 10(+0)

Alignment neutral evil

Languages Common, Halfling
Berrystill halflings reroll all attack roll, skill check, and saving throw results of 1; the second roll must
be used. They have advantage on saving throws versus fear and poison and are resistant to poison
damage. They treat spaces occupied by medium or larger creatures as empty for the purposes of
Berrystill ambushers can take a second action on their turn to disengage, hide, or hustle. They suffer
no damage on a successful Dexterity saving throw for half damage, and only half damage on a failed
saving throw. They have advantage over any opponent who has a lower initiative roll in the first
round of combat. They do +3d6 bonus damage when they have advantage over an opponent in
combat, and this bonus damage is maximized on a critical hit. Any time they successfully hit a
surprised opponent, that opponent suffers a critical hit.
Melee Attack - Short Sword: +6 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 6 (1d6+3) piercing damage.
Ranged Attack - Shortbow: +6 to hit (range 80 ft./320 ft.; one creature). Hit: 6 (1d6+3) piercing
Encounter Building
Level 8
XP 500

Berrystill Falsefriend
Small Humanoid (Halfling)
Armor Class 11 (Dex bonus)
Hit Points 32 (8d6+8)
Speed 30 ft.
Str 8(-1)
Dex 12(+1) Con 12(+1)
Int 12(+1)
Wis 9(-1)
Cha 10(+0)
Alignment neutral evil
Languages Common, Halfling


The Halfling Horde

James M. Zoshak DMZ2112
Berrystill halflings reroll all attack roll, skill check, and saving throw results of 1; the second roll must
be used. They have advantage on saving throws versus fear and poison and are resistant to poison
damage. They treat spaces occupied by medium or larger creatures as empty for the purposes of
Berrystill falsefriends inflict disadvantage upon opponents within 10 of them who try to hit the
falsefriend with a melee attack.
Chill Touch: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 8 (2d8) necrotic damage, and target cannot
heal until the beginning of the warcasters next turn.
Charm Person (4/day): per the 1st-level mage spell; DC 12 Wisdom saving throw to resist.
Hold Person (3/day): per the 2nd-level mage spell; DC 12 Wisdom saving throw to resist.
Slow (3/day): per the 3rd-level mage spell; DC 12 Wisdom saving throw to resist.
Confusion (2/day): per the 4th-level mage spell; DC 12 Wisdom saving throw to resist.
Encounter Building
Level 8
XP 600


The Halfling Horde

James M. Zoshak DMZ2112

Encounters on the Great Plains

When the party encounters monsters or other denizens of the great plains, use the appropriate
statistics from the Bestiary. These encounters should not repeat; in the event of a duplicate roll, add
1 if the result is less than 8; subtract 1 if the result is more than 7.
Roll (3d4) Encounter
3 Ettin (830 XP)
4 Ankhegs, 3 (570 XP)
5 Halfling wights, 4 (520 XP)
6 Orc hunting party: 1 orc chieftain, 3 orcs (550 XP)
7 Savage hillfolk band: 1 human war chief, 1 human witch doctor, 3 human berserkers,
6 human warriors, 9 human commoners (550 XP)
8 Dire coyotes (dire wolves), 8 (560 XP)
9 Long-range hobgoblin patrol: 1 hobgoblin captain, 3 hobgoblins, and 4 goblins; the
hobgoblins are mounted on worgs and the goblins on wolves (550 XP)
10 Hill giant (720 XP)
11 Ancient elven soldier ghosts, 2 (560 XP)
12 Griffons, 2 (900 XP)

Berrystill War Dogs

Use the Bestiary statistics for wolves.

Berrystill Hamstringer
Small Humanoid (Halfling)
Armor Class 13 (leather, Dex bonus)
Hit Points 16 (4d6+4)
Speed 30 ft.
Str 8(-1)
Dex 14(+2) Con 12(+1)
Int 8(-1)
Wis 9(-1)
Cha 10(+0)
Alignment neutral evil


The Halfling Horde

James M. Zoshak DMZ2112
Languages Common, Halfling
Berrystill halflings reroll all attack roll, skill check, and saving throw results of 1; the second roll must
be used. They have advantage on saving throws versus fear and poison and are resistant to poison
damage. They treat spaces occupied by medium or larger creatures as empty for the purposes of
Berrystill hamstringers can take a second action on their turn to disengage, hide, or hustle. They have
advantage over any opponent who has a lower initiative roll in the first round of combat, and do
+1d6 bonus damage when they have advantage over an opponent in combat. This bonus damage is
maximized on a critical hit. Any time they successfully hit a surprised opponent, that opponent
suffers a critical hit.
Melee Attack - Short Sword: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 5 (1d6+2) piercing damage.
Ranged Attack - Shortbow: +4 to hit (range 80 ft./320 ft.; one creature). Hit: 5 (1d6+2) piercing
Encounter Building
Level 4
XP 150

Berrystill Outrider
Small Humanoid (Halfling)
Armor Class 17 (chain, trait)
Hit Points 24 (4d10+4)
Speed 30 ft.
Str 12(+1)
Dex 10(+0) Con 12(+1)
Int 8(-1)
Wis 9(-1)
Cha 10(+0)
Alignment neutral evil
Languages Common, Halfling
Berrystill halflings reroll all attack roll, skill check, and saving throw results of 1; the second roll must
be used. They have advantage on saving throws versus fear and poison and are resistant to poison
damage. They treat spaces occupied by medium or larger creatures as empty for the purposes of


The Halfling Horde

James M. Zoshak DMZ2112
Berrystill outriders can use an action to gain 6 (1d6+3) temporary hit points once per combat, and
can perform an extra action in a round once per combat. They gain +1 AC when wearing armor.
Melee Attack - Lance: +3 to hit (reach 10 ft.; one creature). Hit: 7 (1d12+1) piercing damage.
Critical hit on a natural 19 or 20. Disadvantage when attacking a target within 5.
Encounter Building
Level 4
XP 150

Berrystill Warcaster
Small Humanoid (Halfling)
Armor Class 11 (Dex bonus)
Hit Points 12 (4d6)
Speed 30 ft.
Str 8(-1)
Dex 12(+1) Con 10(+0)
Int 12(+1)
Wis 9(-1)
Cha 10(+0)
Alignment neutral evil
Languages Common, Halfling
Berrystill halflings reroll all attack roll, skill check, and saving throw results of 1; the second roll must
be used. They have advantage on saving throws versus fear and poison and are resistant to poison
damage. They treat spaces occupied by medium or larger creatures as empty for the purposes of
Chill Touch: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 4 (1d8) necrotic damage, and target cannot
heal until the beginning of the warcasters next turn.
Magic Missile (4/day): as the 1st-level mage spell.
Scorching Ray (3/day): +3 to hit (range 100 ft.; 3 targets). 2d6 fire damage.


The Halfling Horde

James M. Zoshak DMZ2112
Encounter Building
Level 3
XP 200

Berrystill Brewshaman
Small Humanoid (Halfling)
Armor Class 15 (studded leather, shield)
Hit Points 20 (4d8+4)
Speed 30 ft.
Str 8(-1)
Dex 10(+0) Con 12(+1)
Int 8(-1)
Wis 13(+1) Cha 10(+0)
Alignment neutral evil
Languages Common, Halfling
Berrystill halflings reroll all attack roll, skill check, and saving throw results of 1; the second roll must
be used. They have advantage on saving throws versus fear and poison and are resistant to poison
damage. They treat spaces occupied by medium or larger creatures as empty for the purposes of
Berrystill brewshaman casting Cure Wounds grant 3 additional hit points to the target.
Sacred Flame: as the cleric cantrip. DC 11 Dexterity saving throw.
Channel Divinity: Restore Health (1/day): per the cleric life domain ability.
Cure Wounds (4/day): as the 1st-level cleric spell.
Spiritual Weapon (3/day): as the 2nd-level cleric spell.
Encounter Building
Level 3
XP 250

Corman Berrystill
See Major Players, above.


The Halfling Horde

James M. Zoshak DMZ2112

Act IV
Confronting the Baron
See Major Players, above. For the Round River watchmen protecting the town hall, use the
Bestiary statistics for human warriors.


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