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COSMOSMotion Advanced Training

COSMOSMotion 2007

Image courtesy of National Optical Astronomy

Observatory, operated by the Association of Universities
for Research in Astronomy, under cooperative agreement
with the National Science Foundation.

About this course

Course Design Philosophy
Using this book
A note about files
Conventions used in this book
Class Introductions

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.

Lesson 1
CAM Synthesis

Image courtesy of National Optical Astronomy

Observatory, operated by the Association of Universities
for Research in Astronomy, under cooperative agreement
with the National Science Foundation.

Lesson 1: Topics
Use spline function data to control the displacement of a
follower joint
Create a trace path of a point to get the CAM profile
Modify the SolidWorks part with this CAM Profile

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.

Lesson 1: Spline Data

Spline fitting functions
Akima spline (AKISPL)
More data points for accuracy

Cubic spline (CUBSPL).

Data points need not be evenly spaced

Spline data files

* .TXT or *.CSV file format.

Minimum of 4 data points
File should contain one data point per line.
The data point consists of two values, the
time and the value at that time.
Commas or spaces can be used as
separators between the values.

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.

Lesson 1: Results Trace Path

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.

Lesson 2
Suspension Steering System

Image courtesy of National Optical Astronomy

Observatory, operated by the Association of Universities
for Research in Astronomy, under cooperative agreement
with the National Science Foundation.

Lesson 2: Topics
Learn about Flexible connectors or Bushings
Create Advanced Plots

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.

Lesson 2: Mechanism Summary

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.

Lesson 2: Results
Toe angle vs. Spindle_Height

Right Turn

Left Turn

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.


Lesson 2: Bushings
Defines a force acting in all three directions. You can also
define a torsional force for the bushing,
Allows constraints, such as rigid joints to be replaced by a
force-based object.
Isotropic bushings
Use this option if you have uniform translational or torsional

Orthotropic bushings
Specify different properties in different directions. For example,
a bushing mount for a suspension arm will have different
properties in the z-axis, than in the x-axis and y-axis.

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.


Lesson 2: Results with Bushings

Toe angle vs. Spindle_Height

Right Turn

Left Turn

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.


Lesson 3
Conveyor Belt

Image courtesy of National Optical Astronomy

Observatory, operated by the Association of Universities
for Research in Astronomy, under cooperative agreement
with the National Science Foundation.

Lesson 3 Topics
Automatically map advanced SolidWorks CAM
Create Action-Reaction forces.
Understand the concept of markers.
Create functions based on markers.

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.


Lesson 3: Markers (Local Coordinate Systems)

What Are Markers?
Markers are coordinate frames to define the attachment
location and orientation for a motion entity on a part.

Used in the definition of constraints and forces.

Results are typically computed at markers
Can be used to measure specific a result during
solve for function expressions (e.g relative velocity,
displacement, force)

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.


Lesson 3: Markers (Local Coordinate Systems)

A Joint has a marker on each
part it connects. The marker on
the first part is considered the I
marker, and the second is the J
The joint defines the position of
the I marker relative to the J
e.g. An axis is aligned, the origins
for the 2 markers are coincident

In COSMOS Motion, I and J

Markers are initially aligned and
at the same location for joints (ie
the model starts assembled)

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.


Lesson 3: Markers (Local Coordinate Systems)

Markers are not typically
needed by the standard user.
Only required when:
Creating advanced function
expressions where the user
needs to measure information
about the mechanism (result
dependant functions).

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.


Lesson 3: Results
Force Expression: 10*(10-VM (337,338))
Translational Velocity of
Conveyor Belt

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.


Lesson 4
Surgical Shear

Image courtesy of National Optical Astronomy

Observatory, operated by the Association of Universities
for Research in Astronomy, under cooperative agreement
with the National Science Foundation.

Lesson 4 Topics
Simulate and control the cutting force of the surgical
shear blade using expressions and markers.

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.


Lesson 4: Results
Cutting Force Expression

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.


Lesson 5

Image courtesy of National Optical Astronomy

Observatory, operated by the Association of Universities
for Research in Astronomy, under cooperative agreement
with the National Science Foundation.

Lesson 5 Topics
Learn about Redundancies and how they affect the
simulation results
Use Flexible joints to automatically remove redundancies in a

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.


Lesson 5: What are redundancies?

Redundancies are important as they effect the force
distribution in the mechanism.
Occur when there are more unknowns than there are
equations to solve.E.g. Simply Supported beam

Sum of Forces in y-direction

Sum of Forces in x-direction
Sum of Moments about z-direction


2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.

3 Unknowns:
4 Unknowns:

3 Equations

No Redundancies

1 Redundancies

Lesson 5: Solver and Redundancies

When you have a redundant constraint, you have two or
more joints effectively fighting to control a degree of
In simple cases, the solver automatically removes
constraint equations to stop the redundancies.
In complex situations, the solver may not remove the
correct redundancy. Simulations still run, but may give
different motion or force distribution to that expected.

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.


Lesson 5: Solver and Redundancies

Solver checks the mechanism contains redundancies and
will try to remove them.
There is a certain logic by which redundancies are
removed. The solver will remove redundancies based on
the following order:
Rotational Constraint
Translational Constraint
Motion Inputs

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.


Lesson 5: Solver and Redundancies

What this means:
Solver looks for rotational constraints it can remove to eliminate redundancies.
If it cannot find any rotation constraints to remove, it will then try to remove
translational constraints.
If it cannot removed any translational constraints, it will try to remove an input
motion (as a last resort).

If all these attempts fail, the solver will abort with a

message stating to check for redundant or inconsistent
constraints in the mechanism (or to see if it is in a locked

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.


Lesson 5: Flexible Joints

Option to treat all joints as flexible
One step process to eliminate

Typical Door hinged at more than

one location to share the weight of
the door
2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.


Lesson 6
Drive Shaft

Image courtesy of National Optical Astronomy

Observatory, operated by the Association of Universities
for Research in Astronomy, under cooperative agreement
with the National Science Foundation.

Lesson 6 Topics
Create an Action Only Moment
Export the force/moment loads on a part to COSMOSWorks
Run the structural analysis in COSMOSWorks and view results

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.


Lesson 6: Load Bearing Faces

FEA Export
Export force and moment results to
COSMOSWorks to study the structural
response (stresses and deflections) of that
A force at a general 3D location in space is
not supported. Loads should be distributed
over surfaces and not edges
Define the load bearing surface at the time
you create a COSMOSMotion entity
If not specified, loads are distributed on the
geometry used in the definition of the
SolidWorks mates. This is true only for
mapped joints from SolidWorks mates

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.


Lesson 7
Dynamic Balancing

Image courtesy of National Optical Astronomy

Observatory, operated by the Association of Universities
for Research in Astronomy, under cooperative agreement
with the National Science Foundation.

Lesson 7 Topics
Understand force imbalances and dynamic balancing applications
Evaluate the force imbalance in a piston crankshaft mechanism
and use COSMOSMotion results to improve performance of this

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.


Lesson 7: Example Washing Machine

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.


Lesson 7: Piston Crankshaft Mechanism

To balance the mechanism as closely as possible, we need to have a
force that acts in an opposite direction to the inertia/momentum forces
being transmitted by the connecting rod to the crankshaft.
Can only minimize the imbalance but cannot eliminate the imbalance

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.


Lesson 7: Counterweight Designs

Design the counterweight to keep the imbalance between the
forces a minimum.
If the counterweight is too small, then there will be a high force
from the connecting rod.
If the counterweight is too large, then there will be a high force
from the counterweight (Crank_arm).
The two key methods are offset and thickness. The range of offset
is typically restricted by installation issues.
Focus on thickness of counterweights.

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.


Lesson 7: Results
Magnitude of the reaction force on
the Bearing_Inline Joint.

2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.


Lesson 7: Results
Bearing load as a function of the crank_arm width
(counterweight thickness)

If the crank_arm width < 13mm, then the momentum of the piston and
connecting rod is larger than that of the crank arm.
If the crank_arm width > 13mm, the momentum of the crank arm is
Force imbalance is minimal for a crank_arm width of 13 mm.
2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.


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