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Wigati, Tri. 2015. The Difference of Cumulative Achievement Index (IPK) of 7th Semester
Nursing Student 2014 - 2015 between Smoking and Not Smoking in Stikes
Maharani Malang. Final Assignment. Nursing Program, STIKES Maharani Malang.
Advisors: (1) Dra. Susilaningsing., M.Kes (2) dr. Aman Ardjito Endarso., SKM.
Smoking is not just influence to physically health. Life style for smoking tobacco for many years
influenced to brain function and psychological health. The purpose of this research is for
knowing difference of cumulative achievement index (IPK) between student who smoking and
not smoking. This research used analytic observational method with cross-sectional design, total
of sample are 30 male students of STIKE MAHARANI MALANG. This research showed that
student who not smoking have good IPK are 8 students (26, 7%), 3 students (10%) are very
good. Student who smoking have 12 students are moderate (consuming 11-20 sticks/day), 5
students (16, 7%) are mild (10 sticks/day), and a part of minor 2 students (6, 7%) are severe
(21-30 sticks/day) have good IPK are 17 students (56, 7%) and 2 students have enough IPK who
not smoking are 11 students (36, 7%). Based on unpaired t test showed p=0,002 < 0, 05= , it sis
meant there is a significant difference of student IPK average, student who not smoking have
high IPK average more than student who smoking. These researches suggest is for next
researcher will do advanced research with different design and method.
Keywords: IPK, Student, Cigarette

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