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Nametag Match Makers:

If nametags are already provided, use them, or if you desire you can use 5" x 7"
cards for nametags. Then give the following directions:
a. Put your name in the center of your card.
b. In the upper left corner, write your four things that you like to do.
c. In the upper right corner, write your four favorite singers or groups.
d. In the lower left corner, write your four favorite movies.
e. In the lower right corner, write four adjectives that describe you.
When everyone finishes, have them mingle as a group for a few minutes. Without
talking, they are to read the upper left corner of the other group members' cards.
When time is up, they are to find one or two people who are most like them and
visit for a few minutes. When time is up, they are to mingle again reading the upper
right corner of the other group members' cards. They then find the one or two
people most like them and visit. Repeat with the lower left corner and lower right
corner information. To make sure everyone visits with several people, you could
implement a rule that no two people can be in the same group more than once.

One minute please!

The aim of the game is to talk for one minute on a given subject. You
announce the
topic and a member of the group is randomly selected to speak for one
minute. Use
a pack of cards to randomly select i.e. person who draws the lowest number.
subjects to stimulate the imagination and which may be amusing. Put a
on each person to see how long they last before drying up! Subjects might
my earliest memories, my favourite computer game, why beans are good for
you, 10
things you can do with potatoes, Alligator wrestling, pre-millennialism (no,

Name that person

Divide into two teams. Give each person a blank piece of card. Ask them to
write five

little known facts about themselves on their card. Include all leaders in this
too. For example, I have a pet iguana, I was born in Iceland, my favourite
food is
spinach, my grandmother is called Doris and my favourite colour is
Collect the cards into two team piles. Draw one card from the opposing team
Each team tries to name the person in as few clues as possible. Five points if
they get
it on the first clue, then 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. The team with the most points wins.
(Note: if
you select the most obscure facts first, it will increase the level of
competition and
general head scratching!)

Each person is given a sheet of paper with a series of instructions to follow.
This is a
good mixing game and conversation starter as each person must speak to
else. For example;
40 Icebreakers for Small Groups 4

Count the number of brown eyed boys in the room.

Find out who has made the longest journey.
Who has the most unusual hobby?
Find the weirdest thing anyone has eaten.
Who has had the most embarrassing experience?

Divide the young people into pairs. Ask them to take three minutes to
interview each
other. Each interviewer has to find 3 interesting facts about their partner.
everyone back to together and ask everyone to present the 3 facts about
partner to the rest of the group. Watch the time on this one, keep it moving

Hot seat simple questions

8. Ghost: Three or four players are chosen to be ghosts. The rest of the group needs to
scatter across the playing space and choose a spot to stand in. All players need to close
their eyes. The ghosts will roam about the playing space. They will try to haunt the people
by standing close behind the players for 10 seconds without them knowing. For the timing
the Ghost must count to himself silently 10 one-thousand, 9 one-thousand, and so on to
zero. If he remains behind them without them knowing for this ten second period, the ghost
will tap them on their head and they will sit down quietly. If a person suspects a person
behind them they would ask, "Is there a ghost behind me?" If they are right, the ghost
should say, "yes", then that person becomes a ghost. If they are wrong they are out and
should sit down. This is a great game if you want to slow and quiet things down a bit.
19. Guess Who: Materials: pieces of paper with names on them, and tape; Each player
needs a name taped to their back. The object of the game is to figure out who you are.
Everyone goes around and asks the other players questions. The players can only answer
yes or no. This game is great when a theme is incorporated. (ex. Cartoon characters, book

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