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Oracle Platform Technology Solutions

Santosh Malik

Alter Flow & Instance Migration - Demo Script

Estimated Time 30 min (15 min each)

Alter Flow:
1. Use BPM11gAPIExamples deployed composite
2. Initiate the process using "test" option in EM Console
3. Login as weblogic in workspace and alter flow using process tracking tab. Alter
the flow to point to initiate task. Change amount attribute.
4. Check trace on EM Console
5. Go to tasks tab, and click submit for the instance
6. Notice that the instance fails due to xpath error, and goes into suspend mode
7. Check trace on EM Console
8. Now go to process tracking and select "alter flow and suspend" option. In the
alter flow dialog, select move to Review task and change amount attribute
9. Check trace on EM Console

Oracle BPM Suite 11g PS5

Oracle Platform Technology Solutions

Santosh Malik

Instance Migration:
1. Use Process Instance Migration deployed
2. Explain the process and show the happy path(s) for (order total = 500)
Automatic Migration:
3. Create a new instance and keep in the "approve order" state
4. In Jdev, change the condition for small order (total <=300), deploy the process.
During deployment, overwrite existing process, and keep the existing instances
5. Now approve the order, check the update path (per our new deployment)
6. Check trace on EM Console
[This is *automatic* migration for *compatible* changes]
Manual Migration:
7. Create a new instance and keep in the "approve order" state
8. In Jdev, delete the approve order human task and connect start directly to the
write activity, deploy the process. During deployment, overwrite existing
process, and keep the existing instances running.
9. Make sure that jstein is the process owner
10.Login to bpm workspace as jstein and go to process tracking.
11.Notice that the instance state is "pending migration"
12.Click the instance and select "migrate" option. In the migrate dialog, select move
to "exclusive gateway - Limit Order"
13.Check trace on EM Console
[This is *manual* migration for *incompatible* changes]

Oracle BPM Suite 11g PS5

Oracle Platform Technology Solutions

Oracle BPM Suite 11g PS5

Santosh Malik

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