Classroom Management Plan Act 2016

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Chad Dossett

June 24, 2016

Mr. Dossetts Criminal Justice

Classroom Rules and Rationale
1) Respect yourself, your peers, your teacher and your school.
Respecting yourself and others will prepare you for your future in society. You
will also gain respect in return.
2) Raise your hand and wait to be called on. This will help keep things
organized and make sure that you do not interrupt anybody that is speaking.
This will also minimize excess noise and distractions. Raising your hand helps
give everyone a chance to speak and voice their opinion. Do not interrupt
other when they have permission to speak.
3) Be prepared and organized. It is important to be prepared so we can
maximize the time we have for learning.
4) Follow classroom procedures. Following procedures helps keep our
classroom running smoothly. It helps each member of our class know what is
expected throughout our class period. Following procedures will also give you
practice in following directions, which can only benefit you later in life. If you
follow the classroom procedures you will know exactly what to do in my

1) Verbal warning/redirection
2) Student/teacher conference.
3) Detention.
4) Phone call to parent or guardian.
5) Referral to office.

1) Free homework pass.
2) Praise (verbal, written or positive call to parent or guardian)
3) Free time when all assignments are complete
4) Helper for the day

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