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Surabaya, March 23rd 2016

To :
Human Resource Development (HRD)

Dear Sir/Madam,
According to job vacancy at PT.............................................................. from Bursa
Karir ITS, I would like to apply as a ........................................... in your company.
My name is Mega Tertiasani. I am 22 years old, female, energic and healthy. I
graduated from Diploma of Mechanical Engineering at Sepuluh Nopember Institute of
Technology Surabaya (ITS) on September 2015 with GPA 2,97 (scale : 4,00). My
specialization in Mechanical Engineering is Energy Conversion. I consider myself that I have
qualifications as you want. I have good motivation for progress and growing, eager to learn,
and can work with a team (teamwork) or by myself. Beside that I am good enough with my
computer skill and good in English.
With my qualifications, I confident that I will be able to contribute effectively to your
company. Herewith I enclose my :
1. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
2. Copy of Diploma (D-3) Certificate
3. Copy of Transcript Score
4. Recent photograph with size of 4x6 (colored)
5. Copy of Identity Card (KTP)
6. Copy of Toefl Score
I would express my gratitude for your attention and I hope I could follow your
recruitment test luckily.
Surabaya, March 23rd 2016

Mega Tertiasani

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