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Week 1: DB 1.

This week you were asked to read the article "Freewriting" by Peter Elbow.
It's a brief article.
Once you've read the article, please upload a brief summary of the article and its key ideas.
The author gives us tips on how to free write and get the best out of it. He suggests that we
should write at least three times a week on anything that has happened that day or what you
are going to do. The point is that we should not stop writing until twenty minutes is over
because over time it would help us with or writing style. When the writer free writes he or
she should not write anything that is emotional and makes the reader uncomfortable it should
just be something that if read any person could read it. That when you free write nonediting is the main thing about it peter elbow states it should just be an exercise that puts all
the ideas and stories that where in your head on paper and just write. Freewriting is your true
voice heard on paper because when you just write and after continuous changes on the paper
because of editing your voice has changed while freewriting is your true and only voice.

Week 1: DB 1.2
Share here your experience with "annotating" OR a picture of your own annotations (perhaps
of the article "Freewriting" by Peter Elbow) OR a few sentences demonstrating your
understanding of freewriting.
My understanding of freewriting is that it is the ultimate tool if you just dont know what to
do ! If you are blocked, or your ideas are simply too tangled up to put down in a list,
freewriting is for you. If you have an idea in the back of your head but just can't quite pin it
down, this is the technique that will pull that idea out. Freewriting is also a method for
developing a small hint of an idea into a fully grown one. How I freewriting is not to think in
my head and just write

Week 2: DB 2.2

Now that you've reviewed the Research Project for our class, share some ideas that you have
for your research project. Post several questions you might like to investigate, and maybe
some reflection about why this topic is important to you.
For my research paper I have chosen child labor in Africa. I really think that is a problem that
is increasing yearly and affects many children of those countries. They work from day to
night sometimes without food and without pay it is somewhat a modern day slavery that is
going unnoticed in the media. These children grow in an environment where they do not
have the things we have like parks or being able to play sports because they are working in
the goldmines
Some of the questions that will help my studies are
Why does the practice continue to this day?

Why are not the people in the government doing anything to stop it?

What jobs are these children doing other than working in goldmines?

Are they being held against their will?

What punishments are being used for them to work there?

Week 3: DB 3.1 - Responding to Reading

Critically, Writing Well
DB 3.1 Responding to Black Men and Public Space Questions
First Post due Wednesday: Choose 1-2 questions from pg. 136-139 Reading Like a Writer
Maintaining Coherence Engaging Readers --Be sure to type out the question to which
you are responding, and respond.
Second Post due Sunday: Read the posts of 2 other peers and comment on their questions
and responses. Be specific with examples from the Staples essay.

Readling like a writer

Q1 What examples does Staples use to help readers understand how this fear is expressed?

One example is a female working at a jewelry store, who instantly assumes he is dangerous
and brings out her canine to show him that he is not wanted there. Another instance is the
physical distancing of themselves from him as they entered the opposite side of the street just
to avoid crossing paths with him.

Q2 Now skim paragraphs 11 and 12. What precautions does Staples take to seem less

For example, when the owner of the jewelry store made it clear that she was not going to
assist him, he tells her good night. He did not show any hostility as she had done nor did
he act aggressively despite the red Doberman pinscher in front of him. Instead, he nodded
in understanding and took his leave. He distances himself from those who appear threatened
by him and even whistles to appear more friendly.

Maintaining Coherence

Q3 Consider how effectively these strategies work to maintain coherence. Support your
analysis with examples from the readings.
The strategies shown in the readings worked well in my view when reading i saw that in
paragraph 2 that there was a sort of transition from the the place and time. Staples does
amazing work when writing this he goes on to say how he was in a dicey situation with a
policeman and from a view of a black man fear would be shown because you do not know if
you are going to survive.

Engaging Readers

Q2 Consider the impression you have: What would you add or change to make the
essay more effective for you? What engages you or draws you into the essay?

In my opinion the essay is perfect i would not change anything . the essay provides a lot of
information and i would think draws anyone into his writing because of his point of view.
The thing that drew me in would be how he talks about the precautions he constantly has to
take around people because of his skin color

Week 4: DB 4.3 Learning Journal

This week you were asked to read Mary Pipher's "The Psychology of Change" and "Personal
Consider the requirements for writing a "Cause and Effect" essay, and discuss how ideas in
Mary Pipher's text inform your understanding of how to write a great Cause and Effect essay.

When reading Mary Pipher's text i saw that it gave me a better understanding to write a cause
and effect essay that in the past I sucked at. She gave the readers information that will better
help them when writing a cause and effect like how to structure what your argument is about
and show the causes and effects about your topic in thorough information. Last but not least
have the reader feel a connection with the author make it a paper that they remember and
understand what is going on within it.

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