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My Portable Distillation
Penguin; Elements of Design
Clare Yeap; Design, Applications & Theory
Phoebe Irawan; Cost, Management & Structure
Thomas Willougby; Market sales & Team Consultant


Cover Page


My Portable Distillation Penguin: What is it?

My Portable Distillation Penguin: How does it work? [1]

My Portable Distillation Penguin: How does it work? [2]

My Portable Distillation Penguin: How does it work? [3]

My Portable Distillation Penguin: How does it work? [4]

My Portable Distillation Penguin: How does it work? [5]

My Portable Distillation Penguin: How does it work? [6]


My Portable Distillation Penguin: How does it work? [7]

My Portable Distillation Penguin: How does it work? [8]


My Portable Distillation Penguin: How does it work? [9]

My Portable Distillation Penguin: What is it?

My Portable Distillation Penguin is the perfect solution to the everdecreasing amount of fresh water available on earth. By using the energy
of the sun, this product is able to efficiently convert undrinkable water into
safe and clean water. It is the cheapest and most efficient water
distillation system on the market and produces the same, if not better,
quality of water.
The problem of the lack of clean water is one that is poorly addressed to
throughout the world. The current solutions give a dismal glance to the
future. In 2002, the amount of distilled water produced in Turkey was 5
x105 m3/year. This is a drastically low number which has not risen since
the last measurement was taken in 2007. Our product can slowly, but
surely lift up these numbers, not only in Turkey, but all around the world.
The World Health Organization (also known as WHO), has been trying to
tackle this issue of the lack of a sustainable source of pure water. It has
stated water-related diseases, periodically "emerge" because they are
newly recognized these are not a result of lack of action regarding the
provision of safe, drinkable water. Clearly, this issue has not been
adequately addressed. In many countries, improvement has not been
evident and many people are still dying of this lack of a fundamental
We believe that our product has the potential to change the lives of many.
If a solution is not presented, many lives of those in first and second world
countries will also dramatically change, and we will be those who face the
first water crisis in history. Our product does not only present a solution for
those who are currently facing this problem, but it also provides a way to
prevent this problem from spreading to the rest of the world.

My Portable Distillation Penguin: How does it

My portable distillation penguin has 8 main components to its design.
Every one of these is essential to the function and the aesthetic value of
the product. The main parts are the:

Parabolic mirror
Glass Pane
Original Water Area
Conical Cooling Basin
Collection Basin
Cooling Gel

My Portable Distillation Penguin: How does it

The Parabolic Mirror
The parabolic mirror is a concave mirror which can concentrate sunlight
from 3.8x10^26 joules/hour to 3.8x10^28 joules/hour. This increases the
productivity by 100 times the original amount. It can efficiently boil the
water, making the first step of the distillation process much easier.
The parabolic mirror is made out of a stable wood frame and covered with
premium tempered glass. This will provide maximum reflection and
concentration of the sunlight. It will also be constructed of detachable
panels, making the parabolic mirror portable, like the rest of the product.
The safety of our product is important to our consumers. We enforce the
safety of the parabolic mirror by applying heat-resistant sealant on the
sides. As the parabolic mirror can get extremely, dangerously hot, we
want to ensure that it is safe for our consumers to use.
The dimensions of the parabolic mirror are extremely important to get the
maximum energy efficiency without making the mirror extremely big and
bulky. We also have taken into consideration the amount of energy that
will be lost through the surface area of the mirror which is covered by the
distillation penguin itself. Our final dimensions are which will allow
maximum energy flow into the product.

My Portable Distillation Penguin: How does it

The Glass Pane
The glass pane on the bottom of the distillation penguin allows the
concentrated light to go through the product to heat up the water. It is
made with high heat resistant glass. This allows the sunlight to pass
through the distillation system without reducing the concentration of the
light. This means that the water is boiled into steam as quickly as
The pane must be highly resistant to extreme heat in order to be able to
resist the high concentration of energy reflected by the parabolic mirror.
To ensure the safety of our product, the glass pane is tempered, making it
less dangerous if it should explode.
The circular glass pane has a diameter of 30cm. With this area, the
various systems in the product will easily fit without drastically reducing
the area of sunlight that can be reflected by the parabolic mirror.

My Portable Distillation Penguin: How does it

The Original Water Area
The original water area is a ceramic tank with the base being the glass
pane mentioned on page 6. The glass pane allows the heat to access the
water and convert it into steam, starting the distillation process. The tank
has a pipe that connects it to the incoming water flow. The tank has a
maximum volume of 8.5 litres, making it possible to distil large amounts
of water at a time.
The original water area has a removable slate at the bottom of the area.
This allows all impurities to be cleaned out after the distillation process
has occurred. The insulating system in the product allows the impurities to
be perfectly dry in a matter of hours. This will make the cleaning process
much easier and much more convenient.
This area has to be cleaned, as well as the pipe, since many impurities
pass through these parts of the product. We have made the parts easy to
disassemble for easy and convenient cleaning.

My Portable Distillation Penguin: How does it

As the distillation process occurs, the prime loss of energy is from the lack
of heat surrounding the initial water area. As a result, the original water
area (as referred to on page 7) is encased in a layer of rubber insulate.
This aids in keeping the water warm and is really effective since it is
wrapped around the whole entire tank.
The insulate has a circumference of 94.25cm. The thickness of the layer is
2mm. This provides a thick enough layer to provide a warm surrounding
for the tank but allows it not to be extremely thick.

My Portable Distillation Penguin: How does it

The Conical Cooling Basin
The conical cooling basin is a cone-based shape which allows the
evaporated water (the steam) to be condensed into pure drinkable water.
Its shape allows the water droplets to slide down, into the collection basin.
This basin is sleek and allows the maximum amount of condensation to
land straight into the collection basin. Its slanted sides allow a majority of
the condensation to avoid dropping back into the original water area.
The conical cooling basin has dimensions of 30cm in diameter, 12cm in
perpendicular height and 20cm in slant length. These lengths have all
been derived from the Pythagorean triple theory.
The basin is made out of glass. Glass is the most suitable material as it
has the least traction and allows water to glide smoothly on its surface.
Therefore, it is the best choice to make the basin out of the same material
as the glass pane (referred to on page 6).


My Portable Distillation Penguin: How does it

Collection Basin
The collection basin is an area that extends around the whole chamber
which collects and cools water. This wide collection basin is made to be
able to collect a sufficient amount of water and limit the amount of water
that is lost through the condensation dropping back into the original
water area. It is made out of ceramic and is put next to a layer of cooling
gel. It also has a pipe which guides the water down to the back of the

My Portable Distillation Penguin: How does it

The Cooling Gel
A small pocket of cooling gel, which is encased in ceramic, stops the flow
of heat from the insulate (referred to on page 8) to the collection basin. It
is 6cm in height which makes it easy to absorb the heat and to cool the
collection basin.


My Portable Distillation Penguin: How does it

The Shell
The product is manufactured in 2 designs. One is a plain cylindrical shape,
while the other is a penguin shaped shell. It is made primarily out of
ceramic. It has many benefits to its design, being sleek and fashionable. It
is resistant to heat and is relatively chemical free. It is made from the
best, yet affordable materials.

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