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All Lives Matter

Maria Yuquilima
Northrop High School



Black lives matter is an invalid and contradicting outcry because everyday someone of another
race is being killed at the hands of law enforcement, unfortunately many the occurrences of these
situations are only broadcasted because the victim was a racial minority. My intention is not to
discredit Black Lives Matter, because their movement was made for a good cause. My purpose is
to educate those who dont see the flaw within the movement and what may be the outcome of
this movement. This movement has confused their own message and has begun to promote
violence among others and has begun a new era. This movement is on a path thats causing
segregation all over again. Theyre segregating their beliefs from those who are not black and
those who dont believe in Black Lives Matter. It is important that they and others around realize
that not only are black lives being taken by the law enforcement officers, but that other lives are
being taken as well and not only are the lives of citizens are being taken also the lives of those in
black and blue.



In 2013 a movement that goes by the name Black Lives Matter, began to promote their
slogan and motto against police brutality and injustice, after the acquittal of George Zimmerman
in the shooting death of African-American teen Trayvon Martin. The movement then became
more renowned following the 2014 deaths of two African Americans: Michael Brown, resulting
in protests and unrest in Ferguson, and Eric Garner in New York City. In 2015, after the Death of
Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Maryland the movement became stronger and louder than ever. The
chants consisted of the echoes of Eric Garners I cant breathe and Black lives matter,
fryem like bacon, pigs in a blanket, and last but not least what do we want? Dead cops,
when do we want them? Now! From 2013 to now the chants and purpose of this movement
have become twisted into something it was never meant to be.
The movement is being supported by many other blacks and even networks such as
B.E.T. The only problem with Black Lives Matter is that theyre segregating themselves from
other races whenever they say the words black lives matter. Black Lives Matter is creating a
bigger problem in this post-racist and discriminating world. Although Black Lives Matter was
created, it has a major flaw in its purpose. Black Lives Matter only campaigns for those who are
black, according to Black Lives Matters is seeing a view of what life was
back in the Jim Crow era not today.
At Princeton, black students demand segregation. The students also want a requirement
for the campus to have a cultural space for black students only. Not only has this occurred at Princeton University another situation


quite similar occurred at the university of Mississippi. The creation of safe zones occurred after
the incident at the University of Missouri. Blacks created safe zones and had asked for their own
personal space where they wouldnt have to be around the whites.
Theyre segregating their beliefs from those who are not black and those who dont
believe in Black Lives Matter. Stuff like this goes back to the Civil Rights Movement. Dr. Martin
Luther King believed in All Lives Matter. While other leaders such as Malcolm X on saw and
believed in the injustice against blacks at the time. Therefore he was supportive of Black Lives
Matter or black supremacy. Black Lives Matter is movement that adding fuel to fire. Theyre
doing what whites were doing 60-70 years ago. Theyre trying to rise against all other races and
cultures instead of just coming together as 1. Which is completely against their standing. As
stated in the mission statement #BlackLivesMatter is a call to action and a response to the
virulent anti-Black racism that permeates our society. But segregation is considered racism.
Therefore this movement has contradicted itself.
Fry em like bacon pigs in a blanket what do we want, dead cops, when do we want
them, now! These were the outcries of those in favor or supporting the black lives matter
movement. April 14th, 2015 was the day BLM protesters took on the Brooklyn Bridge. This
protest had dozens of protesters chanting hands up dont shoot symbolizing the vulnerability of
civilians. But soon that chant took a twist. They protests ended up chanting what do we want,
dead cops, when do we want them, now! On August 31st, 2015, CBS news came out with an
online article explaining what had occurred in Minnesota. Protesters in a black lives matter
march were chanting fry em like bacon, pigs in a blanket. Rashad Turner, the St. Paul BLM
organizer, told the associated press that no one was advocating for violence against law


enforcement. He said that it was meant to call for similar treatment between black people and
police officers. Turner states that when fryem like bacon is said it is meant to be saying that
society must treat the police the same as you would treat a civilian who committed murder
against a police officer.
Turner can speak those words all he wants, but there is no way those chants can portray
something nonviolently. Police are referred to as pigs as derogatory statement. Pigs in a blanket
sounds like cops in body bags. Pigs in a blanket is a term for a type of food where a sausage or
hot dog is wrapped in dough. So thus basically they were chanting "Cook the police! Fry the


Most African Americans, especially those who support Black Lives Matter, still see an
unbalance amount of justices against whites and black. They think that the law enforcement
prefer whites over black which is sometimes true but mostly uncommon nowadays. BLM is
fighting against police discrimination and police brutality against their personal race, stating how
the police are only targeting black people. Well according to a study broadcasted by CNN, 223
African Americans, 414 whites, 138 Latinos, 15 Asians, 311 of an unreported race were killed by
the police in 2014.BLMs idea of how the police are just targeting after them is a cause of how
minority deaths are more generated to the public because it creates more of an entertained
story to the public. Of course these minority deaths will create an uproar as in fact the Caucasian
race is known to be the powerful prime race. A white man killing a black man is called racism
and murder, but what is a black man killing a white man called.


For example, Outrage surged over the high-profile deaths of black men at the hands of
police, notably 50-year-old Walter Scott of South Carolina, who was shot in the back and killed
April 4 as he tried to run away from an officer after a traffic stop. The officer who shot him,
Michael Slager, has been charged with murder, and the Justice Department is investigating the
case for civil rights violations. Department officials announced then soon announced that they
have opened a federal probe into the death of Freddie Gray, 25, who died from injuries sustained
while in Baltimore police custody.
Meanwhile, the deaths of whites at the hands of law enforcement typically receive less
attention, For example, Gilbert Collar, an 18-year-old white student at the University of South
Alabama, was shot and killed while naked, unarmed and under the influence of drugs by a black
police officer. In all three cases the victim was unarmed, and unjustifiably killed, but yet one
case gets more attention to other and also one is based off racism and the other is just said to be a
mistake. Its like Black Lives Matter is creating this boundary between blacks and other races.
They might not believe in that way but thats the way it looks because the name of their
movement. Its like saying we only care about the black guy or lady that was killed about the
police. Black Lives Matter is creating a bigger problem than just police brutality and injustice
and they should be criticized for it. The problem is that police brutality is not only inflicted on
those with color, but to everyone.



Hartman, T. (1998). The color code: A new way to see yourself, your relationships, and your life.
New York, NY: Scribner.
Hayden, N. (n.d.). The Hartman Personality Profile. Retrieved February 15, 2009, from

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