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Observation and Assessment

Draw a Person Narrative

Childs Initial: E
Age: 4 years 6 months
Date: 10-13-16
Setting: BYU-Idahos Preschool East Lab during free play near the play dough area
Process: While at the play dough area I asked E if he would draw a person for me and he responded, I
will when Im done. I then said, Thats fine. When he was finished playing with the playdough he
went to the table by where he was and on the table was just white copy paper and a jar of crayons. He
then picked up a blue crayon and began to draw. I said Oh are you drawing me a person? and he said
Yes, its a boy and he picked a flower for his mom. He only spent about a minute drawing and then
gave me the paper and went back to playing at the play dough table.
Product: The child took up most of the right side of the page. He drew two large sun symbol shapes one
he described as a boy and the other as a flower (Allen). They were beside each other along the right side
of the page. He also drew a human form that could also be known as a stick figure.

Interpretation: According to Lowenfield the childs drawing is in the Preschematic Stage which is the
age range of 3-4 years old. Circles and lines may be described as people or objects that are physically
present in the childs life (Matt Fussell, 2011). This drawing is typical for the childs age-range because
of the sun symbols he drew and that the connections he made during the process. This drawing also
demonstrates his social, intellectual and physical growth in the following: physical- how he held the
crayon (he had developed fine motor skills), social- understood relationships (the boy picked a flower
for his mom), and intellectually by trying to draw a human form and he included eyes, hair and mouth
on his person, which show his recognition of those features.
What did you learn by doing this assessment?
From this assessment I learned how children really do learn so much from their environment and
different situations they are exposed to. It made me realize what an important role I can play and I can
help with the process of their growth in many different areas. I also learned how these developmental
areas can affect one another.

Works Cited

Allen, A. W. (n.d.). One Page Resources: Childrens Art Development. Retrieved from
Fussell, M. (2011). TheVirtualInstructor Blog. Retrieved June 14, 2016, from

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