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Essential differences in meaning based on spelling (C1)

1. If the number of inhabitants .. 500, the commune must also provide a special
school for girls, unless the Departmental Council authorizes it to substitute a mixed
a) accede
c) proceed
b) exceed
d) precede
2. The Roman government declined to to these arrangements.
a) proceed

c) accede

b) precede

d) exceed

3. As soon as security has removed the protesters, I shall ... .

a) proceed

c) exceed

b) precede

d) accede

4. King George VI . Queen Elizabeth II in reign.

a) acceded

c) exceeded

b) proceeded

d) preceded

5. To make sure we dont step on any landmines, we must at pace.

a) accede

c) proceed

b) precede

d) exceed

6. Spectacular achievement is always by unspectacular preparation.

a) proceeded

c) preceded

b) acceded

d) exceeded

7. Can I sit .. you?

a) aside

c) beside

b) besides

d) next

8. Who was at the party .. Paul and Mary?

a) beside

c) beneath

b) besides

d) apart

9. Hes not very .. . He keeps putting boxed in the wrong place in

addition to working very slowly.
a) efficient

c) inefficient

b) effective

d) ineffective

10. My headache is much better. Those tablets really are . .

a) efficient
b) effective

c) ineffective
d) effectful

11. The postal service is even less .. than the telephone system.
a) efficient

c) ineffective

b) effective

d) effectful

12. The students were talking , so I couldnt hear anything the teacher
a) loudly

c) aloud

b) aloudly

d) silently

13. She started to read the text .. at the teachers request.

a) loudly

c) highly

b) aloud

d) aloudly

14. I must be weight. My clothes all feel .

a) loosing / loose
b) losing/ lose

c) losing/ loose
d) losing/ lost

15. She wasnt a bit . to me for repairing her car.

a) thankful

c) thanksful

b) grateful

d) gatitude

16. We feel very . that its over.

a) thankful

c) grateful

b) gracious

d) honoured

17. I cannot stand her .. interruptions

a) continuing

c) continuous

b) continual

d) discontinuous

18. Ive been working almost . since yesterday evening.

a) continually

c) continuously

b) continuum

d) continually

19. Shes .. taking days off. I dont like it.

a) continuously

c) continually

b) continuosly

d) continually

20. I am . happy and depressed.

a) alternately

c) alternatingly

b) alternatively

d) alterating

21. You could go by air, or .. you could simply drive there.

a) alternately

c) alternatively

b) alteringly

d) alternativly

22. We spend .. weekends at our country cottage.

a) alterating

c) alternative

b) alternate

d) alternating

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