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The Aging Population

Shellisa Mitchell
Wayne State University
Professor Shapiro



The cultural beliefs, values, and traditions of diverse populations have been obtained
throughout their lives. The way people think and perceive others, whether it is right or wrong,
can reflect their concept of how they believe, or what they seem to believe about the oppressed
and vulnerable population. As people age, it can be very difficult to keep up with various aspects
of societal norms, and the rapid growth of a technology world. The aim of this paper is to inform
the reader of how oppression and discrimination are caused by various forms of oppression and
discrimination, and the lack of available resources to the aging population. However, the aging
population is one of the target populations with lifelong memories of oppression and
discrimination. This paper will also discuss the effects of the aging population in healthcare and
in the advance technology of resources to allow older adults to remain living independently.


Population at Risk

The aging population is growing rapid each day. I had the pleasure of working with the
aging population at Critical Signal Technology (CST). The aging population has many
challenges and limitations. Although this population is considered to be at-risk, the elderly can
still live a quality of life with the appropriate resources. There are many issues and difficulties atrisk populations experience because they are considered to be more vulnerable. The vulnerability
of at-risk populations results in social risk factors such as isolation, depression, oppression,
personal limitations, and challenges. Also, the above social risk factors can lead to
developmental problems, the inadequacy of social support groups, lack of family and friends,
and poor living environments. Mechanic and Tanner (n.d).
The disadvantages this population faces are frequent falls, immune system deficiencies,
decreased in mobility, chronic to natural illnesses, loneliness, depression, isolation and daily
living challenges. The aging population needs services, programs and resources to ensure a
quality of life. Many elderly wants to remain independent and remain in their own home,
unfortunately, some have no other choice but to live in nursing centers, assisted living facilities,
or group homes. Moreover, this population relies on services, resources, love ones, medical staff,
and caregivers to assist in their well-being. The aging population has opportunities through the
Older Americans Act (OAA) that accommodates their needs. The OAA protects older adults over
sixty years old in providing services such as transportation needs, medication management,
homecare services, nutrition and personal care services. Moreover, the above services the OAA
provides help keep older adults able to live in their preferred living environment within the
community (CDC, 2012).


My field placement has provided a way for seniors to live independent through their
monitoring device system. Critical Signal Technologies (CST) offers various devices that fit the
seniors needs and to remained in their homes, with relatives or within facilities for safety
measures. CST devices are for emergent and non-emergent calls. Overall, the goal is to ensure
the safety, comfort and independence of the patient to prevent hospital readmissions. According
to the Center for Disease Control CDC (2012), The Older Americans Act (OAA) was created to
provide the necessary services and resources to aging adults. The devices at CST offers available
in-home devices that monitor the patient in the privacy of their own home. Also, the devices
provide the patient with security to remain in their choices of the living environment such as an
assisted living facility, a patient living with a family member or a friend home and it can be
placed in the patients own home. As a result, these living environments are accommodated with
the device as a safety tool.
CST available devices are the 8000 that ensures the safety of patients wherever they go
throughout the United States. The 8000 is a mobile emergency button device that tracks the
patients every movement and keeps track on the patient. The medication device allows the social
workers to calculated the time and notify the patient when medication should be taken. The
weight monitoring device and blood pressure monitoring device allows the social workers to
monitor the patients weight and blood pressure and if their numbers are now in good range then
it will be reported to their nurse or doctor. There are other health devices the technical
department was working to implement the patients well-being in their choice of living
CST provides great ways for independence and self-sufficiency for aging adults. Many
older adults with these devices can have the relief of loneliness, being a burden on family and


friends, falling inside their homes with no help, and the lack of non-emergent and emergent
assistance. My plan of work each day was to assist in wellness calls and making sure the patient
is securely protected with the appropriate devices to prevent or reduce hospital re-admissions.
The responsibility of a social worker is essential to the best interest of the patient. Social workers
implement medical interventions to prevent patient emergencies, to create goals, and factors.
These goals and factors are related to fertility, morbidity, and mortality which allow the worker
to effectively provide an outcome measure that addresses the interventions for social work
practice (Crampton, 2011).
The social workers at CST strive each day to provide effective and efficient services and
resources to the patients. Moreover, the success stories of their patients give the social worker
inspiration to keep providing great services. CST works with home care agencies, hospitals,
doctor offices in collaboration to implement the appropriate care of the patients. The experience
at CST was very well knowledge and rewarding the following is an example of my experience at
CST: In serving the elderly population and the mental and physical disable, the intern engaged in
effective communication with the patients, brief counseling, and patient advocacy. Also, the
intern conducted oneself accordingly as a professional social work intern and adhered to the
social work mission and the core values. The intern became familiar with the organization and
staff environment and integrate within the culture of the organization (Mitchell, 2016).
The intern represented the profession with a zeal to learn and assist the elderly population
and applied the social work skills and abilities to help find resources to best fit the patients need.
As an intern, I advocate for the elderly population to have the appropriate services to benefit
their situations, and demonstrated a professional demeanor in behavior, appearance, and
communication. Additionally, applied critical thinking to inform and communicate professional


judgments in organizing knowledge, assessment, and intervention, knowledge integration, oral

and written communication. The intern engaged, assess, intervene, and evaluate individuals and
families. The intern utilized engagement with systems by working with hospitals and homecare
agencies to better serve the elderly population. The intern used interpersonal skills to smoothly
address all concerns and issues. Moreover, the intern collaborated with the field instructor on
patient outcomes and worked with the social work staff to create intervention goals and
objectives for the elderly patients (Mitchell, 2016).
The world is ever changing due to the baby boomers, the population will definitely see
an increase and the need for social workers will be a vital career. The projection of the United
States between 2012 and 2050, the elderly population will experience a rapid growth, especially
by 2050, the projected growth of 83.7 million aged 65 and over is predicted to be the growing
status in the U.S from 2012 43.1 million, therefore, it will double the population estimate size.
Ortman, Velkoff, and Hogan, (2014).
The aging population will be more diverse and have many disparities in healthcare as a
result of language barriers for most cultures, the lack of access to healthcare resources or
knowledge of health services, the cultural differences in diverse aging population norms and
customs pertaining to healthcare, and lastly, the aging population low socioeconomic status. The
aging white population has advanced more in healthcare than the health status of the aging
African-Americans, American Indians, Hispanics and other natives these minority groups have
dealt with many health challenges than the younger population (CDC, 2013).
Since the increase of the growing population in diversity the need for more culturally
competent professionals to provide service according to the appropriate cultural norms and
customs. At CST, the social workers embrace the diverse populations and strive to effectively


provide the resources and needs of their patients. CST promotes the equality for their patients.
However, CST understands cultural competency is very important to helping oppressed,
vulnerable, minorities, and the aging population. The organization realizes society can be very
challenging for minorities and the economy pitfalls affects their communities tremendously.
The division of cultural groups has brought on the aloneness and now- connection to one
another. The people in power keep the cycle going by allowing injustice in educational and
economic opportunities for minorities (Appleby, 2011). The impact of discrimination and
oppression can affect minority cultures. Oppression can be viewed in Western culture as the
superior has the power over the inferior (p.61). The oppressor has the sense of feeling privileged,
powerful, and controlling, however, these motives is to weaken the minority groups. Oppressors
can distribute discrimination and oppression in various forms such as institutional power,
economic control, and violence. (p. 61).
The aging population can relate to the factors of oppression and discrimination. The
forms of oppression and discrimination come in many aspects of the well-being of the older
adults. Some forms are health care treatment and cost, lack of resources, prescription cost, and
the quality care for their daily living. Social workers should advocate for the aging population to
ensure proper treatment. The value of social justice is to advocate for the client to promote social
change and to address social problems. The value of dignity and worth of the person is to respect
the dignity and the individuals worth. (NASW, 2008).
CST promotes the social workers to understand the values of the social work profession
and provide updated information according to social values and ethics. The social workers at
CST implemented the ethical principles and adhere to the standards and the core values in ethical
decision-making. The NASW Code of Ethics implements service, social justice, dignity and


worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence which are
core values I have gained through life experiences, trials and tribulations, volunteering, and my
field placement.
The social work values at CST and the NASW Code of Ethics addresses the value of
service. Additionally, both provides help to understand the clients needs and to help with their
social problems. The value of social justice is to advocate for the client to promote social change
and to address social problems. The social workers responsibility is to uphold the social work
values and ethics. One helpful value as a social intern at CST was understanding peoples needs.
CST allow me to be effective in this integrative writing assignment with the analysis of Isabelle
Franklin. Isabelle is an eighty-five-year-old Hispanic woman who recently was diagnosis with
heart failure. Isabelle was faced with a life transition after she lost her spouse and due to the loss,
she had no other choice but to depend on her daughter Elizabeth. Isabelle had multiple fall
injuries which caused her to need a hip replacement. While Isabelle was going through sudden
health changes, she had to make the ultimate decision of living with her daughter full-time or
admitting into a skilled nursing facility. One day at Isabelle doctors office the nurse
recommended the emergency button to her and daughter. Isabelle was delighted and took the
offer resources to maintain her independence at home.
CST setup 8000 medical emergency device with fall detection in her home. Elizabeth
worked with the nurse in providing the appropriate resource to remain safe in her own home.
Elizabeth knew was a perfect idea because her mom will have immediate access to assistance.
Isabelle fits within the at-risk population because of limitations and medical challenges, language
barrier, physical disability, and family dependent care. Elizabeth was experiencing difficulties
due to the loss of her husband because he was her love and support system. The difficulties


Elizabeth faced were needing surgery for her hip replacement, and how she would be able to take
care of herself once at home. She also found it difficult to communicate with other cultures
because of her language barrier. Isabelle spoke little English and her dependent on her husband
to do the majority of the communication with other cultures. Elizabeth and the medical team
feels she needs to be placed in nursing or live with her daughter to ensure she is taken care of
properly. Elizabeth feels very grateful to have her daughter care for her but she does not want to
be a burden and she still wants to keep her independence.
The Aging population has many challenging issues that are negative affects their daily
living, such as losing their independence, they need others to advocate for them when they
cannot represent themselves, and losing the right to make their own decisions based chronic
health issues or incapacity. The negative factors Elizabeth experienced feeling were feeling
lonely relating to losing her husband, who was her support system, financially and mentally.
Hispanic women that live alone are one of the groups that experience the highest poverty rates
(43.1%). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2009). Elizabeth never was employed
and she dependent on her husbands income. Moreover, Isabelle now receives her husbands
Social Security Benefits to surviving. Furthermore, there are many Black and Hispanic women
who have not worked the required ten years contribution, to qualify for Social Security. Angel,
J., Jimeniz, and Angel, R. J. (2007).
The condition of Isabelle health has really taken a toll on her physically with a broken
hip, and the doctor diagnosing her with severe depression which is affecting her mental capacity.
Isabelle autonomy is affected by the whole transition of her life from beginning to this point has
been very dramatic for Isabelle. Elizabeth and the medical team have been collaborating on a
plan of care for Isabelles well-being. Isabelle was losing too much weight because of poor



dieting, she becoming more irritable, combative, and frustrated causing behavioral issues when
discussing her plan of care. The challenge and struggle for physicians to promote the safety of
patients and at the same time respect their autonomy has been a difficult task, especially, the
most challenging their independence and restriction of driving. Adams, Mcllvain, Geske, and
Porter (2005).
As a result of Isabelle physical and mental limitations, she will have to transition into a
nursing facility or live with her daughter because she is no longer able to take care of herself.
Isabelle health is deteriorating and she has proven the signs she incapable of taking care of
herself. Isabelle has hip surgery and now is a recovery at the hospital. Elizabeth is faced with
taking her mother home or placing her mom into a nursing home. Elizabeth knows it will
struggle taking care of her mom because she is a single parent of two young children. However,
she also knows her mother is very weak and need consistent supervision, and has a language
barrier. Moreover, the social worker at the Home Health Agency with Isabelles doctor and
Elizabeth created a treatment plan. The treatment plan implemented Isabelle will transition into
the care of her daughter with an in-home emergency monitor, and continue home health services
with a one-month evaluation to update on her progress. Isabelle was not as thrilled to live with
her daughter but she complied.
Isabelle was sent home with an emergency button device from CST. Isabelle begin to use
silent treatment towards her daughter because she felt she purposely was against her
independence. She blamed her daughter for taking away her driving privileges, selling her house,
and helping the doctor to take away her independence. Isabelle struggled with the transition to
the new environment and she started back with her behavioral issues. In doing a wellness call, I
spoke to Isabelle with a Spanish interpreter to get an update and she stated, she has been bullied



and isolated. She shared that her daughter never loved her and wants all her money. I
implemented furthering responses to get Isabelle to explain more details and for clarification.
She expressed, how lonely she is living there without her husband, she feels upset with her
daughter for making her feels like a burden, and the loss of her independence. Moreover, she
would like to have someone to take her to senior activities and she wants to communicate with
someone about her feelings. I encourage Isabelle to think about all the positive things her
daughter is doing on her behalf, and how I can be someone to help her through this rough time.
Isabelle depression worsens, she constantly used her emergency button for issues relating
to isolation, stress, and depression. I contacted Elizabeth and explained the detail information
about her mom. I talk to both Isabelle and Elizabeth and individual and family counseling to
address Isabelle issues. Upon the agreement from them both, I arrange transportation and
counseling appointments with a local therapist by their home. The therapist specialized in
behavioral and mental issues in aging adults and their families. As an intern at CST, I was able to
research a list of therapists, senior activity centers to promote Isabelle to interact and engage with
other seniors, and to ensure Isabelle went to all she appoints I set up reminder calls and
Isabelle is a senior who affected by societal norms but faced marginalization and
oppression as an older adult. She suffers from isolation, depression, and poverty. Moreover, she
faced with social devaluation that is prone to older adults on the basis of their health, social
status, and cultural backgrounds. Furthermore, the aging population seeks help from social
services and seemed to get limited resources or assistance to accommodate them to remain
independently. Isabelle is one of the fortunate elderly that has a child to love and support her.
However, there are many aging adults with no children or friends to care for them, lack of



income, lack of resources, and face many health challenges that cause them to lose the
independence. Moreover, these elderly have to depend on nursing centers and other health
professionals to assist them with their needs and resources.
Adams, W. L., McIlvain, H. E., Geske, J. A., & Porter, J. L. (2005). Physicians' perspectives on
caring for cognitively impaired elders. The Gerontologist, 45(2), 231-239.

Angel, J. L., Jimenez, M. A. & Angel, R. J. (2007). The economic consequences of widowhood
for older minority women. Gerontological Society of America

Appleby, G., Colon, E., & Hamilton J. (2011). Diversity, oppression, and social functioning:
Person-in-environment assessment and intervention (3rd ed.) Boston: Allyn and Bacon

Crampton, A. (2011). Population aging and social work practice with older adults: Demographic
and policy challenges. International Social Work: May 2011 54: 313-329,
doi:10.1177/0020872810396257. Retrieved from

Mechanic, D., & Tanner, J. (n.d.). Vulnerable people, groups, and populations: Societal view.
Health Affairs. Retrieved from

Mitchell, S. (2016). BSW Experience as a social work intern. Critical signal Technologies (CST).


National Association of Social Workers. (2008). Code of ethics of the national Association of
social workers.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). (2009). Administration on aging. A
profile of the older Americans. Retrieved from






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