Day 7

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Today I had the special opportunity to watch three grade 13 Drama group/class performances

(at 9:00, 10:30, 12:00) to the school with an instructor in Bhne 13.

Some notes and things I observed are as follows:

Stage and backstage, props room, stage equipment (lights and computers), clothing,
performance rehearsals (teacher feedback, lines, music, practice and adjustments)
Titles of plays roughly translated by student (with my summarized interpretation and
understanding of what I observed, inferred, and asked) :
o Blind (story of politics and assorted characters (fashion designers, aristocrat,
professor, ad agency, etc. somehow connected by a blind man?)
o Togo (Childrens Wars in Africa with video clip intro from Lost tv show depicting
scenes before an execution of a person by a child soldier; political and racialethnic tensions between government officials, popular leaders, and child
soldier/military groups speeches, chanting, war protests, and dramatic
assassination by stabbing; for pop cultural references think blend of Julius
Caesar, apartheid, and Hotel Rwanda)
o Gluck (Lucky/Happiness) - group of factory/industrial workers winning a lottery
or experiencing some type of dream-like world that brings happiness and a
resolution to initial problems - clothing, stars, sleeping, dancing, flying, party
music, money, good, changing fortunes) (?)

Colorful Pillow cushions for amphitheater seats (a whole cartload)

About 4 months to prepare (students began last year) - Largely left to student choice and
determination - teacher provides some advice,addresses questions, little intervention results reflect the students projects/work with guidance and resources

Student feedback and discussions at end of performances*

o End of performance - open floor to audience questions and feedback comments how to improve performance (interesting concept and practice)
o Audience is addressed and involved in play; provide constructive criticism and
give compliments; rounds of applause
o Student: Did you/were you able to understand the plays? (in essence yes though language barriers obscured some of the meanings of longer speeches &
How performances are graded - at student levels, taking into account strengths/growth

Lunch with teachers A.M. (a new father) + B. R. (topics of discussion included seeing
Princess Diana in London, Downton Abbey tv show, teacher dress and ties, considered
more conservative at school, movies, plays (outstanding Hamlet performance in past
years with actors and musicians, audience experience - entering the world of
Hamlet/Denmark within larger auditorium)
Met and talked with mentor teachers (1st time in person); made plans for observing and
picking classes in which to teach lessons in the next week (Civil Rights Movement and
Controversial topics in US) with feedback
Student art work examples - cardboard masks/characters; in teachers room/outside
main office
American schools/profession - coffee room talk with English Teacher Mr. S. (NY and
Hamburg schools) - how teachers are treated or regarded in Europe vs. United States
Coffee room pictures/lounge - love the coffee place; free or reduced price tea and coffee
for staff
Advertisements (KFC and band concerts) in train station
Train breakdown in Altona - quick evacuation and fix (oh no!)
Tea cup and french cake (nom nom) at Frederici house
edTPA task 1 complete - one reason why delayed on journals; adjusting for page
requirements (North Carolina Educator Teacher Performance Assessments) for
obtaining teaching licensure
For dinner we (Marcus, Nicki, Josh) had pieces of chicken and buttery mashed potatoes.

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