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Ocean : Deserts : : Waves : ?

[A] Sea
[C] Sand dunes
[B] Dust
[D] Ripples

Pork : Pig : : Beef : ?

[A] Farmer
[C] Cow
[B] Herd
[D] Lamb

Illiteracy : Education : : Flood : ?

[A] Rain
[C] River
[B] Bridge
[D] Dam

Cobbler : Leather : : Carpenter : ?

[A] Furniture
[C] Hammer
[B] Wood
[D] Chair

Import : Export : : Expenditure : ?

[A] Deficit
[C] Debt
[B] Revenue
[D] Tax

Country : President : : State : ?

[A] Chief minister
[C] Governor
[B] Minister
[D] Citizen

Painting : Artist : : Symphony : ?

[A] Novelist
[C] Essayist
[B] Poet
[D] Composer

Good : Bad : : Virtue : ?

[A] Blame
[C] Despair
[B] Sin
[D] Vice

Bank : Money : : Transport : ?

[A] Goods
[C] Traffic
[B] Road
[D] Speed

HongKong : China : : Vatican : ?

[A] Rome
[C] Canada
[B] Mexico
[D] Christianity

Pen is to Pencil as Hockey is to

A. Team
B. Ground
C. Football
D. Players
E. None of these

Sports is related to Logo in the same

way as Nation is related to
A. Animal
B. Anthem
C. Ruler
D. Emblem
E. None of these

Crime is related to Police in the same

way as Flood is related to
A. Dam
B. River
C. Rain
D. Reservoir
E. None of these

Cube is related to Square in the same

way as Square is related to
A. Line
B. Triangle
C. Point
D. Plane
E. None of these

Blood is related to Vein in the same way

as Oil is related to
A. Petrol
B. Engine
C. Pipelines
D. Car
E. None of these

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