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This assignment fulfills Competency 2.1.4: Engage in diversity and difference in practice.
This assignment required that I investigate my family history allowed me to understand more
clearly how difference people are in life. Not only did I provide an ethnographic study of my
family origin but also, while fulfilling this project, I discover in various family sources, located
trends within my family history, and discussed how my family beliefs and customs of my
ancestors has a powerful effect on my upbringing and current view on life. These tasks
adequately fulfilled the practice behaviors related to competency 2.1.4 which state that not only
as skill students should know I gain sufficient self-awareness to eliminate the influence of
personal bias and communicate the importance of differences in shaping life experiences. While
completing this assignment, I learned that need to pay attention to self-awareness regarding my
views and values. I evaluated the views and values that may have been pass down by my family
older generation to me is their views still in my present family and myself. Not only helped me
to gain more self-awareness but also assess what personal values of mine may affect my work
with clients and where I may need further growth to be a successful social worker.

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