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Experimental Design Diagrams Name HR

A. What effect does number of fins have on flight distance

B. If we use a medium amount of fins then it will fly farther because they will help it float.

Flight Distance depends on Number of Fins

# of fins Flight distance (m)
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average
0 0 18 9
3 57 60 58.5
4 45 48 46.5
6 45 33 27 35
8 30 39 34.5
Source: Chad Compagner, Connor, and Grant,

D. 1.Amount of water in 20 oz
2. Amount of water in 2 litter
3. Wing Shape
4. PSI
5. Wing dimensions
E. Cardboard, water, 20 oz.s, 2 liters, duct tape, air compressor,
F. 1. Build a pop bottle rocket out of a 2 liter and a 20 oz bottle.
2. Attach fins starting at 0 fins.
3. Fill the 2 liter and 20 oz with specified amount of water.
4. Set the air compressor for 75 psi
5. Launch rockets
6. Record flight distance
7. Repeat steps 2-6 for 3 fins, 6 fins and 8 fins.
Angle = 4.5 Wing Shape = Triangle Location = 10 cm from bottom of 2 liter

K. Conclusion
1. Yes because we said that if we used a medium amount of wings then it would go the farthest.
When we used 8 it only went 34.5 but when we used 3 it went 58.5. So using a medium
amount of wings is the best.
2. I would use more water, smaller wings, more pressure, different number of wings, and see if
that changed it at all.
3 wings


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