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RUNNING HEAD: Artifact Justification

Loredana Sanchez
TPE Domain B Artifact Justification
TED 690: Capstone
Professor Clifton Johnson
National University
June 25, 2016

RUNNING HEAD: Artifact Justification


This paper serves as a means to justify all four three artifacts for TPE domain B in my

RUNNING HEAD: Artifact Justification

Artifact 1

I chose this assignment as my first artifact because it focuses on assessing students in my class
with assessments I would most likely give. I created these assessments after taking into
consideration two lessons that I would teach my future Spanish 1 students. These lessons and
assessments correlate with state adopted standards for word languages. I believe it shows my
ability to create and provide summative assessments based on my original lessons and units.
Artifact 2
For my second artifact I chose a skills exam that I acquired at Helix Charter High School while
completing my Student Teaching. This exam is departmental. All Spanish classes require this
exam. As the students move up in levels more questions are added to the exam. Each questions
corresponds to a certain unit. Students should be able to answer the questions correctly after
each unit that they correspond to. This quiz is one way to preform a summative assessment, to
make sure that students have learned the essentials of each unit. If they have not it is ok
because the same skills will connect and build up on each other in the next unit. First students
are given the exam #1-18 then #1-27 then #1-40. The final exam of #1-40 in first year serves as
an overall assessment of basic skills for the class that student should know. While planning
lessons I had to keep this skills exam in mind, making sure that we touched point on the
knowledge and skills they would need to know the answers to the questions belonging to the
units I taught.
Artifact 3

RUNNING HEAD: Artifact Justification

My last artifact was a literature review I did on an article about assessments. I decided that I
would use this article because it is very to the point and concise. It touched basis on the types of
assessments that can be produced in class and offers a variety of resources. I believe this
article justifies my artifacts and gives them meaning.

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