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16. What diameter of smooth concrete pipe 100m long will carry 1.

4 m 3/s between
two reservoirs under a head of 1m, both ends of the pipe having a sharp-corner and
17. Three new cast-iron pipes are connected in series as shown in Fig. A. If the
discharged is 230 litre/s determine the head lost: (a) neglecting minor losses (b)
considering minor losses.
18. Three new cast-iron pipes connected in series are shown in Fig. B. Determine the
total frictional losses if the discharge is 200 litre/s. Find also the difference between
the water surface in the reservoir and the discharged end of the end pipe.
19. Determine the discharged through three new cast-iron pipes connected in
series, having the diameters as shown in Fig. C. The total frictional loss, excluding
minor losses, is 5 J/N. Use n=0.011 for all pipes.
20. Two pipes with C1=120 (Hazen-Williams constant) connected in series, discharge
4.75 ft3/sec. with a loss of head of 27 ft. Each pipe has a length of 1000 ft. If one has
a diameter of 18 in., determine the diameter of the other, neglecting minor losses.
21. Fig. D shows a pipe system in parallel with a total flow of 400 litres/s. Determine
the division of flow and the loss of head from A to B. Use n=0.011 for both pipes.
22. In Problem 21, if the head loss from A to B is 4 J/N, determine the total flow.
23. The discharge of the pipe system shown in Fig. E is 440 litres/s. Determine the
head loss from A to D. Use f=0.020 for all pipes.
24. A 15 cm pipe leaves a straight 10 cm pipe at a point A; and later joins it again at
point B. The distance AB on the straight 10 cm pipe is 700 m. How long will the 15
cm pipe have to be in order that the flow in the two pipes maybe the same? Assume
f= 0.020 and neglect minor losses.
25. The pipe system shown in Fig. F serves two towns C and D. The highest building
in town C is at EL 21 m and that in town D at EL 18 m. If f=0.020 for all pipes, what
is the flow in each pipe? If the per capita consumption in the two towns is 0.0035
litre/s, how many persons could be served in each town?

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