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Qy- Aadhaar Shri oq) GHAR Ltd. ZI BI F Hae, AMID] EV BF AAC SOLE/FIRST APPLICANT 1. wmtrs/Ms_/o° I OO000000 OOOO0o0o09 Oooooodo0o 2.wo/s oF QOOOO00000 OOOOS00000 OOSOs00000 3. Date of Birthvincorporation OO OO OOOO 4, Profession / Constitution of Firm 5, Occupation (Please Tick) Employed Oise Employed Professional 6, Residential Status (Please Tick) Resident []Non-Resident India foreign National 7. Mailing Address 8, Permanent Address 9. Office Address 10. Contact No. (Mob.) OQOOOOOOO00 ext) OOOOOOO0000 11. E-mail ID 12. Marital Status 13. Income Tax PAN 14. Passport No/Voter Card No. Driving License No. SECOND APPLICANT SOLE/FIRST APPLICANT 1. Mr/Mrs /Ms./Dr. oo00000000 ooo00000008 ooooo0000o00 2. SAW/D OF oo000000000 0008008000 oo000o0o0000 3. Date of Birthvincorporation IO OO OOOO 4. Profession / Constitution of Firm 5. Occupation (Please Tick) Employed Ciselt employed CiProfessional 6. Residential Status (Please Tick) Resident CINon-Resident india Ci Foreign National 7. Mailing Address, 8. Permanent Address. 9. Offioe Address 10. Contact No. (Mob) QOOOOOOOOO § ext) OOOO000000 11, E-Mail ID casein ninnnnssnennn 12. Matta Status ... 13, Income Tax PAN 14, Passport No/Voter Gard No. Driving License No. ry *. =m Registration Money Rupee .. Cheque No. Drawn an Dated Unit Plan 1972 Sq. Ft 171095 Sq.Ft 11240 Sq. Fe Unit Number & Payment Plan Documents to be Submitted by the applicants 1, Address Proof: Aadhar Card / Ration Card / Voters Identity Card / Passport / Driving License 2, Pan Card We have read and understood the payment plans and attached terms & conditions and undertake to be bound by the same, We declare that the particulars given herein are true and correct. \We understand that this application shall be treated as complete only when this application form is duly filed and signed by applicant(s) and supported by all the necessary documents mentioned above and other documents required by the developer from time to time along with ‘compliance of rules/ Guidelines/ Requirements / Notifications / Law and rules issued / Established / passed by Reserve Bank India / Government of India / State government / GNIDA in respect of the real estate booking transaction. /We Understand that unsigned or incomplete application can be rejected by the developers at its sole discretion. | understand that ifthe particular submitted by me/us are found to be incorrect! incomplete is concealed from you for the purpose of availing the booking in the project, the you shall have discretionary right to cancel my booking/allotement at any time without serving any notice or assigning any reason to me/us. Service taxis applicable on athe payments gives by applicant(s) Signature of First Applicant Signature of Second Applicant (If any) recA THe FST Aree TTT Sear aT Sere Fes rare SaroTTet eT at, afew Vey eas US faenierat eer at aera Ht eft mercer mrelt A Terre at cisttet at atgare At rect eat sree BAT! HT SAT Heer eS fe Teeth et ex ae Are Are at Sar ape H ere charg fos Heat SAA H Wiel AT CET site Tae fers BAI S| we TF 100 we Ut we AAS 2 Te SAT Beh STM Fa Soho Ht aheareh HET | A Teeth eT fave site at Het aT aad ved Head a, Ae oar a, Re yet SB, Rea a wa Re oleae a Yoana Gor! F Ue Arta & feb Siren & it Ht Ser eas fea S Serer che ag e eb set} MTA Tesh et ged aie 4 at att ad 21 ga foe & are Hama the Tefal Saw a fers HT ae BOT! H SH Tt AT ot eT S, TE ST 100 eAaTat St peaTSHMT | a aA Ae ree Taw Fem 100 Be &, Sere Fore Meret HRT | Ast ATA e fey SaeI Ht eres ASAT TTT HAT Ve HA TE AREA Oe Hl CaS FAT A eg GUT

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