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How to fail the board examination?

Read once in a while.

Do not buy or gather review materials. Be satisfied with what you have.
Do not attend or join review classes. Attend review class irregularly.
Dot not believe on the result of your mock board examination.
Do not pray. Do not believe in God.
Sleep while others are reading.
How to pass the board examination?
Read 3 hours a day.
Gather review materials.
Attend the review lectures regularly.
Believe on the result of your mock board examination.
Depend on God.
Spend more time in reading than relaxing.
How to top the board examination?
Read and understand what you are reading.
Buy or gather review materials as many as you can.
Attend review classes regularly. Take down notes.
Believing and improving the result of your mock board examination.
Put Go first in everything you do.
Read more than 8 hours in 24 hours.

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